UPDATED Spiritual reading; RESTRICT Act attacked; fearless Austrian tv channel; a supporter’s fear was right; the wrath of the goyim cometh

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These spiritual readings are said to come via automatic writing from a nordic civilization

….Spiritual reading for April 1

Notice all that is new and full of hope today. Pay particular attention so that you can see what is changing, what is already altered.

Obviously, there are massive movements—some of them alarming—in the world around you, and you are not unaware. But today, we encourage you to look for small signs of change that are harbingers of a better future.

You yourself manifest so many indications of where your species might go. Look at the subtle ways in which you have become greater. Look at those people you know best—your family and close friends—and take note of how they are evolving.

Again, we say—in some cases you may need to look really hard. 😉

But do that. Look hard so that you have a clearer picture of where it is you, collectively, are and may be.

Although you might not credit it, there are even tiny changes in your earth that foretell better times. These are truly difficult to ferret out, but we’ll give you a hint: when you see the earth, think in terms of relationships.

The truth is that you are all in process. And a very fast-paced process at that. Much is dying, becoming obsolete, leaving the world, leaving your lives. This must happen in order to make room for the new, the clamoring of great things just outside your door.

*** I found and bought for two dollars this lovely, framed, 1960s painting of three blond, white American schoolkids saluting the flag and pledging allegiance…. Can you image this today? White now = evil! Blond now = nazi!

Today, almost every single TV ad shows nothing but blax! It is non-stop cool negroes…. all so smart, with-it, stylish, science-oriented, sitting at their laptops, super self-confident and elite ….Proof? The tv-ad blax all live in huge suburban houses and tool around in brand-new SUVs!

And they earned it all on merit. 😉

(I only see tv these days when I go to the local tavern; I have not had cable tv in five years, not since a Philadelpha jew took over our Internet-cable local provider and treacherously jacked up the price of tv-phone-internet from $69 to $156 a month!)

How it WAS….


But don’t expect that the decks will be cleared and scrubbed before the door opens. You are engaged in transformation, and in general, that happens bit by bit.

As room becomes available it is filled. As you clear something from your mind or heart which pains and twists you, you make ready the space for another way of seeing and being.

And even though you are yet unperfected, you go ahead and invite in something higher, and, in so doing, you grow clearer and more divine.

So it is all around. Some people are waiting for a cataclysm to clear the decks. They imagine that after all that is dense and undesirable is destroyed, then and only then will the higher vibrations descend.

We don’t see it that way. As we said, we can actually observe that, in spite of all you have read, seen and heard, even the planet shows movement that will make you rejoice. Please don’t think we are daft or missing out on what is obvious to even the most insensitive eye.

Of course, there IS massive devastation, destruction and terrible disregard for the earth and everything on it and in it. But that is not all that is happening.

Sometimes, especially in the midst of such difficult times, it is of vital importance to stop and see progress, to experience hope.

Feed the future with your acuity of vision today. Intend to see all that which can lead you and your planet out of the current morass.

Give your energy to the tiny green shoots, to those seedlings in all forms, which if properly nurtured and loved will become huge. You will probably have to look carefully so as not to step on them, but it will be worth the effort.

We all grow stronger in the places where we are seen.

Much love and many blessings.




…..German female doctor appeals to parents to not kill their own little ones with the Pfizer death jab

I watched this video of a German female doctor appealing (in German) to German parents in the small city of Mutterstadt (near Ludwigshafen, Rhineland-Palatinate to not take their little ones to get the clot shot.

Mutterstadt is a typical German story-book town


She is reacting in horror to the visit of a “vaccine bus” (probably decorated in innocent, bright childrens’ colors and with toys and cute cartoons hung up all about) to vaccinate kids ages 4-11.

Here is Carola Javid-Kistel, M.D. (three minutes) https://t.me/saraslightfight/26428

And it occurred to me that even the most sheeplike debut people, even the youngest souls, could yet be moved to wake up, given the right leadership.

Thinking back to our (US) invasions of Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq, one could say “we must learn from the mistakes.





