Spiritual reading; JOLTING supernatural voices, knocks, and cracking sounds

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Earth can be safe and wonderful if national socialism returns; it must, or we will die.


…..spiritual reading for June 22

This is a great moment for making change. Within and without. But especially those things that arise
from within and manifest without. It is possible to see things that have confounded you forever from
a new persective, and in so doing, you let old demons simply fall away, no longer needed.

Try not to be fearful if things start to shift beneath your feet. It is normal to brace yourself, to hold tight to something you believe is solid under such circumstances. But this is not a time to steady yourself. Fall headlong into the change. Allow it to carry you to a new place, a new vantage, a new experience. There is nothing to be gained at this point by clinging to what has been.

Of course, you must do your best not to hurt others as you shift. That is always a danger, particularly when you yourself have become part of the scenery, someone to be counted upon, someone staid and unmoving.

But please, don’t let anyone else’s needs or expectations stop you from embracing your own experience.

On the other hand, be aware if you indeed hold some static meaning or role for others, and be patient
with them. You share and offer more by being true to yourself than you do by supporting the status quo.

The quantity of chaos currently unleashed in your world is sometimes hard to fathom. Everyone in their own way is attempting to stay upright in the face of unimaginable tumult. Everyone is dealing with levels of stress and grief that would be devastating if fully acknowledged. Many know nothing of the true cause of their distress, but struggle to right that which will never be right again. Ultimately, the best (and often the only helpful) thing you can do is to surrender to the moment. You cannot control what is happening.

You know this, but it is so easy to be pulled into old expectations about your responsibility and ability.
Stop thinking that soon, very soon, you will get a handle on things again, know what lies ahead, feel the master of your life in the world. Security is definitely not the gift of this era.

Instead, returning to our original note, allow yourself to fall, to pivot, to twirl, to find yourself somewhere you never expected to be, to find yourself thinking and acting like someone you never thought to understand. Expansion is the order of the moment and you can connect with this positive flow quite easily right now. Intend to grow, and you will.

Intend to change, and it will happen. Fight the flow and, well, you know where that leads.

We suggest that you take some time to look at the hidden corners within, at things that you have set aside for working on one day far off in the future. The untouchables. Touch into one, some, any of them. This is where you are likely to find volatility, mutability, the possibility of change. It will require courage, but we assure you that things are moving so quickly that no matter what you stir up, it won’t remain in the same form for long.

Transformation is practically guaranteed, so dig out the garbage now. And ask for grace. It will come.

We send love and many blessings.



…..Ways that higher beings and deceased loved ones contact us

I have written several times about a local fellow here who told me that he heard a deep, powerful masculine voice while he was shaving, telling him to take his motorcycle to work, not his car.

Five minutes later he was on the road and got t-boned by a teenager texting as he drove.

The car was demolished, rolling down an embankment, but he survived.

I have related my experience where I suddenly saw a 1940s photo of, apparently, Margi in another life, a platinum-blonde in a white monokini on a beach.

The photo had wide, white and crenelated edges, like many family photos in that era.

A voice said to me: EAST PRUSSIA.

And I thought “Oh, my God.”

Margi would say to me when we discussed her cancer: “I am okay with dying and I believe life goes on, but I do not want to die under torture or in pain.”

…..and she would say to me, about a truly beloved, touching, romantic and beautiful Russian folksong, “Kalinka”:

“I HATE that song! The Russians would play it on the accordeon while they raped German women!”

It was the way she said it…………. :-(:-( 🙁




This is a fascinating anecdote about the supposedly great jew psychiatrist Sigmund Freud and his Aryan collaborator, the Swiss German Carl Jung, who soon after broke with his onetime mentor, and would later say positive things about Hitler.

Now on to my own recent experience.

It was on June 4th at 3:30 pm, on the last full day of my emptying, moving out of, and cleaning up the house I (and my dear Margi) had lived in 2018-22 (-23 for me as her survivor).

This is the way I left the kitchen and house keys, immaculate along with the rest of the house:

It was an exhausting, eight-day ordeal and cost me over a thousand dollars in moving and also storage fees.

Anyway, I was getting heart problems again from the week-long ordeal, the expense, and also from some renewed feelings of bereavement over Margi. It has been ten months now, but as Elisabeth Kübler-Ross says, the grief never goes away; we just learn to live with it.

Margi lovingly cooked gourmet-level, all-organic meals for me for years in that kitchen 🙂 ..and in that kitchen also many dear friends came to chat, have a drink or a delicious meal with us…. 


Anyway, I was doing the final mopping, and suddenly I heard a VERY loud knocking sound!

I was bewildered, but put the mop back in the bucket, called out “Coming!” and checked both the front and back doors. No one.

I think it was Margi saying, in her very German directness:

“Take care of yourself, your body, your heart, and your mission, John!

I will see you again, my love, AFTER your job on this earth has been done!”





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