“Where is everybody?” Qatar deliberately slights neo-German president Steinmeier

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Wednesday, 30 Nov. 23

Upon his arrival in Qatar on Wednesday, German President Frank Walter Steinmeier was forced to wait on the plane, the Air Force One of Germany, for about half an hour before he could exit the plane. No Qatari officials showed up to welcome him, a gigantic insult. (An even worse insult in the arabic world would have been to throw a shoe at him.)

How the mighty have fallen!

At this point, with 15,000 Gaza civilians dead, the muslim world once again hates Israel with a red-hot passion, and the German bootlicking of the jews, and also their LGBTQ wokeness, are no longer bearable in the islamic world.
Nor can anyone possibly respect a country which let the US blow up its vital natural-gas pipeline from Russia, Nordstream 2, which was an act of war by the United States against Germany. Not to mention that this was an American act of war against Russia; this was Russian state property; and this pipeline cost Russia TEN BILLION DOLLARS to build. 
Technically, Germany should demand that NATO invoke Article 5 — which says that NATO will go to war if any member state is violently attacked — and then declare war — on the United States!
And now between the bombing of the NS2 pipeline on the one hand and a “Green” Germany shutting down the country’s nuclear power reactors, on the other, energy prices are exploding in Germany, leading to higher prices for everything.
While Germany is (or was) an industrial giant, the products they make require an enormous amount of electricity! Now German products are getting far too expensive, and major German corporations are laying off tens of thousands of skilled workers.
When the muslims think of the “German” governments of today, they no longer think of a Great Power, but of a humiliated slave of the jews, a slave-labor colony of the jewish empire — of a man down on his knees, like a “punk” in prison, fellating (or being anally raped by) another man who could harm or kill him.
And this cowardice is disgusting to any muslim. Islam, for all its faults, is a macho, male-oriented religion, and whereas Jerus was called “the Prince of Peace” and let himself be arrested and then crucified, the religion of Islam was founded by an actual warrior, a general, Muhammad.
He led armies in the field himself, and once had 600-900  jews from a jewish Arabian tribe, supposed allies, beheaded for betraying him in battle.

Banu Qurayza[edit]

After the Battle of the Trench in 627, the Jews of Banu Qurayza were accused of conspiring with the Meccans. According to Watt, though Qurayza does not appear to have committed any overt hostile act[18] and been overtly correct in their behavior,[19] they had most likely[18][19] been involved in negotiations with the enemy.”[18][20] Marco Scholler believes the Banu Qurayza were “openly, probably actively,” supporting Meccans and their allies [against Muhammad].[21] Nasr writes that it was discovered that the Qurayzan [jews] had been complicit with the enemy during the Battle.[22]

The Qurayza were fought and then defeated in battle, and then were allowed an arbitrator to decide their punishment. A previously allied tribe, Aws, pleaded with Muhammad for him to select an arbitrator from within the ranks of Aws. Muhammad appointed to judge the Banu Qurayzans Sa’d ibn Mua’dh, a leading man among the allied Aws, a formerly jewish tribe that converted to Islam, who they believed would judge in their favour. Sa’d passed an execution sentence against the Qurayzans and 600-900 Qurayza men were beheaded (except for the few who chose to convert to Islam), all women and children enslaved, and their properties were confiscated.


  1. You talk about Muhammad, but then you skip his famous quote about the expulsion of the Jews and give us a much milder one by Liszt on the same subject. 🙂

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