Oliver Anthony (with 17 MILLION views of his viral hit) hales from a Virginia bastion of SEGREGATION and “Massive Resistance”

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Oliver Anthony is the previously totally unknown country singer whose anti-elite song “Rich Men North of Richmond,” has now soared to SEVENTEEN MILLION views.

He grew up and lives in (yes) “Farmville,” in central/southern Virginia, a typical Virginia small town with its nice old brick buildings, population  7,000.

The village of Farmville and the surrounding Prince Edward County manfully resisted the negrification of its previously all-white public schools in the 1950s, as did Virginia as a whole.

Instead of allowing miscegenation with stupid, violent, and sex-obsessed Negroes, and to protect the education and SAFETY of their white children, the Prince Edward County School Board defiantly closed all of its public schools, then established the all-white Prince Edward Academy, which lasted until 2019, and still continues today as the Fuqua School (with just a token handful of negroes).
This action of shutting down the integrated schools was typical of what was called in Virginia “massive resistance,” one symbolic step of which was the renaming of Alexandria County, Virginia (where I used to live), located right next to the “Yankee capital” of Washington, D.C., as “Arlington County.”

This was in order to defiantly honor segregationist and Confederate hero Robert E. Lee, whose once slave-employing large mansion was called Arlington House. (I have visited it, a beautiful and tasteful, neo-classical American home.)

This stunning mansion, stolen from Lee by Lincoln, also overlooks the graves of President John and Senator Robert Kennedy, murdered by order of the anti-white, pro-negro crypto-jew Lyndon Johnson — with major help from his homosexual literal neighbor, J.Edgar Hoover, FBI Director. Arlington Cemetery is also named for this mansion of the legendary general and white hero, Robert E. Lee.

And some of the three dozen American sailors and Marines killed in the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty (172 more were wounded) are buried in this Arlington Cemetery.

As is also interred there a Finnish former Waffen-SS officer, Larry Thorne (born Lauri Törni). Törni was a Finnish Army officer and then a Waffen-SS officer who fought the Red Army, then escaped to American and became a US Army elite Green Beret in the rank of sergeant. The former Waffen-SS officer was killed in a helicopter crash, maybe of suspicious/jewish origin, in Vietnam in 1965.


Wait until the jews find out that Oliver Anthony is from a town that was a bastion of (whooooh) segregation!


Here is another great song by wild man Oliver: “Aint Got A Dollar”

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