That is not a Korean fist but a sharp knife going into the negro robber.
East Asians, in my father’s experience as a Marine in WWII and Korea, are an unsentimental race or even sometimes callous.
And, psychologically, they are (rightly) immune to any jew-imposed guilt trips about “the horrors of slavery.”
Negro slavery is something of which supposedly we white Americans are all culpable. See, our ancestors supposedly owned slaves, though very few white Americans of today descend from any slave owners, including 80% of Southern whites. And the forbears of modern Italian-, Polish-, and Scandinavian-Americans came to the States well AFTER the Civil War had ended slavery.
In fact, so did most Germans, the biggest white ethnic group in America. The majority arrived between 1880-1910, decades after slavery was over. And of those Germans who had came earlier, 99% were Northerners and had owned no slaves. In fact, very many German-Americans fought — and fought well — for the Union army.
But then the jews come with their other canard, which is that we Whites all are guilty of having “benefited” from the negroes, living off their free labor as “enslaved persons.”
Actually, slavery depressed the US economy. The black quarter or a third of the population in the South had no income, being unpaid, and so the South was, and it still is, the poorest part of the US, as are black areas of Northern cities. Blacks drag the economy down and pile up costs of every kind.
Of course, the East Asians in America feel no guilt trip whatsoever about Black slavery that ended six generations ago. And since most Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese and Japanese work extremely hard, and save money to take computer or accounting courses or they buy real estate, and do not blow it like Blacks on flashy clothes, drugs, booze or ostentatious cars, they would laugh at anyone saying they “live off” black “labor.” (LOL).
Koreans (and I think this guy is one by his appearance and actions) just see a negro as a lazy, thieving, stupid, boisterous ape, and as an Asian-hater; so he simply pulls out his knife, then drags the negro’s slumping body outside. Let him bleed on the sidewalk, and hopefully his homies will see it, too.
Below is a Chinese-American who is outraged at racism against white people! He shows clips of various low-IQ POC females trashing whites, with one even calling us “mayo [mayonnaise] monsters.”
The negress also basically says that since Whites “stole” North America, Blacks have a right to steal tv’s, which she says are “a necessity of life.” 😉 All these POC females are amazingly smarmy and condescending.
(This is why the truth about the Solutrean Whites being here first in America, with invading Mongolians later genociding them, is so important. See further below.)
…My experience of potentially lethal black anti-white institutional racism
I can state that I suffered severe and potentially lethal discrimination in 2006 when I came down with appendicitis. I felt the pain in the left side of my lower abdomen, looked up the symptoms, and sure enough, that is what it was.
So Margi and I drove to the ER of the Alexandria, Virginia hospital (where, btw, my first daughter, Ingrid, had been born 26 years before).
All the intake nurses or personnel were black, also all the security guards. Over a two-hour period, I saw them basically only admit Blacks to see a doctor, in some cases within minutes.
Over and over, as my pain spread, Blacks would come in well after us and be admitted well before us, and it was not for urgent gunshot wounds, which would have come by ambulance. This was people walking in on their own steam
An attractive young German couple with a crying baby who was clearly in great pain also experienced this anti-white antipathy. Sadly, they were completely brainwashed libtards, and got scared and even offended when I pointed out that that ER intake was committing obvious anti-white discrimination….
Gee, one might almost think that a real man and a caring father would take energetic action to get fast treatment for his own baby after suffering and screaming for hours in the ER waiting room(whci was also nerve-racking).
But no, he would not “go there.” His own libtard self-esteem and virtue-signaling was more important to him. And natürlich I was the bad guy and extremist for pointing out the obvious — Black racism against Whites. So, being good white liberals, they just let their baby suffer on ….as the fat negroes waddled in and the bruthus and the sistas got express service.
However, me being me — to be a Marine means to act — I got up and found a white nurse, explaining that the pain had grown much worse and had spread. She became alarmed, said “Wait right there!” talked in the back with a doctor, and I was admitted immediately.
Then some surgeon from India took my inflamed appendix out before it burst, but he never stopped by afterward to see how I was doing. I think he lost all interest in me after hearing that I was low-income and uninsured. Many foreign MDs (but also other doctors) are like that — in it for the money and impressed only by that.
