Why (to Churchill’s shock) the jews took down a British Empire which had always done their bidding

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The only solution is a new, spiritual religion that is not all hokey malarkey and fairy tales, but one that trains people to get their minds and hearts under control.

Critical thinking….. And most of all, as Hemingway said, never trust someone who obviously hates you and whom you know to have lied in the past to your face!

Every single white man and woman in Britain knows this cartoon to be true:

And what reincarnation means is us assuming full responsibility ourselves for this state of affairs.

Of course, the jews and Masons are behind all this (though not CARL Mason 😉 ), but who put up with these jews and Masons for generation after generation and century after century, looking the other way?

WE DID in earlier lives! I heard my own father say to me: “By the time all this stuff you predict happens, John, I’ll be looooong gone.”

NOPE! You are coming right back HERE to live in the mess you tolerated!

The best example of denial is Churchill himself, who KNEW he was destroying his own Britain and its Empire by rejecting 70 peace offers from Hitler! The footnotes to The Nameless War prove that both FDR and his son told Churchill bluntly that after the war, his Empire had to be dismantled. What is Britain thereafter? An overcrowded little island that cannot feed itself, and is at the mercy of America.

On a Duran video, Alexander Mercouris, a Greek raised and educated in Britain, said once memorably that some Tories had told him: “If we did not keep the monarchy and the House of Lords, then there would be no real difference left between us and the American republic. Then we might as well become the 51st state.”

All this subjection under America Winston Churchill KNEW was coming! I offered, in contrast, German troops to guarantee the British Empire for the sake of the white race, and said our troops would sail anywhere in the world on British troop ships to fight for it!!!! And this offer to defend HIS empire the egoically insane Churchill turned down!

I am glad the paedophilic old drunk lived until 1965 to SEE his empire gone, and wogs from the colonies jostling in the streets of his once Great Britain.

Look at that fool sitting there with two enemies.

But one can go way back to George Gordon, Lord Byron as well.

In his poem “Age of Bronze” (1823), Lord Byron adopted a hostile attitude toward the Jews, whose emancipation he opposed and whose alleged support for foreign tyranny (Turks against Greeks) he denounced with many unpleasant allusions.

How rich is Britain! not indeed in mines,
Or peace or plenty, corn or oil, or wines;
No land of Canaan, full of milk and honey,
Nor (save in paper shekels) ready money:
But let us not to own the truth refuse,

Was ever Christian land so rich in Jews?

Those parted with their teeth to good King John,
And now, ye kings, they kindly draw your own;
All states, all things, all sovereigns they control,
And waft a loan “from Indus to the pole.”
The banker – broker – baron[340] – brethren, speed
To aid these bankrupt tyrants in their need.

Nor these alone; Columbia [= meaning the then very young USA] feels no less
Fresh speculations follow each success;
And philanthropic Israel deigns to drain
Her mild percentage from exhausted Spain.
Not without Abraham’s seed can Russia march;
T’is gold, not steel, that rears the conqueror’s arch.

Two Jews, a chosen people, can command
In every realm their Scripture-promised land: –
Two Jews, keep down the Romans, and uphold
The accurséd Hun, more brutal than of old:

Two Jews, – but not Samaritans – direct
The world, with all the spirit of their sect.

What is the happiness of earth to them?
A congress forms their “New Jerusalem,”
Where baronies and orders both invite –
Oh, holy Abraham! dost thou see the sight?

Thy followers mingling with these royal swine,
Who spit not “on their Jewish gaberdine,”
But honour them as portion of the show –
(Where now, oh Pope! is thy forsaken toe?

Could it not favour Judah with some kicks?
Or has it ceased to “kick against the pricks?”)
On Shylock’s shore behold them stand afresh,

To cut from nation’s hearts their “pound of flesh.”

But the Jewish problem was not solved then. Everyone hoped someone ELSE would do it.
A good 129 years later, in 1952, a British WWI war hero, Captain Archibald Ramsay of the Coldstream Guards, an MP 1931-45,  wrote a brilliant book, The Nameless War. and discusses the fear at the Daily Mail way back in the 1930s, over 80 years ago, to discuss the “JQ” – the Jewish Question.
I turned this entire book into an audiobook.

