Racist AI likes white legs; all rightwingers are terrorists, says DHS; Whites on an abysmal spiritual level are our REAL problem

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The jews just hate it when a robot, by definition logical and neutral, votes that Whites are the best earth race. 😉


….We’re all terrorists now

Reading a Homeland Security directive (found below, and sent me by a French comrade), I can only agree…Believing in the U.S. Constitution (which, remember, was produced or approved by slave-owning white male racists like Jefferson and Washington), is indeed obvious extremism. 😉

And so is being anti-war! What is so wrong about killing enemies of the jews for them, for God’s Chosen and oh-so-gifted-and-brilliant People?

Also, DHS tells us that opposing open borders is an act of terror….

Reading alternative-media websites is, too… as is being anti-abortion, or (gasp) pro-environment….

In fact, all demonstrations are “low-level terrorism.”

Read it for yourself! By the way, this directive came out in 2009, under the Obama-Biden administration, and now it is Biden in the WH — with all that old 2009 Obama-Biden crew that is right back in power.



The German Hans Wilhelm, in his usually excellent videos on YouTube (which, however avoid all racial and jewish themes for obvious reasons), posits that the story of how a being called Satan revolted against God and took a third of the angels with him contains a lot of truth.

He even says the third of the angels means us earthlings (and other unspiritual beings living on other benighted planets that also are full of madness, self-induced suffering, materials, atheism, lies, slander, wars and constant turmoil.

Until this planet evolves, of course any anomaly such as NS Germany, the one country in all recorded history where people were actually well-ruled and very, very happy, will be only temporary. Of course, the other Whites will go,fight and die to crush it on behalf of their jewish enemies! Because this whole planet is medically, scientifically, and legally crazy! Anyone who commits self.-harm is crazy! Look at General George Patton, loathing the jews and the bolsheviks, yet slaughtering the Germans who were fighting them! But it made him famous, and that is all that mattered. INSANE.

Back to Hans Wilhelm, who calls our planet, Earth (which was for the Romans called “Terra,” and for the Greeks “Gaia”) a “purification sphere.”

This is a painful place to burn off bad karma and grow, not a vacation resort. And you were courageous to come back here,KINOWING how this planet usually is!

Here, the law of karma is fulfilled. We reap what we sow — both our good and bad thoughts, words, and deeds– things we did in this, or in many previous lives, things that never got straightened out before.

Here we can learn from these horrors, grow and change.

I did a major blog on the great insights promoted by this Hans Wilhelm (link right below).

Yet I recognize that, as a modern postwar German, he seems to be, or at least puts on a show of being, a bit brainwashed about some things, but this is okay. I can handle those themes. When a German like Hans fawningly quotes Albert Einstein as if he were some sort of spiritual giant, all full of cosmic wisdom as well as being a super-scientist, this is really just virtue signalling by this German, and other Germans, to the jews: “Please do not delete my channel.” 😉

In the same way,when American politicians quote the Bible, then, unlike previous generations of politicos, they almost always quote something from the OLD (the jewish) Testament,nebve fromt eh New (Christian) Testament, which would offend the 2% who are jews. Quoting only the jewy part of the Bible is just one of many ways to signal submission to our Khazar masters, who do have real power to end careers.

Tucker Carlson had by far the biggest show on cable tv, and specifically on FOX News Channel, and look how they brutally cancelled him,with his opposition to the Ukraine War being the final trigger.

And yet Carlson was also genuflecting to jewry up until the day he was fired. He had an endless parade of Blacks on — conservative ones — and jewish guests like Dr. Marc Siegel and gay jew Assange-ally Glen Greenwald. But none of that fawning to the racial, ethnic and sexual minorities saved Tucker at FOX.)

By the way, the Hollywood movie studio Twentieth Century Fox and its 1990s offshoot, FOX [in all capital letters] News Channel, were not founded, as most would assume, by any individual named Fox(nor, of course, by the red-furred animal 😉 ).

It was entirely kabbalistic numerology, a jewish inside joke, gloating to each other how wicked they are, what Antichrists they be, what “beasts” they are, for the number “666” in the Book of Revelation, means “the mark of the beast.”

