Recreation of John Wilkes Booth shooting the man who caused 750,000 other men to die for nothing. (Booth, a top actor in the 1850s and 1860s, especially in Shakespeare plays, may have had some jewish blood — but he was a fervent Confederate and also actually very antisemitic.)
Booth’s Derringer:
Lincoln had jet-black hair and in many photos an almost jewish nose, though also blue eyes (ummmm, as did Jeffrey Epstein)….:
Talking more and more openly libtard toward the end, Lincoln emancipated the black slaves without solving the race problem one iota for even one minute.
Only sending the blacks away to another country, or back to Africa, would have done this, not freeing and unleashing them — violent, bitter, oversexed, ugly, low-IQ, impulsive, resentful and unskilled parasites — onto the white men, women, children, seniors and taxpayers of this nation, which was clearly conceived as an offshoot of Europe.
It is as if either the jews “got” to him later on or he was always a secret libtard on race and hid it, and maybe was a closet marrano.
His early statements as a political candidate and as president seemed moderate and about how all he wanted to do was “save the Union.” This seemed to refute the Southern accusation of him being a crypto-ngr-lover.
At the assassination trial, Booth being already dead or whatever, other Southern defendants said Lincoln had spoken spontaneously from the balcony of the White House to promise to the blacks full US citizenship (meaning voting, serving on juries, and holding office, which even white women could not do, even if they went to Harvard).
This promise to empower the blacks enraged the Southerners in the audience, who had seen their region devastated by both warfare and the vicious scorched-earth policy of General Sherman. A whole generation, 300,000 Southern soldiers, lay dead, and many civilians were shot or hanged. Their farms and fields were burned, and their livestock was killed or stolen.
Sometimes fallen soldiers’ arms froze in a raised-up position in rigor mortis. These white men had wives who loved them, girlfriends, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters.
They died because sephardic, Portuguese jews peddled the African slave trade to the kings of Spain, Portugal, France and England to get rich and to eventually destroy the white race by crime, especially murder, and through race-mixing.
David Scott von Braun, now staying with me and recuperating at my home and partly at my expense from a huge double-hernia operation (which he believes a jewish poisoning made necessary), told me of a female relative who had lived up in Missouri of his adoptive grandparents, the James West family of Arlington, Texas.
This brave, caring woman had snuck food into a Union prisoner camp full of starving Confederate POWs, and a petite lady, had been stood up on a tree stump in her own yard and SHOT as punishment by a Union firing squad while her farm burned down.
Her outraged survivors then moved from half-Yankee Missouri down to 90% Confederate Texas, and especially to the Arlington area, between Dallas and Fort Worth. The whole town when he was a boy consisted of Confederate sympathizers, German-Americans and Germans.
True to Abraham Lincoln’s plan, black power is exactly what the Congress did enact through federal laws passed in 1866 and 1868. So illiterate negroes out of the Stone Age could vote — while brave white Confederate ex-soldiers and officers who had suffered and fought for racial TRUTH were banned from public office in their own towns, counties, and states.
John Wilkes Booth knew that Lincoln was a treacherous snake who had 1) lied to Northern voters (many of whom disliked Blacks — see the movie “Gangs of New York”! — and fought only to “save the Union”) and 2) betrayed the South with empty words during the war to get it to surrender, saying sanctimoniously, in his second inaugural address, how “with malice toward none and charity toward all” he would “bind up the nation’s wounds.”
But his true intention was to negrify our white nation.
Though Abe was born in a log cabin, unlike the rich big-city jews, had blue eyes, and stood 6’4″ (our tallest president, while many jews are shrimps), was Abe actually a closet jew, at least in his mind, with some jewish ancestors?
Did he have some Amerindian, say, Cherokee blood? Many Cherokees do have semitic features and jewish DNA, as testing has revealed. I remember this nickel — the five-cent coin with a buffalo on the other side — which was made from the 1930s to the 1950s. Look at this Indian’s nose. East Asians do not have noses like that.
Or was Abraham Lincoln not a closet jew (as was Lyndon Johnson, IMO) but just another lying white political psychopath like Bill Clinton?
