EXTENSIVELY UPDATED Gideon Levy, top Israeli journalist, ADMITS that jews believe in Chosenness, that Palestinians are subhumans, & the Holocaust justifies every jewish crime

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This is an old but prophetic video (2015) from  the prestigious National Press Club in Washington DC, featuring Israeli journalist Gideon Levy discussing the long-standing Israel-Palestine conflict, and now it has gone viral on social media.

The journalist Gideon Levy’s insights on the situation have proven to be prophetic, given current tragic events. Israel’s ongoing conflict with Hamas and the resulting devastation have raised huge concerns worldwide about the jewish state. Gideon Levy is a  jew, an lifelong Israeli, and an award-winning journalist for a top Israeli newspaper, Haaretz (meaning “The Homeland” in Hebrew). He won the top journalism prize in Israel in 2021.



[I am cleaning up Gideon Levy’s English for minor mistakes; it is pretty good, and he is an educated man, and very brave, but English obviously is not his native language. Hebrew is, a semitic language, and very unlike English. In its modern form in Israel, Hebrew, curiously, has a slightly French sound.]


[Levy] “There was never in history an occupation in which the occupier presented himself as the victim, and not only the victim, but the only victim around. This also enables any Israeli to live [psychologically] in peace, because we are the victims.”

[Female journalist from The Times of India]:

You probably noticed the year [= 2015] on that video. It isn’t a recent video, but it’s a video that is now going viral and the person in that video is the award-winning Israeli journalist, Gideon Levy.

He’s putting out some plain truths about Israel, some rather unpalatable truths, one might say, and a lot of what he says, in fact, sounds prophetic, especially when you know that this is not a recent video. This video was taken in 2015, and Gideon Levy has reported from the occupied areas of the West Bank as well as Gaza. And he talks about why this has now come to pass. Much of what he said in this video and the reason why it’s gone viral is because it has resonated with so many people.

The biggest drama of Israel in the late 1980s, when I started to travel to the [Israeli] occupied territories quite accidentally, when I realized — as a journalist — when I realized that the biggest drama of Israel is taking place half an hour away from our homes in our dark “back yard”…. that this real drama of Israel has almost no one to be interested in it; that it is hidden in the backyard of Israel, half an hour away from our homes.
All those crimes are taking place. And we Israelis, most of us, if not ALL of us, do not want to know, do not know, and, above all, do not care.
It has surrounded itself with shields, with walls, not only physical walls but also mental walls. I don’t want to get into it, because it’s another lecture, but I’ll just give the three principles which enable us Israelis to live so easily with this brutal reality.

[1] Most of the Israelis, if not all of them, deeply believe that we are “the Chosen People,” and if we ARE the Chosen People, we have the right to do whatever we want.

There were more brutal occupations in history. There were even longer occupations in history, even though the Israeli occupation is getting to the point of setting quite a nice record, but there was never in history an occupation in which

[2] the occupier presented himself as the victim, and not only the victim, but the only victim around.

This also enables any Israeli to live in peace [of mind], because, see, we are the victims. The other day Professor [Richard] Falk [JdN: also jewish] spoke [JdN: at this conference on the Israeli Lobby] about this dual strategy of Israel of being a victim, on one hand, and manipulating the others, on the other hand.
After what happened in Paris [the Bataclan nightclub attack with 130 dead white French, slaughtered by muslim immigrants]

and in Copenhagen, [Denmark] with the terror attacks [in February 2015, three separate shootings occurred; two victims and the muslim perpetrator were killed, while five police officers were wounded], Benjamin Netanyahu came up with the notion that all the Jews [in the world] must come to Israel, [because he claimed] it’s the safest place for the Jews in the world. It’s a shelter for the Jews of the world….. which is wrong because Israel is today the most dangerous place on Earth for jews.
But let’s put that aside.
It was only 24 hours later when [Netanyahu] said Israel faces an existential threat from the Iranian [nuclear] bomb!
*** JdN: Scare propaganda short video : Iran nukes Israel (showing ordinary jews panicking, screaming, and dying)


And I asked myself, “How can you dare call upon Jews to come and join this suicidal project [of a country] when [you just said] the Iranian are going to BOMB us?”
But in Israel everything goes [the thing and its opposite], and both declarations were accepted as being the only truth.
And here I get to the third set of values which enable us Israelis to live with peace [of mind] about the occupation, and this is maybe the most crucial one, and the worst one:
So we say “victimization.” And we said “Chosen People.” When I say victimization, it goes without saying that we have to mention the “Holocaust” and the unforgettable Mrs Golda Meir, whom American Jewry once exported to Israel [from Milwaukee, Wisconsin].
She said once, this unforgettable woman, that “after the Holocaust, the Jews have the right to do whatever they want.”
But the third set of values is the most dangerous one, and this is

