Spiritual reading; World Climate Declaration; haze may NOT be entirely from Canadian forest-fire smoke; MASSIVE HACKING OF THIS SITE

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Canada is suffering massive forest fires, and one of my supporters sees all this smoke as a “smoke screen” for something else — a dangerous step-up in toxic chemtrailing

…Spiritual reading July 21

This remains an excellent time to move quickly. The way is more open than it often is for you to make changes, to alter and let go and expand upon who you are in the moment and for the future.

This does not mean that it will be easy today. In fact, it is with the delivery of more challenging circumstances that more growth and change can occur, as you no doubt know well. However, if you pick up the challenges thrown down in your path today, you will be able to extract more from them, see them more clearly and benefit more easily from them than is usually the case.

For this reason, we hope that you will stay alert to those things which might challenge you. There are times when it is most wise to let potentially difficult circumstances, events and people just roll on by. There are times when you lose when you engage with irritants and annoyances. When something “pushes your buttons,” it is often the best course to breathe deeply and turn in a different direction.

Today, in contrast, it will be very useful to grab hold of whatever it is that you find touching your vulnerabilities. If you should notice yourself feeling uncomfortable or irritated or inadequate—that is the moment to focus your attention. What is it that is causing this reaction in you? You know how to do this, and you have done it innumerable times. But today, you should be able to unearth new information or new strategies, even new perspectives. You should be able to accomplish noticeable shifts.

Beyond attending carefully to your own internal alarm system that will tell you as you approach territory rich in potential for growth, we suggest that you use the day for learning new things in general. If there is anything you have wanted to study or investigate but have not—today is a wonderful day for beginning.

In other words, your capacity to learn is much enhanced today on all levels. Take advantage of that to acquire skills and knowledge of any sort.

Each and every day of your life in physical form offers you another opportunity to feel, to grow, to be, to learn, to love and to give. Wake up today and offer the deepest gratitude you can touch for the great gifts that come along with your time in body. You live in exciting times and you are agents of great and wondrous change.

Please seize your opportunity to do today that which is ideal for you to do, knowing that you are loved and cherished and supported by many, many beings of light.

All our blessings.



….First, the fire season this year so far in Canada, or so the media say, has been 15 times worse than the ten-year average.

Climate Change Is Driving Canada’s Worst-Ever Wildfire Season

Fire Map, June 8. 2023 / Canadian Natural Resources

Canada’s Minister of Emergency Preparedness said that 9.4 million acres of forests have already burned in Canada, 15 times higher than the 10-year average. And, unfortunately, this is just the start of the summer wildfire season. The Canadian government points to climate change as the culprit.

Wildfires are common in Canada, but “it is unusual for blazes to be burning simultaneously in the east and west,” Reuters reported. There have been more than 2,300 wildfires just this year. Many of the worst fires have occurred in the Eastern province of Quebec, where 11,000 people have been evacuated. Five Canadian provinces, covering a broad swath of the country, have been impacted.

*** JdN: Well, gee, if chemtrails PLUS HAARP (as DanaWingington says) are causing drought and then you coat every tree in flammable aluminum dust, why wouldn’t the forests burn like crazy?

And this smoke is toxic, whether from burning trees or, even worse, from burning houses.

As Dana Wigington says, the real danger is nano-particles, EXTREMELY tiny particles that can get deep into our lungs and cells, and even cross over into the brain at that electron-microscopic size.

When we talk about air quality, we often talk about PM2.5. That’s particulate matter 2.5 microns or smaller—small enough that it can travel deep into the lungs.

Exposure to PM2.5 from smoke or other air pollution, such as vehicle emissions, can exacerbate health conditions like asthma and reduce lung function in ways that can worsen existing respiratory problems and even heart disease.

But the term PM2.5 only tells you about size, not composition—what is burning can make a significant difference in the chemistry.

How does inhaling wildfire smoke harm human health?

If you have ever been around a campfire and got a blast of smoke in your face, you probably had some irritation. With exposure to wildfire smoke, you might get some irritation in the nose and throat and maybe some inflammation. If you’re healthy, your body for the most part will be able to handle it.

