Holocaust of 18,000 poor dairy cows, BURNED ALIVE in Texas — JWO depopulation? and the fun-loving hawk

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The fire spread quickly through the holding pens, where thousands of dairy cows crowded together waiting to be milked, trapped in deadly confines. After subduing the fire at the west Texas dairy farm Monday evening, officials were stunned at the scale of livestock death left behind: 18,000 head of cattle perished in the fire at the South Fork Dairy farm near Dimmitt, Texas – or about 20% of the cattle slaughtered in America on any given day.


I get frustrated and even outraged when I see the one-sided reporting on this….

It is all about the poor humans: the job losses that will ensue, the tax revenues lost, etc.


Does anyone care about the appalling suffering of 18,000 sentient beings? And cows are usually very gentle, obviously female animals that give their milk to feed others!


Is anyone going to be punished for this crime of negligence? If you coop anyone up like this, you are morally responsable for their safety!



But hey, if you can burn 500,000 German human beings alive at Dresden, because a jew told you to….



One of my German supporters told me this German nurse, her grandmother, died at Dresden.


…….what’s wrong with burning 18,000 cows alive?

People ask me why nordic aliens or the Antarctic NS forces, both very real, do not save us.

Maybe because we are callous and unmerciful assholes ourselves?


……A fun-loving hawk and two human friends



  1. The jewsnews is not indicating that this fire that killed so many dairy cows was an arson, but fires that are diminishing our food supply have lately become so numerous that whenever there is a new one you have to suspect that it was not a mere coincidence.


    Der sog. Staatsschutz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat ihre Wohnung gestürmt und sie wegen sog. Volksverhetzung in U-Haft gesperrt.

    Laut der Leit-Presse wird ihr sog. Antisemitismus vorgeworfen. Die Dame ist 62 Jahre alt und hat viele ihrer Patienten vor den auserwählten Spritzen bewahrt durch ihre Aufklärung.

    Jeden kann es in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland be-treffen, wenn ihm zuviel Wahrheit im Gesicht steht.

    Sie wird sicher mindestens fünf Jahre weggesperrt, für eine Dame dieses Alters eine Katastrophe – schreibt bitte Briefe und geht zur Verhandlung.

    Die Antifanten feiern selbstredend auf Twitter die Verhaftung der Seniorin!

    Hier geht es zum Artikel:


    • Mein Gott….

      Ich danke der Auskunft……………….

      Da soll die Ärztin “zu Hass gegen in Deutschland lebende Juden und Jüdinnen aufgestachelt” haben…..

      Da macht man sich in der Lügenpresse nicht einmal mehr die geringste Mühe, diese Typen als “jüdische Deutsche” oder “deutsche Juden” zu bezeichnen. Nein, das sind die fremden Herrscher des seit 1945 besetzten Landes, die “in Deutschland lebende Juden.”

  3. I personally refuse to eat beef or pork for the simple reason that they are fellow mammals like us, who experience love and fear much like we do. I often see truck trailers full of terrified cows in the rural area where I live, heading to some slaughterhouse to be butchered, and it makes me sad. It’s a barbaric practice. So, for protein, I only eat chicken and fish, which are much lower forms of animals, and if I could adequately supply my protein needs with some artificial substance, I would do that.

    Also, red meat is very bad for one’s health, because it’s very fibrous and hard to digest, and thus sits in your lower intestine for much longer, where it putrifies and releases free radicals into your system. This is why red meat eaters have a much higher incidence of colon cancer.

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