UFO over the Kremlin; Nordic Aliens — they would help us if we deserved it, and deserving it is my goal!

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In the great old racial magazine Instauration, I came across this from the later 1970s. How true….

I asked the I-Ching: Will my religion succeed?

We can DESERVE help from Nordic Aliens, though  right now we do NOT deserve it.

In my own life I have seen 1) the ZOG government is irremediably, obviously wicked, and it is becoming more and more apparent that they want to kill off  90% of us,  BUT 2) Whites just put up with this, and both do nothing and refuse to support those who do, making them equally guilty.

This has been my life on this planet — I know what hell is:

I know what hell is; exercise twice as effective as antidepressants – John de Nugent




…………..This video below is very profound, extremely unique, and impactful. Before you read the rest of htis article, be sure watch this.

Then you will never ask again:

“If John’s Nordic Aliens are real, why don’t they s-a-v-e us?”

This vid shook me up with its ruthless truth.

What would RESPONSIBLE aliens (Nordic or other) think about us, or, gulp, DO about us? ;-) Eradicate us, maybe?

Watch it to the end.

Eckhart Tolle for me offers the best diagnosis of why earthlings are as they are.

They are so insane from lying that they even lie — knowingly — to themselves!  😉

This is a bad-karma planet, though about ten percent are good folks.


Humans lie to themselves, to others, and about others all day long. Over the millennia this habit of lying, especially to themselves, has driven them insane and they have stayed insane, hating truthtellers and killing them. 

So this planet, itself beautiful, is despised.



….Objects float over the Kremlin…

Same thing in 1953 over Washington DC:

1952 Washington, D.C., UFO incident – Wikipedia (Worth reading)


Night of July 19[edit]

At 11:40 p.m. on Saturday, July 19, 1952, Edward Nugent [LOL], an air traffic controller at Washington National Airport spotted seven objects on his radar.[14] The objects were located 15 miles (24 km) south-southwest of the city; no known aircraft were in the area, and the objects were not following any established flight paths. Nugent’s superior, Harry Barnes, a senior air-traffic controller at the airport, watched the objects on Nugent’s radarscope. He later wrote:

We knew immediately that a very strange situation existed . . . their movements were completely radical compared to those of ordinary aircraft.[15]

Barnes had two controllers check Nugent’s radar; they found that it was working normally. Barnes then called National Airport’s radar-equipped control tower; the controllers there, Howard Cocklin and Joe Zacko, said that they also had unidentified blips on their radar screen, and saw a hovering “bright light” in the sky, which departed with incredible speed.[14] Cocklin asked Zacko, “Did you see that? What the hell was that?”[14]


Later, the things buzzed the US Capitol itself, on July 12th (See right below.) This was certainly a remarkable demonstration of their presence or power. This was taken by an early color home video camera.  Hundreds of thousands of people saw these crafts. It went on for DAYS.

The thing to understand is that all aliens view us as dangerous barbarians, which, frankly, we are.

I have been beyond appalled at recent and older events in my own life which bear this out. This planet is full of liars, cowards, thieves, misers, traitors and narcissists. To have my stuff thrown on the street and then for my site to go down was pushing me to the limits.

As for these aliens, they rightly fear that we will engage in a nuclear war that will harm them both in their bases here —  which are both underwater and underground — and also their home bases on or DOWN INSIDE neighboring planets.


They could decide to help us if worthy, or simply annihilate us once and  for all as a serious nuisance.

And in 2010 there was this spectacular shocker over the seat of the Russian government in broad daylight….



…..MILLIONS of earth-like planets just in our own Milky Way galaxy

Huge article on the front page of my old Pittsburgh newspaper from the Associated Press of November 5, 2013:


22% of all stars have earth-like planets!


Life beyond Earth just got more likely

The Associated Press

Astronomers using NASA data have calculated for the first time that

in our galaxy alone, there are at least 8.8 billion stars with Earth-size planets in the habitable temperature zone.

The study was published on Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

For perspective, that’s more Earth-like planets than there are people on Earth.

As for what it says about the odds that there is life somewhere out there, it means “just in our Milky Way galaxy alone, that’s 8.8 billion throws of the biological dice,” said study co-author Geoff Marcy, a longtime planet hunter from the University of California at Berkeley.

The next step, scientists say, is to look for atmospheres on these planets with powerful space telescopes that have yet to be launched. That would yield further clues to whether any of these planets do, in fact, harbor life.

The findings raise a blaring question, Marcy said: If we aren’t alone, why is “there a deafening silence in our Milky Way galaxy from advanced civilizations?” [JdN: There is no “deafening silence!” The government was still suppressing basically ALL ET truth in 2013….]

In the Milky Way, about 1 in 5 stars that are like our sun in size, color and age have planets that are roughly Earth’s size and are in the habitable zone where life-crucial water can be liquid, according to intricate calculations based on four years of observations from NASA’s now-crippled Kepler telescope.

If people on Earth could only travel in deep space, “you’d probably see a lot of traffic jams,” Bill Borucki, NASA’s chief Kepler scientist, joked Monday.

The Kepler telescope peered at 42,000 stars, examining just a tiny slice of our galaxy to see how many planets like Earth are out there. Scientists then extrapolated that figure to the rest of the galaxy, which has hundreds of billions of stars.

For the first time, scientists calculated — not estimated — what percent of stars that are just like our sun have planets similar to Earth: 22 percent, with a margin of error of plus or minus 8 percentage points.

Kepler scientist Natalie Batalha said there is still more data to pore over before this can be considered a final figure.

There are about 200 billion stars in our galaxy, with 40 billion of them like our sun, Marcy said. One of his co-authors put the number of sun-like stars closer to 50 billion, meaning there would be at least 11 billion planets like ours.