And I discovered this in 2011. The longitude and latitude of Jerusalem add up to 666 also. And to make it so, the jews made Greenwich, England the mapping center of all longitude and latitude, and of all time zones (GMT, Greenwich Mean Time).

Going back to Wilhelm, most of Einstein’s sayings that he cites are vapid, and his actual “discoveries” (about relativity, E=mc3, the speed of light being supposedly unsurpassable, etc.) were in many cases stolen from the French physicist Henri Poincaré.

(Poincaré’s brother Raymond, btw, was the president of France during WWI, and an obsessive, horrible, insane germanophobe who was just fine with France spending two million white lives to get back GERMAN-SPEAKING Alsace and Lorraine from the Germans, and then seeking to cripple Germany forever via the Versailles Treaty of 1919.)

If you want to know why so many white French are dark and even hook-nosed these days, it is because of WWI and before that, the Napoleonic Wars, which wiped out much of the original French stock,which was mostly keltic and germanic.

After both debacles, in 1815 and again in 1918, masses of Latins (Portuguese, Spanish and Sicilians) were brought in, all affected by Arab conqueror DNA, which is neanderthalic, transforming the French people largely into a Mediterranean nation. But the French used to be blue-eyed and pale-white of skin, and often redheads like their Gaulish ancestors and their great medieval heroine, Joan of Arc!

Some of the Quebecois –French Canadians — still look this way, their ancestors having come in the 1600s from northern France and Belgium, long before the Napoleonic wars and the WWI bloodbaths.

Gilles Deceppe was long the leader in the Canadian parliament in Ottawa of the Bloc Québécois, which wants the majority-French-speaking province of Quebec to regain its independence from Canada, lost  in the 1760s.

I actually spoke with Duceppe in 2000 from the microphone at a meeting in Montreal, being myself a firm supporter of their cause, and also in person after the meeting, about the extreme jewish opposition to Quebec becoming its own nation, centered around the rich jewish neighborhood called Westmount.

Duceppe listened, but he is a former leftist and even Maoist, and was incapable of thinking outside the box or entertaining politically incorrect thoughts. 😉

But every Quebec-independence activist knows that it is the Montreal jews — “the Big Money” (=”le Grand Argent“), as premier Jacques Parizeau once angrily blurted out — who have for generations sabotaged their cause. 🙁

Parizeau even had to resign as premier just for saying the circumlocution “the Big Money”!

The Gauls, though conquered brutally by Rome, and wearing a classic keltic plaid, plus always a droopy mustache, later fought as superb cavalry, not foot soldiers, for the Roman Empire.

Interesting computer reconstruction by software utilized by the German Criminal Police in Wiesbaden of the facial shape, eyes and hair color of Joan of Arc, called by Germans “the Maid of Orleans”


Here is that blog about Hans Wilhelm again:

MAJOR JdN ARTICLE!!!!! This super-German guy makes real sense: If you have come to hate this planet, wow, “then make this your LAST life here”!

I got some good comments yesterday or today from a German reader (in quite good English, actually), and they really spoke to me. Maybe they will to you, too.

He read this blog:

Top Israeli politician confirms Protocols; David Duke’s Jewish nose and voice


..and commented:


Ok, the fact that David Duke had plastic surgery was something I didn’t know before I read it on your site. Doing some research, this is also confirmed on other sites.
I always wondered why he looks like a discount Kevin Bacon. (I can´t help myself, but that really is my impression, heh-heh). Now I know.
Fake face – fake guy?
I watched some of his YouTube videos around 10 years ago. (Later, his channel was booted from the (((platform))) as most channels of dissidents, be it fake or real ones.) Sometimes he had a point. (Still, I wondered about his looks).

At this point, I don’t see what use Stormfront has anymore (Duke’s most prominent project) for Whites or even for single people in general.
I only see there a lot of bickering and name-calling, and rarely a discussion that is interesting and insightful.
If a discussion does become valuable, some idiot moderator like “Ex-Detroiter” closes it immediately.
Usually users there are only wallowing in mindless hate and conspiracy stuff, like calling Putin a “communist”, theorising if foreign minister Lavrov is half-jewish (because some dubious “WN blog” said it without any proof, so it must be true! WNs are above critic! *sarcasm*)

***JdN His father was a Christian Armenian, a “Calantarian”; his mother was Russian. Nothing jewish about him, and the Armenians and Jews are ancient enemies.

