Yet again SAVAGE violence by Dutch cops against protestors; my white privilege

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The Dutch were protesting the new Green Tax….


Two years ago, Dutch cops shot a protestor dead who visibly was

a block away and

doing nothing at all but

filming them!




French cops, especially the infamous CRS, fire huge rubber-coated steel bullets at peoples’ eyes, DELIBERATELY BLINDING them!


HOW can you shoot a WOMAN in the FACE??????????????????????????


David von Braun, son of Wernher, told me that when he was in a Texas jail AS PART OF THE NON-STOP, ILLEGAL JEW HARASSMENT to get him out of Arlington, Texas, the jail guards would beat you to a pulp — three on one —  unless your family sent a juicy bribe!

Much of Texas is now like part of Mexico, David said to me.


Everywhere the jews rule us it is now the same; cops are making it clear that only BLM and Antifa may demonstrate.

And this brings the famous Kennedy dictum to mind.

So the jews are now stealing our elections and even preventing demonstrations.

What is then left?





….. Feelin’ so guilty, ‘cuz, ya know, we Whites have always had it so easy with our “privilege” (as the jew says incessantly to the negro, easy to rile up and then unleash), privileged like this woman with her three kids,….



Ah, yes, “white privilege.” All throughout 2014 David Duke, Don Black, Jared Taylor and Stormfront lied that I was “living high on the hog.”

At this time Margi and I were HOMELESS.

Four time between Feb.-Sept. 2014 the FBI forced landlords in Apollo, Pennsylvania to throw us on the street. It started when we were thrown out of here (after I had spent months cleaning this utter pigsty up)….

Finally, we drove 850 miles from Apollo, Pennsylvania up to Lake Superior, northern Michigan, where Jim H., a friend of Margi’s late father, offered us a small house in economically depressed Ontonagon, Mich. for $350 a month. We took only what I could stuff into my 1996 Crown Vic.


This was the “high-on-the-hog” Chambers Hotel in Apollo — before we left for good:

This was the carpet on the second floor, which some lowlife (they had no security cameras) dribbled with motor oil, presumably after they threw him out. This is where the “con man” (Carlos Porter’s word) John de Nugent lived, the man that he claims is in the WN cause for the money. ;-)

Pretty lousy photo of me, but the point is to show this is me, and this is the room.

One of many cigar-burned-holes in my blanket

$65 a week for a sleeping room — and you can see how tiny it is, ten feet by ten feet, like a prison cell. (I hung a Marine Corps eagle, globe and anchor on the wall to remind me that I chose hardships as my life, and learned to “do without” once and I am doing it again.) From the door you can see the back wall and radiator, 10 feet back. No microwave or fridge can be plugged in, nor is there Internet access (no wireless available)  and since the electricity and lights flicker in the 135-year-old hotel, no computer can be run. Computers that do run are damaged, as happened to a man on the third floor.


Living off opening cans of cold canned food donated by a church (“food pantry”)


This is how John de Nugent lived, David Duke, with all his big bucks. ;-)

Out the window (far right edge) is my view of a brick wall. In German the slang word for “big bucks” is “big coal,” and a vile infiltrator named “Aryan Comrade” is spreading all over the Net and via Skype that “John de Nugent is getting die grosse Kohle.


The WN movement in every country is full of infiltrators and turned individuals (WNs who succumb to big government bribes and/or blackmail and threats of prison or ruin, such as David Duke) who churn out defamations of me online, sometimes while hiding behind fake names. It is in just such lowly conditions that Adolf Hitler lived in Vienna and Munich before WWI.

My “wardrobe”


A TORN right soft-contact lens (see top arrow) which I wore for nine days straight during our move and the 845-mile drive to Michigan.

I lacked both the $73 for a new eye exam and the $65 for replacement bifocal lenses for my right eye, or the money even for new eyeglasses. This tear made wearing the lens excruciating, and my eyes turned fire-red from the irritation. (A local charity, St. Vincent de Paul, helped me get replacement lenses via a Walmart Vision Center, after three years of wearing the same two-week disposable lenses and just enzyme-cleaning them.)

The arrow on the left points to where part of the edge of the lens just simply sheared off. This is my “life of luxury” which the enemy agent “Aryan Comrade” on Skype decries. ;-)



I would remind readers of good will that I left behind, like Prince Gautama, who became the Buddha, a life of wealth for our Cause!

My late father’s mansion at 214 Nayatt Road in affluent Rhode Island, overlooking Narragansett Bay….


Siddhartha Gautama, of a royal Aryan-Indian family of kshatriyas(the warrior and king caste), was in line to become king, but he had a compassionate nature.

His father, the king, forbade the servants to allow Gautama to leave the royal palace and see the misery outside the palace walls.

But the blue-eyed Aryan boy Gautama did escape —  and realized with horror the terrible hunger, disease, poverty and despair of the common people outside.

He began asking why mankind must suffer — and in the end he became enlightened, and the Sanskrit word for being enlightened is “Buddha.”


Mark Calvin

Learning about their traitorous jewniversity student son , and their slander against you, I never re subscribed to their sites.

Avran Iv

I really don’t understand why they attacked you. It makes absolutely no sense at all.

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch

Avran, egotistical monsters who saw me as serious competition…. Why did rightwinger Gustav von Kahr, pig-faced, beer-swilling premier of Bavaria, break his promise to Hitler and single-handedly thwart the Nov. 1923 Munich beer-hall putsch, which had so much promise?
Same exact base motive. Base envy and jealousy by a lesser man.
An Austrian once joked to me that envy was “die unrentabelste Todsünde” …. “the most unrewarding of the mortal sins.”
Think about it — if you steal, murder, commit adultery or lie, usually at first you get SOMETHING out of it. 😉
What do you get out of envy? 😉


  1. White privilege = A term used by ethnics and lefturds to mask their failures in life.

    “We [non-whites] have nothing! It’s all your fault, white people!”

    Yeah, yeah, so then fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from!

    Go to where there are no white people "holding you back." Then let's see how you do.

    White privilege? I didn't see any at the Somme, Arnhem, the 1929 Depression, or Khe San.

    This is yat another made-up term by the left to guilt-trip Whites.

    Just laugh in their fat faces!

  2. “White privilege” is a form of “White guilt.”

    The White Guilt psychological operation was going on on the ’60s when I was a teenager. It is quite an old thing. Remember Margaret Mead?

    I think that this White Guilt phenomenon has recently been surpassed by a few of us, and this means that it is coming to an end.

    The money being given to Blacks because of slavery and racism has its logical basis in the White Guilt psyop, in my opinion. And as the new White Pride grows in strength there will naturally be a desire for the punishment of the creators of the White Guilt phenomenon, who are mainly the Jews.

  3. Re the Dutch protests: The Dutch Resistance sure was good at murdering unsuspecting German soldiers. So where are they now when their future is threatened much more than during WWII?

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