Based on the 1-in-5 estimate, the closest Earth-size planet that is in the habitable temperature zone and circles a sun-like star is probably within 70 trillion miles of Earth, Marcy said.

And the 8.8 billion Earth-size planets figure is only a start. That’s because scientists were looking only at sun-like stars, which are not the most common stars.

An earlier study found that 15 percent of the more common red dwarf stars have Earth-size planets that are close-in enough to be in the not-too-hot, not-too-cold Goldilocks Zone.

Put those together and that’s probably 40 billion right-size, right-place planets, Marcy said.

And that’s just our galaxy. There are billions of other galaxies.

Scientists at a Kepler science conference Monday said they have found 833 new candidate planets with the space telescope, bringing the total of planets they’ve spotted to 3,538, but most aren’t candidates for life.

Kepler has identified only 10 planets that are about Earth’s size circling sun-like stars and are in the habitable zone, including one called Kepler 69-c.

Because there are probably hundreds of planets missed for every one found, the study did intricate extrapolations to come up with the 22 percent figure — a calculation that outside scientists say is fair.

“Everything they’ve done looks legitimate,” said MIT astronomer Sara Seager.




…..Reading books and doing serious thinking, not skimming

Look at this subversive below; she’s probably a terrorist. ;-) She’s not watching teevee, surfing Facebook to see if someone “likes” her, or unfriended her, or yakking on her cell phone about a boy. She’s READING a real book, just as our ancestors did. ;-) Btw, they also sang a lot: while working in the fields, strolling home happily from the factory, or at family gatherings, passing around sheet music to loved ones and visiting friends. People used their minds back then; they did not just sit there consuming predigested Jew poison.


And so I urge you who are now here to actually take three hours of your life (I took two years of mine to write it) and read all this through to the end, watch all the videos through to their ends, and then ponder what they mean. to be fully human “ and not just a two-legged, hairless animal” is to embrace the very concept of truth as a sacred thing.

Award-winning photo of a man standing in a snow field and staring at the Milky Way, which is pointing upward. He is after the truth.


Our galaxy is full of species, including Short Grays, Tall Grays, Tall Whites, Reptilians (yes, snicker if you wish, but that is mere nervous laughter ;-)) and very advanced Nordics, for whom we all are a White Trash planet.





John Edward Mack, M.D. (October 4, 1929 —  September 27, 2004) was an American psychiatrist, writer, and professor at Harvard Medical School.

He was a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer, and a leading authority on the spiritual or transformational effects of alleged alien abduction experiences.[1]

Dr. Mack spoke with over 200 individuals with no mental illness who had had encounters or been abducted by aliens of various species. His books refer to three species, Nordic Aliens, Greys, and Reptilians.

I just read his posthumous book (posthumous because he was killed by “a drunk driver,” hmmmmm….) entitled Passport to the Cosmos, which also refers to them.

The 200 reports discussed by Dr. Mack confirm the widespread reports of Nordic Aliens as being benevolent, friendly, respectful and urging spiritual advancement, and not engaging in hostile or terrifying abductions, whereas the Greys are seen as icy-cold abductors and the Reptilians as positively evil and possibly even eating humans or their glands.


The Nordics are spiritual leaders, p239

An Amerindian is taken to an advanced white civilization, pp-188-89:


Reptilians, however, were evil, terrifying and sadistic psychopaths who injected fearful images into humans, a kind of “mental  rape”, p227:


A typical alien view of earthlings from p.79 of  this work:


Utter inconsistency in earthling acceptance or skepticism about ideas, from the foreword, p15:


How I remember losing half my readers and two webmasters in 2010 over saying we are not alone in the universe, though I gave  proof. 😉

Earthlings remain completely oblivious — even as cancer explodes and KILLS THEM — to how polluted and toxic our air, food and water are, p111:


Aliens have tried a subtle approach, but maybe millions just have to die before the awakening, p113:


I will run this cartoon again!


Eckhart Tolle for me offers the best diagnosis of why earthlings are as they are.




…. The Fourth Reich and Exonordics — a crazy idea or a scary reality to get used to and eventually like?

Donald Keyhoe, a former Marine Corps major and pilot, was one of the first highly-credible UFO truthers in the 1950s. He emphasized that some aliens were literally humans like us.  Interviewed by Mike Wallace of CBS News, he said this: “Some look like the man next door, the invaders from space, and his reasons [to be here and contact us] may be good.”


Here was Major Keyhoe being interviewed by CBS’s famous Jew reporter Mike Wallace (who tries in every way to ridicule Kehoe and on the premise that 1) all UFO believers are crackposts and 2) “our government would not lie” 😉 LOL!


When Major Keyhoe refers to a 1953 incident where two Air Force officers were killed over Lake Superior when they confronted a UFO, this is the incident, and it is very documented:


Lieutenant Felix Gene Moncla, USAF


Location of Kincheloe AFB near Kinross, Michigan


Lieutenant Moncla and his navigator were killed when they flew right at the UFO. No wreckage has ever been found. The USAF lie that they collided with a Royal Canadian Air Force fighter jet was strenuously and repeatedly denied by Canadian authorities.




……Steven Greer, MD says a ton of truth for credibility so he can work in some Big Lies

I watched the whole video, which is an Iranian living in exile (in the US, apparently) who is a skeptic, and mathematician and atheist. He asks Dr. Greer many good questions, and Greer gives many interesting answers, such as various US presidents and the directors of the CIA and DIA themselves not being told UFO truth — and so they end up asking Dr. Greer what exactly is going on.

But never, EVER does Greer reveal the biggest truth of all, the most stupendous cover-up of all times, which is contained in this graphic:

And the other truth he never even whispers is that Nordic humans (an advanced, blond, handsome, tall people) lead a federation across our galaxy that is opposed to the reptilian & Grey takeover.

