Mike Adams has “an ultra-vivid dream” of armed American revolt following blatantly rigged 2024 elections

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(I thank a Texas comrade for this link.)

All the blatant rigging of the 1946 Nuremberg War Crimes Trials by jewmerican lawyers is now on full display this time against the white American people themselves.

Adams also asks a legitimate question: With negro state officials in New York and Georgia arresting and dragging Trump before a judge, why do not the two dozen Republican states with Republican state attorneys general do the same thing — but actually justifiably — and indict Hillary Clinton, Bill, Joe and Hunter Biden, and Barack Obama for REAL crimes?

Mike Admans


    • Grazie per questo collegamento È molto probabile che fosse un forte sostenitore del NS nella sua ultima vita terrena.

      L’articolo dice anche che sua madre, “Lenchen”, era una tedesca di un villaggio nelle montagne dell’Harz.

      E nell’intervita scegliamo i nostri genitori….

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