Spiritual reading; white safety and heritage area

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…..spiritual reading for June 20

Horizontal connections are very easy and good to make today, and will strengthen and enliven you. Reach out to your neighbors, your fellow travelers on your worldly plane of existence. Offer your hand, your heart. You will be received and your gesture reciprocated in more cases than is often so. There is an openness, a capacity to understand that no mater the specifics, people are all sharing a common experience. And to grasp, at least instinctively, that since you are “all in this together” it is good to bond one with another.

This can produce a feeling of some elation. It is actually the authentic experience of union but at a fairly superficial level. As such, it is very valuable and worth savoring. If you can, make connections carrying your own consciousness of their true depth, of the oneness that is more profound than most people can imagine.

You may encounter obstacles, problems, challenges today as you make your way through the activities you had in mind. Do your best not to focus on these, but rather turn your attention to the gifts of the moment, to the joy and satisfaction of connecting. Even if you accomplish absolutely nothing today, even if you are thrown into reverse in terms of material movement, count your day as successful if you are able to look into a few hearts and if you soften enough to let yours be seen as well.

Remember that there is no progress greater than being open-hearted in the truth. The other things will have their day, or they will prove to be less important than you might have thought.

On the other hand, you may find that your day goes quite smoothly. With a web of connections all around, supporting and assisting, you could feel positively winged. If that turns out to be your experience, look for gratitude and remember that you are being carried not by others, not by your own efforts, but by your willingness to be so intrinsic a part of the whole. It can be extraordinary.

Be fully human today, but don’t forget that the limitations which seem so concrete are not at all. You are always tied together, joined as part of something much greater, even as you are incarnated as finite beings.

Today, you will be able to know that and act upon it with ease and joy.

We send you many blessings and all our love.



….White Safety and Heritage Zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan will become the natural new center of the Aryan Movement.

Here we can create white safety zones, legal reservations for Caucasian people where whites can be safe, reproduce with their own kind, and choose who lives on our land and run our own lives just as the Indians can on their reservations!

If you like chipmunks and pasties (meat pies brought by Cornish copper miners to the UP ), this is also the place for you. 


Snow is white and keeps riffraff out!

Local blonde women at the Walmart in Houghton, UP of Michigan: probably Finns, or Swedes, or northern Germans. This gal is almost six feet tall, and a natural blonde.

Two girls at the milk section.
Robert Weisthor I notice the article is from 2014. Do you still endorse it as a destination? I will be visiting briefly next year. Any recommendations as to specifics to visit or consider long term would be appreciated
John de Nugent Hi, Robert. I do, provided you have an income or can start your own business online. The area has stayed lily-white via a long-term (government-caused) depression, so no Third World laborers move here, plus people of color are often somewhat “snow-shy.” (I have updated this article repeatedly since 2014, especially to include Trump’s 2016 landslide victory here.)
Ironwood, Houghton and Marquette have a tiny amount of non-whites, partly from being college towns. VERY few blacks or muslims — but some Chinese and Hindus, who cause no trouble and study hard.
(There are also 1% Ojibway Indians, who display round skulls, brown skin and mongol features, and have a few small reservations.)
Frankly, the worst problem for me as a very open WN has been blond, blue-eyed Finns (Finlanders, we call them, born here of Finnish background) with hard-left sympathies. The Finns can be very warlike, also naive (and naive people are called “blue-eyed” in the German, Finnish Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages). Some are literally communists, and I do mean literal Communist Party members! (A century ago, some mine owners would not hire Finns, calling them “sullen.”)
This area used to vote solid Demoncrat due to the many union jobs in mining and forestry, but it did landslide for Trump, except for the two college towns of Houghton and Marquette.
I run photos regularly of me open-carrying a .40 caliber automatic, and I do so for a good reason. I will use it if attacked, hit and kill any aggressors, and I fully expect any attacker to have blond hair and blue eyes. :-


Gorgeous, cool weather even in a “hot and sticky” August


A photo I recently took in the waiting room of a hospital in the Houghton-Hancock area…. three platinum-blond kids (black dots) and two dark-blond children (on the left).

A comrade asked: “Ever thought of taking up Harold Covington’s plan of moving to the Pacific Northwest?” I replied: “Oh hell, no! That is now by far the most libtard region of the entire United States –pro-Demoncrat, pro-Hillary — and is ALSO filling up with Chinese, gays, Mexicans and IT Hindus. A friend who used to work for Boeing near Seattle said they do not want any new white workers.