[3] the systematic dehumanization of the Palestinians,

This enables us Israelis to live at peace with everything [that is going down].
Because if they are not human beings like us, then there’s not really a question of human rights.
And if you scratch under the skin of almost every Israeli, you will find it there, that almost no one will treat [or regard] the Palestinians as equal human beings like us.
I once wrote that we treat the Palestinians like animals.  And I got so many protest letters from animal-rights organizations! 😉
Rightly so…. but by the end of the day how many Israelis did ever try for a moment to put themselves in the place of the Palestinians for a moment, for ONE day?
And I want to give you two examples which will demonstrate it.
Many years ago, I interviewed the then candidate for prime minister Ehud Barak, and I asked him a question which I try to ask on any occasion.
“Mr. Barak, what would have had happened if you had been born a Palestinian?” And Barak gave me then the only honest answer he could give me.
He said “I would have joined a terror organization.”
What else Could have he done? Would he have become a poet? He doesn’t know how to write poems. Would he have become a pianist? He’s quite a bad pianist. And I doubt if he would have become a collaborator [helping Israel] either, because he is a fighter [type of person].
And it became a scandal [for me] because [people said] “How can you dare to put it to Barak to have to think about what would have happened if he had been born a Palestinian?”
And the second incident was briefly in the [West Bank] city of Janin during the Second Intifada [2000-05]. The most closed-off city in the West Bank,  it suffered a real, total siege.
*** Wikipedia on Jenin, a very ancient city of 50,000 in the north of the West Bank

During the al-Aqsa [Second] Intifada, Israel launched Operation Defensive Shield with the stated aim of dismantling terrorist infrastructure so as to curb suicide bombings and other militant activities. The army encircled and entered six major Palestinian population centers in the West Bank, among them Jenin. During the Battle of Jenin (2002) in April 2002, 23 Israeli soldiers and 52 Palestinians, including civilians,[57][58] were killed.[59]

Human Rights Watch reported that the refugee camp, which was the major battleground, suffered extensive damage. Witnesses stated unarmed people were shot and denied medical treatment, and as a result died. Human Rights Watch have regarded many killings to be unlawful such as the death of a 57-year-old wheelchair bound man who was shot and run over by a tank despite having attached a white flag on his wheelchair.

A 37-year-old man who was paralysed was crushed under the rubble of his house; his family was refused to be allowed to remove his body.

A 14-year-old boy was killed as he traveled to purchase groceries during the temporary relief of the curfew that was imposed by the army.

Medical staff were shot at (one nurse killed) while trying to reach the wounded even after clearly being in uniform displaying the red crescent symbol.[60]

There have also been reports of Israeli soldiers using Palestinians as human shields, one father described how a soldier rested his rifle on his 14-year-old son’s shoulder as he shot.[61] Israel denied the entry of rescue teams and journalists into Jenin even after they withdrew. Over the following years, Jenin was subject to extended curfews and targeted killings.

During a gun-battle with Islamic Jihad militants whom Israel says were firing at troops from inside the UN compound, an Israeli military sniper shot and killed a UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) employee, Iain Hook(54) on November 22, 2002.[62] The sniper reportedly mistook a cellphone in Hook’s hands for a gun or grenade.[63

Wiki on Hook, a former British Army officer and UN official (with his UN identification card here):
Hook was shot in the back by a sniper with a scoped rifle from a distance of 20 meters.[1][4] Co-workers evacuated Hook through the hole in the wall, but he died of a gunshot wound to the abdomen before reaching a hospital.[7][14]

Ambulance controversy

United Nations said it immediately arranged an ambulance for patient evacuation but said Israeli soldiers on the field delayed the ambulance sent to evacuate Hook and changed its route, later echoed by then UN secretary-general Kofi Annan.[4][15] Israel military officials denied the charge.[4]

UNRWA immediately arranged for an ambulance to evacuate the wounded staff member but the IDF soldiers on the ground refused immediate access for the ambulance and there appears to have been a delay before the staff member could be evacuated by an alternative route. Sadly, he died before arrival at the hospital.

Wiki on Battle of Jenin (which was what woke my late wife Margaret up to the whole JQ):
The BBC reported that ten percent of the refugee camp was “virtually rubbed out by a dozen armoured Israeli bulldozers.”[16] David Holley, a Major in the British Territorial Army and a military adviser to Amnesty International, reported that an area within the refugee camp of about 100 m by 200 m was flattened.[30] According to Stephen Graham, the IDF had systematically bulldozed an area measuring 160 by 250 m in the Jenin refugee camp.[60] The Hawashin neighbourhood was levelled.[61] Many residents had no advance warning, and some were buried alive.[61]
*** back to Gideon Levy
I go out from inside Janin,  and I come to the [Israeli] checkpoint.
A Palestinian ambulance is parked there with the red lights on. I stand behind it. No vehicle could get out of Janin in those days, and no car could get in. And I wait… The [Israeli] soldiers are playing backgammon in the tent.
Usually I know — I know myself [from experience] — that it’s better that not get into any confrontation with the [Israeli] soldiers [even as an Israeli], because it always ends up very badly.
So I stay in the car, but after 40 minutes, I couldn’t take it any longer, and I got out to the car. From my car, I went first up to the Palestinian ambulance driver, and I asked him, “What’s going on?” He told me, “That’s the routine. They let me wait for one hour until they come and check the ambulance.”
And I couldn’t take it anymore. And they went to the soldiers and it became a confrontation, but the question that they asked them which really brought them to point their weapons at me was this:

“What would have happened if it was your father lying there in this ambulance?”