Greer barely squeezes in ONE mention of a human alien, saying he looked pretty human but “had a receding hairline.”

Then he goes on for another 45 minutes about how aliens OF COURSE look all weird — and extremely unlike us……

This is classic Deep/State distraction and diversion.

Btw, a major Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, sort-of blamed me in 2017 for the circulation of this famous repto cartoon.

(“Haaretz” meaning, btw, in Hebrew, “the homeland” — because, obviously, the JEWS are allowed to have a homeland of their own and preserve their race, DNA, language, traditions and culture — just not the loathsome white man).



Oh — and btw, and I am just speculating here — obviously Greer himself, who has a truly strange face, and very sloped shoulders, looks as if he were part-reptilian himself! And he also constantly says his wife is Jewish.


The entire notion that this guy Greer for thirty years has been oh-so-courageously revealing top secrets that the Deep State fears with its hush-hush “USAP,” its “Unacknowledged Special Access Project,” is risible.

After killing dozens of major, important people, including President John Kennedy, who among other things was demanding full UFO truth, believe me, the Hidden Hand would have whacked this nerd decades ago unless he were their trusted and well-paid gatekeeper.

His utterly false message: the ETs are perfectly harmless non-humans who just wanna help us, and it is they who fear us, not the other way around.

Some actually do want to help us — especially the Nordics, who are humans related to us earth whites, but others most assuredly do not!




……No, neither “space aliens” nor South Pole Germans will save us (and I never, eversaid they would!!!!!!!!!!) if we continue to refuse to help ourselves — or financially and otherwise aid activists and truthers such as myself!

Would you lend a junkie a hundred bucks to get another heroin fix? NO! Earthlings are just like that junkie, wanting help but not willing to make any serious changes, not until my religion radically changes them.

This was my blog from 2017, five years ago….

Holly Bell I was following Wes Penre, Stewart Swerdlow and several others until they became radical with this reptilian agenda. I don’t know? If they are real, I suppose we should kiss our ass** goodbye. If not dwelling on Syfy is not helping our fight against the jews. Which do we focus on. I myself feel Admiral Byrd really did find a middle earth, and the beings inside warned us to stop warring and dropping nuclear bombs?

Oh, yeah, we were “exploring” Antarctica — with a heavily armed flotilla of warships — until the Nazis, who had supposedly unconditionally surrendered, kicked our American ass.” Shhhhhhhhhhhh!

Where does this begin and end? And again, what are we little people to do about it, considering our current events?

John de Nugent Okay, Holly, you are asking a really good question, and here is the answer.
You have to do a mental paradigm shift. Just as reptilians are real, and have been for millennia,


so are good aliens. Some are among us now. Some of them are humans, nordics, and they blend right in. Some dye their hair dark, in fact.  😉 



But they neither CAN nor are they allowed to fight our battles physically for us.
Yes, the nordics and reptilians could just “go at it” here on this earthand fight over the control of the planet. But both sides have nukes — and they have weapons more powerful than nukes.
A physical battle would fry our planet earth to a blackened, smoking crisp.
It is a battle of ideas that must be won: a battle of hearts, and a battle of souls.
As the expression goes, a full-scale war would mean M.A.D. — “Mutually Assured Destruction.”
It was the same in the wars in Vietnam and in Korea: Neither the US nor USSR went “all in,” because both sides had nukes.
In the same way, neither nordics nor reptilians would gain anything at all by appearing with their fleets of UFOs, armed to the teeth and blasting away the other side.
There was an ET battle over Nuremberg in 1561, the entire region saw it, and the newspapers of the day reported on it. But neither side was able to take over the earth. One craft is seen shot down, lower right. The giant black dagger was a kind of mother ship, and when this monster warship appeared, the other side promptly fled.
Five years later, in 1566 there was another UFO battle, this time in the skies over Basel, Switzerland. Not how startled the humans on the ground, the Swiss, looked and how they gesticulated.
Then the other side would show up also armed to the teeth, and if they “went at it” over us, WE would be the ones who died. Can you understand it if I explain it this way?
They cannot openly intervene, or things will escalate to mutually assured destruction.
And then, as Dr. Joseph Farrell, Oxford graduate, says, we will end up like the planet that once was full of life, but after a war with earth long ago is now the chunks of dead rock that form the asteroid belt.
THAT asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter was once a PLANET that ancient earthlings destroyed in a planetary war. https://johndenugent.com/images/asteroid-belt.jpgManage
Once all sides can go nuclear, then any nuclear war becomes pointless. No one wins; almost everybody who were supposed to be saved or even to win will die. If the Japanese had had The Bomb in 1945, the US never would have nuked Hiroshima.
Therefore, we must win this battle for earth one heart and soul at a time.
For this we need, and I am creating, a new Aryan organized faith, a faith for the ages. And if it takes us 25 generations of sacrifice, WE WILL WIN.
Once a folk has tasted national socialism, THE JOY, THE MEANING IT GIVES TO LIFE, the pride and the love that brings people together, it will be unable to imagine living any other way.


…..Level-headed Englishwoman, wife and mother describes October 1954 close-up encounter in Staffordshire with nordics – “so sympathetic, so compassionate”

1954 Jessie Roestenberg UFO Case Is UK Most Famous Close Encounter With Nordic Aliens

ByVicky Verma

In 1954, a British woman named Jennie Roestenberg claimed to have seen a disc-shaped flying saucer of aluminum color, hovering over her cottage near Staffordshire. She also saw two Nordic figures that were sitting in the craft.


Jennie Roestenberg, a wife of a young Dutchman named Tony Roestenberg, lived with their two sons and a daughter in a small cottage at Vicarage Farm, Ranton, near Staffordshire, UK. It was a very remote area, and they had no electricity and indoor plumbing.


