Margi on Mary Phagan, chapter 1; my perfect blood pressure; wards full of vaccine-sickened children

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“The sick child” by Edvard Munch, who lost his sister to tuberculosis


….Margi narrates the first chapter of The Leo Frank Case

(This was the intro, two days ago)

This is now chapter 1:

……On my dear redhead

An Italian lady comrade wrote:

I know what you feel, this pain for Margi. In reality it cannot be explained in words. ll that is highly spiritual, indefinite, ansd is not part of the illusion given by the egoic mind.

Margi is the Divine Feminine that belongs to you and is inside you. You can’t explain this pain that has the same intensity as the love you feel for her.

It’s like waking up from all the illusions and deceptions of the egoic mind…constructed century after century.

It’s a meteorite that falls on your head and, sure, it hurts…. It is the Higher Self without Veils. Something that Man himself cannot even imagine. It is a glimpse of heaven on earth. It is what Jesus describes in the apocryphal gospels, especially in that of Thomas.

We have had this discussion many times, and I know that only you can understand me. We cry in rivers, but you don’t know where this cry comes from. I’m close to you. You know it.

*** I replied:

Thank you.

Yesterday, I went to the hospital for a routine blood pressure test (it was excellent, 122/88 🙂 I have the ticker of a high school football captain) and the nurse I had was the same girl who had given Margi so many blood tests.

She was so shocked and sad to hear she had passed on.

“Margi was my favorite patient,” she said. “She was just so sweet.”

So when I die, having fulfilled my great mission, I know I will have someone wonderful to see once again.

I thank God, Eckhart Tolle, and my friends and supporters that I have recovered from the sometimes fatal grief that afflicts especially widowers in their sixties who lost their spouse.

Mortality in that group increases by 60%, but I have survived that terrible ordeal. What matters is NOW!

….wards of sick kids

A  comrade in Europe wrote me:

My son is taking his illness well, he is a fighter… The path is long. He has already had two angiograms and on the 12th there will be the third.

The Doctors will do everything they can to embolize [clot] the spot in his heart that bled.

Then there will be radiosurgery in Milan, we don’t know when.

***  Radiosurgery is surgery using radiation, that is, the destruction of precisely selected areas of tissue using ionizing radiation rather than excision by a scalpel.


A doctor confessed to us that AVMs in children are showing a frightening increase…“What have we done wrong in these years What have we touched on a genetic level”?

AVMs are malformations of the arteriovenous complex…and they are complicated to treat.

I have seen two vaccine-damaged children, John, a paralyzed teenage ballerina and a child with cardiac arrest. He has been in [the capital of my country] for a year. Now the boy doesn’t walk or talk. It’s heartbreaking…..not to mention all the cancer.

Imagine what pediatric vaccines have done..
My music teacher predicted this in 2006. He was right. He foresaw what the NWO was doing.

“From these vaccines we will have a frightening increase in autistic children, malformations, tumors and genetic diseases..”

And back then they lacked their COVID vaccine to complete the work of genocide.

And here [in my country] they still commemorate the HOLOFRAUD!


I read it all. Thank you. 🙂

But when I think how many many died over all the millennia because humans spent their money on war or on alcohol, not on good medical care!

How many died in the past of tuberculosis…. such as the sister of Norwegian painter Edvard Munch. Munch painted this theme five times….

On higher, nordic planets, people live healthy lives for centuries….. in “fields of gold.”


