FBI opens David von Braun package; Russia again warns UK; a much bigger moon mystery than you think; sayings of a great mystic

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…….USPS package (under Biden-Harris) delivered this book two days ago to David slit-open, just what I experienced myself under Obama-Biden 2009-16 (or my mail was completely stolen)

This book (being the 1964 update of a 1947 work, used heavily by the US Army during the Operation Paperclip period) is about how to translate scientific German texts into English.

It arrived with the end of the package cut wide open.

No apology note accompanied the torn-open package, and it was not taped back shut either….. pure thuggery and Third-World insouciance such as I experienced constantly in 2009-16 and until Trump got into the White House.





When I tried to run for president in 2012, and spent $5,000 on a high-production-value video in five parts, Obama-Biden & the FBI stole every piece of mail for ten days straight. How many large cash donations were in there to fund my campaign?

All of it was STOLEN…..

July 17, 2012

Death of a father; Obama’s minions stole your donations to me from the US Mail for ten straight days – John de Nugent

Aug 12, 2012 blog.

OBAMA RESUMES STEALING US MAIL TO STOP ME; Zionist Occupation and Terror Government moves to implement martial law after the nearing economic collapse they are deliberately causing; two other imaginable US martial law scenarios – John de Nugent  .


Being psychopaths, they have no shame.

Nor will I have any compunction when dealing with them as they deserve.



….The moon a giant, hollow space station?

This video is the best from the WF channel on JewTube yet, a real mind-blower.

A former Marine and frequent, generous donor viewed this video and wrote me:


Fantastic video -one that raises more questions than it answers -which is good.
Hecklefish serves its purpose , but sounds like a common New York jew, akin to the ones used on various TV cartoons and commercials for many decades now.
Excellent vid -thanks!
*** I responded:
Oh, good, glad you saw it.
This “A.J.” guy with the wisecracking jewfish is CIA and controlld opposition.
Next thing, aliens from the hollow moon will invade earth, but a One-World Gov’t will save us, see…
The sheer demeanor of the Apollo 11 astronauts would do it for anybody. Those were some freaked-out, almost enraged fly-boys. Someone had just put a
gun to their heads and probably threatened their families as well.

It struck me as I did my own further research that whereas many of the astronauts flew on multiple missions, not one of these three ANGRY, DISGUSTED, RESENTFUL Apollo astronauts ever flew again intro space.

Like Wernher von Braun himself, their NASA careers were soon over.

Normally, one would move heaven and earth, pun intended, if one headed NASA, to retain men with such unique experience, all three top students in college (including West Point and the Naval Academy) and also combat pilots in the brutal Korean War — not just science nerds but men with wartime credentials literally under fire.

And then, to paraphrase John Kennedy, they went all the way ot the moon! They landed on it, and then they also returned safely to Earth!

Yet all three got “induced” to leave NASA! Gee, just how were they induced?

Maybe by showing them an autopsy photo of John Kennedy like this?



Btw, moons, by encircling other planets possessing much greater mass and thus much stronger gravity, usually do only show one half of themselves, and so have permanent near and far sides, which would, of course, be perfect for hiding something on the far side. 

And did you know that several ancient civilizations wrote about a time BEFORE earth had a moon?

Here, now, is the video once again, and I strongly, STRONGLY urge you to watch it.

Oh, and he also says there are reports of  reptilians inside this hollow space station we call the moon.

The moon rotates counterclockwise once a day and the earth clockwise, so one side always faces earth.





….Russia warns UK

Putin will wipe out the UK if Nato troops directly fight for (((Ukraine))), Russian media warn.




Russian state media has urged Vladimir Putin to use his underwater nuclear missile to wipe Britain off the map with a 1,000-ft-high radioactive tsunami if NATO troops put boots on the ground in Ukraine.

Retired Russian general Yevgeny Buzhinsky  called for attacks on Britain with a Poseidon underwater missile that he said would trigger a 1,000ft radioactive tidal wave. Lt-Gen Buzhinsky, chairman of the Russian Center for Policy Research, said Britain ‘will definitely not exist’ if Russia unleashed the wrath of the nuclear missile.

