Blacks also built Stonehenge

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Stonehenge was built by black Britons, children’s history book claims.

Stonehenge as it probably originally looked — rather precise and scientific, involving physics we still do not understand 

Readers of the newly-released book are told that monument was built while Britain was ‘a black country,’ and that Britain was black far longer than it has been white……


  1. This is outrageous and funny at the same time. What did the “brutha” smoke to come up with that?

    It´s also very presumptious to just go with the first name. I see many negros doing this. In my area some butt-ugly guy does this. He is some author and speaker, but still can´t speak any German, only English, but people like him. What idiocy.

    Hey negros, you are not Michelangelo!

    Maybe there are also claims that Michelangelo was Black, too.

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