I predict Gov. Abbott of Texas will wuss out, just as Gov. George Wallace did in 1963 when his National Guard was “federalized”

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The jew Deputy Attorney General  Nicholas Katzenbach tells the governor of Alabama, George Wallace, to stand aside so two negroes can be registered at the all-white University of Alabama. Wallace did as the jew ordered.

I am predicting this WEF lackey, Governor Abbott, who sounds like a nervous-nellie wimp on the phone with Tucker Carlson, will get our hopes up deliberately and then deliberately cave in to shatter morale.


The key thing here is Carlson on the phone with Governor Abbott:

These states with GOP governors have vowed to send their own NG troops to support Texas.


But all Creepy Joe has to do is federalize all these National Guards and then order all troops to not go to Texas !  I served in the Virginia Army National Guard — and it said “US  ARMY” right on my uniform! Not one word on my uniform about the Commonwealth of Virginia!!!

I knew there was also a Texas State Guard that is only under the Governor and cannot be federalized by Creepy Joe (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_State_Guard).

But they seem to not have any combat units.

I remember well when Governor George Wallace of Alabama in 1963 promised to stop the feds from racial integration, and had a big, tough-sounding rallying cry of “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever.” And he promised to literally “stand in the schoolhouse door” to prevent integration fo the University of Alabama.

And so what did he do? He stood in the schoolhouse door, all right, but for one minute!

Then he just stepped aside as the US Marshalls (feds) approached and let the two negro “students” in! (I am sure they both became rocket scientists, and cured cancer, too. 😉 ) And look at us now with the national IQ dropping like a rock as we become a Turd World country.

(Btw, the unctuous voice narrating this was Hollywood lackey Charlton Heston.)

President Kennedy, who was a good president in most ways but was a terrible Massachusetts Yankee libtard on race, federalized the Alabama National Guard and then ordered the Alabama NG general to salute the governor, George Wallace, and then ask him to “please” step aside, which the hot-air-belching Wallace did —  after giving another little speech.

Oh, and it was the jew Nicholas Katzenbach (Assistant Attorney General and later the AG under LBJ, another crypto-jew, who confronted Wallace.



….White Baltimore principal explodes!

Wow, this guy let ‘err rip! Bravo!!! … This must be Pikesville, Maryland, part of Baltimore. It is 50% black, 69% all minority, but also has many jews. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pikesville_High_School
Maryland is just crawling with jews, gays, white libtards, minorities (hispanic and everything else) and obedient, conformist government employees. I lived in the region for 18 long years…..

……The conservatives all cave in

They are all racist and antisemitic, but too cowardly to say it! And now they are too ignorant to know that the Founding Fathers and other American leaders since then were too!

America was built on the basis of the white supremacism and antisemitism of Washington,



Franklin, Lincoln,

Ulysses Grant,

Teddy Roosevelt,

Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman,

Dwight Eisenhower,

John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, 

Ronald Reagan …. White Republican Ronald Reagan as California governor called white Republican Richard Nixon as US president (also a Californian) in 1971 to laugh about African negro diplomats. Cali was then 90% white, rich and beautiful, and very politically conservative 50 years ago.


US Navy commander George Lincoln Rockwell:

The demonic Senate jew 


There is only one kind of person who does not back down and that is a NATIONAL SOCIALIST.

The others all cave in…. whether it be Kanye West, or Mel Gibson, or now Elon Musk —  the poor man only has $200 billion left after the jews boycotted Twitter, so I guess he is close to being homeless. Poor Elon probably can’t afford caviar any more.

Do you still ask me why we need an Aryan religion?

Because atheists do not fear the wrath of God.

This is sick — and sickening!!!!

We will stay GOYIM, cattle, and ANIMALS no matter how high our IQ or how big our bank account, until we have this religion!


PS What could Wallace have done?

He had the Alabama State Police and he had MILLIONS of WHITE SOUTHERNERS:

They just wanted a leader and a hero to follow. I remember the whole thing.

Just like Trump, they ALL talk tough and then they ALL wuss right out.

And here I am, facing eviction

no, this is not hyperbole

just as the time is perfect

to start my movement!



  1. If our actions do not define us completely, they define us in very large measure.

    Your soul will carry with it the memory of things you have done.

    Therefore restrict your deeds to things you will be able to live with in the future.

    • My deeds are restricted by having NO money since the first of January and facing IMMINENT eviction — just as Whites are beginning to awaken. Every penny goes into this website, but I need HOUSING — first — to start my movement, second. No homeless person can start anything.

      My deeds include 45 years of activism, and selling my paid-off house, both my good-running cars, and most of my guns to keep my mission going.