And who has been saying this since 2018 — when it sounded outlandish, because while there was East-West tension back then but no full-on Ukraine war — citing a 1917 prophecy by an almost illiterate Boer farmer named Nicholas van Rensburg?

John de Nugent


…with Hyperborean deep-blue eyes you almost never, ever see in anyone else….Most people with blue eyes have gray in their iris.


As you can see here, I have been recalling this startling Van Rensburg prophecy for years now:

Search Results for “van rensburg” – John de Nugent

Here was a video I did on 27 June 2018:

A 2018 blog: His prophetic words in 1945 on America match what the Boer farmer Van Rensburg said; the 1943-45 Absetzbewegung (Disengagement Movement) to the Antarctic and Andes – John de Nugent



……spiritual reading for March 15

Hold that open space today. Work to create more if you are able. We know that this is extremely difficult and often frightening to do. In a way, you are being asked to release the ground from
beneath your feet. Except that it is not solid ground. So it may have appeared for many years, even many lifetimes.
To know something with absolute certainty, to trust that it will be true no matter what—this is so comforting. To recognize that what you have always believed to be true is not—no matter if it is a painful or damaging belief—is to let go of certainty and therefore, of security. If that which you have built your life around turns out not to be strictly true, what does that say about all your effort, all your accomplishments?
From our point of view, it says that you are moving boldly toward liberation. Being dependent on half-truths and whole lies may feel safe, but you cannot move very far at all with your mind and soul shackled to balls and chains such as those. In that sort of imprisonment, you can know many things and yet you can change and attain very little.
So long as you are built upon a flawed foundation, you will be unable to rise high. This is, as we say, one of those things that is easy to understand with the intellect, and no doubt you understand it and would gladly dispense with limiting and false foundational beliefs.
Yet the reality of releasing them is complex. They are sticky things and are not fat and smooth, easy to walk away from.
Instead, they are woven into the fabric of who you have evolved into being. They are deep in the loves and antipathies you use to define yourself.  They are in your alignments with home, family and community. We say all this because we want you to be realistic and to take seriously both the depth of the work you are being asked to do, and the difficulty it entails. We hope you will take some time today and allow yourself to see your beliefs more clearly, and to move away from those that are not true. But we also want you to have reasonable expectations of yourself.
This is a major evolutionary undertaking. We are talking about an extreme shift, and it is not one which can be accomplished overnight. Still, if you are committed, this is a very good time to make a lot of progress. Please give yourself much love and credit for even the smallest recognition and release.
Now, we see just how frightening each little step on this path can be if sincerely taken. Freedom can be terrifying. So if and as you allow yourself to be without something that has defined and contained and seemed to support you, you will probably have periods when you feel quite fearful and lost.
Anyone who ventures beyond that which is mapped will feel this way sometimes. Yet how will you find the truth if you stay locked up in a prison of illusion?

Hard times, dear ones, hard work, hard choices. Extraordinary, transformational times. You are in the crucible.

But we must absolutely tell you that there is much that is new and beautiful beyond your imaginings that is just waiting for the space in you to be opened and freed. You know how this works on an emotional level—there is no room for love when your heart is occupied with fear.
In the same way, there are new ways of seeing and being just waiting, clamoring actually, for you to make yourselves available. Once that happens, the inflowing will be effortless.
One important note: if you release something old, you will probably grab hold of its opposite without even knowing that is what you are doing. Not only is it in your nature to fill any voids, but many of you consciously try to manifest positive outcomes in your lives. In this case, please try to trust that there are things you cannot yet know, and which are far greater than that which you would imagine for yourself.
Hold the space open today, odd though it may feel. Try hard to leave internal landscape a little less cluttered for a day or two.
So if you are up to it, take today to do more cleaning. Be very kind and gentle with yourself in the physical world. Try to reduce any stress and anxiety which emanates from sources you can control. You may experience great sadness, loss, fear, anxiety—if you do, try not to panic.
This is how the old beliefs keep their hooks in you. You can survive—in truth you will only thrive—if you extricate yourself. Allow the fear but do not identify with it. Keep breathing, and stay open. Things will change, we promise. And perhaps it will be easy for you—no fear, no grief.
If that is the case, enjoy your freedom and your clarity and keep cleaning!
Many, many blessings.