Suppose you put a Lubavitch round black hat on his head and ran those curly hair spirals down the side of his face. A voter once called Lincoln “two-faced.” Abe knew his ugly features turned many off, so he always had a joke ready: “If I had two faces, would I be wearing this one?” He also had an extremely high-pitched voice, which many jews also have, a neanderthalic feature due to how their throat is constructed.
An excellent rendition by the jew actor Daniel Day-Lewis of Lincoln’s squeaky voice at 0:43:
Had the South won, no Yankee jew from Brooklyn like Frank would have been down in Atlanta to rape and strangle the Christian Georgia girl Mary Phagan — and this on Confederate Memorial Day!
As a co-curator of, I can say that the corpse of poor Mary was also found with her hands up.
She had fought off the satanic jew and defended her honor until he punched her hard and then strangled her, finally raping her with some sharp object. (No semen was found in her previously virginal private area.)
Let the truth also be said that while many blacks are worthless, it was the negro janitor, Jim Conley, who refused Frank’s order to put her body in the factory furnace and burn it, and instead reverently took her little white hands, and folded them across her chest.
And Conley testified against Frank before a white jury, which, convinced, convicted the jew and sentenced him to hang.
Ollie Phagan, Mary’s older sister, with her aunt at the trial
We white Northerners who descend, as I do, from the Yankees of the 1860s generation owe the white South a gigantic apology and financial reparations for a totally illegal, unconstitutional, cruel, savage and wrongful war. (This does not apply to most of the Americans of German, Italian, Scandinavian and other white ancestry who descend from immigrants from Europe who arrived much later, in the 1880s and 1890s.)
Since when in a free country do people not have a right to vote to secede? Was not the American Revolution secession?
Does a wife have the right to leave an abuse, alcoholic husband?
Do you have the right to quit your job if your boss is a tyrant?
We burned the South down….
…destroyed its railroads, blew up its bridges, set its schools on fire, ruined its farms, and dynamited its factories, triggering a white poverty that lasted for generations. To this day there are still many poor, hardworking white people in the South.
My late wife Margi was a southern girl from Asheville, North Carolina on her mother’s side, a Harris, and her father hailed from Texas.
Many American car and tire makers have pulled their factories out of negrified Detroit Michigan, and quietly built new ones in rural, 95% white counties in the South — in Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina especially — hiring an excellent, non-union, and largely white work force. (So have top-quality foreign brands such as Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen and Honda built big factories in racially white areas of the South.)
But in 1913, even 48 long years after the end of the Civil War, wages in Atlanta and across the Lincoln-destroyed South were only half those up north, and no sweatshops were worse for slave wages and sexual predation than those run by the jews of Atlanta.
Mary Phagan, at age thirteen, worked 55 hours a week, when she got work from the jew, for about $1.50 an hour in today’s money.
For more:, with which I have been heavily involved for most of the last eleven years.
There was every reason down South to hate Abraham Lincoln, and for us Northerners as well — after all the white northern women negros have raped — 100 a day for decades now since the end of the old KKK, according to the FBI’s own statistics — and all the white men beaten and robbed, or raped by negroes as prisoners in state prisons.
Note that the jew Spielberg chose a jew to depict Lincoln, and made him even look jewish.
John Wilkes Booth made the righteous South rejoice.
The Emancipation Proclamation was designed to weaken the southern states’ ability to wage war, but dressed up to look like a noble cause.
The brain-washed blacks will use violence to take what they can’t have. That is domination over other races via using the race card.
Blacks in America should thank the slave traders for bringing them to America, the land of opportunity.
You can always return to Africa if you feel so mistreated by the evil white man. Any takers?
The world’s poor were let into America after 1776 so they can be taxed. The elites can make vast fortunes off the poor. The money is in private ownership like the Federal Reserve.
The United States is a work in progress.