John de Nugent Seattle’s huge Lenin statue (yes), but hey, he only tortured and killed 15 million white Christian Russians 
JW When I was in Marquette last summer it was so uplifting to see nothing but happy, carefree, White people including many children walking, rollerblading, biking, etc. wherever I went, but especially in the parks. It reminded me of what I saw on a routine basis through the mid ’70’s when Whites were still the dominant and prosperous group.
John de Nugent Yes. indeed. Being in an all-white area, you can lower your guard and just relax. Plus it is overwhelmingly quiet, calm, peaceful Northern Europeans up here. There are Italians, Croats, and French Canadians, but they have to conform to the Finnish-Swedish-German majority. 

….landslid twice for Trump

Excerpt from: http://bridgemi.com/2016/10/among-rural-trump-supporters-an-america-that-has-lost-its-way/




UP of Michigan ” 311,000 people, 99% white and the highest percentage of military veterans in the entire USA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Peninsula_of_Michigan


Tops on a “racism map” (dark red = much more than average”) published by the Washington Post



Like going back in the Time Machine to the 1950s…. White vets, white kids, even white animals 


The house I rented for a mere $350 would sell for just $17,000



Lupine and birdsfoot everywhere; photo I took behind the supermarket in Ontonagon



Drone video of Ontonagon and Lake Superior:


Lake of the Clouds, 10 miles west of my house





White people as far as the eye can see 


Many women up here have learned to hunt from their fathers


a typical local tavern




Four great seasons…. fall has fabulous foliage, better even, experts say, than New England! 


For doomsday we have set aside five chickensand no gay chickens at that — two cocks (being very forward as usual ;-) and two hens  (The third hen was camera shy:-)


Winter is long and keeps the black and brown riffraff out ! Snow from November to April (five months). I took this photo from our back deck here, overlooking the sparkling Ontonagon River, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (latitude 47 and with a continental climatebecause we are in the heart of North America)


Our snow-covered cara ’96 Crown Victoria and once a constable’s car, heavy and good in snow and crosswinds



On the left the Lutheran Church, as the German-descended and Finlander folks remain true to their Luther even after 150 years in the USA . Note the road sign on the right edge of this pic, pointing to (LOL) “Greenland”!



A friend praised our 857-mile move to the UP of Michigan:


You made the right move by going to Upper Michigan. Despite your familial and upbringing ties to Penna., the situation is too convoluted there for pure action. To be most effective, the UP has Waaay more potential to break-off and go independent from Michigan.


It has an extensive international border and viable shipping ports. It is not nearly as corrupt as Penna. The “UP” should really be broken away from the Arabic and Black-dominated lower Michigan (Flint, Dearborn and Detroit).

http://photos.metrotimes.com/45-photo-montages-showing-detroit-then-and-now/#1  amazing photo juxtapositions: Detroit as a white city and Detroit now

Dearborn, home of Henry Ford, is now majority Muslim

English and Arabic Advertise Stores in Dearborn, Michigan

Detroit has lost over half its population; the blacks took over and Ford and GM moved out.


This is a sculpture to honor boxer Joe Louis that sends whites the wrong message.


..the UP has the potential to be MOST non-corrupt state in union, and it is not overwhelmed with liberal poison as is much of the Pacific Northwest.

The UP is about as pure as you can get, I would think, other than North Dakota. Minnesota was ruined by liberal socialists. “I LIKE da Nordern Midwest,” the only major drawback being is that well-meaning people are so naive.

Co-owners of the local micro-brewery



Coed soccer team at Michigan Technical U. in Houghton


A favorite local beer in Copper Country. (This area has fabulous deposits of copper, and mining may be about to make a huge comeback.)





Surfing on Lake Superior



the Northern Lights 


My late wife Margi on Twin Lakes



Birdsfoot trefoil is the new flower up here


Three typical young Yooper guys (“yooper” — denizen of the UP)


A yooper gal with a coho (or “silver”) salmon – incredibly delicious red salmon meat, $10 a pound in a can in a grocery store 


  • .
 April 28 at 8:23 AM

Where do America’s most racist people live? “The rural Northeast and South,” suggests a new study just published in PLOS ONE.

The paper introduces a novel but makes-tons-of-sense-when-you-think-about-it method for measuring the incidence of racist attitudes: Google search data. The methodology comes from data scientist Seth Stephens-Davidowitz. He’s used it before to measure the effect of racist attitudes onBarack Obama’s electoral prospects.

[Data suggest Republicans have a race problem]

“Google data, evidence suggests, are unlikely to suffer from major social censoring,” Stephens-Davidowitz wrote in a previous paper. “Google searchers are online and likely alone, both of which make it easier to express socially taboo thoughts. Individuals, indeed, note that they are unusually forthcoming with Google.” He also notes that the Google measure correlates strongly with other standard measures social science researchers have used to study racist attitudes.

