Guardian angel tells WWII Marine to STOP advancing

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A minor Greek god or angel in the Parthenon/Athens. Both have power to help humans.

A US Marine from the Battle of Okinawa relates a perfect example of a supernatural experience (such as I have had, and many others) where an authoritative male voice is heard inside your head that sternly orders you to do or stop doing something: See 6:00-43

Heroic WW2 Marine Reveals The Horrors Of Okinawa


A booming, male German-midwestern voice, very humble and with a genuine demeanor from North Tonawanda NY, way upstate, near Buffalo, which culturally is the Midwest. I’ve been out there and even the Finger Leakes region is Midwestern…. He also has a German name, Gosch.

(Johnny Gosch was the newspaperboy abducted by the Republican pedos in “The Franklin Coverup.”)

It interests me who gets these supernatural experiences and who never does…. This Gosch has a salt-of-the-earth Midwestern value system….. the kind a guardian angel might get permission to save from death in combat….. which otherwise would have happened, as he said, seeing bullet holes appear in the sand just one step ahead of him.
I had an experience with a voice….and it is always a male, authoritative voice….
A Rhode Island friend did, too, while with the Navy in the Philippines, at t
USNB Subic Bay. It was a bit of an anti-climax, though….He was sent out to a toolshed to get something, and a voice commanded him “Do NOT go in there.”

He said, “So I did not enter, but there were so many poisonous snakes there. Maybe that is what it was. I’ll never know because I just did not go in, but I still remember that voice.”

A friend who had been a Navy officer in the Philipines replied:

I was called to a room in the officers’ barracks. There was a green pit viper in a closet. I believe it was captured and removed without incident…a kind of bamboo viper, a small green snake but very poisonous.


I responded: When something like this happens, it is jarring, arresting, you know it is real, and it IS effective.

Frank Davis, the Indian in Vancouver, Canada who has given many pro-white speeches and wrote a good thriller novel about the whites nature, and says that Third World people have no love affair with the jungle, unlike Whites with the woods. The jungle is full of dangers and creepy-crawly things.
I had two experiences like this regarding Margi, one in 2019 and another in June 2023.

And, as I have related, a local told me how a voice ordered him to take his car to work, not his motorcycle, against his preference in the summertime. And just seconds after he headed off to work in that sedan, a teenager distracted by his phone t-boned him! The sedan saved his life.







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