As with a lot of things, the dose makes the poison – almost anything can be harmful at a certain dose.

Generally, cells in the lungs called alveolar macrophages will pick up the particulates and clear them out – at reasonable doses. It’s when the system gets overwhelmed that you can have a problem.

Illustration of a small section of lungs showing the alveoli and, within the alveoli, a close up of a microphage

One concern is that smoke can suppress macrophage function, altering it enough that you become more susceptible to respiratory infection. A colleague who looked at lag time in the effect of wildfire smoke exposure found an increase in influenza cases after a bad fire season. Studies in developing countries have also found increases in respiratory infections with people who are cooking on open fires in homes.

The stress of an inflammatory response can also exacerbate existing health problems. Being exposed to wood smoke won’t independently cause someone to have a heart attack, but if they have underlying risk factors, such as significant plaque buildup, the added stress can increase the risk.

Researchers are also studying potential effects on the brain and nervous system from inhaled particulate matter.


Climate change is causing abnormal weather patterns, increased temperatures, and droughts, leading to drier forests. When combined with growing forest fuels — which include combustible pine needles, twigs, shrubs, and dead trees — wildfire risks significantly increase.

In additional to abnormally dry conditions, extreme heat has been cited as a cause of the early, widespread conflagrations this year. The Washington Post reports that the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Nova Scotia, and Quebec have “experienced record heat.” Areas in Alberta recorded temperatures more than 12.6 F hotter than in a typical May.

Parts of Canada have experienced a “heat dome,” a high-pressure system, which spurred on early fires in its prairie region. Florida-based meteorologist Jeffery Berardelli told The Guardian, “a ‘heat dome’ like this is a very rare occurrence in this part of the world this time of year. Historically and statistically speaking, it is rarer than a 1-in-1,000-year event.” With climate change, heat domes are expected to occur earlier and more often, putting greater pressure on Canadian and other forests.

In the United States, smoke from the wildfires has blanketed the Midwest, Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and is heading towards the South and Southeast. An interactive map from BlueSky Canada shows the extent and movement of the smoke in near real-time. Air quality in New York City and other Northeastern cities have been the worst on record.

Interactive Smoke Map / Blue Sky Canada

So far this year, Americans on the East Coast have inhaled more wildlife smoke than those on the West Coast, argues Heatmap. Wildfires have significantly increased air pollution in Western states for many years, but now it’s a national issue. In The New York Times, David Wallace-Wells writes: “Across the country, the number of people exposed to what are sometimes called extreme smoke days has grown 27-fold in just a decade, and exposure to even-more-extreme smoke events has grown 11,000-fold.”


….Ohio comrade on the “smoke from the fires up in Canada”

John, IMO they intentionally burned fires in Canada little over a month ago, and it was in order to condition people to identify the thick, nasty smog-like haze as smoke from Canadian fires, visible from the Midwest to the North East Coast… It even smelled like smoke at the time.

However, now, here in my state of Ohio, every day for the last three weeks there has been a extreme gray haze that has no smell at all. I tend to believe it is low-level fallout from this chemtrails/geo-engineering thing [that Dana Wigington denounces].

People got so conditioned from the fires that the haze became normalized in the back of their minds. They still believe it is Canadian forest fires doing it, or itz is drifting up here from some of the lower states… Sorry, folks, but smoke has a STRONG SCENT!

We are being sprayed over and over to reduce our population by the usual suspects, and top scientists that are “Nobel Prize Winners Issue Emergency Warning” That there is no climate emergency https://clintel.org/world-climate-declaration/


I responded:


Thanks; very informative. So the genuine Canadian forest-fire smoke perhaps was designed to get us used to haze, which may not be real smoke from fires at all but instead, in reality, a nasty new kind of chemtrailing that floats along the ground and maybe in greatly increased quantity.

I tend to agree with Dana Wigington that there IS climate change.

Is anyone still denying the drought in California and at Hoover Dam?

But it is deliberate, genocidal, and it is the CIA doing it, not innocent carbon dioxide!

Why else would our skies be criss-crossed with both chemtrails (with expensive aluminum nano-particles) and all the denials — unless they were up to something evil?