ARLINGTON, VA – MAY 28: Karen Clarkson lies over her slain son’s grave at the National Cemetery on Memorial Day May 28, 2012 in Arlington, Virginia. Her son Sgt. Joel Clarkson was serving as an Army Ranger team leader in Afghanistan when he was shot and killed in March, 2010. Karen was one of some 1,200 adults, most of whom are grieving parents and spouses, also attend the TAPS National Military Survival Seminar held concurrently with a “Good Grief Camp” for military children in Arlington. Five hundred military children and teens, many of whom had a parent that was killed in the Afghan and Iraq wars, attended the annual four-day “Good Grief Camp” in Arlington, VA and Washington, DC, which is run by TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors). The TAPS slogan is “Remember the Love. Celebrate the Life. Share the Journey.” (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) ORG XMIT: 145180278

A hostile but sadly accurate Chinese cartoon….and notice the nose the Chinese put on the GI…..



But here we are not talking about “learning” or about “mistakes.”

We are talking about a deliberate, systematic holocaust —committed BY the jews — on the well-intentioned white nations that have hosted them.

Yes, out of kindness and Christian gullibility toward these eternally-persecuted-by-everyone (and I wonder why?) self-Chosen People (and the sentimental, gushy feeling that “well, our-Lord-Jesus-Christ-was-a-jew”) we took these genocidal monsters in who have been murdering us — ACTUALLY — for millennia, and now they are doing it en masse.

The results of all this death can yet become explosive, 1) waking us up and 2) devastating the Khazars.

But no, we Whites have no further intention of “learning” from “mistakes.”

We will punish the mass murderers for their CRIMES, not mistakes, and hang the traitors of our own race who aided them in killing us.


Heart attacks are killing more young people. It’s not just COVID

San Francisco Chronicle

The day after Thanksgiving, Shaniya Peterson had just jumped rope with her two young daughters outside their Antioch home when the chest pain began. Peterson, 30, initially thought it was heartburn, or her body’s reaction to having exercised in the cold air. She lay down and stretched out, hoping the pain would subside. [etc.]


And we will come to the historical realization that…..

it was our own egoic mind

…..that treacherously became the jew enemy’s stalwart ally against our interests….

……and that our minds M-U-S-T now come back under OUR control and never again wander off in their own orbit.

Verily I say unto you:

No parent who takes his own child for the jew jab is unaware of the fact that at least half the population — in Germany, America, France, Australia, Britain etc. — totally rejects the jewish vaxx.

To tell yourself it is “safe and effective” at this late date is to






It all begins with lying to yourself.


This earth is full of crazy people who began by lying to themselves, and then they lie to everyone else, and believe lies about everyone else.





The Pope dies and goes to heaven.

The good Lord welcomes him personally and shows him all the facilities in heaven. Among other things, there is a cloud from which you can look down into hell. Since it’s dinner time, you can see the tastiest dishes being served down there: fried chicken, dumplings, soups and much more.

The Pope is now also getting hungry, so the good Lord also serves him food too.

But the Pope is amazed: It is dry bread, plain yoghurt, cold cereal and milk.

“But God,” says the Pope to the Lord, “how can it be that in hell they are served only the finest of the fine and you come to me here in heaven with dry bread, cold cereal and plain yoghurt?”

The dear Lord replies indignantly:

“Huh! Do you think I will go and cook

for just the two of us?





……Superb Austrian Internet TV channel “‘Auf1” under slander attack

Stephan Magnet founded and runs a big online tv-news channel in German — https://auf1.tv/nachrichten-auf1/ — that exposes the death jab, the NWO, the depopulation agenda, and Third World immigration to audiences in both Austria and in Germany, and Auf1 also has an office in Berlin, the capital of neighboring Germany.

At the bottom of the homepage on this date (1 April 2023) is an interview with a Swiss MD who says: “Ten million jab dead worldwide is genocide.”

Everyday, this Stephan Magnet and his team release at 6 pm their high-quality documentary videos and also interviews with genuine (and courageous) experts — of course, always within the limits of the censorship laws in postwar Austria and Germany, meaning there can be no positive discussion of racial differences, Adolf, or especially of the jews per se

Austria has savage laws prohibiting all this, and especially Holo “denial.”