….and that people should root for the Jewkrainian barbarians of the infamous Azov Battalion and the like because they (mis)use the swastika flag.
There are so many stupid discussions, like they are still discussing if Albanians or Armenians should be allowed there, because they are not sure if they are white or not. Some dork said he is Albanian and insulted others who said they are not white. Another dork posted pictures of Jim Belushi as “proof”. Yeah, really a good point, haha.
Here is a blonde Turkish woman [a nationalistic politician]:


Still, this doesn’t prove the Turks are white.


I replied:


Azov is a gang of truly insane, Russian-hating neo-Nazis of the very worst sort, constantly committing atrocities on ethnic Russians in the east of Ukraine [and these Russians are people whose ancestors were put into Ukraine against their will by the expansion of the boundaries of Ukraine in 1922 by Soviet dictator Lenin!].

The Azov idiots are funded by the fugitive, crooked jewish oligarch Kolomoisky, who is so corrupt, even by Jewkrainian standards, that he had to flee first to Switzerland and then on to Israel!

I met one of these former Azov type via webcam, a Swede staying with a German comrade, a fellow who also distinguished himself by threatening his German host and then nobly shoplifting whiskey from a German liquor store, and got caught.

The German police said to this ex-Azov guy: “Leave Germany for good and never come back, or be prosecuted.”

I am sure that Azov neo-Nazi (who had fought daftly for the JEW Kolomoisky!) made a wonderful impression on those German police officers…..

Yes, comrade, to all you say about Stormfront…which reflects the low spiritual level of David Duke and his long-time ally, Don Black.

For centuries the Turks demanded that slavic (white) villages in the Balkan countries furnish them boys who would be taken to Istanbul, the former Constantinople, converted to Islam from Christianity, and then turned into super-soldiers called “Janissaries.”

They became a kind of non-Turkish Waffen-SS for the Turks, totally loyal to whoever the ruling sultan was, and due to being non-Turkish and a separate, elite organization, they were not infected with all the quarrels and factions going on amongst the locals in the Turkish capital.

I taught a summer course in English in 1996 and had elite kids from both Turkey and Italy (the offspring of Alitalia pilots) and they all were white: fair hair, light eyes and white skin. It seems to be a natural stratification, a spontaneous caste system.

I saw this also in the Marine Corps, where many officers looked somewhat nordic. In August of 1979, as a Marine, I was at the Marine desert-warfare base in Twenty-Nine Palms, near Death Valley, California, and having some time to kill, I hung out once at a commissary (store) and did some “people watching.” You could tell the officers by both how they carried themselves and by their more northern-European looks than the other Whites who were of lower rank.

One of the many sad things about war and being in the infantry is that junior officers (lieutenants) get killed at a tremendous clip. They are there to lead the men forward by example, and before each attack they move around a lot, making them stand out to the watching enemy, while they are moving from position to position, conferring with the soldiers/Marines and sergeants under them at their positions — and looking with binoculars at the enemy.

And the foe knows from the behavior of his own officers that that person moving around, holding binoculars up and talking to the men — who listen — is the officer. 🙁

So war, now just as for thousands of years, has been horribly dysgenic, killing off the best nordic blood, and often for foolish, egoic causes.

The Peloponnesian War in ancient Greece lasted for decades, and wiped out the best nordic Greeks in both Athens and Sparta. The Greeks have gotten swarthier and swarthier ever since then, and the troops of the German Wehrmacht, when they occupied Greece in 1941 (to rescue Mussolini’s troops) were unpleasantly surprised at both their appearance and behavior, especially on the island of Crete, where disgusting atrocities were committed on captured German POWs.

The German also made a comment under this article.

“Negroes in negroland” — so true, but get off your high horse, white earthlings; my interview on Red Ice about the ancient white Solutreans, the true Native Americans


Yes, John, unfortunately I also have the impression that most people here are on a very low level.