This is important, because racism is a notoriously tricky thing to measure. Traditional survey methods don’t really work — if you flat-out ask someone if they’re racist, they will simply tell you no. That’s partly because most racism in society today operates at the subconscious level, or gets vented anonymously online.

For the PLOS ONE paper, researchers looked at searches containing the N-word. People search frequently for it, roughly as often as searches for  “migraine(s),” “economist,” “sweater,” “Daily Show,” and “Lakers.” (The authors attempted to control for variants of the N-word not necessarily intended as pejoratives, excluding the “a” version of the word that analysis revealed was often used “in different contexts compared to searches of the term ending in ‘-er’.”)

[An entrenched racial slur is now more prevalent than ever]

It’s also important to note that not all people searching for the N-word are motivated by racism, and that not all racists search for that word, either. But aggregated over several years and several million searches, the data give a pretty good approximation of where a particular type of racist attitude is the strongest.

Interestingly, on the map above the most concentrated cluster of racist searches happened not in the South, but rather along the spine of the Appalachians running from Georgia all the way up to New York and southern Vermont.

[Three quarters of whites don’t have any non-white friends]

Other hotbeds of racist searches appear in areas of the Gulf Coast, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, and a large portion of Ohio. But the searches get rarer the further West you go. West of Texas, no region falls into the “much more than average” category. This map follows the general contours of a map of racist Tweets made by researchers at Humboldt State University.

So some people are sitting at home by themselves, Googling a bunch of racist stuff. What does it matter? As it turns out, it matters quite a bit. The researchers on the PLOS ONE paper found that racist searches were correlated with higher mortality rates for blacks, even after controlling for a variety of racial and socio-economic variables.

“Results from our study indicate that living in an area characterized by a one standard deviation greater proportion of racist Google searches is associated with an 8.2% increase in the all-cause mortality rate among Blacks,” the authors conclude. Now, of course, Google searches aren’t directly leading to the deaths of African Americans. But previous research has shown that the prevalence of racist attitudes can contribute to poor health and economic outcomes among black residents.

“Racially motivated experiences of discrimination impact health via diminished socioeconomic attainment and by enforcing patterns in racial residential segregation, geographically isolating large segments of the Black population into worse neighborhood conditions,” the authors write, summarizing existing research. “Racial discrimination in employment can also lead to lower income and greater financial strain, which in turn have been linked to worse mental and physical health outcomes.”

[White people are winning the ‘war on whites’]

Christopher Ingraham writes about politics, drug policy and all things data. He previously worked at the Brookings Institution and the Pew Research Center.





…..In the event of a full nuclear war

A comrade living near Marquette in the UP wrote:

I have lived in the UP all of my life and I just was remembering what was in the local newspapers at the time about fallout, which was carried by the winds and storm that started out west and passed through this region.

Sorry, nothing in recent internet publications to look up.

But if nuclear silos are hit in North and South Dakota we can expect fallout in the UP, and it will be coming from a closer source and would depend how many bombs are set off to determine how much radiation we would be exposed to.

Back in the days of above-ground nuclear testing, the explosions were infrequent and people who lived close by survived over the years.

All I am saying is that we would get some radiation but most likely it would not kill us.


I replied:

I understand.

Wiki reports (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGM-30_Minuteman)

” ¦the current U.S. force consists of 450 Minuteman-III missiles in missile silos around Malmstrom AFB, Montana; Minot AFB, North Dakota; and F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming.”

The distance from the nearest, Minot Air Force Base, to Marquette in the UP of Michigan is 739 miles (and 655 to my Ontonagon).

Minot is well north of the UP, and if the radioactive fallout should drift only straight west-to-east, it would affect the Canadian upper half of Lake Superior, not the US side and the UP.

The greatest danger of long-term contamination would normally be east of nuclear power plants, unless a full-scale nuclear war disrupted wind patterns.


 So unless wind patterns are completely disrupted, I expect that the UP would not get too much radiation, and it would be much less dangerous anyway after 48 hours. And for radiation one takes potassium iodide.

…..Russia’s nuclear targets in the US


Note the UP of Michigan, with NO military bases at all, is NOT on it. The big black clusters in Montana, Wyoming and North Dakota are US ICBM bases.

Radioactive fallout from their annihilation by Russia would be blown south of most of the UP of Michigan


If interested in moving here immediately, and you have funds to do so, email me.



  1. “…and I fully expect any attacker to have blond hair and blue eyes.”

    Let´s hope it doesn´t happen!

    But I have to say, the meanest, most backstabbing and lying people I have met in my life were blondes with blue eyes. Even associates with non-white backgrounds were surprised by their behaviour.

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