The greatest pharaoh ever, Ramses II, who won many battles and reigned between 1279–1213 B.C., yes, for a whopping 66 years, was a white man with red hair.
But the fear factor affecting white academics meant that they instead depicted his hair as ash-brown. And, as my article below proves, the “red skin” of upper-class Egyptians came from a special red powder which the Ancient White Egyptians applied to their Northern-European-type skin in order to avoid sunburn and a lethal heat stroke under that brutal sun that burned over the land along the Nile.
My first wife, the mother of my two daughters, and a good, gifted, and hard-working woman from Tyrol, Austria, looked keltic, which makes sense because Austria, long ago– and before the Romans and then the Germans came — was the epicenter of a great keltic civilization, called by modern anthropologists “the Hallstatt culture.”
Gerda had skin that was SO white, like a sheet of paper, that it was almost slightly bluish — like skim milk! 😉
She could not tan, unlike me, and would just turn red on the beach. She would have keeled over if she had gotten too much sun. She had to cover her face and limbs.
For more on this, see:
Wikipedia on Ramses II:
[His] mummy was forensically tested in 1976 by Pierre-Fernand Ceccaldi, the chief forensic scientist at the Criminal Identification Laboratory of Paris. Ceccaldi observed that the mummy had slightly wavy, red hair; from this trait combined with cranial features, he concluded that Ramesses II was of a “Berber type” and hence – according to Ceccaldi’s analysis – fair-skinned.[81][82] Subsequent microscopic inspection of the roots of Ramesses II’s hair proved that the king’s hair originally was red, which suggests that he came from a family of redheads.[83][84] This has more than just cosmetic significance: in ancient Egypt people with red hair were associated with the deity Set, the slayer of Osiris, and the name of Ramesses II’s father, Seti I, means “follower of Seth”.[85]
Lauren Witzke is a very pretty German-American, and this lass is very brave, too. Just, wow, wow, wow. 🙂 She is active on Twitter/X on many topics, among them the White Ancient Egyptians.
Lauren has a link on Twitter to this archaeological find about the White Egyptians, though I could not find it yet. Lauren ran for U.S. Senate as an openly pro-white Republican in 2020. She “lost” in 2020, but maybe this was due to vote fraud, just as with Trump (and with me, back in 1990 in the Sixth Congressional District of Tennessee
The primary slogan in the Fourteen Words of David Lane is,
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children,[1][5][6][7]
Followed by the secondary slogan,
because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth.
What a babe, this Lauren, and what a heroine, too…. How can a man not be brave when this female is so out-there, being courageous?
Tweets by Lauren Witzke:
BOMBSHELL: Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to STAND DOWN for 7 HOURS during the Hamas invasion.
– Lauren Witzke— Ryan sikorski (@Ryansikorski10) October 15, 2023
An ancient Roman mosaic floor was excavated under a vineyard in Negrar di Valpolicella, Veneto, Italy.
Thousands of years later and the tiles and design are still in tact.
White innovations surviving for centuries.
— Lauren Witzke (@LaurenWitzkeDE) January 3, 2024
If Dershowitz and the other powerful, wealthy clients who participated in Epstein’s human trafficking ring avoid prison after this-
You will learn who REALLY holds the levers of power and justice in America.
— Lauren Witzke (@LaurenWitzkeDE) January 4, 2024
Ancient Origins
New Research Shows that Some Ancient Egyptians Were Naturally Fair-Haired
According to Dr. Janet Davey from the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine in Australia, some ancient Egyptians were naturally blonde or red-haired. Her research has brought an answer to an intriguing question connected with Egyptian mummies and the effects of the mummification process.
An article published recently by The Sydney Morning Herald says that the mystery of the red and blonde hair discovered on some ancient Egyptian mummies may finally be solved. The new research was necessary to check the common perception that no ancient Egyptians had hair that wasn’t colored dark brown or black. Until now, most researchers had claimed that the different colors of the mummy hair were a result of the mummification process itself.
Dr. Davey decided to do innovative experiments, which she accomplished with the support of her friend, a retired industrial chemist named Alan Elliot. They prepared a quantity of synthetic natron, and used it on 16 hair samples. Natron was a kind of a salt that was used during the process of mummification to dry out the remains and has often been linked to a supposed hair color “change.”
Dr. Davey is convinced that there were fair-haired Egyptians, but believes that the fair-haired mummies are just very rare. This is why Egyptologists used to believe that lighter hair color was created during the mummification process. Moreover, Davey suggests that there were blondes living in Egypt during the Graeco-Roman Period (332 BC – 395 AD).
“Some ancient Egyptians could have been blue-eyed blondes or brown-eyed blondes. I wouldn’t say ancient Egypt was multi-cultural like Australia today but certainly there were various mixes.” – she said.