….Famous people who had or died of tuberculosis

[Wiki] Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease usually caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) bacteria.[1] Tuberculosis generally affects the lungs, but it can also affect other parts of the body.[1] Most infections show no symptoms, in which case it is known as latent tuberculosis.[1] Around 10% of latent infections progress to active disease which, if left untreated, kill about half of those affected.[1] Typical symptoms of active TB are chronic cough with blood-containing mucusfevernight sweats, and weight loss.[1] It was historically referred to as consumption due to the weight loss associated with the disease.[8] Infection of other organs can cause a wide range of symptoms.[9]

Tuberculosis is spread from one person to the next through the air when people who have active TB in their lungs cough, spit, speak, or sneeze.[1][10] People with Latent TB do not spread the disease.[1] Active infection occurs more often in people with HIV/AIDS and in those who smoke.[1] Diagnosis of active TB is based on chest X-rays, as well as microscopic examination and culture of body fluids.[11] Diagnosis of Latent TB relies on the tuberculin skin test (TST) or blood tests.[11]

Prevention of TB involves screening those at high risk, early detection and treatment of cases, and vaccination with the bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine.[3][4][5] Those at high risk include household, workplace, and social contacts of people with active TB.[4] Treatment requires the use of multiple antibiotics over a long period of time.[1] Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem, with increasing rates of multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).[1]

In 2018, one quarter of the world’s population was thought to have a latent infection of TB.[6] New infections occur in about 1% of the population each year.[12] In 2020, an estimated 10 million people developed active TB, resulting in 1.5 million deaths, making it the second leading cause of death from an infectious disease after COVID-19.[13] As of 2018, most TB cases occurred in the regions of South-East Asia (44%), Africa (24%), and the Western Pacific (18%), with more than 50% of cases being diagnosed in seven countries: India (27%), China (9%), Indonesia (8%), the Philippines (6%), Pakistan (6%), Nigeria (4%), and Bangladesh (4%).[14] By 2021, the number of new cases each year was decreasing by around 2% annually.[13][1] About 80% of people in many Asian and African countries test positive, while 5–10% of people in the United States test positive via the tuberculin test.[15] Tuberculosis has been present in humans since ancient times.[16]

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Writers and poets[edit]

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  1. So many retail establishments ask us to “round up” our purchase price for various charities that perpetuate medical establishment lies.

    The best way to end suffering in our universe, is to contribute to John de Nugent’s sacred and holy National Socialist mission.

  2. TB — where you slowly drown in your own snot.

    The British public would crowd into pubs, cinemas, dance Halls or theatres not only to socialise but just to keep warm.

    All these people huddled together became a breeding ground for TB contamination.

    Poor housing, and no NHS [National HealrhbService] meant probably millions have died in Britain alone.

    The problem was compounded by coal fires producing ” pea soupers” — fog so thick it affected peoples’ health and added to deaths.

    People couldn’t find their homes, or had to abandon their cars or buses and walk home.

    Street fires were ignited to try and burn the smog away. Fog so thick it cancelled flights for days. People had to cling to railings to avoid getting lost in town. This didn’t help Britain’s TB epidemic.

    People living 4 or 5 to a damp room was deadly.

    WW2 British snoopers listened to peoples’ conversations in air raid shelters and on buses.

    People welcomed luftwaffe bombs as it cleared the rat-infested, damp slums.

    • Thanks, Carl. I had heard as an American about the “pea soup fogs” in London but had no idea how bad and unhealthy they were!

      Americans, to whom Churchill was glorified, were baffled when Winnie was thrown out in 1945 by British voters. Maybe because he never cared about working British people, just pleasing his jewish masters?

      • Winnie was kicked out of office as he represented the old order. In the 1900s 98% of Britains wealth belonged to 1200 families. The Labour Party represented change. Unfortunately Labour were infiltrated by communists such as Wilson. Healey, Calahan. Who obtained high office, then destroyed Britain via immigration and socialist agenda. All other parties are riddled with Jews and subservient to Israel, Islam and immigration. All see whites British people as tax paying scum.
        Why else would they fly the gay flag. Israeli flag, Pakistani flag, yet refuse to fly the Union flag and sabotage St George’s day celebrations?