So ungrateful. A money grabber
caveat emptor
long backstory, [ UFO ABDUCTEE ] was paid to research “RAILROADS”,
anyway, Claims Lincoln was a “springsteen”,….Go Figure.
also, Mullins Curse of Canaan.
either way, “America the Conquered” by Pastor Peters still rings true
Ontonagon, eine finnisch geprägte Stadt. Da fällt mir dieses alte finnische Volkslied ein:
Ich habe mich in der Zwischenzeit auch mal ein wenig nützlich gemacht:
Es ist leider ein Bezahl-Artikel. Ich habe ein bisschen für “Trouble” gesorgt…;)
Es geht um das Theaterstück Parade. Ich habe dafür gesorgt das sie damit zumindest nicht völlig ohne Widerspruch durchkommen.
Es gibt nichts Gutes, ausser man tut es.
The immediate cause of the Civil War, I have read, was that the Southerners were purchasing their manufactured goods from England but Lincoln imposed tariffs to force them to purchase them from the newly developing industry in the northern states.
I personally think well of Lincoln. I think he wanted to remove the Negroes from the country. Also, if the country had become divided into two nations I think it would have meant the end of the free country envisioned in the preamble of the Declaration of Independence.
Finally, regarding the Negroes, in San Francisco they are demanding “reparations” of $5 million per individual, and I believe this cause their race to be hated by Whites as never before.
Lincoln = Not a Jew. I get it. We want a solution to the negro problem and it is convenient to blame Lincoln. Lincoln made mistakes. But his mistakes illustrate the way to deal with both the Jew and Negro problem.
If you want to know about a president, and he is assassinated by the tribe, then obviously he is not working for them.
John Wilkes Booth was a paid assassin, and if you track his paymasters, they were of the Jewish and London creditor class. John Wilkes Booth was carrying a $500 bank draft signed by Ontario Bank of Montreal President Henry Starnes (later to become Montreal Mayor) when he was shot dead at Garrett Farm on April 26, 1865.
Southern Confederacy secret service operations were active throughout the civil war in Montreal, Toronto and Halifax, which was under the firm control of Confederate Secretary of State Judah Benjamin and his handlers in British intelligence.
Booth spent at least 5 weeks in the fall of 1864 in Montreal associating closely with the highest echelons of British and Southern intelligence including Starnes, and confederate spy leaders Jacob Thompson and George Sanders.
Demonstrating his total ignorance of the process that controlled him, Booth wrote to a friend on October 28, 1864: “I have been in Montreal for the last 3 or 4 weeks and no one (not even myself) knew when I would return”.
The investigation after Lincoln’s assassination led to the nest of Canadian operatives working at the behest of London. Two days before Booth was shot, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton wrote: “This Department has information that the President’s murder was organized in Canada and approved at Richmond.”
So, why were the Jews and Finance Capitalists so incensed by Lincoln? Lincoln re-asserted the American system of economy. The revolutionary war was over this form of economy, what today we call Industrial Capitalism. London and their Jewish masters use finance (speculative) capitalism, and take usury. The Colonials invented and operated the American System and hence wanted industry and production (not usury and speculation). The first step to recapitulate the American System of the founders, was to create sovereign money. To do this required passing the national banking act of 1863. This put the Treasury in control of private bank reserve loops throughout the nation. The private banks were then required to issue uniform money recognizable throughout the nation. Think of it as a form of sovereignty or fascism, where the money power was being reigned in. Banking corporations were reigned in from many of their speculative excesses. Gold was not necessary to the same degree as TBills were now used in the reserve loops. The “Gold Center” of London and the Jew was being cut-out.
The other thing Lincoln did that pissed of the Jews, was the Morrill Tariff. This is what the founders wanted for America, high external tariffs and low internal tariffs. This system of economy was carried to Kaiser by Frederick List after the Civil War in America. List learned of it from Henry Clay and Henry Carey, Lincoln’s economist.
Hitler recapitulated the Kaiser/Lincoln/List system of economy in 1933 under Reinhardt, which meant issuing Bills of Credit (Sovereign Money). This of course pissed the Jews off to no end.
Basically, if you touch the third rail, the Jew’s ability to create or control international money, they will kill you, or start world wars.
The negro problem was way down on Lincoln’s priority scale. Negroes were basically tractors being used to make the lands of the South produce. The north was industrializing and did not need or want negro labor. Lincoln was alarmed that the South was falling backwards into the London finance system, and hence pulling away.