…..Career terrorism against honest scholars
I thanked tireless WN activist Stan Hess of Idaho for this info, emailing him:
Herrnstein and Murray argued the average genetic IQ of the United States is declining, owing to the tendency of the more intelligent having fewer children than the less intelligent, the generation length to be shorter for the less intelligent, and the large-scale immigration to the United States of those with low intelligence..Discussing a possible future political outcome of an intellectually stratified society, the authors stated that they “fear that a new kind of conservatism is becoming the dominant ideology of the affluent—not in the social tradition of an Edmund Burke or in the economic tradition of an Adam Smith but ‘conservatism’ along Latin American lines, where to be conservative has often meant doing whatever is necessary to preserve the mansions on the hills from the menace of the slums below.”[9].Moreover, they fear that increasing welfare will create a “custodial state” in “a high-tech and more lavish version of the Indian reservation for some substantial minority of the nation’s population.” They also predict increasing totalitarianism:.“It is difficult to imagine the United States preserving its heritage of individualism, equal rights before the law, and free people running their own lives, once it is accepted that a significant part of the population must be made permanent wards of the states.“[10]
One recent study (Alshehhi et al., 2023 — for some reason, the link does not work,and loops back to this article) analysed population backgrounds in tDNA-to-face research and established that European ancestry was the most common population (80%) [sic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] with only 2% from an African population and 1% with mixed ancestry, leading to a better ability to predict European faces than other groups.
…..This is MY article on all this — and the evidence of WHITE Egyptians is actually OVERWHELMING
And it all serves as a kind of confirmation of the Edgar Cayce readings. Cayce would do “readings” for troubled or ill people, and to his own astonishment as a regular Christian, they clearly referred to past lives, that is, to reincarnation.
Equally surprising to Cayce was that they suggested that Atlantis had been a real and very advanced civilization, but it gradually became more and more degenerate, wicked, and out to conquer other peoples. Cayce’s reading suggested that many Atlanteans began abandoning their country in disgust and moving to Egypt. They brought along their advanced technology and instantly became the ruling upper class there. Atlantis then attacked Egypt, and overran it, but it was destroyed in a gigantic natural catastrophe, as Plato said, and sank into the water.
The founders and rulers of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome were nordics
The scribe Sakkara (Aryan Egyptians put an ochre-colored powder on their skint to prevent sunburn)
The very early Pharaoh Ka; ruled around 3,000 BC
A blond harpist (right)
Circa AD 500, Egyptians depicted Mary and Jesus as blond, and a red-haired and a blond angel as protecting them
……Jesus an Aryan Galilean?
You should read Michael Tsarion on the Irish. It will really open your eyes about Egypt, and of course the lies of a different group.
Read The Irish Origins of Civilization volume one, available at Amazon on kindle.
Thanks — A very attractive look and style to his website.
I may not have time to buy and read his book on the Irish. What is his view?
in Ihrem Artikelverweis zu Hitler-Kelten-Hallstadt (2015) wird auf die Sendung von Margaret bei Carolyn Yeager verwiesen (hörte ich damals auch mit Spannung, hochinformativ), zur Musik im sogenannten Dritten Reich.
Carolyn Yeager hat angekündigt, daß ihre Netzseiten bestehen bleiben werden, daß sie aber nicht mehr aktiv neue Beiträge bringen wird:
Danke der Auskunft. Ich war mal Gast bei ihr, und Margi mehrmals.
Ich drehe gerade ein wichtiges Video über Eckhart Tolle, und darüber, dass der Egogeist unser Hauptfeind ist, und der innere Verbündete des Juden.
Die Menschheit, auch der Weiße, ist von Sinnen, nur ist die Verrücktheit so universell und gang und gäbe, dass wir nicht kapieren, dass auf diesem Planeten Geisteskranke herumirren.
Wir müssen das Übel bei der Wurzel packen. Wie kann man Wahrheiten leugnen? Es gibt doch so viele derer, und man bräuchte eine Million Jahre, um sie alle zu widerlegen.
Nein, der innere Leugner muss ausgeschaltet werden.
Est besteht die Gefahr, als Aktivist, der jahrzehntelang sich abgerackert hat, dass man nur noch Verdrossenheit empfindet, und man hat die Menschen satt.
Aber dann hätte der Jude gewonnen!
das Gespräch mit Ihnen und Carolyn hörte ich damals auch, ich folgte ziemlich seit Beginn fast allen Beiträgen von Carolyn, zahlreiche Beiträge haben zeitlose Qualität, auch ist sie, so wie Sie, John, von typisch deutscher Gründlichkeit und Korrektheit, sowohl was die Analysen als auch die Sprache betrifft usw. und sie hat, wie Sie, nie ihren Humor verloren.
