Spiritual reading: embrace the challenges; a plague on both their houses

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…Spiritual reading for October 19

Please look around and within for the great blessings that are showered upon you. You are—each and
every one of you, regardless of the considerable challenges you face in this moment, unimaginably rich. You live in a world brimming with beauty and meaning if you choose to see it.

You yourselves are creations of such intricacy and brilliance that none can even begin to grasp the full extent. You are awash in that which can inspire, guide, sustain and support. Many of you have acquired the habit of overlooking
these blessings, perhaps wishing that they were different blessings.

Please. Embrace that which is and even if you can only do it moment to moment, seek out the gifts of this lifetime and celebrate them. This is not just a good idea. It is an essential survival skill. Practice it, we say, even if it feels awkward or inauthentic. It is indeed a practice, and as such, requires repetition and commitment.

Follow whatever route is open to your own heart today. Is it music? Is it nature? Is it poetry? Is it exercise? Is it food? Is it your children? Your own true love? Animals?

Make no mistake—there is no wrong path, only a reluctance to leap onto it. Right now, we beg you: leap and jump and run and dance on the path to your heart.

If you feel badly, do not indulge the feeling. Find a way to turn the situation. Not the external one, of course. If you could do that then no one would be where you are. The internal situation is the one you can change. Your practice is turning from fear and separation toward joy and connection. Be ruthless right now. Use any means at your disposal. Don’t shrink from this kind of action.

We love you and love to see your courage and your transformation as you become beings of love yourselves.



…..Jewsmedia already burying the hospital massacre

A British comrade wrote me:

Hi, JdN . It appears the world’s media are now saying no hospital was hit and there were no 500 casualties. Only the car park was hit — and no casualties.
Now the media are saying Hamas shot a 12-year-old autistic girl in front of her grandmother.  Got to keep the sympathy train chugging. Did you know that 6 million jews have died since last week? Saints every one.

I replied:

I have been in this cause since 1978 and have seen many such scenarios: the Israelis commit daily horrors on Palestinians; they finally, predictably explode (as even any dumb animal would, biting and kicking) and they retaliate; but  the way the jewsmedia covers it, Joe Sixpack feels all sorry for the torturing, beating, kicking and shooting jew oppressor, especially the Born-Again Christian numbnuts.
But a big part of it is that many Israelis (the Ashkenazim) do look racially white, and they act and dress more like us, like Europeans — with no hijabs or Arab getup. Often they speak very good English. The Palestinians? Usually bad English….  95% muslims…. and perma-tanned. They remind us of the violent, grooming, parasitical mudslims that are now a curse on our cities.
Three powerful minds on Islam:
Churchill was a vile, pedophilic, fat, drunken,  treasonous little bastard, but he sure had a way with words.

“Islam in a man is like rabies in a dog.”

This is why I did my recent blog on neanderthals and the murder of the fair-haired little French girl Lola.

Remembering Lola, murdered one year ago by French president Emanuel Macron, a French jew; the Baltic UFO from 10,000 BC and sudden spread of the nordic subrace

“A plague on both your houses” — jews and Arabs both, and, for that matter, on many Greeks, southern Italians, and southern Spaniards.
Charles de Gaulle, explaining why he abandoned French Algeria AFTER France had won that atrocious, six-year war (!!!), confided to his longtime advisor, Alain Peyrefitte :
“Jews and Arabs –who can stand either of them?” Or brain-dead, jew-loving Christians like this nauseating white fool on the right. His craven “Noahide” submission to the wicked jews –the same ones pushing every degeneracy and communism that he, as a Christian, should reject! — is cloaked in what Catherine ausitnFitts has called “a positive cover story.” We cannot admit we are cowardly pussies, now, can we?
The great danger to our race is from the J-haplogroup. These are the part-neanderthals,  AKA the semites, a violent, stubborn, clannish Stone Age race that also hates women, btw.
Stanley and Boris Johnson
The Brit replied:

It’s just to fire up Joe 6-pack. Even our PM [Rishi Sunak] has been out there this week, brown-nosing the jews. I hope our info does turn a few people as to who causes the world’s problems.
I answered:
Our info does little. It is in our hearts that the battle is fought… between selfish cowardice and heroic courage.
But every man has to face himself once a day. 😉



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