Between 1980, when Ingrid was born at Alexandria Hospital and 2006, when I was the patient myself, I saw an ominous negative change in attitudes toward white patients — in the very city where Confederate general Robert E. Lee grew up.
As for Whites “stealing” American from the Indians, actually WE were here first, by ten thousand years. Then Mongoloid people of color came from Siberia through Alaska and genocided us — but only AFTER our numbers had been drastically reduced by a huge, fiery comet hitting North America, initiating gigantic wildfires and bringing in the Younger Dryas Period.
The jews hate this truth and call it “pseudo-science,” but charring and even glasification of soil have been found all over North America.
And the fact is that something did 1) suddenly and completely kill off many large Ice Age animals, such as saber-tooth tigers and giant, short-muzzled cave bears, and 2) it also ended the Ice Age, melting the glaciers that covered all of Canada and the top third of the US, as well as the northern half of Europe, and flooding ancient coastal settlements as sea levels rose by 200 feet. (Scuba divers are finding lots of underwater ruins.)
This is a very important issue, that North America is OUR land, and we Whites must not lose it twice to genocidal invaders.
Our ancient white Solutrean ancestors in America and around the world
…..spiritual reading for August 11
This day suggests the exploration of a unique combination of energies. On the one hand, it is an
excellent day to play, to be light of heart, joyful and even silly. It is a day to laugh at the very things that
strike you as weighty and of consequence most of the time. It is a day to let yourself literally be carefree,
to float above the concerns and pursuits that so often pull you, challenge you, and make you work so hard.
On the other hand, there may be an opportunity to be face-to-face with the loss or letting-go of things that
have been central to who you (think you) are.
These losses are not necessarily unavoidable or inevitable, but there is no reason to try to avoid them. You will find that you are confronting the loss of aspects of your being with which you have finished, which you have worked through, which are complete. The only reason to retain them is habit and today will be a good day for breaking that habit, as well as others.
In fact, there may be issues that manifest as habits in your life that you will be able to release today. In general, the feeling will tend toward bittersweet. You will grow lighter today if you wish it.
But remember that the predominant focus is on playfulness and fun. With this in mind, letting go does
not need to take on a heavy, painful cast. This is how the odd combination of energies could work for you
if you pay attention: set out to have some fun, intend to laugh and make light (in a loving way) of all that
is dark or heavy in your life.
And when you encounter something that you no longer want or need, let it go in the spirit of fun and ease which predominates. There is absolutely no value in a grinding or torturous letting go. Just release and continue to play. If indeed you are ready to move on, whatever it is that you have left behind will simply be gone. No drama, no angst, no more suffering.
So we encourage you to fly and swirl and dip and twirl. Be an energetic dancer today. Let your power and
your strength deliver you to a place of enjoyment. Use all that you have to be like a feather. It is an odd
challenge, as much of the time you are called upon to use your increasing strength and clarity to be firm
and solid, to be a mountain in the midst of the chaos around you.
The currents today will carry you to joy, so ride them. Lighten up and ascend a bit.
As you do, what you don’t need will fall away. Make no attempt to look back, to hold on or to stop the
process. That is all.
Gratitude will launch you if you have any trouble getting of the ground. Just look around until you see
one thing and then another and then you will undoubtedly see yet another that begins to fill your heart
with deep thanks. Stay on that path and before you know it, you will have lifted off.
Have fun, and carry with you all our love and blessings.
On FB there are lots of pages spouting about black or African greatness… they ruled Spain… and conquered the world 15,000 years ago ? WTF! LOL.
Lots and lots of black inventions: the elevator, the vanilla flavouring process, the folding chair…. all these world-shattering inventions.
Lots of blacks are doing a war dance over the 3 white blokes in Alabama. Literally 10,000 likes per page.
A different story if the 3 white blokes had opened fire with aimed shots to the upper body, a different tune then.
There is a whole internet industry just producing anti-European propaganda.
So I just have to wade into them with facts and the truth.
I watched that video.
Unless one knows what the black guy said, and in what tone of voice, to the white guy whose boat he moved, we will only know what we see from afar. If “fighting words” were used, then the White boat owner reacted the way anyone would.
One thing is certain, that Whites are fed up with Blacks in general, a lot of anger has piled up over many crimes, and certainly in the old days Southern Whites were prone to take action.
Very true, John. Blacks on FB think this is a D-Day event. Lol.