I looked up that website: https://clintel.org/world-climate-declaration/


Want to sign? Please fill in this form.

Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. In particular, scientists should emphasize that their modeling output is not the result of magic: computer models are human-made. What comes out is fully dependent on what theoreticians and programmers have put in: hypotheses, assumptions, relationships, parameterizations, stability constraints, etc. Unfortunately, in mainstream climate science most of this input is undeclared.

To believe the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in. This is precisely the problem of today’s climate discussion to which climate models are central. Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science. We should free ourselves from the naïve belief in immature climate models. In future, climate research must give significantly more emphasis to empirical science.

There is no climate emergency

A global network of over 1501 scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.

Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming

The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.

Warming is far slower than predicted

The world has warmed significantly less than predicted by IPCC on the basis of modeled anthropogenic forcing. The gap between the real world and the modeled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.

Climate policy relies on inadequate models

Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as global policy tools. They blow up the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO2. In addition, they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.

CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth

CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.

Global warming has not increased natural disasters

There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly.

Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities

There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, and they certainly will, we have ample time to reflect and re-adapt. The aim of global policy should be ‘prosperity for all’ by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times. In a prosperous society men and women are well educated, birthrates are low and people care about their environment.


The World Climate Declaration (WCD) has brought a large variety of competent scientists together from all over the world*. The considerable knowledge and experience of this group is indispensable in reaching a balanced, dispassionate and competent view of climate change.

From now onward the group is going to function as “Global Climate Intelligence Group”. The CLINTEL Group will give solicited and unsolicited advice on climate change and energy transition to governments and companies worldwide.

* It is not the number of experts but the quality of arguments that counts

World Climate Declaration plus all signatories in pdf: [This is a very long, highly impressive list of expert signatories!!!] https://johndenugent.com/wp-content/uploads/World-Climate-Declaration-18-feb-2023.pdf

The  most prestigious names on this long list are here called “Ambassadors”:

World Climate Declaration AMBASSADORS:




……My appeal

I am now on the verge of beginning my movement, which first and foremost must engender sanity, and end the incredible, egoic denial of reality which afflicts most Terrans. The requisite level of fear and outrage is there now, just as it was in 1932 for Hitler in Year Three of the Great [jew-caused] Depression, and, just as bad, the Germans witnessed the rise of the terrifying German Communist Party, which was financed by Stalin and became the number-two party in the Reichstag (the German Parliament),right after our own NSDAP.

Even the worst procrastinator understood: only Hitler can save us now from a Soviet-style bloodbath in Germany.

And now the entire West is facing the same communist threat. “You will own nothing and you will be happy.” — Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum, in his book “The Great Reset.”

If you, my reader, are in any position to donate, please inform me. My situation is tense, so I would be most grateful. Now that my dear wife has passed on to a better world, I am free to risk everything to change the world at the brink of the precipice.

We face now: 1) the possibility of WWIII; 2) the Deep State genetically modifying vegetables and feed for chickens, pigs and cattle to vaccinate us on the sly with this death-inducing MRNA; 3) a deliberately engineered economic collapse to lead to a digital currency, ending all freedom in a way that would be as quiet as it would be total; 4) chemtrails plus HAARP being used to create unimaginable heat waves, droughts, famines and floods, plus the notorious burning-down of food-processing plants all over the USA.

And Donald Trump is campaigning away, enjoying all the attention on himself, but without telling us how he can possibly win if the pro-Demoncrat Dominion voting software is still in place in 2024, which it WILL be!

He is deluding himself and his pitiful, credulous supporters! NOT just the 2020 election, but the jews also stole 2022! What happened to the “red wave” of Republicans taking over Congress and governorships that every honest poll had predicted?

And the next thing will be they indict Trump in Washington DC on something or other, and then he finds himself before a Deep-State judge (possibly even a pedophile), and convicted by a hate-filled D.C.jury of negroes, jews, homosexuals, white Antifa and other Demoncrats.

If you are able to donate, comrade, which would be very highly appreciated, I would send you detailed instructions. My old bank, Flagstar, which also converted foreign currency, very suddenly and curtly cancelled me with no reason or regret given.

But Western Union is always a good method…or mail with cash, wrapped in aluminum foil.