Next is where Lincoln went wrong. It is also where Hitler went wrong: The Atlantacist finance capital system of debt spreading (Jew invention) is SEA POWER. Sea Power is capitalized on purpose. Read it again for emphasis. Jews have attached themselves repeatedly to Sea Power countries (Spain/Portugal/Holland/London and finally Wall Street).
All Lincoln had to do was rebate the Morrill tariffs, and there would have been no war. The Tariff was to protect nascent American industry so it could get on its feet. The Southerner aristocracy of oligarchs in bed with London Capital, would be forced to sell their cotton to the North, and not London. To force the Southern Oligarchy would require a picket line of thousands of ships. (The picket line may not have been necessary with a rebate). Once the merchant cannot get goods to market, that causes dominoes of contagion and the debts are not paid. This puts a wooden stake right through the vampire’s heart. Joe cannot pay James cannot pay Jill. Credit systems are double entry ledgers all of which are connected, hence dominoes.
Hitler, even though he adopted the Lincoln/American system, made the same mistake as Lincoln. Hitler was land power. Had Hitler built 1000 U boats, and sunk all London merchant traffic, Germany would have avoided land war and probably WW2 altogether. The dominoes of contagion would have caused economic collapse throughout the London empire and dissipated the vampire.
With regards to the Negro, Lincoln made another mistake, and that was to not use his debt free Greenbacks to fund removal. The nation state could easily afford removal. Lincoln wanted to remove American negroes to Panama. Releasing the negroes from slavery was because the south was filling up with negro tractors, especially to grow cotton, to then sell said cotton to London. This perpetuated a Southern extraction economy, when the north wanted to industrialize.
Hitler made a mistake by not utilizing the Oeffabill System to fund Jew removal. Instead, for Havarra they used sperrmarks. Germany would sell Jewish lands and businesses at market prices, and then freeze the funds as sperrmarks. The funds were then managed by a Zion friendly private bank, especially the Anglo-Palestine bank in Jaffa.
Hitler and Lincoln both did not fully understand just how much power they had when the nation’s money becomes sovereign. Nor did Lincoln or Hitler fully understand that the Jew is a parasite, that takes usury. Usury is a power relation and requires trickery. Jewish main method of usury and sordid gain taking is by being ensconced in financial markets, which in turn are dependent on “international” sea power.
Your arguments are interesting and informative as ever, but to be frank I see them as obsessed with only one thing, the financial questions of the day.
And ‘Hitler did not fully understand that the Jew is a parasite that takes usury’?
Hunh, really? Are you talking about Joe Hitler or Mike Hitler? Because the Adolf Hitler I know understood the jews and usury perfectly.
Nor do I accept the premise that the jews killed Lincoln.
Jews, then and now, want multiracial societies. In every Western country, jews push for open borders and Gentile race-mixing, plus things such as feminism, homosexuality, crime, inflation, and other things that crash the white birth rate. Jews want negroes to batter the whites with.
Lincoln, by insanely giving negroes citizenship, was helping the jew agenda.
You might watch the historically quite accurate movie “Lincoln” with Daniel Day-Lewis to see how empowering negroes was his great passion in the last months of his presidency and his life. Spielberg loved Lincoln for that negrophilia.
Here is a shocking scene of Lincoln, a true fanatic, basically threatening Congressmen with harm for his beloved negroes, the race that is ruining our country. Lincoln was totally on board with redefining America as not a white nation but just a multiracial bunch of people from all over, constantly feuding, a squabbling, divided horde that jews can easily rule.
And my wife was raped in Washington DC by a negro!!!!!
And after that she could not have kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A beautiful, intelligent, feminine woman who would have been a wonderful mother.
She began to bleed and had to have a hysterectomy.
John Wilkes Booth knew what hell America would turn into because of Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” says all one needs to know about the man, in my opinion. It was written on a train as Lincoln was traveling to Gettysburg, where a terrific battle had been fought, in order to give a speech.
Can we imagine any modern president, writing such a profound and simple speech, while riding on a train on his way to speak at the site of a terrible battle?
I say the Gettysburg Address says all one needs to know about Lincoln the man.
It is a beautiful speech. Churchill said it was the greatest speech ever in the English language.