This freaked them out.

They lost control.

“How DARE I compare THEIR father and the Palestinian in the ambulance?”

And this set of beliefs that “Is it good for Israel?” and “they are not human beings like us” enables us Israelis to live in so much peace of mind despite those crimes, ongoing crimes for so many years, thus losing any kind of humanity, any values…..

“Humanit,” ….”values”… I hear today people talk about “Jewish values.” But I must be frank with you. I don’t know what “Jewish values” are. I know what UNIVERSAL values are! [applause]

Let’s not get into [“Jewish values”], really.

There are very clear UNIVERSAL values, and there is very, very clear international law.

But for most of the Israelis, international law is very important — but NOT for Israel.

!Israel is a special case.”

Why  is it a special case?

And again you get all those sets of values with this living in denial, and here I want to get back to the topic of our panel.

Is it good for Israel?

No, it’s very corrupting, because as long as the United States enables Israel to continue, obviously the Palestinians are the first and direct, unbelievable victims of it.

But by the end of the day, what will Israel be after all those years? What is it already today? When does it — what direction is it going?

And things are getting worse and worse. And therefore I have so little hope about change from within Israeli society, because things, as you might know, are going more and more in the nationalistic, militaristic, religious direction with very little hope that change will come from within.

Why would Israelis go for a change? What incentive? Why would they bother?

Life is so good. You should have seen Israel in the days when Gaza was bombed, when the beaches were crowded.The helicopters were passing on their way to bomb Gaza. The Israeli TV hardly showed photos from there. Newspapers hardly wrote anything.

I wrote ONE article about the responsibility of the pilots, and I needed to use bodyguards to get out of my home.

After this, the problem was, by the way, that the bodyguards were [illegal West Bank jewish] settlers and they argued with me all day long until I saw that I was much more secure without the bodyguards rather with them.

But the last war in Gaza —  and these will be my final remarks — the last war in Gaza told us also that Israel, which has three regimes today… maybe the only country.. the only state in the world with three regimes, one for the Jews, one for the Arab citizens [of Israel] and one, an apartheid regime in the West Bank and in Gaza, one of the most brutal and cruel tyrannies in the world, but even for the facade, even for this democracy which I always thought is a democracy for its Jewish citizens I realized last summer that it IS a democracy for its Jewish citizens, but ONLY if they think like the majority.

And therefore, and by this I want to conclude, I want to tell you all that a few of us, very few, much too few, but a few of us are looking to Western Europe and the United States with great hope, because we have lost hope in Israel.

Thank you very much.

Gideon Levy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gideon Levy
גדעון לוי

Gideon Levy, 2011
Born 2 June 1953 (age 70)

Tel Aviv, Israel
Nationality Israeli
Education M.A. Political Science, Tel Aviv University
Occupation(s) Journalist, author

Gideon Levy (Hebrewגדעון לויpronounced [ɡidˈʔon leˈvi]; born 2 June 1953) is an Israeli journalist and author. Levy writes opinion pieces and a weekly column for the newspaper Haaretz that often focus on the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. Levy has won prizes for his articles on human rights in the Israeli-occupied territories. In 2021, he won Israel’s top award for journalism, the Sokolov Award.[1]


Levy was born in 1953 in Tel Aviv.

Levy’s father, Heinz (Zvi) Loewy, was born in the town of Saaz in the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia, and earned a law degree from the University of Prague. He fled the Nazis in 1939 on a flight organized by two Slovakian Jews, together with 800 others. He spent six months on an illegal immigrant boat, the Frossoula, registered under a Panamanian flag, which was denied entry into Turkey and Palestine, and was permitted only temporary anchorage at Tripoli. He was then imprisoned in a detention camp at Beirut for six weeks. The group was then allowed to leave. During its journey, the ship was strafed by Royal Air Force planes, killing two passengers, after which the group was transferred to another ship, the Tiger Hill, which reached Mandate Palestine, where it ran aground at Tel-Aviv’s Frischman Beach.[2][3][4] His mother, Thea, from Ostrava, Czechoslovakia,[5] was brought to Palestine in a rescue operation for children in 1939, and was placed in a kibbutz. His grandparents were murdered in the Holocaust.[1] His father initially opened a bakery in Herzliya with his sister and worked as a newspaper deliveryman, but later found a job as an office clerk.

The family initially lived in poverty, but their lives became relatively comfortable when the German Holocaust reparations arrived.[6] Levy attended Tel Aviv’s Ironi Aleph High School.[1] He and his younger brother Rafi often sang together, notably songs by Haim Hefer.[7] During the Six-Day War in 1967, the street adjacent to his home was hit by Arab artillery.[8] In 2007, Levy described his political views while a teenager as mainstream: “I was a full member of the nationalistic religious orgy. We all were under the feeling that the whole project [of Israel] is in an existentialistic danger. We all felt that another holocaust is around the corner.”[9]

Journalism and media career

Levy was drafted into the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in 1974 and served as a reporter for Israel Army Radio.[1] From 1978 to 1982, he worked as an aide and spokesman for Shimon Peres,[1] then the leader of the Israeli Labor Party. In 1982, he began to write for the Israeli daily Haaretz. In 1983–87, he was a deputy editor.[1][10] Despite his coverage of the Israeli-Arab conflict, he speaks no Arabic.[10] He has written a column called “Twilight Zone” about the hardships of the Palestinians since 1988. In 2004, Levy published a compilation of articles entitled Twilight Zone – Life and Death under the Israeli Occupation.[11] With Haim Yavin, he co-edited Whispering Embers, a documentary series on Russian Jewry after the fall of communism. He hosted A Personal meeting with Gideon Levy, a weekly talk show that was broadcast on Israeli cable TV on channel 3,[10] and has appeared periodically on other television talk shows.