The whole book I made into a pdf, which features 230 photos and elucidations added by me.


Here is Captain Ramsay, then a MP from Scotland:


About the end of 1938, news was brought to me that the control shares of the Daily Mail [newspaper] were for sale.



[JdN: As stated earlier, the Daily Mail was founded by genuine patriots, was a major newspaper and still is, and published then and now many interesting truths of a patriotic, nationalistic, right-wing and conservative bent. It won’t touch the Jewish issue, but it will touch a lot of other things. Buying control shares meant buying enough stock in the company that owned this newspaper to hire a new editor and reporters and determine the paper’s slant.] 

Knowing that a severe advertisement boycott had been put in operation against the paper following upon its having printed two or three articles giving what in Internationalist eyes had been a pro-Franco view of the Spanish Civil War (in reality, it was just the truth), the news was no great surprise to me.

Could I find a buyer ? I decided to approach a certain very wealthy and patriotic peer [JdN: a member of the nobility and the House of Lords], the head of a great business. A mutual friend arranged an interview.

On introduction I gave a survey of the activities and power of Organized Jewry in general, and of their secret publicity control in Britain in particular, as I saw it. When I ended after some 70 minutes, general concurrence in my views was expressed.

[JdN: The stakes here for the future of the world were huge, since if the number-one conservative newspaper in Britain came out against a war with Germany, it probably would not have happened, especially not with the Conservative Party then being in power. But if Jews bought the paper, it would redefine British patriotism as declaring war on a dangerous and evil Third Reich.]  

Thereupon the mutual friend and I tried to persuade our hearer to buy the said shares and “tear the gag off the conspiracy of silence.”

“I daren’t,” he replied, “they would bring me to a crust of bread.

If it was only myself, I wouldn’t mind ; I’d fight them.

But many of my shares are held by the widow and the orphan, and for their sakes I must refuse.”

On our expressing astonishment that Jewry could inflict such crushing retaliation on a man of his financial strength and industrial power, and so conspicuous a national figure, he gave us details of just such retaliation directed against him by Organized Jewry some years previously.

He had refused to comply with some demands they had made of him affecting his works. After a final warning, which he ignored, a world boycott had been started against him, which had become effective in 24 hours, wherever he had agents or offices. Fires and strikes also mysteriously occurred.

The resulting losses had finally compelled him to give in. Within 24 hours the boycott was lifted all over the world.



I thought long and hard about why the Big Jews dumped Britain, which had always done their bidding, especially against Napoleon and later against their biggest foe, Hitler, where half the House of Lords was part-jewish, and this was the Empire which had sent 400,000 men to invade the Boers’ lands and seized for British jewry all their gold and diamond fields for Rothschild and his minion, Oppenheimer.

And then Lord Balfour had promised Palestine to the jews after massive British efforts to defeat the Ottoman Turks under Lawrence of Arabia.

There really was NO reason for the jews to hate Britain.

Except they were still goyim….. yes, contemptible goyim…. and the jews owe no debt of gratitude to any animals in human form, Brit or other, whom Yahweh had created as slave races to serve the jews.

But there was one thing about their Empire ….. It was a triumph of the white race: proud, conquering, advanced and (somewhat) enlightened.

So it had to be deleted.

The American Empire suits the jews much more — “a nation of immigrants” and so wonderfully multiracial……with Jew York as its main city,

This Jewmerican Empire is, in some ways, far more brutal than England ever was…. Just ask the people of Hiroshima or Vietnamese villagers whose kids to this day are born deformed due to Agent Orange,or Iraqis whose kids are born mutated due to depleted uranium from American tank shells.

Jewmerica, now over 50% racial minorities, is a MONGREL empire, not a white one, and that mongrelism represents exactly  the goal — a low-IQm docile, racially café-au-lait world under jewish billionaires, who are in effect neo-feudal lords ruling over serfs.



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