You said that, as an “old soul,” one often feels misunderstood and lonely here. This is exactly how I and my family members and some close friends feel. Because it seems we are all old souls.

I wrote in another comment that I consulted a female shaman, a spiritual healer. She also told me that I’m an old soul (and said this also to some family members who were also her clients).

While she is a decent person, unfortunately she is also in parts influenced by this – in lack of better words – liberal-influenced hippie-spirituality. For example, she has a quote from Nelson Mandela on her wall. Well…

As you said in other posts, we really need a solid spiritual base.

I recently had to end contact with an older comrade. I didn’t want it really, but I saw no other option.

He is a member of the NPD ([the quasi-“neo-Nazi” party founded in the 1960s by Adolf von Thadden] now renamed “Die Heimat” [= “the homeland”]). He is intelligent, and we had some good correspondence for years.

However, at some point the correspondence became more bothersome than insightful. He didn’t respond to interesting topics anymore, focused too much on political symptoms and somehow managed to get me into some bickering with other people with whom he is corresponding. For some reason he even keeps contact with a former teacher, who is, of course, very leftist.

I asked him to let that be, but to no avail. Therefore I decided to end the contact as it only seemed to bring me negative energy. This can also be transferred over the internet! And after I stopped the emails I started to actually feel better.

While I hold no grudge against him he is a comrade without vision or purpose. Now in his 60s, he has no wife and kids, and said he never had interest in that. I guess he regrets that, however, but will not admit it.

He is a heavy smoker (up to 3-4 packs of cigarettes a day, and his teeth are revolting!). He drinks a lot and is a hardcore atheist. Even bringing up spirituality only elicits sarcastic comments.

At some point he said he got the COVID vaxx.

I asked him:

“Why? Why did you get it when we agreed that the COVID politics of the government are idiotic? Why did you get it when we discussed that it is dangerous?”

He said he felt too restricted. Well, if your only pastimes are visits in the pub and such nonsense…and the only “family” are the people there…then one might as well do that.

I never even contemplated getting the clot shot. I was against it from the beginning. And I was right. Maybe it was my senses honed by being an old soul. I always was against the mainstream, and never really fit in in today’s society, and after all these goings-on nowadays even more so.

You posted this caricature of the fork in the road with 99 Cent Burgers on one side and Truth – Justice – Wisdom on the other. The masses, of course, are standing in line for their 99-Cent Burgers. 😉

I would be that one guy taking the other path. 😉

I´m not risking my health just because of mindless pastimes I have no interest in anyway! Cinema, pubs/bars and all that.

If I want to see a movie, I can wait until it is released on BluRay. If I want to eat, I can cook for myself. I have a garden to take care of, therefore I´m not confined to city life.

Mankind should get back more to nature. It is the best way to lead a healthy life.

As for the blacks, while they are surely mostly primitive and savage, in my opinion it was a big mistake when the Europeans conquered Africa. I´m all for decolonisation. Not in the meaning of the libtards, but that I say: Let the africans live their own way, without white inventions. No streets, cars, stone buildings. Abolish the boundaries the Europeans made for these African countries and let them regress to their life before that, but also don’t venture into their territory.

Unfortunately, this will not happen, as greedy companies from the western world and China want the resources there (like for making more smartphones to dumb the masses).

I say it’s really in their blood to live a primitive life. I mean, look at all these silly wars we have [in black neighborhoods in the West] about “turf.”

It reminds me of the wars of various Stone Age tribes against each other. The blacks never will fit in into civilisation. So leave them be to fend for themselves.



….My final comment

There is a detail which I think many miss here. While the one line does get a greasy burger, the landscape they are trudging through is desolate, arid and dying.

He’ll feel good for five minutes…..

But the man who seeks truth, justice and wisdom will see many things of beauty on HIS path, and have a good incarnation for all his trouble, not a wasted one. 🙂


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  1. Wasn’t it France’s president Raymond Poincaré who shouted “I want war, war, WAR!” ? This is reply to an Imperial German peace offers…. The Allies didn’t even reply to German peace overtures.

    The politicians don’t do the fighting. They send millions of others to do that. The politicians just take the credit for winning the war.

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