Levy has said that his views on Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians developed only after joining Haaretz. “When I first started covering the West Bank for Haaretz, I was young and brainwashed”, he said in a 2009 interview.[12] “I would see settlers cutting down olive trees and soldiers mistreating Palestinian women at the checkpoints, and I would think, ‘These are exceptions, not part of government policy.’ It took me a long time to see that these were not exceptions – they were the substance of government policy.”

In an interview, he said he doubts that any newspaper in Israel other than Haaretz would give him the journalistic freedom to publish the kind of pieces he writes.[10]

On the issue of copyright violations in journalism, Levy voiced support in June 2011 for Johann Hari, then writing for The Independent of London, who was accused of plagiarism, while confirming that Hari had lifted quotes from Levy’s newspaper column.[13]

Views and opinions

Levy defines himself as a “patriotic Israeli”.[14] He criticizes what he sees as Israeli society’s moral blindness to the effects of its acts of war and occupation. He has referred to the construction of settlements on private Palestinian land as “the most criminal enterprise in [Israel’s] history”.[15] He opposed the 2006 Lebanon War. In 2007, he said that the plight of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, then under Israeli blockade, made him ashamed to be Israeli.[16] “My modest mission is to prevent a situation in which many Israelis will be able to say ‘We didn’t know'”, he has said.[9]

Levy supports unilateral withdrawal from occupied Palestinian territories without concessions. “Israel is not being asked ‘to give’ anything to the Palestinians; it is only being asked to return – to return their stolen land and restore their trampled self-respect, along with their fundamental human rights and humanity.”[17]

Levy used to support a two-state solution, but now feels it has become untenable, and supports a one-state solution.[18][19]

Levy wrote that the 2008–09 Gaza War was a failed campaign that did not achieve its objectives. “The conclusion is that Israel is a violent and dangerous country, devoid of all restraints and blatantly ignoring the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, while not giving a hoot about international law”, he wrote in an editorial.[20]

In 2010, Levy described Hamas as a fundamentalist organization and held it responsible for the Qassam rockets fired at Israeli cities: “Hamas is to be blamed for launching the Qassams. This is unbearable. No sovereign state would have tolerated it. Israel had the right to react”. “But the first question you have to ask yourselves”, he continued, “is why Hamas launched the missiles. Before criticising Hamas I would rather criticise my own government which carries a much bigger responsibility for the occupation and conditions in Gaza […] And our behaviour was unacceptable.”[14]

Levy supports boycotting Israel, saying it is “the Israeli patriot’s final refuge”.[21][22] He has said that economic boycott is more important, but that he also supports academic and cultural boycott.[23]

During the 2023 Palestinian–Israeli conflict, Levy called for “lifting the criminal siege on the Gaza Strip”.[24]



Levy’s writing has earned him numerous awards, including the Emil Grunzweig Human Rights Award in 1996 from the Association for Civil Rights in Israel,[25] the Anna Lindh Foundation Journalism Award in 2008 for an article he wrote about Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces,[26] and the Peace Through Media Award in 2012.[27] New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman has called him “a powerful liberal voice”.[28] In his review of Levy’s book The Punishment of Gaza, journalist and literary critic Nicholas Lezard called him “an Israeli dedicated to saving his country’s honour”, but said “there is much of the story he leaves out”.[29] Le Monde[30] and Der Spiegel have profiled Levy.[10][31] “He has a global name. He may be [one of] the most famous and the most invited journalists in Israel”, wrote Israeli journalist Ben-Dror Yemini.[32]

In 2021, Levy was awarded Israel’s top journalism award, the Sokolow Prize. In its citation, the prize committee wrote that Levy “presents original and independent positions that do not surrender to convention or social codes, and in doing so enriches the public discourse fearlessly.”[33]


Levy has been criticized for being anti-Israeli and supporting the Palestinians. “Is it wrong to ask of reporters in a country that is in the midst of a difficult war to show a little more empathy for their people and their country?” asked Amnon Dankner of the Maariv newspaper.[34] Ben-Dror Yemini, the editor of the opinion page of Maariv, called Levy one of the “propagandists for the Hamas”.[35] Itamar Marcus, director of Palestinian Media Watch, wrote “[One of] the current Israeli heroes [of the Hamas], from whom the Palestinians garner support for their ways, [is] Gideon Levy”.[36] In 2008, Arutz Sheva reported that Levy’s article about the Jerusalem bulldozer attack was translated into Arabic for a Hamas website.[37] In 2006, Gideon Ezra, Israel’s former deputy Minister of Internal Security, suggested that the General Security Services should monitor Levy as a borderline security risk.[38]