On October 21, 1954, at around 4:45 pm, she was inside her house with her 2-year-old daughter Karin. Her two sons, Anthony (8) and Ronald (6) were playing outside in the garden. Suddenly, she heard a loud sound like an aircraft crash. As she stepped out, her sons were terrified and shouting: “Mommy, Mommy, there’s a flying saucer.” She saw a round UFO that was hovering above them.


The woman stated that the front part of the object was transparent, and she could see two human-like figures inside it. She described them as Nordics with long hair and long faces. Jennie saw them wearing tight-fitting blue suits, and their heads were in transparent helmets. [JdN: I guess their planet has more or less oxygen content in the atmosphere than ours, or earthly air pollution — VERY bad in the 1950s still!!!! — was something they refused to breathe.]


The Wolverhampton Express and Star Oct. 22, 1954:

A woman today told the “Express and Star” that she and her two children had been terrified by a flying saucer, carrying “two long-haired human-like creatures in tight-fitting jerseys.”

The machine landed in the garden, she stated. When she heard a noise like a crashing aircraft, yesterday, Mrs Jessie Roestenburg, of isolated Vicarage Farm, ran out into the garden. She found her two children lying prostrate and terrified. The next house to Vicarage Farm is about two miles away.

Above the children was a huge, saucer-like object with a dome, the front part of which was transparent, stated Mrs. Roestenberg. Staring at the children from the machine were two “unsmiling, human-like creatures, with long faces and long hair.” [JdN:  Unsmiling, maybe, but Jennie also says they looked “compassionate.” This was the height of the Cold War and ALL aliens were worried that earthlings would destroy the planet in a nuclear holocaust.]

This is a sketch, made today by Mrs. Roestenberg, of the object that she states she saw in her garden, It appeared to be of “a dull silver metal,” and the outer rim seemed to be revolving.


According to Express and Star, she told reporters that the UFO circled the house two times before it flew away at a high speed. She noted that the two creatures had compassionate faces, but she said: “The boys were so terrified that they would not go out again last night,” she said. “The dog was nowhere to be seen. I think it must have bolted.”



Read also:

Researcher Gavin Gibbons, who investigated the Roestenberg case, wrote in his book “The Coming of the Space Ships‘ by Gavin Gibbons” the following:

“When I visited the Roestenbergs’ house almost three weeks after the sighting…Jennie Roestenberg appeared.
She seemed highly strained and nervous, and her husband, coming in later, was also very strained.
It was evident that something most unusual had occurred.”

Originally, Gibbons was a linguist and scholar. He called the flying saucers extraterrestrial space ships. He used the Sanskrit term “Vimanas” for the disc-shaped scout craft and “Vunu” for cigar-shaped UFOs.

In Gibbons’ opinion, Jessie encountered the UFO with aliens just like George Adamski had described. But the series of UFO encounters did not stop there.

Based on his interviews with the family, Gibbons gave a more detailed account of the Roestenberg story and what was seen:

they looked very like Earthly men, with white skins and long hair down to their shoulders. Their foreheads seemed immensely high, with the features almost entirely in the bottom half of their faces.

Their heads were enclosed in what appeared to be some sort of transparent helmet and they were dressed in clothes of turquoise blue that resembled ski suits that Mrs. Roestenberg had seen.

***  LOL, kinda like me…. half my head on the front side is forehead…..

This chap was the Danish Foreign Minister 2019-22. Neither of us is a nordic alien 😉 but we may descend from them.


The saucer’s exit:

It was hovering over the house! Very low and completely silent, a queer, round thing was standing in the air immediately over the little cottage… Their heads were in a whirl…

As Jessie Roestenberg watched, appalled, the “vimana” began to move, flashing a purply blue light from the front of it as it did so. At an angle of 45° it started to ascend, making no sound as it moved, but continuing the flashing the whole time.

With a gasp of relief, Jessie ran into the house, intent on finding pencil and paper to sketch what she and the children had seen. As she looked for the stub of a pencil, the boys called out again from the garden.

With fear returning once more to her heart, she ran outside to see the saucer coming back again, this time from north to south. It circled the house in an anti-clockwise direction one and a half times and then streaked skywards. It had gone at last




A photograph of the Roestenberg family

Interestingly, Tony Roestenberg [who was Dutch] saw something unusual on the following October 24, 1954, when he climbed the roof of his house.

He saw a high-speed cigar-shaped UFO suddenly disappear into the clouds.

Another incident happened on December 15, 1954. Tony saw a bright ball, flying very silently in the sky. First, he measured the length of the UFO with his arm which was around two to three inches. But when he went to the other side of his house, its length was about 18 inches. The fireball was moving very slow at a low altitude. After some time, he heard the sound of an airplane, coming from the east. As the plane [JdN: apparently from the RAF] approached closer, the fireball flew away at an incredibly high speed, disappearing in no time.

Gibbons visited the Roestenbergs at their new home in Stafford many times in 1955, and he was assured that there was no motive for a hoax.

They looked happy in the new house, and when Gibbons asked why they had left the old house, Tony replied that since the first UFO incident had happened, the house became haunted for them.

In 1976, Hugh Burnett was preparing a UFO documentary for the BBC, and he approached Charles Bowen and Gordon Creighton of Flying Saucer Review.

They gave him the contact information for Jennie Roestenberg. The documentary was titled Out of this World, and it was first broadcast on May 10, 1977, on BBC 1. It’s largely responsible for reviving interest in the case, and today, most people are probably familiar with Jennie Roestenburg’s story via the YouTube clip of her from the programIt’s often shared with comments noting how genuine, sincere, and credible she appears.

She described the saucer as looking like a Mexican hat, and the occupants were beautiful people with long golden hair, wearing coverings over their heads like a “transparent fishbowl.”
Jennie at age 90 in 2015

“They just looked [at me], and I was absolutely paralytic with fear. I couldn’t move, although my mind was taking over. And they seemed so sympathetic that I was mesmerized, seemed to be – oh, ages — but it could have only been seconds. After checking on her boys, “I looked up and it was gone.” 