  3. Beobachter: Probabilities + concrete date for war in Europe ? + 3 days of darkness ? + The American reborn in Vietnam who prefers to speak English than Vietnamese from an early age
    April 6, 2023 at 8:37 pm

    General comments on the previous articles
    The insights of Ulrich Rudel and others from the time often leave one speechless; these people were far-sighted and highly analytical. Also the comments of the commentator “Fallschirmjager” regarding internal sabotage in the Wehrmacht and JdN’s criticism of the conceit of nobility (“egoic mind”- or egocentric aspects) are unfortunately only too true.

    Rhodesia is and will always remain a jewel of the human history,[*] because within shortest time (within approx. 100 years) a high civilization was created there (a model example!), with wonderful achievements and development chances for all, before NWO (USA, GB, UdSSR, China etc.) took over and destroyed everything and let destroy.
    [*] “Window on Rhodesia – the Jewel of Africa”,

    Probabilities + End of the NWO? + 3 days of darkness?
    Predictions to event times are always afflicted with large uncertainties. There are targeted milestones and often very strongly weighted probable developments, but there is always freedom of decision, so that it often comes to unforeseen turns. This could be observed often enough when predictions did not come true.

    “Savannah Nobel” makes high-profile, deeply holistic, and substantive videos. In a new analysis, she takes a close look at a political event in Europe, as well as the swarming of the ‘mailmen’ [the political puppets] after the visit of the higher-ranking superior [from England]. A temporal reference to the USA is also made (end of the empire in 2019) and reference is made to a point in time 3.5 years after.

    The difference between “apologize” and ” forgive” is discussed, forgive means to conclude and to leave (separation!), indeed numerous terms have been deliberately redefined, turned upside down. In this regard also a very famous personality is discussed, which is supposed to be called Isar in reality (an older video discusses this). Does then possibly the war come to Central Europe, in the middle of May?

    3 days of darkness
    Many, among them Alois Irlmaier, saw/see physical 3 days of darkness ahead, thus not only symbolically. Some suspect a volcanic eruption (volcanic ash) or other particles behind it, which could make it necessary that one hides for 3 days at home and closes the windows. That one should also stay indoors for that long, because the particles are supposed to have a deadly effect on the lungs, for 3 days, until (I suppose) the rain washes everything away.

    Another danger during the 3 days of darkness was warned of in another video of hers: negative entities could physically simulate voices of relatives (“Let me in!”), although they could not possibly have survived outside: simulating voices of relatives, so that the inhabitants open the door and the deadly particle clouds get into the apartments, so that as many people as possible die.

    Observer’s assessment: Now is the time when one can no longer evade a conscious cooperation with one’s inner self (personal guardian angel), events are now coming to a head. One should now pray on a daily basis until the answer arrives; the arrival of the answer will be accompanied by an overwhelming certainty:

    Are the 3 days of darkness coming? And if so, until what exact time should one stay indoors and keep the windows closed for 3 days? What other preparations must be made?

    In addition, one must now activate the protective prayers.

    In German:
    “328 – Alois Irlmaier – AKTUELLES (6.4.23)” (10 Minuten),

    “329 – Da ist ihr Ende” (3 Minuten),

    The American reborn in Vietnam
    John de Nugent reported some time ago about a Vietnamese boy who vehemently refused to learn Vietnamese. A TV crew reported on it (post no longer on Youtube), the mother cried in phases as she thought back to the difficult time of not speaking English and having to take evening classes so she could communicate with him in everyday life.[1] JdN expressed the possibility that it might have been a born-again former Vietnam War participant, that sometimes you get to know the other side.

    I ( Beobachter) believe that this is indeed a born-again American who, by insisting on English, also wants to point to his primary, cross-incarnational cultural location. In an interview he wants to be called “Ryan.”[2] Presumably this is a particularly strong-willed American. Maybe he was actually involved in the Vietnam War and possibly had been a little too “daredevil” or a little too “committed” in the process, so that after his incarnation at that time it was decided on an inner level: “So, now you also get to know the other (cultural) side and its people.” 🙂
    But this is only a train of thought, I don’t want to impute anything to him or to his previous incarnation.