In 2002, Israeli novelist Irit Linur set off a wave of subscription cancellations to Haaretz when she wrote an open letter to the paper cancelling her own subscription.[39] “It is a person’s right to be a radical leftist, and publish a newspaper in accordance with his world view… However Haaretz has reached the point where its anti-Zionism has become stupid and evil”, she wrote.[39] She also accused Levy of amateurism because he does not speak Arabic.[40][41]

Other public figures also cancelled their subscriptions, including Roni Daniel, the military and security correspondent for Israeli Channel 2.[42] Levy himself joked that there is a thick file of anti-Levy cancellations in the Haaretz newsroom.[31]

In an open letter to Levy in 2009, Israeli author A. B. Yehoshua, formerly a supporter of Levy, described his comparison of Gazan-Israeli death tolls as absurd and questioned his motives.[43]

In 2013, Levy published an article about what he views as a disgraceful attitude towards African asylum seekers in Israel.[44] In considering the reasons for this attitude, he wrote, “This time the issue is not security, Israel’s state religion. Nor are still talking about a flood of refugees, because the border with Egypt has been closed. So the only explanation for this disgraceful treatment lies in the national psyche. The migrants’ color is the problem. A million immigrants from Russia, a third of them non-Jews, some of whom were also found to have a degree of alcohol and crime in their blood, were not a problem. Tens of thousands of Africans are the ultimate threat.”[44]

Levy’s remarks about Russians produced accusations of racism from Eddie Zhensker, executive director of the Russian advocacy NGO Morashtenu, who accused Levy of “brute and coarse prejudices”.[45] Immigrant Absorption Minister Sofa Landver demanded that Levy be placed on trial.[46] Levy later apologised to those who were offended, but claimed that the real problem was that he had called Russian “immigrants” instead of “olim” and compared them to Africans.[46]

During the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict the chairman of the Likud Yisrael Beiteinu faction in the Knesset, Yariv Levin, called for Levy to be put on trial for treason.[47]

In February 2016, after Levy criticized the Israel Labor Party,[48] its Secretary General, Yehiel Bar, wrote in Haaretz that Levy is a Trojan horse: “Sad, that Levy who used to be a moral compass, became a broken compass: at all time, with no connection to circumstances or reality, Levy’s compass points negative, points despair, points irrelevant”. Bar added that Levy regards Palestinians as uneducated children who are exempted of any responsibility to their actions.[49]

Private life

Levy resides in the Ramat Aviv neighborhood of Tel Aviv, on a site that was, before 1948, part of the Palestinian Arab village of Sheikh Munis.[50] He is a divorced father of two.[10] He says his sons do not share his politics and do not read anything he writes.[3] He has received death threats.[51]


