Spiritual reading: look for the beauty

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April 19

Today is one of those days when it is best to stay connected with the earth. It is a day of simple energies, when you will get the most beneft from moving in rhythm with the steady pulse of the ground beneath your feet.

Every couple of weeks, it is important for you all to slow your pace, stop flying and return your being and your focus to the richness of the earth’s offerings. Nature and all that arises from the earth may be an ongoing part of your life, your practice. Many of you use the natural world as a source of inspiration and a place of refuge. This is extremely good. But today we are talking about immersing yourself in the dense fecundity of the planet.

We are talking about letting your body and your being become heavy and full.

Although there is much need for you to cultivate light and to learn to soar, you cannot sever your connection to the earth or you will endanger yourself and others. You are in an extraordinary position at the moment: of the earth and the physical plane, and at the same time, of the heavens. You are meant to simultaneously reach down and stretch up.

In your past, as a species, there has been significant understanding of both spheres. Much of what was known—cellularly—by humans, of the ways to move with the earth and fly above it, has been lost. But not irretrievably.

You are in fact in the process of retrieving and reweaving both kinds of knowledge into new cloth so that you and the planet may move
forward into a new era.

Because life in the recent past has been material in nature and yet disconnected from the source, from Gaia, you must cultivate your own inner ties to the earth. Even as you learn to see into the seemingly invisible dimensions all around you. Even as you work to clear and clean away the emotional-material gunk that clogs your hearts and minds in form.

Many of you have come to think of form as stricture, as limitation. Today, let yourself fall in love with form. Although there is much in the natural world to admire from an aesthetic perspective, we want to suggest that today you feel (instead of look) for the beauty inherent in form. Feel for the clarity and the generosity and the creativity and the sweetness of the vibrations which emanate from the earth and Her progeny.

And of course, any other qualities you find to delight in. Just some suggestions….

Obviously, it would be helpful to send a good deal of your day today out of doors. Try to make contact with earth, stone, water. Sit, work the earth, walk it without your shoes. If you are trying to sense it, make sure that your physical organs of sense have the chance to bring you as much information as they are able.

Then you will make the leap into the intuitive.

If you can approach the day with an expectation of celebration and rejoicing in something simple and yet profound, dense and yet sacred, you will move into new and important depths of wisdom and joy.

If the spirit or the access to the earth elude you, try to at least keep the physical and the temporal in mind. Surround yourself with minerals, eat foods that are earthy and leave activities of transcendence for another day.

We wish you a beautiful and deeply rewarding day, and we send all our blessings and love.

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