    [1] This external article sometimes doesn’t load properly, so here’s the Google cache (I already couldn’t find JdN’s article via site-internal search engine in the past):

    “The Curious Case of a 5-Year-Old Vietnamese Boy Who Speaks Perfect English But Not Vietnamese
    By Spooky on September 24th, 2018 Category: News”,

    [2] Only the conversation with the boy’s mother is in Vietnamese, otherwise it is spoken in English throughout from the beginning, the boy prefers to speak in English anyway:
    “IFOSS05S08| Hiện Tượng Lạ, Bé Lê Nguyễn Bảo Chung ở Hà Tĩnh Biết Nói Tiếng Anh Từ 18 Tháng Tuổi”,

    [3] Short Video in German: They must announce the truth, also in the lying press (cosmic law), here to a 3Sat contribution, how humans are to be manipulated over HAARP in combination with biochemical substances in their perception of the events:

    Then another note on this, the events are now accelerating, it is also said that first the regional digital currencies are to come and then the worldwide NWO digital currency:

    [4] A film by Conrebbi from 2012, on the aspects of the Anglosphere, Germany and Russia. In German: “Deutschlanddebatte- Souveränität contra Mackinder- Theorie”,

  4. Beobachter: Wahrscheinlichkeiten + konkretes Datum für Krieg in Europa ? + 3 Tage Dunkelheit? + Der in Vietnam wiedergeborene Amerikaner, der von klein an lieber Englisch als Vietnamesisch spricht
    April 6, 2023 at 8:39 pm

    Allgemeine Anmerkungen zu den vorherigen Artikeln
    Die Einsichten von Ulrich Rudel und anderen aus der Zeit machen oft sprachlos, diese Menschen waren weitsichtig und hochanalytisch. Auch die Anmerkungen des Kommentators “Fallschirmjager” bzgl. interner Sabotage in der Wehrmacht und JdN’s Kritik am Adelsdünkel (“egoic mind”- bzw. egozentristische Aspekte) sind leider nur zu wahr.

    Rhodesien ist und wird immer ein Juwel der Menschheitsgeschichte bleiben,[*] denn innerhalb kürzester Zeit (innerhalb von ca. 100 Jahren) wurde dort eine Hochzivilisation erschaffen (ein Musterbeispiel!), mit wunderbaren Errungenschaften und Entwicklungschancen für alle, bevor NWO (USA, GB, UdSSR, China usw.) übernahmen und alles zerstörten und zerstören ließen.
    [*] “Window on Rhodesia – the Jewel of Africa”,

    Wahrscheinlichkeiten + Ende der NWO? + 3 Tage Dunkelheit?
    Voraussagen zu Ereigniszeitpunkten sind stets mit großen Unsicherheiten behaftet. Es gibt zwar anvisierte Meilensteine und oft sehr stark gewichtete wahrscheinliche Entwicklungen, jedoch herrscht stets Entscheidungsfreiheit, so daß es oft zu unvorhergesehenen Wendungen kommt. Das konnte man oft genug beobachten, wenn Vorhersagen nicht eintrafen.

    “Savannah Nobel” macht hochkarätige, tief ganzheitliche und substantielle Videos. In einer neuen Analyse nimmt sie einen politischen Vorgang in Europa unter die Lupe sowie das Ausschwärmen der “Briefträger” [der Politmarionetten] nach dem Besuch des höherrangigen Vorgesetzten [aus England]. Auch ein zeitlicher Bezug zu den USA wird hergestellt (Endes des Imperiums 2019) und es wird auf einen Zeitpunkt 3,5 Jahre danach Bezug genommen.

    Der Unterschied zwischen “entschuldigen” und “verzeihen” wird erörtert, verzeihen meine, abzuschließen und zu gehen (Trennung!), zahlreiche Begriffe wurden ja vorsätzlich umdefiniert, auf den Kopf gestellt. Diesbezüglich wird auch auf eine sehr berühmte Persönlichkeit eingegangen, die in Wirklichkeit Isar heißen soll (ein älteres Video erörtert das). Kommt dann möglicherweise der Krieg nach Mitteleuropa, mitte Mai?

