Scott Ritter back in 2002 — a powerful critic of George W. Bush and his Iraq invasion.
Ritter had spent years in the 1990s as the US Weapons Inspector in Iraq, and determined that Saddam had indeed scrapped his entire nuclear-weapons development.
The French, British and Russians all refused to join the US-led invasion, saying there was no proof Iraq was developing WMDs.
But Bush simply ignored all of this — and invaded, causing the deaths of between 300,000 and 600,000 Iraqis (and of several thousand Americans, with many, many more wounded or traumatized).
What the Jewnited States did to Iraq (and to other Arab countries) has not been forgotten by the Arabic countries and the muslim world.
And a further question is why it is wrong for Iraq to have WMDs and not for Israel, a nation of incredible hatred, treachery, assassination, terrorism, and brutality that deliberately blows up hospitals full of patients, doctors, and nurses?? ..and it was this country that committed the Lavon Affair, the murders of John and Bobby Kennedy, the USS Liberty attack, and the mass horror of 9/11?
See Ritter’s new interview below. One might as well say that Ritter, a political moderate, is now an antisemite. And this tells us the wind is indeed shifting.
…..Spiritual reading for October 31
Gratitude and engagement are the watchwords we would offer to guide you today. Open your heart and get out there! There is a particular zing and zest in the air, in the ether. It favors your full presence in form as well as in spirit. Your heart, your soul, your mind, your body—bring them all to the party.
And once you start to show up that way, we think it will be just the tiniest tweak for you to tap into deep gratitude. If that. It may be there already, flowing freely once you open yourself and engage.
As the earth in the northern hemisphere begins to put itself to bed for the winter, savor its delights.
All around you are miracles, all around you is beauty, all around you are offerings of such richness and generosity that it would be tragic to miss them. Soon, things in the external world will shift again and this special time will pass on. It is a time that urges you to make the most of your precious life, that asks you not to fall asleep or go unconscious.
If you can open—to the sweetness and the sorrow that are both inherent in this season—and let yourself receive and radiate, the general experience is likely to be very fulfilling and re-charging. If you feel sadness of a real sort, or regrets, they generally arise from an unwillingness or inability to love—yours or another’s—in a particular situation.
And the most normal response to pain is to shut down around it, as we are sure you know. In this case, we want to ask you to try to open your heart even further if you feel
sorrow. Its cause is probably a lack of heart; try not to compound that by closing your own heart on the pain. Let it instead be a cue for you to remember that you can always choose to love. Let your sadness lead you to more joy.
It is a good moment to review the last few months and how they have gone for you. Perhaps you will want to think about what you accomplished and what you did not, but we also suggest that you take a few moments to inventory how you have changed and how the way you see yourself and your place in life has altered.
You are not the person you were when spring arrived nor will you be the same when it rolls around again. Tat is something to be both celebrated and mourned, for no matter how much you desire and are committed to transformation and healing, there is always sadness at leaving parts of what has been you behind.
Even aspects that caused you pain and confusion. In their time, they served you. And take a minute in joy for any ways—big or small—that you have grown. Each step along the path is a choice and comes with effort and often sacrifice. Don’t take those steps for granted, but give thanks to Spirit and to your own valiant Self and to any others who have assisted you along the way.
And then, we suggest, dance. Literally. And if you don’t want to or can’t get on your feet, then dance in your heart. Let the life force in you express itself all the way. This is not a time to hold back, to hide or to hoard. It is the harvest, there is abundance and you have more than enough to share. And as you share so shall you be gifted, replenished through the very generosity of spirit you are willing and able to allow yourself.
Enjoy being human. Give thanks for the pleasures of the body—all of them. Very little is ideal, and yet everything is perfect. Take that stance and you will be able to reap the great harvest of your incarnation.
Life is a blessing, but it is not always easy, and delight is a taste you are well-counseled to savor. Embrace it all: the delight, the sweet, the bitter, the high and the low, the dancing and the keening. For it is in acknowledging and embodying the whole that you are truly centered and experience the truth.
And touching that, how can you help but overflow with gratitude? It is a grand adventure that you are on. So bring nothing less than everything to it and you will know and feel just how blessed you are.
We send great blessings, though you are already blessed, and we love you and will be dancing with you!
…..Getting muslims into w white-hot rage against US Whites, not the jews
A British comrade wrote this comment:
Today’s media is full of „poor Israel“ articles. Pictures of Hamas and Israeli holocaust actors
Coloured pictures of pretty jewish girls, called up to fight Hezbollah and Hamas, laying down their lives for Israel.
The media is awash with sympathy stories for Israel yet they also have a subliminal, anti-Arab slant.
All those pictures of mass protest marches around the world show large numbers of Muslims. All pro-Hamas.
People are fearing the Muslims will turn on the white Christian peoples!
It was Ashkenazi jews like Dr Alan Shatter, George Soros, and Barbara Lerner Spectre who boast about saving white Christian countries by industrial-scale race-mixing and ethnic cleansing.
There are 2 x media circus wars going on. One in the Ukraine; the other involving Israel. Both conflicts involve jews. Jews as victims, jews supporting jews…. with the media controlled by the jews. The politicians controlled by the jews. It’s a good opportunity to see the jewish manipulation working.
And the good jews remain silent .
All those Muslim Hezbollah Hamas marchers can easily be turned against non-Muslims (meaning US Whites) very easily by the jews.
And the good jews remain silent.
And you [jews] can’t see why you’re hated so much.
…..New Scott Ritter video “Colossal Miscalculation” reveals his unprecedented loathing for Israel
Not only is Ritter (a former Marine Corps major, UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq, and enemy of the criminal US invasion of 2003) angry in general at the MIC and Israel over our whole foreign policy , but let us recall how, just a few months ago, his whole YouTube channel — with hundreds of videos — was deleted with no warning.