Published works


  1. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i ‘Haaretz Journalist Gideon Levy Receives Israel’s Top Journalism Prize,’ Haaretz 9 November 2021
  2. ^ Levy, Gideon (22 June 2013). “A stranger in an ancestral home: Gideon Levy searches for his roots in the Czech Republic”Haaretz. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  3. Jump up to:a b Johann Hari (24 September 2010). “Is Gideon Levy the most hated man in Israel or just the most heroic”The Independent. Retrieved 1 June 2012.
  4. ^ Gideon Levy (4 August 2013). “The last passenger”Haaretz. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  5. ^ Gideon Levy (4 December 2016). “Stay Here, You Dog!”Haaretz. Retrieved 4 December 2016.
  6. ^ Levy, Gideon (19 April 2012). “Israel must remember the Holocaust’s refugees, forever changed”Haaretz. Retrieved 1 June 2012.
  7. ^ Levy, Gideon (10 April 2009). בוא שיר עברי | שני שיבר ושליש ירכתיים [Come sing Hebrew | Two kept and a third below deck]. Haaretz (in Hebrew). Retrieved 30 January 2010.
  8. ^ Gideon Levy (10 April 2009). אזור הדמדומים | 100 בהיסטוריה [Twilight Zone | 100 in history]. Haaretz (in Hebrew). Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  9. Jump up to:a b Brown, Matt (11 June 2007). “Six Day War prompts reflection in Middle East”Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Archived from the original on 24 November 2014. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  10. Jump up to:a b c d e f לקסיקון אנציקלופדי לתקשורת ועיתונות – גדעון לוי [Encyclopedic Lexicon Communications and Journalism – Gideon Levy]. HaAyin HaShevi’it (in Hebrew). 26 February 2008. Archived from the original on 26 April 2011. Retrieved 30 January 2010.
  11. ^ Eva L. Weiss (18 March 2005). “A Literary Hot Spot Celebrates a Birthday”The Jewish Daily Forward. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  12. ^ Hirschfield, Robert (4 September 2009). “Israel’s Gadfly”In These Times. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  13. ^ Pugh, Andrew (29 June 2011). “Gideon Levy backs Johann Hari in plagiarism row”Press Gazette. Archived from the original on 4 September 2014. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  14. Jump up to:a b Round, Simon (5 October 2010). “Jewish Chronicle interview: Gideon Levy”The Jewish Chronicle. Retrieved 1 June 2012.
  15. ^ Gideon Levy (18 November 2007). “What do you mean when you say ‘no’?”Haaretz. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  16. ^ Glain, Stephen (24 September 2007). “Ha’aretz, Israel’s Liberal Beacon”The Nation. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  17. ^ Gideon Levy (25 November 2007). “Demands of a thief”Haaretz. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  18. ^ Gideon Levy (2 February 2014). “Who’s afraid of a binational state?”Haaretz. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  19. ^ Interview by ICAHD Finland (2 February 2014). “Gideon Levy: One state solution vs. two state solution”ICAHD Finland. Retrieved 13 May 2014.
  20. ^ Gideon Levy (22 January 2009). “Gaza war ended in utter failure for Israel”Haaretz. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  21. ^ Gideon Levy (14 July 2013). “The Israeli patriot’s final refuge: boycott”Haaretz. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  22. ^ Interview by ICAHD Finland (2 February 2014). “What led you to change your mind regarding BDS?”ICAHD Finland. Retrieved 13 May 2014.
  23. ^ Interview by ICAHD Finland (2 February 2014). “What is your view on academic and cultural boycott as compared to economic boycott?”ICAHD Finland. Retrieved 13 May 2014.
  24. ^ “Gideon Levy: Israel Must Lift Siege & Call off Plans for Gaza Ground Invasion”Democracy Now!.
  25. ^ “1996: Gideon Levy, Haaretz Journalist”Association for Civil Rights in Israel. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  26. ^ “Gideon Levy wins Anna Lindh Journalistic Prize for his exceptional writings on the challenges of the region”Anna Lindh Foundation. 27 July 2008. Retrieved 1 June 2012.
  27. ^ “Haaretz’s Gideon Levy wins Peace Through Media Award”Haaretz. 2 April 2008. Archived from the original on 31 May 2012. Retrieved 1 June 2012.
  28. ^ Friedman, Thomas L. (14 December 2011). “Newt, Mitt, Bibi and Vladimir”The New York Times. p. A35. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  29. ^ Lezard, Nicholas (3 July 2010). “The Punishment of Gaza by Gideon Levy”The Guardian. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  30. ^ “Gideon Lévy : une épine dans le flanc d’Israël”Le Monde (in French). 4 September 2006. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  31. Jump up to:a b Schult, Christoph (31 December 2008). “Problems at Israel’s Haaretz: Newspaper Without a Country”Der Spiegel. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  32. ^ Levy, Gideon; Yemini, Ben Dror (15 October 2010). ברון תעשיית השקרים [Baron of the Falsehood Industry]. nrg Maariv (in Hebrew). Retrieved 17 September 2014. Translation available at “Baron of the Falsehood Industry”CAMERA. Archived from the original on 19 August 2012. Retrieved 28 January 2012.
  33. ^ Aderet, Ofer (14 June 2021). “Haaretz journalist Gideon Levy awarded Israel’s top journalism prize”Haaretz.com. Retrieved 14 June 2021.
  34. ^ Amnon Dankner, Maariv, 1 May 2002, quoted in Gaby Weiman, “Ten Dilemmas of Journalism in Days of Terror”
  35. ^ Yemini, Ben Dror (17 January 2009). סרסורי מצפון [Conscience pimps]. nrg Maariv (in Hebrew). Retrieved 9 April 2009.
  36. ^ גיבורי הפלסטינים: גדעון לוי, עמירה הס, ודני רובינשטיין [Palestinian Heroes: Gideon Levy, Amira Hass, and Danny Rubinstein]. Arutz Sheva (in Hebrew). 6 May 2001. Retrieved 9 April 2009.
  37. ^ Dalit Halevy (28 July 2008). “השראה לתעמולת חמאס: גדעון לוי” [Inspiration of Hamas propaganda: Gideon Levy]. Arutz Sheva. Retrieved 1 June 2012.
  38. ^ אירועי תקשורתIsrael Democracy Institute (in Hebrew).[dead link]
  39. Jump up to:a b עירית לינור מאשימה את עיתון הארץ בנקיטת עירית לינור מאשימה את עיתון הארץ בנקיטת עמדה אנטי-ציונית [Irit Linur Accuses newspaper Haaretz of taking anti-zionist stance]. News1 (in Hebrew). 25 April 2002. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
    [a]Translation: “it is a person’s right to be a radical leftist, and publish a newspaper in accordance with this world view…. However Haaretz reached a stage where its anti-Zionism turns too frequently to silly and mean journalism.” Original:

    זכותו של אדם להיות שמאלני-רדיקלי, ולהוציא עיתון בהתאם להשקפת עולמו… אבל “הארץ” הגיע לשלב בו האנטי-ציונות שלו הופכת לעתים קרובות מדי לעיתונות מטופשת ומרושעת.