Asked about the size of the object, she says it was “massive,” that it was larger than the roof of the house. She said they saw the object again in the distance, that it circled them three times then it shot off.

Here is the short clip of Jessie Roestenberg (aged 90) shot by John Hanson in 2015.


…..Signs of the Great Awakening

“Black Sun” SS symbol appeared in 2015 in a giant English crop circle; the royal adjutant in RAF comes clean about a telepathic “human alien” who knew all British nuclear weapon secrets








……Google images of crop circles: always perfect and they appear instantly



Fox Ground Down, Nr Blandford Forum, Dorset, England, reported 30th May 2015.

….Giant crop circle in the shape of the SS’s special symbol, the Black Sun designed in the 1930s

Ox Drove, near Bowerchalke, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Reported 8th August.


[source: http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2015/oxdrove/oxdrove2015.html]



In numerology 888 (August [eight month], 8, 2015 [2+1+5 = 8]; the symbol of Adolf Hitler is 88 [Heil Hitler = HH = eighth letter of the alphabet twice = 88] ¦.

(Also, in the year 888, the first German-European Reich, created by Charlemagne, collapsed ” see Wikipedia under “888”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/888 )

This is definitely an exact SS-type, National Socialist, esoteric swastika wheel, as in the floor symbol at Wewelsburg castle, the spiritual home of the SS; see the Wikipedia article “Black Sun” (occult meaning) to see for yourself.


Since IMO Adolf Hitler is the most defamed man who ever lived, whose goal was to liberate mankind from the bloodsucking Zionist hydra, I hope this means that he, or his forces and successor, will return and cleanse this suffering world ” and successfully this time ” before this planet becomes a miserable slave-world under a greedy, cruel, arrogant, Jewish master race.






…the weird, alien-language 2007 “dragonfly drone”


…..Wikipedia on the “Black Sun”

Found in a floor mosaic in the Hall of Generals of the SS at Wewelsburg Castle [pronounced “Vay-velz-boork”]


Castle is just left of center on a hill


Black Sun (occult symbol)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[I, JdN, have added a few appropriate photos, but have not changed the text.]
For other uses, see Black Sun (disambiguation).

A depiction of the “Black Sun” the design of which is based primarily on the shape of the Wewelsburgsunwheel mosaic [on the floor of] the “Obergruppenführer”-Hall (SS Generals’ Hall).

The former SS Generals’ Hall (German: “Obergruppenführersaal”) on the first floor of the North Tower of Wewelsburg Castle with the dark-green sun-wheel mosaic located on the floor in the center of the hall. Since 1991, occasionally the marble inlay has been called the “Black Sun” “ especially by right-wing authors.[citation needed]



[Did you notice, at the very end of the video, from the grave marker that the death of the greatest tank ace of the Waffen-SS, Michael Wittmann, who was a household name in Germany, and bearer of the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with oak leaves and swords, was on 8.8.44? 888?


Since then, the mosaic has been linked to esoteric concepts about a “Black Sun” which have been discussed by neo-nazi circles since the post-war years. The architects who redesigned the castle during the Nazi era called the axis of the North Tower the “Center of the World”.

The term Black Sun (German Schwarze Sonne), also referred to as the Sonnenrad (German for “Sun Wheel”), is a symbol of esoteric and occultsignificance. Its design is based on a sun wheel mosaic incorporated into a floor of Wewelsburg Castle during the Nazi era.

Today, it may also be used in occult currents of Germanic neopaganism, and in Irminenschaft or Armanenschaft ”inspired esotericism ”but not necessarily in a racial or neo-Nazi context. Despite its contemporary use, the Black Sun had not been identified with the ornament in Wewelsburg before 1991, although it had been discussed as an esoteric concept in neo-Nazi circles since the 1950s.[1]

Historical background[edit]

 Alemannic brooches with designs reminiscent of the Wewelsburg symbol.[2]

The design has loose visual parallels in Migration Age Alemannicbrooches (Zierscheiben), possibly a variation of the Roman swastika fibula, thought to have been worn on Frankishand Alemannic women’s belts.[3] Some Alemannic or Bavarian specimens incorporate a swastika symbol at the center.[4] The number of rays in the brooches varies between five and twelve.

Goodrick-Clarke (2002) does connect the Wewelsburg design with the Early Medieval Germanic brooches, and does assume that the original artifacts had a solar significance, stating that “this twelve-spoke sun wheel derives from decorative disks of the Merovingiansof the early medieval period and are supposed to represent the visible sun or its passage through the months of the year.”[5]

He further refers to scholarly discussion of the brooches in Nazi Germany,[6] allowing for the possibility that the designers of the Wewelsburg mosaic were indeed inspired by these historical precedents.

Wewelsburg mosaic[edit]

The shape of the symbol as it is used within Germanic mysticist esotericism and Neo-Nazism today is based primarily on the design of a floor mosaic at the castle of Wewelsburg(built 1603), a Renaissancecastle located in the northwest of North Rhine-Westphalia,Germany.

During the Third Reich the castle became the representative and ideological center of the order of the SSHeinrich Himmler, the leader of the SS, wanted to establish the “Center of the New World”.[7] A focus of the actual SS-activities at the castle were archaeological excavations in the surrounding region and studies on Germanic early history.[8][9]

The mosaic is located in the ground floor room of the North-Tower of the castle, in the so-called Obergruppenführersaal (“Obergruppenführer hall”, completed 1939-1943).[10](“Obergruppenführer” (literally: “Upper-Group-Leader”) was the SS-rank parallel to General in the Wehrmacht or Lieutenant-General in the US and British armies.) It is not known if the SS had a special name for the ornament, or if they attributed a special meaning to it. However, the sun wheel is significant for the Germanic light-and-sun mysticism[11] which was propagated by the SS.