      My next deed will be to stand there in the snow….the final deed.

  2. Wallace’s stand in the schoolhouse door was previously choreographed with LBJ to help Wallace save face with segregationists in my opinion.

    • That is certainly possible. LBJ did understand southern racial attitudes and antisemitism, and as president he kept his jew US Attorney General, Nicholas Katzenbach, out of southern public desegregation incidents, saying “we don’t need a Yankee Jew going down and telling Southerners what to do.” (He had white southern traitors do that.)

      I read Wikipedia on Wallace, and it appears he was sincere about race for a long time, though he did cave in as they all do.


      Racial attitude
      While some may argue that Wallace did not espouse racist views, most sources support the conclusion that he was motivated by racist ideology.

      For instance, one source on Wallace’s career as a judge reports: “every black attorney who argued a case in Wallace’s … courtroom was struck by his fairness …. But no one who knew Wallace well ever took seriously his earnest profession – uttered a thousand times after 1963 – that he was a segregationist, not a racist.”[19]

      A reporter covering state politics in 1961 observed that, while other Alabama politicians conversed primarily about women and Alabama football, for Wallace “it was race – race, race, race – and every time that I was closeted alone with him, that’s all we talked about.”[20]

      Wallace’s preoccupation with race was based on his belief that black Americans comprised a separate and inferior race. In a 1963 letter to a social studies teacher, Wallace stated they were inclined to criminality – especially “atrocious acts … such as rape, assault and murder” – because of a high incidence of venereal disease. Desegregation, he wrote, would lead to “intermarriage … and eventually our race will be deteriated (sic) to that of the mongrel complexity.”[21]


      And with Kennedy or Johnson able to “federalize” his National Guard, he had a problem. Would the state police defend him with armed force and with their lives against US Army troops?

      Also, I knew David Duke quite well, and his staff in 1989-90-91, and all about what he faced from the jews in Louisiana. The jew-owned New Orleans Times-Picayune newspaper and other Louisiana newspapers announced in big headlines that New Orleans, a big party (Mardi Gras) and medical convention town — would be under a total boycott, “losing millions in business” and the Wall Street (NYC) bond market would not issue any more bonds to the state, which was weak financially.

      It was pure threats and intimidation against an already poor state (impoverished by its huge negro presence, which involved crime and low skills).

      Bobby Kennedy was the ruthless Yankee in all this 1962 stuff, hitting below the belt, and called some of the media to leak that George Wallace was getting a federal 10% psychiatric disability payment from WWII.

      The media had the decency or sense to refuse to run with the “story,” since a lot of good men got PTSD from war.


      During 1945, as a member of a B-29 crew with 468th Bombardment Group, stationed in the Mariana Islands as part of the Twentieth Air Force, Wallace took part in air raids on Japan and reached the rank of staff sergeant.[17] In mid-1945, Wallace received an early discharge on medical grounds, due to “severe anxiety”, and a 10% disability pension for “psychoneurosis”.[18] (The Twentieth Air Force was commanded by General Curtis LeMay, who was his running mate in the 1968 presidential race.)

  3. George was a decent man in many ways, but he saw Governor Faubus defeated by the 82nd Airborne division just a few years previously. Even with the support of the state police and a million armed Alabama rednecks, resistance would have been unsustainable. To National Socialists like you or me, death is only a temporary defeat.

    • Right.

      Two things struck me in 1978 when I joined the NSWPP:

      1) In Mein Kampf, Hitler used the world “fanatic” in a positive sense;

      2) He did not run around smiling all day like an Establishment politician, kissing babies and being all folksy.

      I was surprised to see Barry Goldwater (who carried five southern states in 1964, and this was as a Republican from the party of Lincoln!) put a severe and grim expression on his face, and then I saw him say this at the convention:

      I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

      Of course, Goldwater lost in a landslide, and some think it was deliberate — that he acted “too fanatic”…and he did say he would consider nuking North Vietnam, which led many to ask: And what if Red China or the Soviet Union nukes SOUTH Vietnam?!

      He later said, confirming his position:

      I could have ended the war in a month. I could have made North Vietnam look like a mud puddle.

      With huge, two-thirds Demoncrat majorities in both the House and Senate, thanks to Goldwater scaring average Whites silly, LBJ passed every negrophilic, pro-migrant, anti-gun and welfare-state law his black heart desired.

      My father had met and liked Goldwater, and I would meet him, too, in 1968 (at Nixon’s inauguration), and my dad had a feeling of real dread on Election Night in 1964….AND he said “Under Johnson, Vietnam will become our next no-win war.”

      And few knew that LBJ and Herbert Hoover were close allies and literally neighbors.

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