John de Nugent


…..MASSIVE hacking of this site

My European  co-worker who monitors my site for hacking wrote me as follows today on Skype:


Hi, John. I wrote to P. He said he will fix the slowness. There were five odd IP addresses: same place, same time, from Maryland. [Maryland is chock-full of US government agencies, including the NSA]

I reported them this morning. I presume they are the issue

Hi again. P said he is worried that things are getting more “aggressive.” He asked me if we can not only monitor the site but simply check if the site is working every fifteen minutes, all day, every day, by logging on as a member of the public and then via the backdoor as an admin, and especially during the time you noticed the site is down.

Your site is back, but it came back and then went down again, though now back. He said we need to be patient while he fixes it properly. We need special monitoring during the sort of hours we know they hit, like 10pm to 8 am your US East-Coast time

The site is back but very slow….

Elena, 2:00 AM
It’s down again

I will write P again. Same locations in Maryland. He needs to keep on it.

Elena, 5:21 AM
It’s back. Real saga.I have been on with him all morning. I told him as soon as I woke up

Like 6:15

5:33 AM
It’s just how it is. He said he has to remove some plug-ins. I didn’t understand entirely.

10:59 AM
Site finally cleared of “evildoers”

11:00 AM

11:00 AM
Just wanted to tell U P  said all evil hackers gone

Sites fine again

All day been on with him. Since 6:30

11:01 AM

Site should be ok now

It’s ok. I have to go home now, anyway

11:01 AM
great — thanks

Elena, 11:01 AM
It’s good U told me it was down

11:02 AM
I will contact B to see if he can also do some monitoring.

11:02 AM
Ok let me know

I’ll get up early until you tell me he is able to work overnight

11:03 AM
Then I need you to explain to him exactly what to do

Elena, 11:03 AM
Tell him he has to be on overnight

11:03 AM

11:03 AM
Midnight eastern time until you wake up at 7

11:03 AM
10 pm to 8 am US time?

11:03 AM

11:03 AM

Elena, 11:04 AM
I’ll monitor if he is on during the first few days

11:04 AM

Because if he fibs, your site could vanish for good, just as it did today for a few hours.


….Recent donations (where is yours?)


— 18 July 2023 $100 via USPS postal money order from M in Texas

— 14 July 2023 $75 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 13 July 2023 $40 worth of gifts: holster for .380 pistol (note the red button for laser) and repair items from M in the Lone Star State

— 11 July 2023 81 British pounds (= same US$104) from M in France

— 6 July 2023 100 euros (= same in US$) from M in France

–4 July 2023 $199 via GabPay from B in Georgia

–2 July 2023 excellent book and $100 from J in California

— 28 June 2023 $102 (81 Great Britain Pounds) from M in France (https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=81&From=GBP&To=USD)

Lorient, in the Département of Morbihan, on the southern coast of the big peninsula that is keltic Brittany in France. The region of Brittany was always very keltic and resisted romanization under Julius Caesar and his successors. Then British Kelts also came here as  refugees after the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain, hence the region’s name “Brittany.” 


— 18 June 2023 $102 via PayPal from M in France

— 18 June 2023 $120 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 7 June 2023 500 euros (same in US dollars!) via PayPal from C in Germany

— 6 June 2023 $46 (400 Danish crowns) via PayPal from B in Denmark


— 3 June 2023 $88 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada,

, a former Green Beret and NSWPP storm trooper, with me at Agate Beach on Lake Superior (photo by Margi)


— 31 May 2023 $102 via PayPal from M in France

The French Riviera (Côte d’Azur = “the Azure Coast”)


— 22 May 2023 $102.79 via PayPal from M in France


  1. That your bank has cut off service to you is a violation of American principle. In the United States anyone who offers a service to the public must provide it to any citizen who wants it.

    The argument that the bank is a private business and can deny its service at will is false. Any business that operates in the United State must abide by national precepts.

    If you offer a service for profit in this country you must offer it to any citizen who wants it.

    • Well, legally, this is certainly true of racial discrimination and the right of everyone to use things such as conveyances (taxis, buses, trains, etc.); lodging; restaurants; and rest rooms.

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