    [b]Translation: “When Gideon Levy accuses Israel of turning Marwan Barghouti from a peace seeker to an impresario of suicide bombings, it is as logical an interpretation, just as the claim that the wave of attacks on 11 September were a plot by Mossad. In a private conversation with him, he told me one time that he would not travel a hundred meters to save the life of a settler, and it seems to me that his loves and hates have been long tainting his heart-rending reports from the occupied Palestinian territories.” Original:

    כשגדעון לוי מאשים את ישראל בהפיכתו של מרואן ברגותי משוחר שלום לאמרגן פיגועי התאבדות, זו פרשנות הגיונית, ממש כמו הטענה שגל הפיגועים ב-11 בספטמבר הוא מזימה של המוסד. בשיחה פרטית איתו, אמר לי פעם שהוא לא היה נוסע מאה מטר כדי להציל את חייו של מתנחל, ונראה לי שאהבותיו ושנאותיו מכתימות כבר מזמן את דיווחיו הנוגעים ללב מהשטחים הפלשתינים הכבושים.
  40. ^ Translation: Furthermore, and maybe this also does not have to be noted, his whole career is touched with frivolousness, since he is one of the few journalists for Arab matters in the world who does not speak Arabic, does not understand Arabic and does not read Arabic. He gets a simultaneous translation, and that’s enough. For me, that is amateur journalism.
    כמו כן, ואולי גם את זה לא צריך לציין, כל הקריירה שלו נגועה בחלטוריזם, מכיוון שהוא אחד הכתבים היחידים בעולם לעניינים ערביים, שלא יודע ערבית, לא מבין ערבית ולא קורא ערבית. מתרגמים לו סימולטנית, וזה מספיק. לטעמי, זו עיתונות חובבנית.
  41. ^ Levy himself confirmed in an interview in 2002 that he does not speak Arabic. See Interview with Gideon Levy (in Hebrew) Archived 17 October 2012 at the Wayback Machine
  42. ^ שכניק, רז (16 January 2009). עד מתי אוקטובר 65′ (in Hebrew). מוסף “7 לילות” של “ידיעות אחרונות”.
  43. ^ A. B. Yehoshua (16 January 2009). “Open Letter to Gideon Levy”Haaretz. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  44. Jump up to:a b Gideon Levy (23 December 2013). “The migrants aren’t the problem—Israel’s racism is”Haaretz.
  45. ^ Zhensker, Eddie (January 2014). “Disappointed by Gideon Levy”en.morashtenu.org.il.
  46. Jump up to:a b Levy, Gideon (26 December 2013). “Blood, crime, Russian immigrants and racism; an apology”Haaretz.
  47. ^ Fraser, Giles (6 August 2014). “The movement that dare not speak its name in Israel”The Guardian. Retrieved 7 August 2014.
  48. ^ Levy, Gideon (11 February 2016). “Israeli Labor Party Convention Demonstrates Deception of Highest Order”Haaretz. Retrieved 3 November 2022.
  49. ^ “Trojan horse named Gideom Levy”Haaretz. 2 February 2016.
  50. ^ Levy, Gideon (6 August 2009). “From Sheikh Jarrah to Sheikh Munis”Haaretz. Retrieved 17 September 2014Somewhere, perhaps in a refugee camp in terrible poverty, lives the family of the farmer who plowed the land where my house now stands.”
  51. ^ ‘Meanwhile, Gideon Levy receives a death threat,’ Haaretz 11 January 2015
  52. ^ “Laureates 2003: Gideon Levy and Daoud Kuttab”Media Foundation of Sparkasse Leipzig. Archived from the original on 16 January 2016. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  53. ^ “Four journalists win the Second Euro-Mediterranean Journalist Prize for Cultural Dialogue”Anna Lindh Foundation. 15 January 2008. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  54. ^ “2012 Awards”International Media Awards. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
  55. ^ “Gideon Levy receives Peace Through Media Award 2012”YouTubeArchived from the original on 15 December 2021. Retrieved 1 June 2012.
  56. ^ MEE contributor Gideon Levy wins international human rights prize. Middle East Eye, 7 January 2016

External links


    • Grazie!

      Molto bene, anche se il titolo è un po’ come “clickbait”. L’FBI NON ammette che i potenti fratelli Podesta, addetti ai lavori di Washington, siano pedofili, o che il ristorante “Comet Ping Pong” a Washington DC sia parte di una prigione per pedofili per bambini, che sono le cose al centro di “Pizzagate”. Si sta solo ribadendo che alcuni pedofili usano parole in codice online riferendosi ai vari condimenti per la pizza. Ma è comunque un’informazione eccellente.

  1. If Jews had sufficient power in the United States, they would treat the White citizenry exactly as they are treating the Palestinians in Gaza.

    • I thought at first that this was an OLD video from early October. So many initially felt compassion for “the poor jews.” But then came the fake baby-decapitation story, discredited even by Israel, and then the massive Israeli atrocities, discrediting the Jewish State further. The jews lost, they say, 1,400 …but have now killed 14,000 — tenfold!

      But this was indeed a very recent visit by Elon Musk. Thank you for asking about this.

      My study of body language tells me that Elon does not believe one word of what he is saying. But he is hurting financially and scared in three ways that make him, like many other rich men, pretend cravenly to like the jews:

      1) the jewsmedia can ridicule or scare buyers about his $60K Tesla electronic cars and ruin sales (“the batteries catch on fire”);

      2) the ADL can continue to urge advertisers to boycott Twitter/X, causing billions in lost revenue;

      3) and his SpaceX rockets can continue to “accidentally” explode after launch and right on television…

      Same cave-in we saw with Trump.

