Mortgage fraud against a man already fighting cancer is not punishable if you’re kosher

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Ths artice (edited by me) is by brave British street activist and writer Carl Mason, who often makes comments here on my articles.


Follow-up on from the previous EKP article about corruption and greed by the Coventry Building Society.
Certain information has been passed to us via an employee at the Coventry Building Society, who shall remain anonymous.
Their information explains some of the corruption of the directors of this despicable building society. A quick recap is required first to allow missing parts of the puzzle to fit into place.
Mr. Mason, an 80 year-old OAP [Old Age Pensioner] and cancer sufferer had his home repossessed by the Coventry Building Society via a fake mortgage. The mortgage was filled in by a mortgage broker, a certain Martyn Balm, who was paid a commission from the Coventry Building Society.
Mr Balm filled in the mortgage, falsified the income, forged a signature on the mortgage, and sent it online from his office laptop, all this without Mr. Mason’s knowledge. For 10 years, Mr Mason asked to see the mortgage application,but access was denied by various excuses by Coventry Building Society.
Mr Mason was forced to call in the Thames Valley Police to investigate the fraud. With growing feelings of anger and betrayal, Mr Mason contacted Martyn Balm repeatedly to get a copy of the mortgage he sent in.
The police reluctantly agreed to act, while claiming that the fraud was a civil matter, not a criminal matter.
The police went to interview Mr. Balm at his gated mansion near Cheltenham.
Mr. Balm refused to reply to police phone calls, to emails to his office, and to letters mailed to his home regarding an interview.
It emerged that Mr. Balm had transferred all assets and holdings to his wife Alison. They both then fled to Spain, and then to Israel, leaving no contact information behind.
The police said the Balms actions were very suspicious.
For two years the case went cold…. until eventually the Balms returned to the UK and started selling mortgages again. But following a tip-off from an anonymous source, the police were able to question Balm. They stated that Balm had committed mortgage fraud. This allowed the couple to be summoned to the High Court.
A few days before the case was heard by Recorder Mark Chamberlain, the Coventry Building Society finally produced a copy of the mortgage — 10 years later!
At the hearing Balm admitted that is was he who filled in the supposed Mason application; that he had falsified the figures; that he had signed it as Mason, and had sent it off online.
Balm was called a crook  and thoughly dishonest by the Recorder.
The mortgage was pronounced invalid. Yet Mr. Mason’s home could still be repossessed by the Coventry Building Society! And Marty Balm walked free. He was never charged, and he carried on his business as usual.
Very strange indeed. The shock caused Mr, Mason to stop eating and taking his medication. This caused him to die a scared, broken, old man.
Documents and information provided showed that Martyn Balm regularly went to Spain, then to Israel to deliver cash from the Coventry Building Society to the Israeli government.
Balm went to the Coventry Building society HQ to collect a large trunk of cash all sealed up. He was then driven to Birmingham International Airport to catch flights to Spain and then Israel.
The cash was handed to the Israeli Treasury at the airport. Receipts were issued each time as proof of moneys received from a grateful Israel.
Balm then caught the next flight from Israel to Spain. Millions of British pounds sterling [one pound = US$1.22] were transferred in this way, according to our source, as no electronic trail was left. Martyn Balm, being jewish, thought he was helping Israel to buy arms or build on the West Bank. Presumably Balm thought he could arrange mortgages for Israeli settlers on Palestinian land, or sell mortgages to Palestinians on their own land.
The Balms, Gary Hoffman, and the Coventry Building Society have blood on their hands and questions to answer.
Here Balm is, still smiling away. The Chief Executive of Coventry, England is David Thorburn. Does he care?

[end of article].

….Senile (?) Queen awarded highest degree of knighthood to lying warmonger and open-borders traitor Tony Blair as ALL Britons gasp; two British real estate jews harry 80-year-old Englishman with cancer to death to get his home, then flee to IsraHell

Blair, Clinton, and megafraudster Sam Bankman-Fried 

Infamous show-biz pedophile “Sir” Jimmy Savile and “Sir” Tony Blair. The BBC knew for decades Savile was molesting little British children, and IMO the BBC requested the silencing by murder of the beautiful English reporter Jill Dando for working on an exposé of its own child-molesting staffers.


Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBEKCSG (/ˈsævɪl/; 31 October 1926 – 29 October 2011) was an English DJ and television and radio personality who hosted BBC shows including Top of the Pops and Jim’ll Fix It. During his lifetime, he was well-known in the United Kingdom for his eccentric image and his charitable work.

After his death, hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse made against him were investigated, leading the police to conclude that he had been a predatory sex offender[1] and possibly one of Britain’s most prolific.[2][3][4][5]

There had been allegations during his lifetime, but they were dismissed and accusers ignored or disbelieved. Savile took legal action against some accusers.