……Deep wisdom from Gurdjieff

Gurdjieff 1866-1949 was a very deep Greek-Armenian mystic. Eckhart Tolle mentions him from time to time.
*** Wiki


Gurdjieff believed that people cannot perceive reality in their current condition because they do not possess a unified consciousness but rather live in a state of a hypnotic “waking sleep”.

“Man lives his life in sleep, and in sleep he dies.”[52] As a result of this each person perceives things from a completely subjective perspective.

He asserted that people in their typical state function as unconscious automatons, but that a person can “wake up” and become a different sort of human being altogether.[53]

Some contemporary researchers claim Gurdjieff’s concept of self-remembering is “close to the Buddhist concept of awareness or a popular definition of ‘mindfulness.’… The Buddhist term translated into English as ‘mindfulness’ originates in the Pali term ‘sati,’ which is identical to Sanskrit ‘smṛti.’ Both terms mean ‘to remember.'”[54]

Self-development teachings[edit]

Gurdjieff argued that many of the existing forms of religious and spiritual tradition on Earth had lost connection with their original meaning and vitality and so could no longer serve humanity in the way that had been intended at their inception.

As a result, humans were failing to realize the truths of ancient teachings and were instead becoming more and more like automatons, susceptible to control from outside and increasingly capable of otherwise unthinkable acts of mass psychosis such as World War I.



1. It is better to be temporarily selfish than never to be just.
Only conscious suffering is of value.
Man is given a limited quantity of experiences; being economical with them lengthens his life.
2. Know that this house is of value only to those who have recognized their nothingness and believe it is possible to alter.
Here we can only direct and create conditions, but not help.
Remember that here work is not done for work’s sake, but as a means.
Like what it does not like.
3. Conscious love evokes the same in response.
Emotional love evokes the opposite.
Physical love depends on type and polarity.
Faith in consciousness is freedom.
Faith in feeling is slavery.
Faith in body is stupidity.
Hope in consciousness is strength.
Hope in feeling is cowardice.
Hope in body is disease.
 4. Only he can be impartial who is able to put himself into the position of others.
We can only strive to be able to be Christians.
I love him who loves work.
Judge others according to yourself and you will seldom be mistaken.
5. Consider what others think of you, not what they say.
If you are not critical by nature, it is useless for you to remain here.
He who has got rid of the disease ‘Tomorrow’ has the possibility to attain what he is here for.
6. If you already know what is wrong and do it, you commit a sin that is difficult to redress.
The chief means of happiness in this life is the ability to consider outwardly always, inwardly never.
7. One of the strongest motives for the wish to work on yourself is the realization that you may die at any moment—only you must first realize this.
Man is refreshed not by the quantity but by the quality of sleep—sleep little without regret.
8. The highest that a man can attain is to be able to do.
9. Here there are neither English nor Russians, Jews nor Christians, but only those following one aim, to be able to be.10. Take the understanding of the East and the knowledge of the West and then seek.
Only he who can take care of the property of others can have his own.

11. Remember yourself always and everywhere.12. A good man loves his father and mother.

Help him only who strives not to be an idler.

Love not art with your feelings.

Daphne and Apollo by Arno Breker


Respect all religions.

Judge no one according to the tales of others.

13. Blessed is he who already hath a soul, and blessed is he who still hath none, but woe and sorrow to him who hath it only in conception.

14. The worse the conditions of life, the greater the possibility for productive work, provided you work consciously.

The energy expended in active inner work is immediately transformed into new energy; that expended in passive work is lost forever.

Practice love on animals first; they react better and more sensitively.


There is only one kind of magic and this is ‘doing.’

• All energy spent on conscious work is an investment; that spent mechanically is lost forever.

• We must destroy our buffers and rationalizations. Children have none; therefore we must become like little children.

• We attract forces according to our being.