While you can get five years prison in Germany for debunking the Holofraud, as happened to Ernst Zündel….


… or over four for Germar Rudolf, who stayed with me at my risk in September-October….. seen here at a genuine gas chamber at Auschwitz, used for delousing clothing….


….it is TEN years hard time in Austria, and the prisons there are often very old and nasty, and they put you in with rapists and murderers, which is what British historian David Irving experienced for a year!


Austrian engineer Wolfgang Fröhlich did a total of THIRTEEN YEARS.

The stubborn hero Fröhlich, against my advice, kept sending his Holo-refuting expert report to utterly corrupt or cowardly Austrian politicians, who kept sending him back for more prison. 🙁 But this was what Jesus warned against, casting pearls before swine! Did you know that not just wild boars but also domesticated pigs, with their 200-300 pounds of muscle, can knock you down, kill you — and, YES, eat you?



Natürlich, Magnet is defamed as a Nazi, antisemite, xenophobe, etc., and this is a real threat to his freedom.

For example, if you attack George Soros, even if you do NOT point out that this walking turd is a jew (and Soros is now attacking the German-descended, white South African genius Elon Musk as well)….

…this even mentioning of Soros without saying he is a jew is twisted into a “Nazi dogwhistle.”

(The same goes for PM Viktor Orban in Hungary, where Soros was born.)

A German who had once worked for the huge German tv network ARD told me once in Alexandria, Virginia:

“Wir wissen, wo das hinführt” (“We know where this leads”)…. In other words, all antisemitism leads straight to Hitler, to a man of ACTION. What other answer, any nordic starseed would think, is there but action when someone is waging TOTAL WAR on you? 😉 )

Wehrmacht 88-mm flak


Interestingly, there is no Wiki article on this man in German, though there IS one — in English….

In English:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AUF1_(channel)

In German: nothing



Editor Elsa Mittengruber and owner/producer Magnet


In the video below, Magnet brings up an employee at Auf1 who recently died in his thirties, apparently by suicide.

This triggered an enormous wave of online slander as to how Magnet, as the boss, see, was a horrible, cruel tyrant who mistreated his employees, etc.

Fact is that many white nationalists commit suicide because they feel despair and hopelessness, or have personal issues — health problems or disappointments in love.

Or maybe even the Deep State put a drug in their food to make them incredibly depressed, or a Deep State hitman simply killed them, and then made the crime scene look like a suicide.

I can think of at least four activist WNs in America whom I knew and who killed themselves out of despair.

Margi, horrified, said to me herself in December 2020 after 1) the Supreme Court had refused to hear Trump’s lawsuit about vote fraud and THEN the monstrous PEDOPHILE, traitor and usurper Joe Biden had announced his almost all-jewish Cabinet:

“John, maybe we should just do a lovers double suicide, and ….go out together. It really seems hopeless now.”

I replied:

“No, let’s try to get you healthy again and then I will start my religion. If it succeeds and it will, all this despair and anger can be transmuted into passion and action!”

And this religion is now my mission.

But how like the jews to push WNs (and just regular white people) to suicide (the stats are frightful) and then these monsters go and blame it on another WN!

Magnet discusses in the video below (only in German) this defamation….

…..and also how the German and Austrian police go online with impunity, pose as Auf1 supporters, and openly advocate violence in the classic agent-provocateur tradition…..

…while still others, posing as Antifa, publish the photos, addresses and phone numbers of authentic supporters.

Anyone doxxing you could well be from the government, for obvious reasons! Who has better access to all your information than the State?

Here is the video, and even if you do not understand German you can see the man’s sincerity and determination. I like this guy!


…….Excellent and often funny Eckhart Tolle video

This is a two-hour “the-best-of”…. You might just be transformed by it, as I was.

Until Tolle, even though, or no, because I was a nordic star seed, for decades I found earthlings utterly baffling. How can they believe 1) utter nonsense from 2) known liars (reporters and politicians) that 3) literally kills them?