Beautiful, courageous BBC investigative reporter Jill Dando was shot dead at her own front door

Her blood is blurred out in this photo.

BBC House: One entrance shows a paedophilic man and a little boy (!!!), the other features (((Stars of David.)))

Many Britons protested against this sicko sculpture by the pedophile Eric Gill, but of course nothing was ever done.

The Judeo-British ruling class consists largely of blackmailed paedophiles, it has been paedo for centuries, and they basically flaunt it.

That weird smiley expression on the boy’s face….. Let me tell you this: boys do NOT enjoy being molested.



The building was designed by the HUGE-nosed paedophile George Val Myer, posing here, FOR SOME REASON, shirtless



So the Queen gave the Royal Order of the Garter to Tony Blair, one of the most despised men in Britain, maybe for this beau geste: having Iraq WMD whistleblower Dr David Kelly murdered?

Or was it for torturing, raping and murdering Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraibprison in Iraq?


Not only did this piece of human shit….

1980s photo with a psychopathic, diabolical look on his face


…..lie Britain into an unjustified war in Iraq (which was, in reality, all about taking out an overt enemy of the jewish state of IsraHell), but he acted like a lap dog of the cringe-worthy American president “Dubya,” and was actually called by many Britons “Bush’s poodle.”

What a humiliation for a once great and proud country, “Great” Britain, to be bossed around by its ex-colony and led about by the nose by the most proudly ignorant, tongue-tied, low-IQ and embarrassing president American has ever had, the retard Dubya!

I used to have some sympathy for the Queen, and still like the idea of the monarchy as a constitutional power that is above partisan politics and represents the high morality and traditions of the nation.

The imperial family in Japan still fulfills this role in an exemplary fashion, for example.

But now, after this disgraceful knighthood bestowed upon the psychopath Blair, whom the British people themselves LOATHE, this whole part-jew Windsor dynasty simply has to go, and I say this while having had a wonderful English grandfather.

The jew blood got in via Princess Diana’s biological father, a rich hebrew named Goldsmith. (“Beautiful” Lady Diane had her nose bobbed, her hair dyed blond, and she got a breast enhancement. From big-nosed, flat-chested jewess to beautiful Aryan, it just takes money. 😉 )

One can clearly see the jew DNA in Prince William, heir to the throne after Charles, who is Diana’s elder son. His wife is also a (((Goldsmith))) and part-jewish. She actually converted to the Anglican Church and took lessons in what Christianity is.

William in the RAF as a helicopter pilot

Nice jew nose, William.

Prince Harry looked absolutely dejected on his wedding day when he married a shallow part-black, part-jewish, divorced leftist. The sad eye does not lie. He is on the road to perdition.

His real, biological father was Major Hewitt (Norman name), Diana’s riding instructor.

Like father, like son

The whole stinking Windsor bunch, IMO, as an American who is proud of his British (and Irish) ancestors, must go.

It was this same dynasty also, under King George III, who had a huge jew nose himself way back then, which alienated the Americans into seeking independence (when all they ever wanted was their rights as Englishmen). .

The Revolution could easily have been avoided but for many displays of contempt for the Americans.

It all began with the Normans, Vikings who had learned French, seized Normandy, then borrowed money from Normandy jew banksters to conquer and enslave England.

There was only one moated castle in all of England in Anglo-Saxon times, because the kings did not fear their own people.

But the Normans forced the Saxons at swordpoint to build expensive castles everywhere with moats so the Saxons could not rise up and kill these foreign tyrants.

My article on the Norman nightmare. In reading Shakespeare ( = Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford), especially “King Lear,” it struck me how utterly bloodthirsty this aristocracy was, and also its contempt and ridicule for the common English people. 




…Reactions to Blair’s knighthood on VK

Nick Folkes
The Queen is a dirty old slut.
James Rockabilly
Nick, add jewish after
Donnie Bjorklund
It’s a fucking farce !
Larry Lamp
Well, if ever there was any doubt as to whether these knighthoods mean a fucking thing,  I think the answer is a resounding no. Several people handed back in their OBE’s when the Beatles received theirs, because they believed pop stars weren’t worthy. Apparently mass murder is perfectly acceptable. Fuck the lot of them. OUTRAGEOUS!
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
Larry, it’s now officially the Jewnited Kingdom….
Nick Folkes
Larry, Indeed, brother. Imagine being knighted for murdering innocent people, telling lies, and destroying Britain.
Alexander Kern
What do you expect from a world runned by the Juice?

I guess they are already implementing this Klaus Schwab-ian concept in the Jewnited Kingdom, but the man in the story below is not “happy” to lose his home to two jews; he’s dead.


…..How a jew ripped off an Englishman as he fought cancer

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