America has spent Billion$ of dollar$ each year to educate the Blacks. The end result? = some of the thickest kids on 2 legs.
“How many hours in a 24-hour day”? Erm Texas, no Hawaii.
Listen up, you dumb Blacks:
You weren’t slaves; your parents weren’t slaves, and your grandparents weren’t slaves.
In 1864 you stopped being slaves to white (and black) slave owners… and you all became slaves to the Jew banks.
When they stop state pensions and welfare, you will be slaves to the Jew banks until the day you die.
You will have to work until you’re 80 or 90 to pay your rent. You’ll want to die to escape financial slavery and poverty.
Yet you still blame Whites because you have the SHITTY end of the stick, again.
Blacks are too stupid to know about the 95%-5% split in society, and who engineers it and why.
So just blame the Whites.
You Blacks should thank white folks for bringing your ancestors to the land of milk and honey for the opportunities you have today.
Oh, don’t like it here? Then move to where you’d be happier. And no, I won’t apologize, so fuck off.
The smarter Blacks recognize that your sentiments are universal. No other race likes or admires them.
I read years ago a French monthly newspaper called Le Monde Diplomatique. In it was an article about Black Africa having all sorts of mineral resources, and which major countries and corporations were interested in them.
I will never forget one line:
FR “Ils rêvent leur rêve d’une Afrique sans Africains.”
EN “They dream a dream of an Africa without Africans.”
Blacks had better watch their step. Because not only is Whitey getting fed up, but the Chinese will just kill them off one day as useless pests with some racial bioweapon. What they respect, going back to Confucius in 500 BC, is family, education, work and money. Blacks score zero on all four.
So you left the silly Germans to wait alone? Perhaps they missed you just a little bit after the experience! 🙂
Sehr geehrter Herr de Nugent,
bei allem Respekt für den Verkäufer, der natürlich sein Leben schützen will, und der womöglich sogar Inhaber des Geschäfts ist, mit dem ebenfalls natürlich einhergehenden Bestreben, sein Gut im besonderen zu schützen.
Von dem Räuber kam keinerlei Gegenwehr – da bedarf es meiner Ansicht nach nicht, immer wieder aufs Neue auf den Körper des Gegenübers einzustechen, zumal nicht in den den Bereich des besonders verletzlichen Oberkörpers.
Da ich kein Asiate bin – dem dieses überzogene Verhalten sicherlich nicht Aufstoßen würde – vermag ich für derlei Überreaktion kein Verständnis aufzubringen.
Mir ist bekannt, daß Räuber oftmals ebenso über die Stränge schlagen, doch letztlich handeln wir als Menschen und sollten stets Maß halten, wenn es uns möglich erscheint. Der Verkäufer hat bereits ab dem ersten gesetzten Messerstich vernommen, daß der Räuber sich nicht wehrt und handelt – ab selbigen – demzufolge absolut unmenschlich!
Danke des Kommentars und der Überlegungen.
Hier meine Antwort:
Ich sehe das anders. Was hätte der Verkäufer denn machen sollen? Warten, bis der Neger als erster zuschlägt oder eine Waffe herausholt?
Ich finde das Handeln richtig. Wer meint, kriminell handeln zu müssen, riskiert das eben.
Was würden Sie sagen, wenn jemand in Ihrer Wohnung oder vielleicht auch Vorgarten stehen würde, der da nichts zu suchen hat? Warten Sie dann ab, bis er Sie und vielleicht auch Ihre Familie attackiert – oder schlagen Sie lieber gleich zu?
Ich weiß, in unserem Land wird das immer wieder mal gerne kriminalisiert, oder als schlecht dargestellt. Ich halte es auch für psychologische Kriegsführung.
Wer sich unbefugt auf mein Grundstück begibt, bekommt auch die entsprechende Härte zu spüren. Bislang ist das zum Glück noch nicht passiert – aber ich würde da nicht lange fackeln.
Es heißt – um mal den Linguisten zu geben – nicht umsonst Hausfriedensbruch! Der Frieden des Hauses wird also gestört = gebrochen. Und was ist das Gegenteil von Frieden? Wir wissen es ja alle.
Ja, genau. Und wer auch noch vermummt und mit Kapuze auf meinem Boden steht, hat nichts Gutes vor, und meint es nicht gut mit mir.