In higher civilizations, only a madman would believe or do the insane things which almost all earthlings do, and he would be confined for his own and public protection.



….Jesse Wattters eviscerates RINO Sen. Lindsey Graham over RESTRICT Act bill

tw, on the very powerful FOX News Channel, a top reporter/host, Jesse Waters, a tough Italian-American from Philadelphia (a once amazing city which, as everyone knows, the Blax have ruined), takes the closet homo US senator, warmonger and RINO Lindsey Graham very severely to task for putting his name as a sponsor on the RESTRICT Act bill.


So this bill is not assured of passage, especially not by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.



….Comrade felt yesterday an intuition that huge tornadoes were coming, triggered by HAARP to distract us  and the news cycle from the RESTRICT Act

In this blog article yesterday,

Spiritual reading; David Scott von Braun update; Senate Bill 686 to ban anti-war voices

I published this:

….a possible HAARP-induced disaster coming to distract us from the Senate bill?

A good and loyal friend for over 12 years wrote me:

My gut is telling me that they will be using HAARP Frequencies in my area of the Midwest (the Ohio area) Friday/Saturday 3/31/223 to the a.m. hours 04/01/23.

I have a bad feeling for some reason there will be a lot  a lot of destruction as a deliberate distraction from Senate Bill 686.



Well, look what happened:

Tornadoes, severe storms tear across South, Midwest, leaving at least 10 dead; theater roof collapses in Illinois: Live updates (msn.com)


Tornadoes, severe storms tear across South, Midwest, leaving at least 10 dead; theater roof collapses in Illinois: Live updates

Story by Amanda Lee Myers, Susan Miller and Christine Fernando, USA TODAY • 18m ago

Residents across the South and Midwest were picking up the pieces Saturday, after fierce tornadoes and storms ravaged multiple states, leaving at least 10 people dead, dozens injured and homes and businesses decimated.

A tornado decimated homes in Little Rock, Arkansas, on March 31, 2023.

A tornado decimated homes in Little Rock, Arkansas, on March 31, 2023.© Benjamin Krain, Getty Images

T​here were at least 40 reports of tornadoes Friday across Arkansas, Iowa, Tennessee, Illinois Wisconsin and Mississippi, weather.com reported. And more than 28 million people were under a tornado watch at one point Friday, the National Weather Service said, which declared a level 5 “high risk” outlook for severe storms in some areas.

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About 260 people were attending a heavy metal concert at the Apollo Theatre when the storm struck, Belvidere Fire Department Chief Shawn Schadle said.

“Chaos, absolute chaos,” said Belvidere Police Chief Shane Woody in describing the scene.

Concertgoers scrambled to pull people from the rubble when parts of the roof gave in, Gabrielle Lewellyn said. “I was there within a minute before it came down,” she told WTVO-TV. “The winds, when I was walking up to the building, it went like from zero to a thousand within five seconds.”

At least one person was killed and more than two dozen were hurt, some critically, in the Little Rock area, officials said. Four people died in Wynne in northeastern Arkansas, which suffered heavy damage that left people trapped in debris.

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Baptist Health Medical Center-Little Rock officials told KATV 21 people had checked in there with tornado-caused injuries, including five in critical condition. One woman was killed and three others were injured in Madison County, Alabama, according to WAFF-TV.

An intense storm caused three fatalities in Sullivan County, Indiana, Emergency Management Director Jim Pirtle said early Saturday. The storm destroyed homes, razing full neighborhoods, and some residents were missing in the county seat of Sullivan, about 95 miles southwest of Indianapolis. Sullivan County commissioners signed an emergency declaration early Saturday.

Five freight train cars overturned in Marshall county, Tennessee. Dozens of house were destroyed or damaged in central Tennessee and two people were rescued from a collapsed home, authorities said.

Wind gusts up to 54 mph also battered Oklahoma City, fanning the flames of several fires that led to widespread evacuations.

Saturday morning, over 200,000 households remained without power in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee and Georgia, according to poweroutage.us.