    3 Tage Dunkelheit
    Viele, darunter Alois Irlmaier, sahen/sehen physische 3 Tage Dunkelheit voraus, also nicht nur symbolisch. Manche vermuten einen Vulkanausbruch (Vulkanasche) oder andere Partikel dahinter, die es erforderlich machen könnten, daß man sich für 3 Tage zuhause versteckt und die Fenster schließt. Daß man solange auch drinnen bleiben solle, weil die Partikel eine tödliche Wirkung auf die Lungen haben sollen, 3 Tage lang, bis (glaube ich) der Regen alles wegspülen soll.

    Vor einer weiteren Gefahr während der 3 Tage Dunkelheit wurde in einem anderen Video von ihr gewarnt: Negativentitäten könnten physisch Stimmen von Angehörigen simulieren (“Laß’ mich rein!”), obwohl diese unmöglich überlebt haben können draußen: Simulieren von Stimmen Angehöriger, damit die Bewohner die Türe öffnen und die tödlichen Partikelwolken in die Wohnungen gelangen, damit so viele Menschen wie nur möglich sterben.

    Beobachter’s Einschätzung: Jetzt ist der Zeitpunkt gekommen, wo man um eine bewußte Zusammenarbeit mit seinem inneren Selbst (persönlicher Schutzengel) nicht mehr umhinkommt, die Ereignisse spitzen sich nun zu. Man sollte jetzt auf täglicher Basis beten, solange, bis die Antwort eingetroffen ist; das Eintreffen der Antwort wird mit einer überwältigenden Gewißheit einhergehen:

    Kommen die 3 Tage Dunkelheit? Und falls ja: Bis zu welchem genauen Zeitpunkt sollte man sich zuhause in der Wohnung befinden und die Fenster für 3 Tage geschlossen halten? Welche Vorbereitungen gilt es sonst noch zu treffen?

    Außerdem muß man jetzt die Schutzgebete aktivieren.

    Auf Deutsch:
    “328 – Alois Irlmaier – AKTUELLES (6.4.23)” (10 Minuten),

    “329 – Da ist ihr Ende” (3 Minuten),

    Der wiedergeborene Amerikaner in Vietnam
    John de Nugent berichtete vor einiger Zeit über einen vietnamesischen Jungen, der sich vehement weigerte, Vietenamesisch zu lernen. Ein TV-Team berichtete darüber (Beitrag nicht mehr auf Youtube), die Mutter weinte phasenweise, als sie an die schwere Zeit zurückdachte, weil sie kein Englisch sprach und Abendkurse nehmen mußte, damit sie sich im Alltag mit ihm verständigen konnte.[1] JdN äußerte die Möglichkeit, daß es sich um einen wiedergeborenen ehemaligen Vietnamkriegsteilnehmer gehandelt haben könnte, daß man manchmal auch die andere Seite kennenlernt.

    Ich (Beobachter) glaube, daß es sich tatsächlich um einen wiedergeborenen Amerikaner handelt, der mit dem Bestehen auf der Englischen Sprache auch auf seine primäre, inkarnationsübergreifende kulturelle Verortung hinweisen möchte. In einem Interview möchte er “Ryan” genannt werden.[2] Vermutlich handelt es sich um einen besonders willensstarken Amerikaner. Vielleicht war er ja tatsächlich im Vietnamkrieg beteiligt und möglicherweise dabei etwas zu “draufgängerisch” bzw. etwas zu “engagiert” gewesen, so daß man nach seiner damaligen Inkarnation auf innerer Ebene entschied: “So, jetzt lernst du auch mal die andere (Kultur)Seite und deren Menschen kennen.” 🙂
    Das ist aber nur ein Gedankengang, ich will ihm bzw. seiner vorherigen Inkarnation nichts unterstellen.