• Humanity is the earth’s nerve-endings through which planetary vibrations are received for transmission.

• Everything in the universe has a place in a scale.

• No energy is ever lost in the cosmic scheme.

• One twentieth of all our energy goes to emotional and instinctive centres. Self-remembering is a lamp which must be kept alight by energy from these two centres. Our thinking centre is not really a centre, but an apparatus for collecting impressions.

• Formatory apparatus resembles a hired typist who works for a firm and has a large number of stereotyped replies for external impressions. She sends printed replies to other centres who are the ‘directors’ of the firm and who are strangers to each other. Wrong replies are often sent, as the typist is asleep or lazy.

• In deep sleep all communication between centres is closed. Our sleep is bad because we do not cut off lines of communication.

We have good and bad angels. The good angels work by way of our voluntary, active nature and the bad through our passive nature.

• Mr. Self-love and Madame Vanity are the two chief agents of the devil.


• Do not be affected by externals. In themselves they are harmless; it is we who allow ourselves to be hurt by them.

We never reach the limits of our strength.


• If we do what we like doing, we are immediately rewarded by the pleasure of doing it. If we do what we don’t like doing the reward must come later. It is a mathematical law and all life is mathematics.

• Man is a symbol of the laws of creation; in him there is evolution, involution, struggle, progress and retrogression, struggle between positive and negative, active and passive, yes and no, good and evil.

Men have their minds and women their feelings more highly developed. Either alone can give nothing. Think what you feel and feel what you think. Fusion of the two produces another force.

• For some people religion is useful but for others it is only a policeman.

• We are sheep kept to provide wool for our masters who feed us and keep us as slaves of illusion. But we have a chance of escape and our masters are anxious to help us, but we like being sheep. It is comfortable.

• He who can love can be; he who can be can do; he who can do is.

Sincerity is the key to self-knowledge and to be sincere with oneself brings great suffering.

• Sleep is very comfortable, but waking is very bitter.

• Free will is the function of the Master within us. Our ‘will’ is the supremacy of one desire over another.

• Eastern art has a mathematical basis. It is a script with an inner and an outer content. In Persia there is a room in a monastery which makes one weep owing to mathematical combinations of different parts of its architecture. Real art is knowledge and not talent.

• An ordinary man has no ‘Master.’ He is ruled now by the mind, now by the feelings and now by the body. Often the order comes from the automatic apparatus and still more often he is ordered about by the sex centre. Real will can only be when one ‘I’ rules, when there is a ‘master’ in the house.

• Morality is a stick with two ends; it can be turned this way and that.

• From the time when man began to live on the Earth, from the time of Adam onwards, there started to be formed within him, with the help of God, of Nature, and of all his surroundings, an organ whose function is conscience. Every man has this organ, and whoever is guided by it automatically lives according to God’s commandments. If our consciences were clear, and not buried, there would be no need to speak about morality, for consciously or unconsciously everyone would behave according to God’s commandments. Unfortunately conscience is covered up with a kind of crust which can be pierced only by intense suffering; then conscience speaks. But after a while a man calms down and once more the organ becomes covered over and buried.

• You should forget about morality. Conversations about morality are simply empty talk. Your aim is inner morality.

• External morality is different everywhere.

• You should understand, and establish it as a firm rule, not to pay attention to other people’s opinions. You must be free of people surrounding you, and when you are free inside you will be free of them.

• To be just at the moment of action is a hundred times more valuable than to be just afterwards.

• To gain anything real, long practice is necessary.

  • Try to accomplish very small things first.

• There are two kinds of doing—automatic and doing what you ‘wish.’ Take a small thing which you ‘wish’ to do and cannot do and make this your God. Let nothing interfere. If you ‘wish,’ you can. Without wishing you never ‘can.’ ‘Wish’ is the most powerful thing in the world.

• To bear the manifestation of others is a big thing. The last thing for a man.

• In the river of life suffering is not intentional. In conscious life suffering is intentional and of great value.

• To love one must first forget all about love. Make it your aim and look for direction. As we are, we cannot possibly love.

• Until a man uncovers himself he cannot see.





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