Das Video über Eckhard Tolle und den Egogeist wird bestimmt interessant. Es läuft wirklich alles darauf hinaus, auf Totalignoranz bzw. auf “Egoic Mind”/Egozentrismus im negativen Sinne. Es ist schon bitter, wenn man sich so sehr einsetzt und die Menschen dennoch ignorant bleiben, wiewohl all die JdN-Artikeljuwele auf ihre Entdeckung durch die Massen warten.
Das ist nun mal das Schicksal derer, die ihrer Zeit voraus sind, daß sie darauf warten müssen/mußten, daß die Zeit reif sein wird.
Es wird nicht mehr lange so weitergehen wie bisher. Es soll jetzt ein Systemumbau erfolgen, laut verschiedener Analysten. Dabei wird auch teilweise Systemkritik zugelassen (Kritik an Multikulti etc.), aber es soll die Gefahr bestehen, daß die Leute dann wirklich anfangen zu hinterfragen. Eine ganz fragile Situation. Natürlich werden die alten Strategien weiterverfolgt: Totalzusammenbruch und Verzweiflung und dann eine Superdiktatur mit Bitcoin (+ Sozialkreditsystem a la China), laut verschiedener Analysen.
In [1] wurde auch sinngemäß darauf verwiesen, daß genau deshalb das Ego so total aufgeplustert wurde, damit keine Diskussionen mehr möglich sind, damit nichts mehr hinterfragt wird usw.
Es wird in der Tat nur eine spirituelle Revolution helfen, nur das wird zur Freiheit des Bewußtseins führen.
[1] “Trotz WIllkür in Würde die Veränderungen überstehen”,
Die grundlegenden Gesichtstypen der Menschen sind ja tausendfach vorhanden bzw. wiederholen sich, in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart und Zukunft, äußere Ähnlichkeit alleine sagt noch nichts aus. Aber: Sie und ER, Carl Edon und seine andere Inkarnation, Jenny Cockell und Mary Sutton, James Leininger, … da wird alles stimmig im Gesamtbild. Das nur als Einleitung.
Ich sah neulich bei Terraherz ein Video zu Sarah Wagenknecht mit einer Foto-Gegenüberstellung von Rosa Luxemburg. Und dann betrieb ich Online-Recherche: Anfang der 1980er (Foto von 1983 mit ihrer Mutter, bei Bild online) hatte sie noch ganz buschige Originalaugenbrauen. Und ich fand ganz viel übereinstimmende weitere Fotos.
Man müßte sich geistig einstimmen, um es zu prüfen. Aber vielleicht, vielleicht ist auch noch jemand anderer “wieder” da. Bzw. kämpft parallel in dieser Inkarnation, parallel zu den anderen Inkarnationen 🙂 Vom Wesen her, von der Rhetorik/Sprachgewandheit, dem Intellekt, von der Ideologie, vom Charakter, da gibt es so viele Übereinstimmungen zwischen Rosa L. und Sarah W.
Danke, hochinteressant!
His view is that the Irish were the ruling class in Egypt. He talks about one of the Egyptian royalty being buried in Ireland. He talks about the word “Aryan” coming from Ireland and being about the original Irish as well as Scandinavian.
His work is very well researched although not mainstream. I can assure you, if you find time, you will be well rewarded. Some of his quotes about jews are on the money.
Thank you. Just his graphics alone are impressive.
I read his essay on Otto Weininger.
Correction: “He talks about the word Aryan coming from Ireland”
The book is no longer in print, if you can find it it sells for $700 and more. Therefore it needs to be purchased on Amazon as an ebook and they give you a free reader for it.
“The land we now call Egypt was colonized…and was originally peopled by fair Celts from the shores of Britain. This was the Exodus of the Aryans, some of whom returned later to their primeval homes – Comyns Beaumont (Riddle of Pre-Historic Britain) The magicians and sorcerers whom Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar summoned to their aid are referred to in the Gaelic Bible as Draoitbo, Druids, the same name as is given to the wise men who are mentioned in the New Testament as travelling from the East to Bethlehem – Dudley Wright (Druidism: Ancient Faith of Britain)”
― Michael Tsarion, The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume One: The Servants of Truth: Druidic Traditions & Influence Explored
“An excellent example of what Beaumont meant involves the Scottish city of Edinburgh. A detailed investigation into this ancient city’s history and significance reveals it to be a place mentioned, albeit cryptically, in the Bible. According to Beaumont, Edinburgh (Din Eidyn), capital city of Scotia or Scotland, was the original Zion or Jerusalem. As far back as 1640,”
― Michael Tsarion, The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume One: The Servants of
“Many writers have investigated the question of extraterrestrial involvement in the world of men. Many believe the visitors were generally moral and that their arrival was good for humanity. We find it difficult to accept theories of this sort. It is just as reasonable to assume the visitors were, as many scriptures suggest, immoral beings who corrupted their own planet until they were forcibly expelled. Information from ancient legends convinces this writer that the visitors, for all their intellectual acumen and technological expertise, were warlike and corrupt. In our opinion the alien renegades took refuge on Earth, were considered gods, and took full advantage of the relative credulity of their hosts. Having no love for the people of Earth, they sought to enslave them. It is our opinion that they were successful, and that we cannot have a thorough understanding of human history until we take the question of alien colonization seriously.”
