Why you should get off your butt and move NOW to the U.P. of Michigan, reason number 1 — no uppity, insanely insolent, violent negroes

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There are dozens of white planets that are thriving, so no, the white race is not “dying out.” Nordic aliens, who are very real, realistic, and unsentimental, absolutely are NOT going to save us if we refuse to help ourselves.

In fact, earthlings have experienced several mass extinctions, of which the Flood of Noah’s time was one, a startling account found in stories all over the world. Mankind becomes too wicked to tolerate any longer and God wipes the earthlings out, all but two.

Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deucalion):

Deluge accounts[edit]

The flood in the time of Deucalion was caused by the anger of Zeus, ignited by the hubris of Lycaon and his sons, descendants of Pelasgus. According to this story, King Lycaon of Arcadia had sacrificed a boy to Zeus, who, appalled by this offering, decided to put an end to the “Bronze” Age by unleashing a deluge. During this catastrophic flood, the rivers ran in torrents and the sea flooded the coastal plain, engulfing the foothills with spray, and washing everything clean.

Deucalion, with the aid of his father Prometheus, was saved from this deluge by building a chest.[18] Like the biblical Noah and the Mesopotamian counterpart Utnapishtim, he used this device to survive the great flood with his wife, Pyrrha.

In the Bible, strikingly, God promised Noah that He would never destroy mankind again — by WATER.

He said nothing about FIRE. 😉

In the Van Rensburg prophecy of 1917, Russia and America fight it out, and “horror bombs” go off .. in WWIII. (He also predicted, in the heyday of racial segregation, BLACK presidents of both his own South Africa and the United States –in 1917 –and was laughed at. During WWI, he also predicted a second world war and that Germany would lose it as well. https://johndenugent.com/english/simon-roche-south-africa-the-coming-all-out-race-war-certain-germans-to-the-rescue-trump-wwiii-and-the-visions-of-the-prophet-nicholas-van-rensburg-100-years-ago)





As I have blogged (see right below), a startling phenomenon for hypnotists is that sometimes their patients veer off into past lives –and into future lives,  too!

In their past lives, they even remember accurately small details such as the forks they ate with had just three tines, which was the case before around 1790. How many people today know THAT?

My grandmother (photo, with my grandfather), born around 1895, did have some three-tined forks, though, but her house (photo) on Snake Hill Road in Glocester, Rhode Island actually went back to 1790.

This is quite a read, comrades:

Under hypnosis, patients often discuss past and future lives (and return as average people, not Napoleon, sultry Cleopatra, or Jesus 😉 ); three ominous futures, one bright, for our race

What people see as their future life may reflect their karma from this life…. meaning there may be parallel worlds.

Some see themselves in a post-nuclear world, thrown back into a harsh and primitive life of furs, spears, caves, hunters and gatherers — the Stone Age.

Others see a grim life 1) up in a sterile, ugly space station, eating artificial food, or 2) living on earth’s surface in a domed city, with the outside world a barren desert due to a massive environmental die-off, or 3) living down in a nasty underground city. Earthlings managed to kill their own environment.

There is no beauty; you just commute to work, labor away, commute home, watch tv, and go to sleep.

Rebels are swiftly killed. In other words, the jews won.  It is a master-slave planet, with total surveillance.

The dystopia of a dozen Hollywood films becomes the future reality of all today’s do-nothings and excuse-makers.And they richly deserve it.

A few saw under hypnosis a different world, with the earth green and thriving, and happy people pursuing good health, friendship, love, learning, and spiritual growth.

They actually die, not when they are  old and sick, but when they get bored of an incarnation and want to try something new. There is a going-away party, and then they enter a special, gorgeous garden, say a specific prayer, and their soul leaves their body, which falls into a tiny pile of dust.

Their soul moves on to bigger and better things!

”Which world do YOU deserve?”

I know which one I feel my generous donors deserve! But Earth may have very different futures ready for different people. “As a man sows, so shall he reap.” Or it that unfair? 😉

This material universe is a hologram for our growth…and no pain, no gain.