FRIDAY WEATHER RECAP: ‘Large and destructive tornado’ hits near Little Rock; tornado emergency in Arkansas

More videos
  • Tornadoes tear through Iowa

    KCCI Des Moines/KCCI Des MoinesTornadoes tear through Iowa
  • Tornado watch in effect for over 40 counties in central and eastern Iowa

    KCCI Des Moines/KCCI Des MoinesTornado watch in effect for over 40 counties in central and eastern Iowa
  • Destructive tornadoes tear across Arkansas

    AccuWeather/AccuWeatherDestructive tornadoes tear across Arkansas

Severe weather forecast for the next 10 days

A similar pattern to the recent storms is expected to set up Tuesday, amplified by even greater heat and humidity, increasing the risk for severe weather, Victor Gensini, associate professor at Northern Illinois University, told USA TODAY.

If you wanted to draw a textbook severe weather configuration, “this would certainly be it,” he said. Between dry conditions to the west, and hot, wet conditions to the east, he expects to see a “pretty broad area of real estate” at risk on Tuesday afternoon and evening.

Yet another severe weather outbreak is possible the weekend of April 8-9.

“You can certainly take it to the bank here that over the next 10 days we will be way above average,” he said. “We’re going to have more casualties. … It’s just a matter of exactly where at this point.”

It’s crucial for residents to pay close attention to local meteorologists and to have a way to receive timely weather warnings, especially since many tornadoes occur at night.

READ MORE: Bad tornado season in US is getting worse: Here’s what to know.



  1. Danke, John de Nugent und J.B.-Fan, für die Zusatzinformationen zu Stefan Magnet. Was auch erfreulich ist: In AUF1 sieht man noch einheimisches Volk, während man uns im zwangsgebührenfinanziertem NWO-Lügenpresse-Fernsehen permanent Mulatten, Neger, Araber, Inder, Asiaten usw. als Propagandaverkünder ins Gesicht drückt.

    Die Österreicherin Tina Gloria Wenko war auch lange Zeit dabei, als Nachrichtensprecherin. Unter anderem hier von einem Kollegen präsentiert, ab Minute 11:26, in der allerersten Folge: “Nachrichten AUF1 vom 31. Mai 2021”, https://www.bitchute.com/video/BqK3bOnRczfs/

    Und beispielsweise hier: “Nachrichten AUF1 vom 6. Mai 2022”,

    Auf1.tv hat so viele substantielle Beiträge, Dokus und “Hammer”-Interviews gebracht, mit kritischen Geistern, auch zu Gesundheitsbeiträgen (Ernährung etc.). Man gebe Beispielsweise als Suchbegriff ein (mind. 11 Einträge erscheinen): Gerd Reuther
    Der Mediziner Gerd Reuther hat auch sehr umfassend den Mythos widerlegt (eigene Bücher, auch zur Medizingeschichte), daß die Schulmedizin die Lebenserwartung verlängert hätte (zahlreiche Interviews, auch auf Youtube):

    Unter anderem bei AUF1:
    (Ausschnitt, 1 1/2 Minuten)

    “Dr. Gerd Reuthers traurige Bilanz: Mindestens jeder Dritte stirbt jährlich AN der Medizin” (Interview, 41 Minuten),

    “Die chemische Medizin schadet uns, weil sie unserem Körper fremd ist” (2 Minuten),

    “Dr. Gerd Reuther: Die Medizin kann nur selten heilen” (1 1/2 Minuten),

    Hier sind zahlreiche Auf1.tv-Nachrichten auch weiterhin in hoher Auflösung erhältlich:


    P.S.: Zu Tina Gloria Wenko auch hier:


    Entnommen aus einer Liste wirklich deutscher Informationsmagazine, für Deutschlerner:
    “Nachrichtensendungen und Magazine in deutscher Sprache”,

    “News Broadcasts and Magazines in German”,

    • Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. I suggest you provide proof of such an amazing accusation.

      Many who meditate are already suffering from depression or despair about the state of the world or their own lives. Meditation is a cure, not the cause.

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