Saved again by a Frenchman, but what about the future?

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Joan of Arc (computer reconstruction using software from the German Criminal Police in Wiesbaden)

….By the JdN website monitor and writer 


Margi and John co-wrote this article:;

John and I both salute this heroic Frenchman.

John and I both have had many positive experiences with the French people. And the good thing about the terrible times we live in is how Whites are grasping for the first time how much we Whites have in common — the genetic and cultural treasures that our race offers.


As a science and medical writer for this site, my sole responsibility is to communicate what must be said. ….not what people want to hear, or are titillated or inspired by. But what they must hear.

As a nationalist pundit tasked with helping John preserve the white race, as well as improve its character, I have an obligation to communicate messages and convey themes that can’t be ignored. And that’s precisely what I will do today.

This past week most of you will know our site was taken down. Not by the hackers whom our webmaster P[] so deftly and valiantly fends off.

In fact, in spite of the fact that until yesterday he had not been paid one cent since December, he vigorously defended  without pay for three months.

No, this site, was not, as you might be thinking, taken down by Zionist agents or the ZOG deep state or by the host or the government bc of “hateful” content.

Our site (your site which you read almost daily!!) was taken down by our host due to the fact John could not afford the hosting bill.

The webhost “hosts” this website, and all the articles (10,000 since 2009!) and the 41,000 photos, videos and audiofiles  on it which John uses to illustrate or back up his opinions and views.

In our case, because of the vast quantity of material and multimedia we have on the site John’s webhosting costs are $168 per calendar month. Then comes the webmaster — $450….and the monitor and science writer, me. (I and my child live with a relative.)

I get two dollars an hour. 🙂

Because of the costs associated with doing right by humanity, we were unable to keep up with hosting payments and subsequently we lost the site.

And guess what…. only a handful of people even bothered to write to enquire what happened to our site, in spite of the fact we have thousands of “dedicated” returning followers who visit the site daily free of charge.

Some of these people ring us, write us when they need a kind word or for a chat, but when we needed them they were nowhere to be seen.

My mother taught me that a friend in need is a friend indeed, except apparently in nationalist circles, I’ve sadly discovered.

That’s utterly shameful. If it weren’t for ONE very special and honourable man who visits our site from his home in northern France, M, you would not be reading this blog today. He is a hero among men and the sole reason this site is back online.

This in spite of the fact that John has financially comfortable readers all over the US and other white, English-speaking countries.

Because of M, John was able to pay off 1/3rd of what John owed — enough for the host to allow his site back online with a two-week deadline to pay the rest, $368.

Because of M, John was also able to pay 1/8th of what he owes the webmaster. He owes him $900.

Because of a German, C., in the weeks prior he was able to pay a bit of money to the website monitor, me, who vigilantly watches the site for hacking intruders and works as a part-time writer.

And a Brazilian, a Dane, a Frenchman and another German chipped in generous donations.

Beyond that, no one has helped, in spite of John’s repeated pleas.

And because of you, people who visit without ever contributing, we are still only weeks away from this happening again.

And to P, I urge you to help John in his hour of need. It was John who found you a lovely home in Ontonagon that has tripled in value for you. John has spent hundreds of hours of his time on the phone with you, you make $52 an hour, and yet all you do is callously send maps of German dialects!

To those of you who visit this site but never send a penny, write John at or pick up the phone and ring John at his number if he gives it to you.

Ask John how you can send a donation via Western Union or PayPal. It is that simple to show you care about the white race. The Jewish supremacist ADL receives $100 million a year from its jewish followers. And THAT is why 2% of the US population dominates the other 98%. They say Jews are tight with money but not to organizations that promote their interests!


Yet we Whites are as mean and miserly as Blacks, who are infamous for screwing their kind, not leaving tips, and being selfish vermin. Waiters and waitresses dread serving them because they zero out the waiter! NOTHING!  Or they just sneak out, not even paying the bill itself!

20 Blacks welsh on $420 restaurant bill in Memphis; our Memphis experience; white girl fed to alligators – John de Nugent

Aren’t we better than that? Aren’t YOU better than a negro who walks out on the bill?

If so, then prove it!!

If John has taught you, will you really “stiff” him?

Oh, and by the way, Richard III of England was black…. This is what your children or grandchildren will be taught if things continue as they are.


These photos show the debacle that was in front of John’s apartment house for five days, humiliating him. After FOUR readers said they would help him get a house and headquarters, he put his valuables into temporary storage. “Temporary” became long-term when all four reneged between July and December. (I spoke at length myself with three of the four.) John could not pay the storage, which went from $50 up to $150, so the storage place owner (a political liberal who hates Trump, for example) dumped his things on this main street in Ontonagon.

It was the talk of the town.


At 69, John moved some of this off the street and up a flight of stairs into his apartment, and has gotten the rest into the back of someone’s garage.

Other valuable things he gave away to get the street cleared again.

A deputy sheriff came by to say “It has to go somewhere, Mr. de Nugent, or the county will haul it away in a truck, and send your landlady the bill.”  

John has sold his house and both cars and most of his guns to keep the site going, and to pay two men to protect the site from daily hacking. I am that monitor, and he is hacked every day.

As for John’s health…..

I took the pre-med courses at my university, and have retained since a great interest in medicine, and have written many articles on health, vaccines, cancer, and related subjects such as the modern scandals of ED, obesity, low testosterone, and the dangerous cancellation of routine cancer screening during the 2020 Covid-lockdown hysteria.

I was the one who got John and Margo to go to the Mayo Clinic, a 430-mile drive, and her Stage III cancer was in remission for a year and a hack until it came back, which is another topic.

This was my recent medical-science article:

EXCLUSIVE Why is the cancer rate in the Arab world HALF what ours is? – John de Nugent

Now John has something called “reticulopathy,” numbness on the outsides of both hands and feet, which is an unusual condition which some sites say can be due to extreme and prolonged stress.

I knew Margi — we talked many times over many years by videochat — and I saw John decline physically in the final two months of her life as he cared for her twenty hours a day. I was worried then — and I am just as worried now.

He has been hammered since July of 2022 almost without letup by lack of sleep, grief, and then financial worries, including the question of who will rent to him in view of his politics, an urgent matter in frigid northern Michigan, and then what will happen to his housing situation once he starts his controversial movement and takes to the national or even world stage.

John did eight sessions of physical therapy which involved ultra-sound and a kind of laser, but they only helped a little, because the problem is not due to any physical injury or aging. X-rays also showed no degeneration of the vertebrae and spinal nerves.


Is this how John deserves to be treated? One of the most intelligent, decent, caring and brave men I have ever met?

There is no one like him. And you know it.

I have seen John help so many people. He can help the whole white race — if you act, and he and his site survive.



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