A California comrade sent me a $100 donation and this amazing book.


We all must make our choices.

“OMG, John’s stuff is out on the street AND his site is down!”

“Oh, yeah?”


Fine, then Mr Ice-Cream-Cone-Licker (the French would say “Jean Foutre”), you get to live out the movie “The Road.” 😉 Enjoy especially the roving cannibals looking at your little son and his meaty arms.


Trailer to “The Road” by  Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Cormac McCarthy of my native Providence, Rhode Island. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Road9 Why would it be unfair for self-centered pricks to go IN THIER NEXT LIFE OR THIS ONE to this kind of earth?


I like this BENEVOLENT new software, called apparently “DignifAI.” (“AI” means Artificial Intelligence.”) If a good-hearted person sees some slutty photo online, they take the photo, transform and post it to that person. 🙂

From devil to angel 🙂



….Uppity to the max!

326,381 views Feb 16, 2024 On August 26, 2023 in Florida, officers responded to a call from an apartment complex regarding gunshots being heard. When they arrived, they quickly located three silver 40mm casings on the pavement. As they continued their investigation, they encountered a group of individuals in front of one of the apartment buildings and asked if they had heard anything. The individuals became hostile and started harassing and threatening the officers. This is body-cam footage of the events that followed.

As I have written before, both Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jefferson, brilliant and highly accomplished men, who owned many black slaves, and observed their behavior over the course of DECADES, were convinced that this race was so dangerous that the Blacks should never be emancipated — “freed” –as long as they were on American soil.

Instead, they should be kept under control until sent away to their own place to fend for themselves.

Some YouTube comments under this video:

— I absolutely love when “gangsters” try acting all hard, then immediately start crying for mommy once the handcuffs go on.

–“I didnt do shi, bruh” yet continuously threatened officers multiple times over and over

— Wow, completely irrational. Can’t imagine having to live next to that. Cops showed superhuman patience.

— “I ain’t do SH!T” is more a self-declaration of their lifetime contributions to society

— Claiming a block you own nothing on will always be hilarious to me

— This is an embarrassment to our people!! They talk all smack, threaten the officers, then want to act like the “victim” after their own belligerence.

— as a black man, this shit is embarrassing. . .it’s a nice complex too. imagine how difficult they make it for the hard-working tenants that just want a safe community for their families. . .

— As a black man, this is 1 reason im glad i dont hang or live around where I grew up. It’s just people like this

— I used to teach students like this, and I am no longer a teacher. How do you deal with individuals such as this without martial authority?

[JdN: One of the practical reasons I go tp local taverns is to talk with average white people who have had a few and then reveal their true and often very un-p-c. feelings. What I found out is that a lot of white people are gravitating in our direction. I bring this up because I talked with a nice young guy, of German blood, from Wisconsin, the state just south of here. He had always wanted to be a teacher, but then he was assigned to classes full of negro kids. “Nasty little shits,” he erupted. He had gotten totally out of his chosen profession just to no longer be anywhere near black “pupils.”]

— Please people raise your kids right. Brah, this is just pain to my ears. Hearing people with no education speak hurts my brain so bad

— “They don’t even do their job.” Proceeds to harass them as they try and DO their job. Can’t help but think they’re trying to get a reaction in order to sue. The poor ppl forced to live with this disgusting behavior on a regular basis


…..DOING something

I have run this essay below about moving to the UP many times since 2014, and zero persons have moved up here. 😉

Btw, many places up here are hiring but employers say. “People are too lazy to work, especially since the Covid lockdowns. They just want to stay home, collect a check, and play video games — or whatever.”

I also ran this essay on rehabbing houses IN THE ALL-WHITE UP FIVE MONTHS AGO, and again, got zero response.

Stop moaning — get your butt up here & start rehabbing and flipping houses for $25K a MONTH (as I did) – John de Nugent

This is why Adolf Hitler openly, frankly and repeatedly advocated a dictatorship, a Führerstaat,  or an “authoritarian state,” with himself at the helm, not because this is the best form of government — democracy actually is the best form — but because earthlings continue to behave in such a pathetic way that they prove on a daily basis that they not yet spiritually ready for democracy, which means self-governance.