― Michael Tsarion, Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation
Very true!!!!
As I have blogged many times, if one reads Greco-Roman mythology, the “gods” behaved atrociously toward earthlings. In one of Plato’s dialogues, this is discussed.
But this is just as true of the jewish god Yahweh.
Whatever one thinks of what is called Christianity, the whole idea of God as a loving “heavenly Father” which Jesus preached was far more attractive to the average person. (“Christianity” is actually Paulianity, the hijacking of Jesus’ spiritual message, which was about overcoming the egoic mind and learning how to love an help others, by the fanatical Sanhedrin jew Paul of Tarsus, who had proclaimed HIMSELF an “apostle,” and then all the Gospels were written under his influence. Chronologically, first came Paul’s epistles and THEN the Gospels, making Jesus into God, and claiming the jews were “still” God’s chosen people.)
Very good.
I forget what it was in his writings that caused me to stop reading him a decade ago, maybe some Hitler-bashing, but I am not sure.
But what I read now is excellent.:-)
I have not read all of his writings by any means so don’t know what his opinion of Hitler was.
He’s a very unusual author and an alternative Historian.
Nevertheless, in 2008, new found evidence revealed that Egypt was indeed colonized by Westerners over fifteen thousand years ago. Wall paintings dating from this remote period have been found in southern Egypt bearing a striking resemblance to those found in the caves of Lascaux, France. As Comyns Beaumont said, this artwork is Nordic in origin. It belongs to travelers from the North-West who desperately sought refuge from the cataclysm that made their own homelands uninhabitable. The races of Egypt, Libya and India knew these handsome visitors as “Men of Gold,” “God Men,” “Good Men,” “Goat Men,” and “Stag Men.” In the Bible they are cryptically referred to as “Edomites” or “Red Men.” This title – attributed to early Egyptians – simply denotes sunburn. Red is the color a fair Caucasian man’s skin turns when exposed to intense equatorial heat. It is singular to find a white”
― Michael Tsarion, The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume One: The Servants of Truth: Druidic Traditions & Influence Explored
This site is also by him:
The case for White Supremacy (an academic argument)
Very good, and thanks. I will use it and give him credit.
Die blonde, wenngleich lesbische Alice lässt sich zumindest nix von frechen Kommunisten gefallen:
Danke. Diese Linken…. “Willst du nicht mein Bruder sein, so schlage ich dir den Schädel ein.”
Dieses Lied erobert derzeit Deutschland…
Not sure what to think of M. Tsarion right now. Some of his writing is very difficult to understand. Sometimes he’s blunt about jews, and other times he seems to try to say there are good jews and they are no different than others — the there-are-bad-people-in-every-group type of argument. Probably he wants his material to be sold on Amazon.
He claims that the original Israelites were actually Irish, and that the Irish spoke Hebrew?
Still some good stuff in there, such as the obvious truth that the Egyptian elite were White.
there’s something about tsarion i don’t trust but there are plenty of others singing from the same hymn sheet who are more in tune…..
> comyns beaumont…. he who claims edinburgh is the original jerusalem…. books “britain – the key to world history” & “the great deception”….
> anna wilkes in her “ireland – ur of the chaldees”
> andrew powers in “ireland – land of the pharoahs”
> david alan-ritchies “we the skythians”…. shows how pyramids were probably built by irish… & we may need to put the top back on to stop the world blowing up (strange but compelling)
> conor macdari’s “irish wisdom preserved in bible & pyramid”
> wilson & blacketts “where jesus is buried” (in wales)
all these books are well worth reading…. as are the “oera linda” book & ignatius donnellys atlantis & ragnarok books…. all of which support a west to east movement of aryans (rather than the usual east to west route), though admittedly in a different way from the books above… which cite britain & ireland as the original holy land / original atlantis / original sumeria / etc… something that keystone universities “atlantis ireland” documentary also supports…