The problem is its premise that America is only about freedom.
It is a race-free vision.
If one follows that, then everyone on this entire planet who wants freedom (and, to use another common phrase, “is seeking a better life”) has a right to be here.
NO! It was founded by and for white European people.
No matter how many U-boats were built, Britain’s cracking of the Enigma code allowed Britain to read about 10,000 German signals per day throughout WW2. This enabled us to find out when and where the U-Boats were sailing.
U-boats reported back daily to Flensburg HQ their weather reports, convoy sightings, etc. This pinpointed U-boat positions to a few miles. Then corvettes or destroyers hunted them down. Dönitz’s micro management helped destroy his own U-boats.
And ‘Hitler did not fully understand that the Jew is a parasite that takes usury’?
Fair point, Hitler did understand it. Yet, he allowed the finance capitalist Jew system of London to remain. We learn from history to not repeat mistakes. Hitler made many peace proposals, and even offered to defend Great Britain. Did he not know that the finance capital class of London was his main enemy, and the seat of Jewish power?
Below is the positioning of Germany as a Land Power, especially #2.
England and America now have the best fleets and will naturally continue to, because they will need the oceans for their supply. Germany has the continent. In what concerns Russia (USSR), Weissauer has given the impression that it should be seen as a potential enemy.
Hitler’s peace proposal is as follows:
1- The British Empire retains all its Colonies
2- Germany´s position on the continent (in the middle of European land mass) will not be questioned.
3- All questions concerning the Mediterranean and its French, Belgian and Dutch colonies are open to discussion
4- Poland. A Polish state must exist
It was Hitler who wanted peace, Churchill and his financial backers didn’t. (The Focus Group Jews were funding Churchill. Did NSDAP not have any intelligence operatives on the ground in Britain? This implies that Hitler did not take London seriously.)
With regards to finance questions of the day, all wars are related to finance. German hyperinflation was brought on by Versailles debts. Currency shorting (bear raiders) sniffed out foreign exchange weakness and then attacked. This caused the hyperinflation, and then subsequently German people found their country being transferred to foreign ownership. It is hardly trivial as many Germans starved. German Jews borrowed dollars/pounds/francs from their overseas cousins ensconced in their international finance centers, and bought up everything in Germany not nailed down. Some have reported that up to 1/3 of Germany transferred. This debt mechanism is a functional part of the Jew usury scheme, which was also run against Russia in the 90’s.
While I acknowledge that Hitler was a great man, and that the war fought against him is pertaining to the political reality of today, I think that the focus of our thought should be on things happening today.
The fact that American Negroes are demanding $5 millions per household in “reparations” is what we should mainly be talking about, I submit.
The Negroes thinking that they will get $5 million is a joke. White people won’t get a cent, whilst millions of negroes become multi millionaires over night. That will start a riot. White tax payer making negroes multi millionaires.
How do today’s negroes prove they are de ended from slaves?
If the descendants were declared “Free” then how can they be slaves?
Hitler knew about the intention of the jew bankers. Hitler couldn’t win against Britain, France, Russia, Canada, America.American money and production supplying Russia meant the end of the Third Reich.
Hitler was shocked at Britain and France declaring war for a 2nd time in 20 years. This was due to the American jew Ambassador Bullitt. He was ambassador to France was telling the Poles:
“Whatever you do. don’t do a deal with Hitler over Danzig”
It was a deliberate Jewish banker-elite trap.
Professor AJP Priestley wrote a convincing article about Polish /American collusion to trap Hitler.
The British people weren’t given a vote about WW2 participation.
The US Treasury, under Morgenthau saw WW2 as a chance to destroy the British empire and bankrupt Britain for decades, just like WW1.
The jew bankers have killed 100s of millions through out history to make a profit from human suffering.
They are at work today. They can’t stop funding human misery via usery.
What will fuck the jew bankers is self-sufficient people living off grid. People who aren’t reliant on electronic credits. Break the chains of money reliance.
Another story — Abe was pen pals with Karl Marx. What’s is it with Jews and republics, and Jews and communism, that destroyed Christian nations?
Sure was — thanks !!!