Screwed-up people cannot govern themselves.

If your brother has an alcohol problem and is even going to AA meetings,  would you send him into a liquor store to buy you booze?  😉

This planet is actually full of seriously bad-karma people, including the Whites who live on this planet. And this is why the jews have such easy pickings.

On other planets the white race has been thriving for thousands of years.

And they shun this planet except as a place to go about their own business, mining gold, silver, titanium, and extracting hydrogen from our lakes and oceans.

“They were beautiful people.. they looked at me with compassion.”

Am I happy that my stuff was put on the street?

That my website went down?


I am happy for those few brave and generous comrades who did do their duty.


…..White safety zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan


Yes, in this heavily Finnish-Swedish-German area, we do have people who look like this here.



  1. Ho sognato qualcosa di strano.

    Forse questo sogno si ricollega alla frase di Gesù “Se non diventerete come bambini non conoscerete il Regno di mio padre”.

    Ammetto che ho chiesto aiuto tante volte in silenzio e forse ho la risposta:

    Questo ragazzino, diciamo così, non smetteva di baciarmi e abbracciarmi
    all’interno di un autobus.

    Quasi mi soffocava 🙂

    Mi sono resa conto dopo che era MOLTO più piccolo di me.Che vergogna!

    Ma lui non smetteva…e restava in silenzio.

    Solo alla fine del Sogno mi sono accorta che ero diventata piccola anche io.

    Ho provato un senso di benessere, protezione e pace.

    Ora faccio spesso sogni di questo tipo..

    È l’altra metà di me in soccorso 🙂

    La realtà ti pone limiti, ostacoli..

    Il sogno no…

    Riesco a percepire cose fuori dal tempo materiale 🙂 🙂

    • Translation:

      I dreamed of something strange. Perhaps this dream is linked to Jesus’ phrase “Unless you become like children you will not know the Kingdom of my father”.
      I admit that I have asked for help many times in silence and perhaps I have the answer:
      This little boy, so to speak, couldn’t stop kissing and hugging me inside a bus. He almost suffocated me. 🙂
      I realized later that he was MUCH smaller than me. What a shame!
      But he wouldn’t stop…and he remained silent.
      Only at the end of the dream did I realize that I too had become small.
      I felt a sense of well-being, protection and peace.
      Now I often have dreams like this…
      He is the other half of me to the rescue. 🙂
      Reality places limits and obstacles on you..
      Not the dream…
      I can perceive things outside of material time. 🙂 🙂


      Thank you. 🙂

      After reading Harvard doctor John Mack’s massive Passport to the Cosmos ,

      ….I see even more that benevolent entities can strengthen our minds, while reptilian entities seek to terrify and demoralize us.

      It is a fierce battle for our soul, and this earth is a bloody battlefield. Some are crushed, and others keep loving and learning.



  2. Ogni sera mi auguro di vivere questi bellissimi sogni…e so in cuor mio che ci saranno sempre.
    Nella realtà invece mi segue un pettirosso, quando sto male e quando sa che succederanno cose brutte..
    Io so che è mia nonna che mi dà coraggio 🙂
    Grazie ai miei sogni ho capito di essere nel punto più basso della Divina commedia, in un terribile girone infernale.
    Questo mondo, governato dai Giudei.
    L’altra metà di me mi ha donato Ganesha, simboleggia un ostacolo, Ganesha ricorda anche tutta la calotta cerebrale(forse la mente Egoica di questi tempi duri).
    La libertà è nel suo centro, ghiandola pineale, sesto e settimo chakra.
    Ecco, dovrei imparare a “meditare” durante queste difficoltà.
    Una cosa è certissima;
    La mia metà veicola energia, amore.
    È talmente potente che mi provoca stanchezza, debolezza, estasi..
    Liberazione 🙂 🙂
    Intanto ti lascio questo articolo…
    Sembra in cima alla lista delle “premiazioni”.

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