In their studies on sense characters, the sun apart was interpreted as “the strongest and most visible expression of god”, the number twelve as significant for “the things related to goal and completion”.[12]The mosaic at Wewelsburg itself is dark green (see two photos: top view and close-up in high-resolution (1.1 MB)) on a whitish/greyish marble floor. Probably a golden disc was originally located in the middle of the ornament.[13][14][unreliable source?]

Traditional Christianity was to be replaced by a “völkisch” (folkish or racial) cult. Instead of Christianity, Himmler wanted a moral doctrine derived from the pre-Christian, pagan, Germanic heritage. Cultic ceremonies and rituals were part of the everyday life of the SS. The Wewelsburg was to be a center of a “race-appropriate” religion (German: “artgemäße” Religion)[15][16]

The North-Tower of the castle was to be the center of a planned circular estate, 1.27 kilometres in diameter.[17][18] The architects called the complex the “Center of the World” from 1941 onwards.

The North-Tower, which had survived a ruin after 1815, only assumed importance for Himmler starting in the autumn of 1935. In the process of Himmler establishing the castle as a cult site (an ideological and religious center of the SS), the tower was to serve the highest-ranking SS leaders as a meeting place and probably as location for quasi-religious devotions. Nothing is known about the possible way and the kind of arrangement of designated ceremonies in the tower ”the redesigned rooms were never used.[19] According to the architects, the axis of the North-Tower was to be the actual “Center of the World”.[20]

The inside of the complete castle was redesigned in a Nazi-specific mythological way (see the Wewelsburg SS School). SS architect Hermann Bartels presented a first draft of plans that envisioned using the North Tower on three different levels. However, a meeting in the first floor mosaic room never occurred ”the building work at the room was stopped in 1943.[21] In 1945, when the “final victory” did not materialize, the castle was partially blasted and set on fire by the SS, but the two redesigned rooms in the North-Tower stayed intact.

It is not known with any certainty whether this symbol was placed in the marble floor at Wewelsburg before or during the National Socialist Regime. There remains speculation as to whether the symbol was placed in the hall by the Nazis or whether it was there previously but there is no definitive proof either way. The book sold by the Wewelsburg museum on the history of the castle from 1933 to 1945 makes no mention of who put it there. The plans for the North Tower by SS architect Hermann Bartelsmake no mention of it. Scholars today are reluctant to say with any certainty why it was put there, or by whom.[5][22] Because the ceilings of the North-Tower were cast in concrete and faced with natural stone during the Third Reich, it is more likely that the ornament was created during the Himmler era.

There is, although its origins are unknown, an identical rendition of the Wewelsburg Schwarze Sonne in a wall painting at a World War II military bunker memorial to Bismarck in Hamburg below a statue of Bismarck (see Bismarck-Monument (Hamburg)). It is with a central piece incorporating a sunwheel and swastikas and the texts “Nicht durch Reden werden große Fragen entschieden, sondern durch Eisen und Blut” (“Great questions will not be resolved by talk, but by iron and blood”).[23][24][25][26][unreliable source?]

Vienna Lodge[edit]

The “Black Sun” is often associated with the mystic-esoteric aspects of National Socialism. Origin of a phantastic post war “SS mysticism” which refers to the “Black Sun” not as a symbol but as a kind of esoteric concept is a right-wing esoteric circle in Vienna in the early 1950s.[27] The speculations of the Vienna Lodge “ also known as the Landig Group  “ did not relate their concept of the “Black Sun” to the ornament in the Wewelsburg. This identification took place as late as 1991, in the novel Die Schwarze Sonne von Tashi Lhunpo.

The former SS member Wilhelm Landig of the Vienna Lodge “coined the idea of the Black Sun, a substitute swastika and mystical source of energy capable of regenerating the Aryan race”.[5]Rudolf J. Mund (also a former SS member and later also member of the Vienna Lodge) discusses a relationship of the Black Sun with alchemy. The visible sun is described as a symbol of an invisible anti-sun: “Everything that can be comprehended by human senses is material, the shadow of the invisible spiritual light. The material fire is “ seen in this way “ also just the shadow of the spiritual fire.”[28]

The ideas of the Vienna Lodge were later continued by the Tempelhofgesellschaft. The German scholar Julian Strube has shown a direct exchange of idea between this younger generation and the circle surrounding Landig.[1] After the Tempelhofgesellschaft had been dissolved, its member Ralf Ettl founded the Freundeskreis (circle of friends) Causa Nostra that remains active.

Nazi and Neo-Nazi significance[edit]

The term Black Sun may originate with the mystical “Central Sun” in Helena Blavatsky ˜sTheosophy. This invisible or burnt out Sun (Karl Maria Wiligut ˜s Santur in Nazi mysticism) symbolizes an opposing force or pole.[citation needed]Emil Rüdiger, of Rudolf John GorslebensEdda-Gesellschaft (Edda Society), claimed that a fight between the new and the old Suns was decided 330,000 years ago (Karl Maria Wiligut dates this 280,000 years ago), and that Santur had been the source of power of the Hyperboreans.[citation needed]

The Wewelsburg symbol can be deconstructed into three swastikas; a “rising”, a “zenith” & a “setting” one, the design is popular among German Neo-Nazis as a replacement for the outlawed singular swastika symbol. Another interpretation is that the symbol incorporates twelve reversed “Sig runes” of the Armanen runes.

[JdN: I added these two symbols to the article.]


Allegedly, the design was drawn for Heinrich Himmler from an “old Aryan emblem”,[29]and was meant to mimic the Round table of Arthurian legend with each spoke of the sun wheel representing one “knight” or Officer of the “inner” SS.