    [1] Dieser externe Artikel lädt manchmal nicht richtig, daher hier der Google-Cache (JdN’s Artikel konnte ich bereits in der Vergangenheit nicht mehr per seiteninterner Suchmaschine finden):
    “The Curious Case of a 5-Year-Old Vietnamese Boy Who Speaks Perfect English But Not Vietnamese
    By Spooky on September 24th, 2018 Category: News”,

    [2] Nur das Gespräch mit der Mutter des Jungen ist in Vietnamesisch gehalten, ansonsten wird von Beginn an durchgängig in Englisch gesprochen, der Junge spricht sowieso lieber in Englisch:
    “IFOSS05S08| Hiện Tượng Lạ, Bé Lê Nguyễn Bảo Chung ở Hà Tĩnh Biết Nói Tiếng Anh Từ 18 Tháng Tuổi”,

    [3] In German: Sie müssen die Wahrheit ankündigen, auch in der Lügenpresse (kosmisches Gesetz), hier zu einem 3Sat-Beitrag, wie die Menschen über Haarp in Kombination mit biochemischen Substanzen in ihrer Wahrnehmung der Ereignisse manipuliert werden sollen:

    Dann noch darauf ein Hinweis, die Ereignisse beschleunigen sich jetzt, es heißt ja auch, daß erst die regionalen Digitalwährungen kommen sollen und anschließend die weltweite NWO-Digitalwährung:

    [4] Ein Film von Conrebbi aus dem Jahr 2012, zu den Aspekten der Anglosphäre, Deutschland und Rußland. Auf deutsch:
    “Deutschlanddebatte- Souveränität contra Mackinder- Theorie”,

    Beobachter: Probabilities + concrete date for war in Europe ? + 3 days of darkness ? + The American reborn in Vietnam who prefers to speak English than Vietnamese from an early age

    General comments on the previous articles
    The insights of Ulrich Rudel and others from the time often leave one speechless; these people were far-sighted and highly analytical. Also the comments of the commentator “Fallschirmjager” regarding internal sabotage in the Wehrmacht and JdN’s criticism of the conceit of nobility (“egoic mind”- or egocentric aspects) are unfortunately only too true.

    Rhodesia is and will always remain a jewel of the human history,[*] because within shortest time (within approx. 100 years) a high civilization was created there (a model example!), with wonderful achievements and development chances for all, before NWO (USA, GB, UdSSR, China etc.) took over and destroyed everything and let destroy.
    [*] “Window on Rhodesia – the Jewel of Africa”,

    Probabilities + End of the NWO? + 3 days of darkness?
    Predictions to event times are always afflicted with large uncertainties. There are targeted milestones and often very strongly weighted probable developments, but there is always freedom of decision, so that it often comes to unforeseen turns. This could be observed often enough when predictions did not come true.

    “Savannah Nobel” makes high-profile, deeply holistic, and substantive videos. In a new analysis, she takes a close look at a political event in Europe, as well as the swarming of the ‘mailmen’ [the political puppets] after the visit of the higher-ranking superior [from England]. A temporal reference to the USA is also made (end of the empire in 2019) and reference is made to a point in time 3.5 years after.

    The difference between “apologize” and ” forgive” is discussed, forgive means to conclude and to leave (separation!), indeed numerous terms have been deliberately redefined, turned upside down. In this regard also a very famous personality is discussed, which is supposed to be called Isar in reality (an older video discusses this). Does then possibly the war come to Central Europe, in the middle of May?

    3 days of darkness
    Many, among them Alois Irlmaier, saw/see physical 3 days of darkness ahead, thus not only symbolically. Some suspect a volcanic eruption (volcanic ash) or other particles behind it, which could make it necessary that one hides for 3 days at home and closes the windows. That one should also stay indoors for that long, because the particles are supposed to have a deadly effect on the lungs, for 3 days, until (I suppose) the rain washes everything away.