Man lobt auch den, der “mit offenem Visier kämpft.”
Nun aber hörte ich zu meinem Erstaunen, erstens, dass der Koreaner Vietnamese war, was mich überraschte, da Koreaner recht groß, gewaltbereit und auch hellhäutig sind wie eben dieser Geschäftsmann, wobei Vietnamesen in meiner Erfahrung meist klein und braunhäutig sind, wie eben die meisten Menschen aus dem Äquatorbereich der Erde.
Zweitens war der erdolchte Eindringling, der über die Theke gehüpft war, eigentlich gark kein Neger (was die Kapuze und vor allem das Raubenwollen vermuten ließen), sonden ein irrer junger Weißer!
Der Vietnamese, der den so von ihm Verwundeten auf den Gehsteig geschleppt hatte, rief selbst die Notrufnummer an, und plauderte während man auf die Rettung wartete, neun Minuten lang mit dem schwerverletzten Eindringling, und fragte ihn ernsthaft, warum er das überhaupt getan habe.
Ja, so tief ist unsere Rasse gefallen, auf Negerniveau. Weiße Jugendliche, die Umgang mit Straßennegern pflegen, werden auch von ihnen “angesteckt,” wie auch Weiße, die in New York City leben und täglich Umgang mit Juden haben (müssen).
I can relate to your ER story – even in Germany!
I had a little kitchen accident some months ago – nothing serious, but still bad enough to go to the ER…I had a flesh wound on one hand.
So – thankfully one of my family members drove me there. It was nighttime and on a weekend – usually not the best combination, but thankfully there was not much going on.
After searching and finding the entrance (one was blocked by construction – great!) I was finally admitted. A lot of immigrant employees “worked” at the reception. They didn´t seem very interested, but I was let in.
An older German nurse took care of me first.
After some minutes, a fat Arab walked up to me without a greeting and spoke in really bad German. This was my doctor. Oh my!
He asked me why I was coming so late – uhm?
Well, the distance was about 30 minutes with the car, and considering the dark parking lot and looking for the entrance I think it was ok that I got there around 1 a.m. later…Well, what should I have done? Teleport myself as in Star Trek??
He also complained that I wasn´t vaxxed against tetanus. (Why should I be? I´m against all vaxxings). He bandaged my hand again and then waddled away, because he said he had an “important” surgery.
Well, I´m glad I wasn´t treated by this idiot, as the antipathy was mutual, and I even doubt that he has any real degree. I was sent to another hospital which had more capacity. Much better there!
The reception/intake was friendly, and so was the other staff too (mostly Germans). They had a surgeon who looked a bit like Mr. Bean with black humour and we got along rather well. He stitched my hand and everything was fine. The healing process was good, and there were no issues after that.
Still, it left me with a bad feeling that the health care here is overrun by all this questionable people.
I heard stories from another relative (she worked as a secretary in a hospital) in a rural area that they hired negroes and other new doctors with “Migrationshintergrund” (of “migrational background”[whether recent immigrants or with German citizenship]) who were barely able to speak German or even read the medications. Well, well! Isn´t that great “enrichment” by these “Fachkräfte” [infamous phrase used by the traitoress Angela Merkel, meaning “qualified professionals”]…
To be fair: While idiots like this fat Arab should be kicked out, I don´t blame them first and foremost. It´s the system that is guilty. Look at these health ministers we had. They are just about cost-cutting and no improvements, except that, of course, everyone should get the clot shot.
We had the bankster faggot Jens Spahn before, and now we have the freak Lauterbach with his crooked teeth. He already was advising the cunt in office from 2001-2009, Ulla Schmidt, about cost-cutting: (She also has no qualifications or expertise in health care whatsoever!)
Better watch out, stay healthy and try to avoid emergencies even more than before…sad but true, but that is how things are in “the best Germany of all times,” as the phrase now goes!
I grew up in the Boston neighborhood of Dorchester. My family was part of the “White flight” of the early ’70’s. The blacks were like an encroaching cancer. Violent and destructive.
I’ve worked as a contractor in many companies and corporations over my career. I can say this for sure. The laziest group of people I came across, hands down, were Haitians.
Thanks for your comment and sharing your real-life experience in Boston.
Being almost pure-black racially (having genocided their entire French colonial upper class between 1791-1804), yes, Haitians would tend to act in the classic African manner.