For once, Robert Sepehr goes way off the rails with nonsense CI claim that Scandinavians are part of the “lost tribes of Israel”

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The jews of all three branches (Sephardim, Mizrahim and Ashkenazim) all descend largely from the prehistoric Neanderthal race, early humans whom our ancestors, the Cro-Magnons, defeated in Europe. If you have not read these essays right below, please do, or if you have, you can review or skip over them.


I dedicate this article to a Danish comrade who has been a generous donor and also commenter for years now. When I was in Denmark in the summer of 1972,  it was 99% white, spotless, friendly, and full of well-dressed, beautiful nordic girls and handsome men.

The only problem was that in June, the sun came up at 4:30 in the morning! 😉 ( With my hotel room flooded with sunlight, I panicked, raced to throw on my clothes, and was sure I would miss my 8 a.m. tour bus to a Viking-renactment village! LOL!



……Jews, Arabs and Caucasus peoples (like the Georgians Stalin and Beria) descend from Neanderthals, and thus are natural, genetic enemies for 30,000 years now of the Cro Magnons (the whites),who defeated them and drove them out of most of Europe.  Judaism,  Islam and Paul’s Judeo-Christianity are part of their revenge!


The rhinoplasty “de-sinisterizes” them. Between their yellowish-brown skin and their hooked noses, every healthy instinct in us as descendants of the Cro-Magnons — of the Ancient European Whites — and of Nordic settlers such as the Baltic UFO people, simply recoils before such features that bode us ill.

Cro-Magnons in the Old Stone Age — they had large brains 10,000 years ago, were as tall as Whites today, and lived a long time. No welfare system protected the weak, dishonest, disloyal, incompetent and lazy. No loser could pass on his genes — no woman would have him. And in clans of 17 to 25 people, no one could fake their resumé or photoshop their photo.

Zia,  daughter of the clan chieftain in the Discovery Channel/UK Channel 4 docudrama “Ice Age Columbus,” scathingly rejects a hungry male clan member who wants HER food. The resentful loser, a forerunner of Carlos Porter, later murders another clan member and is driven off into the forest, exiled, to die there. 


Beorg cherishes his daughter


Then he orders the murderer to leave the clan, and go fend for himself, usually a death sentence..


The Baltic UFO from 10,000 BC is an established fact.  A Swedish company searching professionally for sunken ships for their treasures found, photographed and examined it. Then it was declared off-limits. No one is to know that Nordic aliens crash-landed in Northern Europe, and the survivors then spread out, interbreeding with and adding a huge IQ boost to the already intelligent Cro-Magnons.   


Swedish divers examined the craft carefully down in 285 feet of water, a sometimes dangerous depth. (A friend of mine, Eric Gramm, died in 1971 during a 200-foot dive  to retrieve an anchor.)

An interesting opening on top. The Swedish governmentm, under US/NATO pressure, now lies that this is a natural rock formation.

As it crashed, it skittered along the bottom of the northern Baltic Sea, called the Bay of Bothnia.

The highest incidence of blond hair and blue eyes in Europe is on both sides of the crash site. One can assume that other craft did land safely — on land nearby — and their occupants survived, emerging and spreading out to find food, water and shelter. Eventually, of course, their ship batteries all died, and they had to “go native,” adopting the Stone Age lifestyle of the Cro-Magnons to whom they were related in order to live.

Note also the arrogant look in the semite’s eyes (and pardon me for showing this pic yet again). This jew really thinks he’s “the sh–t.” Both neanderthalic religions, Judaism and Islam, are full of a sense of chosenness, of self-importance and swagger. Now, with his nose bobbed, this semite figures he is ready to pork some blonde white women.


In military aviation (Air Force, Navy and Marines), there is a friend/foe radar detection system to tell a pilot if a jet flying right at him at high speed is out to help or to kill him.

OUR racial friend/foe system needs to be switched on!

Joseph Stalin busts once displayed in Leipzig, in the then communist-conquered East Germany. Stalin was a racial neanderthal, though probably not a jew. As a Georgian, he was genetically related to the jews, just as Arabs and Armenians also are. In fact, fearing jewish power, the Soviet ruler had many thousands of individual Soviet jewish officials executed in four huge purges: in the 1920s the Trotsykite purges; in the 1930s the “Moscow show trials”;  in the 1940s the “Cosmopolitan” trials;  and yet again in the early 1950s with the “doctors’ plot” trials. Finally, before Stalin could ship ALL the jews off to Siberia, having created a jewish republic there, the jews poisoned HIM.

….The Hebrews, as a Jewish author proudly admits, were the “Habiru,” a roaming horde of criminals that terrorized the Middle East

If any people on this earth are NOT God’s people, it is the jews!