The symbol of the Black Sun is purported to unite the three most important symbols of Nazi ideology “ the sun wheel, the swastika and the stylized victory rune.” and that it is symbolic in its form representing “the twelve SS Knights of The Order of the Death’s Head and their three retainers”.[30]

Erich Halik was the first to link the esoteric SS with the Black Sun roundel insignia carried by German aircraft in the polar region at the close of World War II.[5][31]


Contemporary use[edit]

After 1945[edit]

The name Schwarze Sonne (“Black Sun”) came into existence for the first time after WWII. Already in the 1950s it was used by neo-Nazis around Wilhelm Landig, being a symbol associated with the SS.

The “Black Sun” is used extensively by many other neo-Nazis around Europe and the world.[32]

Black Sun sported by the Azov Battalion

The “Black Sun” is also used by the Azov Battalionwhich has been battling the separatists in Eastern Ukraine.[33][34]

Contemporary esotericism[edit]

The symbol has been used by a variety of esotericists; for example, as the official symbol of the occult group Black Order of the Theozoa. The name of the well-known Black Sun Press (a private literary press active in Paris in the 1920s and 1930s) reflects the occult interests of one of its founders, Harry Crosby, but pre-dates the emergence of the esoteric Nazi symbol.

Occasionally, and unscientifically, black dwarfs are referred to as black suns. This is not entirely unrelated to the esoteric meaning, since ariosophyalleges a burnt out sun that was the source of power of the Aryans in some mystical past (see also Karl Maria Wiligut). Others[who?] regard the Black Sun as a black hole; before the term black hole was coined in 1967, black holes (then still theoretical) were sometimes called black stars or dark stars. Still others, such as Miguel Serrano, think of the Black Sun as a wormhole. Influenced by a combination of the esoteric and the astronomical meaning. See Black Sun (disambiguation) for examples of the term as used in popular culture.

According to neopythagorean sources, the Black Sun signifies the central point of the Galaxy.

Alternative design[edit]

The symbol described by Peter Moon and Joseph Farrell, described as the symbol of the Black Sun.[35][36] It was first used in a publication of the Tempelhofgesellschaft, in 1987[1]

In 1988/1990 and 1992, the Austrian authors Norbert Jürgen Ratthofer and Ralf Ettl produced the documentaries “UFO “ Das Dritte Reich schlägt zurück? (1998/1990) (UFO “ The Third Reich Strikes Back?)”[37][38] and “UFO “ Geheimnisse des Dritten Reichs (1990) (UFO “ Secrets of the Third Reich)”[39][40] which talks of the Thule Society with the Geheimnis Schwarze Sun flashing on screen and talking about it.

Professor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke states that “In the early 1990s, the Austrians Norbert Jürgen Ratthofer and Ralf Ettl and developed new nazi UFO myths involving ancient Babylon, Vril energy and extraterrestrial civilisation in the solar system of Aldebaran.

These colourful ideas are integral elements of a dualist Marcionite religion [a Jew-free,Yahweh-rejecting Jesus] propagated by Ralf Ettl through his Tempelhofgesellschaft (Temple Society) in Vienna, identified as a secret successor to the historic Templars, who had absorbed Gnostic and heretical ideas in the Levant”[41]

Ratthofer and Ettl state in “UFO “ Geheimnisse des Dritten Reichs (1990) (UFO “ Secrets of the Third Reich)”[39] that “Within the SS the Thule Society created a separate secret organisation called the “Black Sun”” with the “Geheimnis Schwarze Sonne” as its logo. This is a reference to the older narrative developed by the Vienna circle.[1]

Jürgen-Ratthofer and Ettl were members of the Tempelhofgesellschaft that was originally founded in the 1980s. Its first major publication, Einblick in die magische Weltsicht und die magischen Prozesse (1987), maintained an esoteric interpretation of the Black Sun that later resurfaced in Landig’s Rebellen für Thule, making the exchange between this younger generation and the Vienna Circle evident. The ideas of the THG were further disseminated by their brochure Das Vril-Projekt. They significantly contributed to the identification of the Black Sun with the ornament in the Wewelsburg that had first been suggested in the novel Die Schwarze Sonne von Tashi Lhunpo.[1]

In 1997 author Peter Moon (real name: Vince Barbarick), wrote a book entitled ˜The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection’ in which he refers to an image (pictured) as the ˜Signet of the Black Sun’ (a secret order in Germany, also referred to as the ˜Order of the Black Sun’) and that it is “the symbol of the innermost secret society of Nazi Germany: the Black Sun. It is illegal to print or display this symbol in Germany today.”[42]

This image and information was, according to Moon, originally provided to him by van Helsing around 1996, along with additional information on Nazi flying discs. Moon alleges that Helsing allegedly got it from Templar groups who emerged from East Germany after the Berlin Wall fell and Germany reunited. The German edition of Moon’s book on the Black Sun had to have the image removed.

Van Helsing, however, did not write specifically on this symbol and mentioned the Black Sun just in a few phrases. But, from what Moon states, van Helsing could be talking about Ralf Ettl and his Tempelhofgesellschaft (Temple Sociey) in Vienna, identified as a secret successor to the historic Templars.