    Another danger during the 3 days of darkness was warned of in another video of hers: negative entities could physically simulate voices of relatives (“Let me in!”), although they could not possibly have survived outside: simulating voices of relatives, so that the inhabitants open the door and the deadly particle clouds get into the apartments, so that as many people as possible die.

  5. [Sehr geehrter, lieber John de Nugent, ich habe aus Versehen den englischen Kommentar erneut unter der deutschen Kommentarversion mitversandt (war in derselben Datei), könnten Sie den doppelten Englischen Kommentar bitte abschneiden, vorausgesetzt, der Kommentar wird überhaupt veröffentlicht]

  6. Exposure is what hurts the Jew. The Leo Frank case exposed him well, but the reality of Ritual Murder exposes him much better. Evidence that Ritual Murder is real is sound. I recommend _The Murder of Andrei Yushchinsky_ for starters. This book is available at

      • Frank was a convicted murderer. He had been sentenced to death. Stanton, the Georgia governor, overrode the sentence by an authoritarian decree. The people of Georgia were outraged. They lynched Frank. And Stanton fled from Georgia.

        I think the crime of ritual murder is much worse than what Frank did. And in all probability ritual murder happens today, I believe.

        • Ritual murder, yes, is EVEN worse, but Frank punched her in the head, she fell back against a lathe handle, and was stunned. He then tried to rape her (in the men’s toilet room), but apparently lost his erection out of fear or maybe from hearing some noise in the factory. He then deflowered the thirteen-year-old viciously with a stick or other object (no sperm was found in her vagina, but it was very injured, as the coroner determined), and as little Mary began to resist Frank again, he strangled her to death , and throttling someone usually takes about a minute.

          Mary’s last two minutes of life were horrific.

          Her dress:

          • Here is what I have read: It was a six foot length of packing chord that Frank used to strangle her. It was wrapped around her neck and cutting into the skin when she was found dead in the basement. She was unconscious and bleeding profusely from the back of her head from striking the handle of a massive pencil making machine she fell backward from Frank’s blow to her face when she was raped and then strangled.

          • When Jews ritually murder a young girl like Mary Phagan, they also murder generations of her unborn descendants. The “chosen” people of Hell!

        • Frank’s murder of Mary Phagan was also a ritual murder. She was a virgin with the name Mary and was murdered at the day of Jahwe (26), like Simon of Trient.

          Simon of Trient was murdered on March 26th (says the German wiki). It’s gematric – jewish occultism.

          @ Kendra, Greetings from Germany

  7. John, danke für deine klaren Worte !!! Auch ich bin der Meinung. Hat mich aber verwirrt. Auch auf Feistle geht die Dame los. Habe mit Feistle darüber geredet gerade. JA, solche Artikel sind schlimm und verbreiten unglaublichen depressiven Status. Dolores Cannon ist da besser!!!

  8. @Son of Kilkenny; This was not a ritual murder. Ritual murders are essentially a form of witchcraft. This was just the deed of a sex addict. A Jewish sex addict who in typical Jewish thinking did not much acknowledge the humanity of non-Jews. Frank was making sexual advances to numerous teenage girls who worked on the pencil factory of which he was the Superintendent. What happened was Frank realized that Mary Phagan needed medical attention, and Frank was a very big man in the Jewish community, and he knew he would lose this if a doctor were summoned for Mary, so he killed her to preserve his status in the Jewish community.

    • Yes, and heinously, cynically tried to pin the rape and murder on two innocent black employees, lying to an all-white jury, which however saw through it, felt manipulated and disrespected, and rejected Frank’s psychopathic ploy.

      The jurors knew there were already many complaints in Atlanta about jewish bosses, often northerners, extorting sex from young white girls in their employ.

  9. To the text above: An american incarnated as vietnamese…
    Do jews incarnate in other races, when they die?
    What about blacks and muslims?

    Fragen über Fragen…

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