      He talked tough to the jews in his December 2015 speech.

      Then they put the screws to him.

      In 2016, at the Republican Party convention, he was a changed man, singing the praise of his Jewish daughter  and grandchildren…..

      I realized by 1984, when I resigned from the National Alliance of Dr William Pierce, that only the transformation of our race from people with pale skin into Aryans, a noble and SPIRITUAL nation, can succeed.

      Guys with big egos, fame, or willpower who were somewhat or VERY well-meaning like Henry Ford; General George Patton; George Lincoln Rockwell, a hero; Dr. Pierce himself, another hero; Donald Trump (a narcissist who at least is “a fighter”); and now Elon Musk all find out that most Whites whom they want to support them when they take on the jews; or buy their product; or vote for them; are, when push comes to shove, egoic cowards with no loyalty or gratitude — just as I experienced this very summer.

      You can give and do everything for many a white man in a dire emergency, but he feels zero gratitude, only his own fear of the jews, and you get zero thanks in return. (This has happened now three times. But already Napoleon said two hundred years ago that ingratitude and broken friendship hurt the most, more even than death. And we all remember Judas Iscariot, not 200 years ago — but 2,000!)

      The average Joe prefers money and safety and the avoidance of trouble, such as being shunned, to loving honor and truth, and also, with these big guys, that while they might be individual billionaires, and think they are big stuff, then they find out that Lord Rothschild is highly networked, and he is not a billionaire like them, but a trillionaire.

      In fact, I see Donald Trump as eventually betraying us Whites totally, and, in order to end the massive Deep-State lawfare against him (four trials now with negro prosecutors and jew judges!) and to become US President again, he will agree, he will consent, to become a warmonger himself.

      He will surrender to jewry completely, and he will thus provoke a world war with mighty Russia, fierce Iran and the gigantic and secretly national-socialist China, which all — their true crime — stand up to the jews.

      Trump is, in the end, just another narcissist who does some good things mainly to get for himself fame and money, and, to be honest, his personality actually thrives on conflict. This is just like when, in his last incarnation, he was General George Patton.

      Maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, and standing 6’2″,  President Donald Trump (born June 1946) is literally the reincarnation of the maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ general George Patton (died December 1945) 





      But unlike WWII, which was actually fun for the war-adoring Patton, the coming WWIII will be nuclear world genocide.

      And thus my movement must start and now.

      I could even see a chance of Trump striking a deal and resuming the presidency — yes, I mean next year, and before the 2024 election.

      The jewsmedia will “discover” suddenly what non-sheeple and Tucker Carlson followers have known for years: 1) the 2020 election was stolen; 2) Biden is a pedophile and senile; and 3) his son Hunter, as proven by the laptop, is a pedophile too and a cocaine-addled degenerate with no job.

      And they already realize that Biden has failed to beat Russia in the Ukrainian War and the Chinese just laugh at him.

      So the jewsmedia suddenly “determines” that ACTUALLY Donald Trump is the elected president — as  in right now!

      He walks back into the White House, “Hail to the Chief” plays, he is chauffeured around in “The Beast” again, and he gets to fire some personal enemies to his orgasmic delight.

      All the Donald has to do is promise this: to “get tough” with the jew-disobeying major powers of Moscow, Beijing and Teheran.

      Ahhhh, paper tigers all! 😉

      Or maybe not.

    • Thanks.

      Piers Morgan was his usual bullying, interrupting self….. Standing up for the jews — what an act of “courage”…. defending the jew billionaires who pay his salary.

      Finkelstein should have also gone on the offensive, and said that “When Israel claims ‘1,400’ Israelis were killed,” first, the Israelis lie constantly about everything, and the 40 beheaded jewish babies lie was a good example. So who know how many really died? And secondly, the Israelis have since killed 14,000 Gazans!”

      Finkelstein, by the way, has a strangely very high-pitched voice, like someone’s very old grandmother, a female, which is surprising, since he looks very masculine and he is certainly courageous.

      I met twice a jew named David Oweiss from the antizionist jewish group “Neturei Karta.” He had the same kind of shrill voice. I had never heard such a high voice before in any man.

      This may be a racially neanderthal feature. It seems the voice box of neanderthals was different from that of Cro-Magnons.

  2. In realtà sono apparsi tutti questi personaggi sopravvissuti dell’olocausto in difesa della Palestina che hanno un aspetto poco piacevole ai miei occhi.
    Perdonami se mi viene da ridere.
    Anche David Oweiss.
    ISTINTIVAMENTE non riesco proprio a Fidarmi di Nessuno.
    Sono tutte mezze Verità le loro.
    Quindi non portano nessuna Rivoluzione mentale necessaria.

    • Transl:

      In reality, all these characters who “survived the Holocaust” appeared in defense of Palestine and have an unpleasant appearance in my eyes.

      Forgive me if I laugh.

      Also about this David Oweiss.

      INSTINCTIVELY I just can’t trust any of them. They are all half-truths.

      Therefore they do not bring about the necessary mental revolution.

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