In 2005 American Scholar Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, in his book ˜Reich of the Black Sun’, also states that the symbol was adopted by the Thule Society but also adopted as an emblem for von Liebenfels ˜ New Templars.[43] Farrell also states that in contemporary German Federal Law it is forbidden to be displayed.[43] Farrell doesn’t cite any sources, not referring to Norbert Jürgen Ratthofer and Ralf Ettl, Jan van Helsing or Peter Moon. Additionally, he states it was adopted by the Thule Society and the New Templars, without citation, and in contradiction to the information supplied by van Helsing and Moon. Farrell has stated that as for primary sources, he does not have one other than Ralf Ettl and Juergen Ratthofer for the Black Sun concept.[44]

In 2007 author Ron McVan published written works within a Wotanist context utilising the Alternative Black Sun Symbol.[45]

British Professor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke B.A. doesn’t mention this image in either of his books on the history of occultism in Nazi Germany but shows the Thule Society emblem to have been this image[46][47] and Liebenfels’ New Templars logo to be this image.[48]

In popular culture[edit]

Scottish comics writer Grant Morrison, in his 2000 AD series Zenith, makes repeated references to a Black Sun cult, which is a combination of Nazi and Lovecraftian ideas. They are the main agents in this world for the extradimensional running villains of the series, the Lloigor, and are the ones at the start of the series who engineer the resurrection of Master Man, the vessel of Iok-Sotot.

In Peter Hogan and Chris Sprouse ˜s America’s Best Comics limited series, Tom Strong & the Robots of Doom, Albrecht Strong, the Nazi son of Tom Strong, uses the symbol as his own when he overwrites the timestream with his own worldwide neo-Nazi empire.

The symbol is used on the cover of the novel The Black Sun by James Twining[49] and is mentioned extensively, although the cover image is not strictly the same “ it faces in the wrong direction. The symbol is also used on the cover of the fiction novel “Black Order” byJames Rollins and is mentioned extensively therein.

In the Outlanders novel, Satan’s Seed by Mark Ellis, the Brotherhood of the Black Sun andAleister Crowley use geomancy to travel through time. It features in the novel Swastika byMichael Slade.

In the occult-Nazi thriller Die Schwarze Sonne von Tashi Lhunpo (The Black Sun of Tashi Lhunpo) by Russell McCloud (Stephan Mögle-Stadel[7] in 1991, the assassinations of the president of the European Bank and a leading member of the UN Security Council are linked by a brand mark of the symbol of the Black Sun on the foreheads of the victims. McCloud is the first writer to identify the Wewelsburg sun wheel with the Black Sun myth (ofWilhelm Landig), thereby indicating the esoteric influence of Wiligut and the SS heritage and Aryan-theosophical lore at the heart of Himmler’s imaginative world. Arun-VerlaginEngerda (in the former German Democratic Republic) have published further editions and a film script of the book.

The book Unheilige Allianzen by Christian Dornbusch and Hans-Peter Killguss discusses the symbol.[50]The symbol is also used on the book cover for the 2011 novel Order of the Black Sun by Jack Follett, which features a secret nazi base in New Swabia in Antarcticaas one of the settings in the occult tech-thriller.[51]

The Jayne Heller book series by Daniel Abraham writing under the name M.L.N. Hanover features a semi-benevolent spirit who possesses the protagonist, calling itself “Sonnenrad, the Black Sun’s Daughter.” It is described as a Prince of Hell, but its intentions are ambiguous and may not be evil.

The Wewelsburg design is used in the artwork of musical groups from the Neo-Nazi subculture and other bands using Nazi aesthetics, e. g. for shock value. It is used as well as in the in lyrics of the experimental music groups Coil who released a song called Solar Lodge, found on the album Scatology, containing the lyrics “See the black sun rise from theSolar Lodge“, Death in JuneVon Thronstahl and as the title of a song by Dead Can Danceand E Nomine.[52]

Gotos=Kalanda (1995) by Allerseelen is adapted from Wiligut’s pagan calendar cycle of poems presented to Himmler in 1937. The Wewelsburg Black Sun is prominent on Petak’s letterhead and the Allerseelen label.[5][53]

In the 2009 video game Wolfenstein by Id Software, the Black Sun was actually another dimension. In the game, the Nazis try to uncover the secrets of the Thule people, an ancient civilization that discovered how to enter the Black Sun dimension through the use of portals. The main protagonist, a secret agent called William “B.J.” Blazkowicz, tries to prevent the Nazis from entering the dimension who try to build a super weapon to win the war. The main character took an ancient artifact from a Nazi dig site showing similar symbolism related to that of the black sun symbol.

In the movie Iron sky the black sun symbol represents the dark side of the moon which hides the secret base of the Nazis, the symbol is seen numerous times.


….Top Royal Air Force officer comes clean


Interesting comments above, and I understand the skeptics.

However, many aliens are human, yes, it is as simple as that, advanced over us by centuries, and this is hidden by our governments, which lie about everything else ” so why not about this, the biggest of all coverups?

Earth is a beautiful planet at a strategic location and has been colonized by waves of migrants, settlers, and war refugees from a number of planets, all hosting different kinds of human life.

We ourselves descend from these “aliens” ” and so the very word “alien” in the sense of “scary little men with antennae/slanted eyes” is loaded in negative way.

Most aliens (54 species) are not Greys, Reptiles or other humanoids (with one head, two arms and legs); they are full humans who eat food, have sex, make babies, get old and die. Some are noble in their intentions,


others neutral (going about their business, including mining and tanking up on hydrogen) and a few are nasty, just as humans are here.

And when they warn us about nuclear war, it is because they use this earth too, and they know that earth has been thrown back into the Stone Age before by nuclear war, and each atomic explosion harms others in the galaxy.


Earth is a truck stop used by many, and a huge amount of activity goes on underwater, under the ocean floor, and under mountain ranges and deserts.

This is an actual Google Earth shot (type in the coordinates yourself ” 34.0811763-119.0307411) of a giant, teardrop-shaped base off Malibu, California


I would refer you to my article: https://johndenugent.com/ufos-the-third-reich-after-1945-and-the-pleiadians/


I served in Marine Corps intelligence and graduated with a science degree from Georgetown University in 1981, Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude.



Phi Beta Kappa: Top ten percent of the class ” in the top universities with many science-course requirements





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