Here, he not only denounces the Israelis for being evil but he also denigrates them as a soft military that is better at pushing buttons than actual fighting. And he warns that any ground invasion of Gaza with all its tunnels, its rubble, and its well-prepared Hamas fighters will prove a disaster for the jewish state.
Whether we like it or not, Whites should make practical alliances with Muslims and others against jews. Anything to survive. And some of them, even many of them, are good family people. They’re not the ones pushing trans-genderism, etc.
Yes. I do believe in practical alliances against the common enemy.
In reply to Erik. We don’t need to make an alliance with Muslims or blacks. They want to conquer white lands. They’ve been trying to do this for centuries. The Jews saw this Muslim jihad mentality and used it to destroy white Christian lands. Muslims would still try to dominate us without the Jews. We serve neither Islam or Israel. No alliance with Muslims they are as bad as the Jews. Money orientated religious scum.
A lot of Europeans who have experienced the massive muslim presence in their cities might agree. It has been non-stop rape, murder and loafing on welfare while Whites work themselves to the bone.
Carl, indeed they are all jealous of us Aryans and want to subjugate us. Only honourary Aryans (noble non-whites) can be trusted and they are few and far between. Many still brainwashed whites will learn this the hard way.
Chi siamo.
Basta Bibbia, Corano, Torah.
Ci siamo rovinati grazie a loro.
Transl. to English:
Who we are.
No more Bible, Koran, Torah.
We were ruined thanks to them.
The Jews have striven for world government with themselves at its head for hundreds, even thousands of years. Also they comprise an international nation which is arguably the most powerful nation in the world. For these reasons the Jews are a greater threat to us than the Moslems.
I oppose forming any alliance with the Moslems, notwithstanding their having a common enemy with us, the Jews.
I think we should remain independent, forming alliances with no one, neither Blacks nor Moslems. If we pull together as a racial unity we will have all the strength we need.
Thanks very much! Used:
Carl Mason – generally I agree. The good thing though is that the Muslims don’t like jews to say the least. So the jew plan to harm whites has backfired and is harming them.
In reply to Erik.
It hasn’t backfired for the jews. Flooding the West with Muslims is what the jews want.
This is to cause a Christian-Muslim global conflict. We destroy Islam for Israel and also destroy anti-Semitic white countries.
The Jews will supply both sides in a Christian-vs.-Muslim conflict.
Any Muslim hostility towards the jews is engineered to garner sympathy for ‘ poor little Israel’ we are jewish victims again.
Recently in Birmingham, England, three Pakis died in a car crash! What a shame…
85.000 Muslims gathered in a local park for the funeral.
The mourners numbered more than the present British Army.
The Jew media and Ashkanazim engineer conflicts between whites vs blacks
Whites vs Muslims …
whites vs Russians …
Whites vs Chinese ….
All attacks on jews are anti-Semitic operations for psychological effect
It’s to condition people to always support matter what the jews do. They are always the “victims.”
Erik, the Muslims, blacks and browns hate you. You are the wrong colour. They want you gone. You are using up housing, jobs gas and electric that their relatives can use. If only you weren’t here, Erik.
That’s their mentality.
Thank you, Carl, for a perfect comment, and being an Engilshman, you know what the Islamic invasion has done to rhe cities of your nation — horror.
And thank you for serving our white race and your great white nation — as a real activist on the street — and also by going online. I am so proud to know you.
Let me refine my post – it could be a basic friendship with a reasonable Muslim or black person, which saves your life. So I am not against reasonable alliances. I still want my living space to be for my own kind, eventually. One thing at a time.
Google Rotherham grooming gangs
Murder of Lee Rigby
Murder of Charlene Downes.
An alliance with Muslims? Never ! They are jihadi Muslims. All non muslims= infidels must die .
Islam is a cancer in the West.
Colonel Gadaffi ” We will conquor the West via the wombs of our women, not the kalshnikov”
Forget about any alliance with Islam . You are in their way.
Carl, there is no doubt that Muslims and others need to go back to their own countries and rule themselves. Are you going to wave a magic wand and make that happen? Szolhenitsyn himself says that “The Salvation of Mankind Will Come When We Make Everything the Concern of Everyone”. That sounds like some sort of cooperation to me. You paint a bleak picture as if everyone in those other races are monsters. I believe in cooperation with those who are willing and also in the hope that there are more willing to unite in a common purpose rather than do the will of the ultimate hate mongers.
IOW real White leaders IMO will have initiative to make alliances and work toward the common good, which is to rid the world of the jews power and influence.
BTW Carl someone already wrote an article in response to your concerns about Rotherham etc which I am keenly aware of.
It is titled
Murder, Torture and Rape and only matter in far off Israel.
Until our movement gets control over a sizable portion of pro White National media, our efforts are in vain.
Erik, yep, I think the same.
To get a job in the media, local goverment, police, armed forces, etc. you have to answer the right questions. Whites are too occupied with TV or Facebook or mindless drivel to do anything.
A pro-white media is a good start. Yet whilst the politicians flood our countries with black and brown gimmigrants we are losing every day.
Most of the world’s problems are caused by the Ashkenazi mob of greedy psychopaths.
By exposing the Zionists as the problem it will gradually turn against them.
If the good jews stood up and spoke up, that would make the world a better place, saying GIMMIGRANTS are invaders.
Dalla propaganda puoi imparare tante cose.
Ho trovato questo articolo e queste foto.
I Gebirgs sono Ebrei?
Così ho letto da questo articolo.
Ho notato che l’esercito israeliano picchia gli ortodossi…proPalestina.