So why would any white man want to descend from the Israelites,  the ANCIENT jews?



A  Danish comrade sent me this link to a new Robert Sepehr video:

I saw this, having been a HUGE Sepehr fan for years, promoting his many dozens of excellent, factual, yet entertaining pro-Aryan videos and his three chap books (all between the lines very anti-jewish).

And so I was incredibly disappointed by his newest offering.

It was, hands down, the worst video he ever did, and totally, radically wrong.

Germanic/nordic people descend from the jews?????? Hah???

We descend from the north and from various waves of whites from other worlds!

This is a Goldilocks planet like 2% of the planets in our galaxy where one can live,  grow things to eat, and hunt right on the surface. Many people have come here over the millennia from multiple races and subraces. 

How could tall, blond, blue-eyed nordic people with white or rosy, pink skin come from hook-nosed, short, brown-skinned semites?????

5’1″ Israeli prime minister and former terrorist leader Yitzak Shamir

Ben Shapiro, also 5’1″, with the 6’1″ Canadian conservative Jordan Peterson. If ANYONE has a “Napoleon complex” it was not the 5’7″ Napoleon but the jews.

Shapiro with 5’5″ warmongering Sikh Niki Haley



As I watched this awful video,  I kept thinking: “Oh my God! Did the jews bribe him, or some fatcat with ‘Christian Identity,’ a religion which is big on the nutty claim that the white race comes from the Israelites?”

Yes, CI is really big on the Yahweh-worshiping Old Testament, avoiding eating pork, etc. They say we Whites are “identical” to the ancient Jews…..

It did come out a year ago that Robert’s father, Ben-Hur Sepehr, was an Iranian jew, and a top Los Angeles film producer. It’s a fact, and one which Robert,  his son, does not deny. It also supports the facts of his own Los Angeles location and very good film/video-making skills…..

Robert tries to get around that part-jewishness (in a devious way) by publishing his DNA readout, saying disingenously he has no ASHKENAZI jewish ancestry.

Well, no one ever said he DID! Ashkenazim are Northern/Eastern European jews.

Sephardim are North African jews.

Mizrahim are Iranian and Iraqi jews, and THAT — Mizrahi blood — is what Sepehr has.

At 11:33- you get this prevarication: “I was pretty confident that the [maternal] German side would not contain any Ashkenazi Jewish DNA.” Yeah, true, and chimpanzees have no crocodile DNA, but who said they did? (Btw, Robert is 6’4″, which certainly would come from his mother’s German side and maybe the “SS officer” grandfather whom he claims.)

So, going  back to the Sepehr video on “Trump’s bloodline” (which is a clickbait title, btw, with zero hard facts about Trump’s own bloodline), he sez the Danish people come from the jewish tribe of Dan….. LOL!

A little Danish boy and his sister

A Danish couple in a folklore costume


So the jewish tribe of Dan  is the same as the Danes…..

Well, gee, the German word „gift“ means poison. By Sepehr’s logic, to be safe — since “gift” means poison in German, whatever you do, don’t accept any gifts for Christmas!

Besides that, thsi Sepher vio contains endless non sequiturs, logical gaps where he just strings facts along with no connection between them. (And I will note that he lists this stuff in a listless way, as if his heart were just not in it.)

So what if Islam has seven heavens? What does some Islamic teaching have to do with the seven vertical ridges in the middle of Manhattan’s Trump Tower???!!!

Ugh. I am speechless.

And how does he KNOW that Trump has any connection to the Knights Templar, banned in 1312, 634 years before his birth? Trump has no real coat-of-arms; he is not of any nobility! His grandfather made his bucks running a saloon and brothel up in Alaska! Before that he was a draft-dodger in Bavaria!

This “whites descend from the Israelites” stuff is dangerous garbage! We do NOT come from any „12 tribes“ of IsraHell! And especially not the Danes!

Our ancestors were advanced hunters, also cave artists, and had a spoken language.


Though the constant cold, rain, fog and snow and one growing season made food and warmth the central priorities of life in the north until the 20th century, the germanic people were quick to embrace civilization from the Greco-Roman world, where life was much easier due to the sun and three growing seasons, and in the later Roman Empire many of the top Roman generals were themselves germanic. Our race did not need semitic blood.

So, after all his great video and book work, what exactly has gotten into Robert Sepehr?

A classic jew,moaning about the Holohoax: Robert Sepehr’s father, Ben Hur, put  out this film in 2010, “The Desperate,” where a germanic SS general needs the help of a brilliant jew…..

“On a rainy night in a concentration camp, a fearsome Nazi general is forced to plead with a condemned Jewish doctor to save his dying only son.”





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