The secret person of the heart

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After my blog on the brave white American Aaron Bushnell, an Air Force airman who immolated himself in front of IsraHell’s embassy in Washington to protest the US-enabled genocide in Gaza….

Political divide men/women; Rothschild kicks bucket; heroic US Air Force member burns self alive outside Israeli embassy in Washington to protest genocide of the Gazans; my path


….a comrade posted this comment:

This man is not a hero John, he was a mentally ill, disturbed individual, and a leftist. Our piece-of-shit prime minister in Australia is settling Palestinian refugees here.

Palestinians that have immigrated to Europe have raped, gang-raped and murdered white European women and children. And white European men and boys have been murdered by Palestinians. They are not our friends and I don’t care if some of them are Christians, they are not white, they are Arabs.

This is not about religion or Christianity, it’s about survival of our people.

I have seen the videos of Palestinian children with their arms and legs blown off.

But I’ve also read thousands of gruesome murders and rapes committed against white Europeans by Arabs.

Zionist Israel is our biggest enemy, but that does not make the Palestinians our friends.


I responded:

I understand completely, and partially I agree.

In fact, my website had highlighted muslim atrocities for 15 years. Since 2009 this website has condemned Islam thousands of times, giving examples:

I have particularly often brought up the November 2015 muslim massacre of 130 young white French people at the Bataclan nightclub in Paris. (The Paris cops, run by white, traitorous, Illuminati Freemasons, waited 45 minutes before intervening so the Muslims could rack up up a high body count!)

Furthermore, I have stated that Arabs and other Caucasian muslims (including Iran, Pakistan, etc., but also some southern Italians, southern French, southern Spaniards, Croatians, Albanians, Chechens, Georgians and Armenians, etc.) are of the J-haplogroup, which reflects neanderthal DNA. This makes them misogynistic, stubborn, and violent.

Neanderthals & Semites

However, this J-Group is a lower race, and ours is an higher one.

We as people of Northern European stock are a compassionate race with a higher inborn sense of ethics. This is why we should rule, and never be ruled by other races.

In high school, there are advanced classes for the super-bright kids in math and other subjects, and there are also kids who are “special needs” and mentally retarded.

The Arabs are like this, not a high race.

But far more reprehensible is any white man who betrays his own high race.

Here is an example of a white man, Jair Bolsonaro, who was the one-term president of Brazil (2019-22), but who licked the jews’ boots in vain to get reelected (which failed). He said and did many good things in a rightwing sense:

In Brazil, a 43% white country, the current leftist president Lula (l), has blasted the jewish state of Israel over the Gaza genocide –but the white, rightwing, very Trump-like former president, Jair Bolsonaro, has licked the jews’s boots yet again — and condemned Lula’s criticism as “criminal.”


BUT he has now just condemned the current president of Brazil, Lula, for having blasted Israel over the massacre in Gaaza.

Lula told reporters in Addis Ababa, where he was attending an African Union summit, that what was happening in the Gaza Strip “isn’t a war, it’s a genocide.”

“It’s not a war of soldiers against soldiers. It’s a war between a highly prepared army and women and children,” added the veteran leftist.

“What’s happening in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian people hasn’t happened at any other moment in history. Actually, it has happened: when Hitler decided to kill the Jews.”

So, of course, Bolsonaro had to open his yap and lick jewish boots again, though it never has done him any good. Bolsonaro has often been compare with Donald Trump and this is indeed an accurate comparison in every way, including bowing down to the jews without result.

In an interview with CBN Recife (a big Brazilian city), on February 21, Bolsonaro criticized the declarations of Lula.

“A criminal speech. It’s not unfortunate, no — it’s criminal, it offended not just the Jews, it offended humanity. What happened in the Second World War, with the elimination of the Jews in gas chambers, does not exist in the history of the world. And Lula compared the Israeli army to the Nazis. It shocked the world.”

There are so many actively traitorous white people out there, and then you have the 80% of Whites whose crime is that they do nothing at all.

The jews would be nothing without

1) white traitors (like Bolsonaro and Trump) and

2) white do-nothings.

How well I remember the 1960s and how the White conservatives wussed out and caved in to all the black demands. They hated what was going on but kept their mouth shut. And the rich conservative Whites (people like my own father, who would eventually even disinherit me) moved out of the now black-ruined cities (which had been once a source of great white civic pride in America, with cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, New Orleans, Miami, and Washington DC, etc.).

They fled to sterile, cookie-cutter white suburbs, and once there put their kids into expensive private schools, which the white working class could not afford.

This was an angry video by Dr. William Pierce on the treasonous, cowardly, miserly white middle class:




… If there’s any group of people in America who deserve to suffer, it’s the White middle-class. It’s the people who have been warned for decades about where this country is headed, but who were too shortsighted, too timid, and above all too greedy, too selfish, to do anything about it.
During the 1960s, when Blacks were rioting and burning our cities, middle-class Whites refused to take a strong stand against them because that would disrupt the country even more and would be bad for business; instead they tried to appease the Blacks with all sorts of new civil rights laws and other government programs. They tried to buy them off. The Whites just wanted to continue indulging themselves; they didn’t want to do anything that might require a bit of austerity in return for the long-term improvement of the country.
In the 1970s, when the real push was on to racially integrate the country through forced busing and forced housing and forced employment laws, and many White working-class people were demonstrating in the streets against this forced racial integration, the comfortable middle class, which was not being as adversely affected as the blue-collar class, refused to become involved.
The White lawyers and doctors and accountants and professors and engineers and small businessmen just looked the other way and kept on stuffing their faces. Their kids weren’t being bused to Black schools; their employment wasn’t being threatened by affirmative action. They certainly weren’t going to jeopardize their own comfort and security and respectability, just because of what was happening to working-class White kids and working-class White parents.

Of course, many middle-class Whites were concerned about the degenerative trends which were all too obvious in America during the 1960s and 1970s. They just weren’t concerned enough to do anything. Their solution was just to vote Republican and keep making as much money as possible, so that they could insulate themselves and their own immediate families from what was happening around them, and to hell with everyone else. And so we had the Reagan era, and the White middle class thought that their strategy of compromise and appeasement and selfishness had worked.

Well, of course, it hadn’t worked. Such strategies never work in the long run. People who will not fight eventually will be devoured by people who will fight. A community whose members are so self-centered that they will work only for their own personal benefit and not for the common good eventually will be destroyed by its enemies.

And our enemies have been at work, day and night. They opened our borders to the subhumanity of the Third World and began building up their numbers. They encouraged feminism and began reducing our numbers by persuading our women that careers were more important than families. They infiltrated and took over our educational establishment and taught our children that they should be ashamed of their own race, that their own history and traditions weren’t worth learning about.

And the children of the White middle class learned instead that doing drugs and putting safety pins through their noses and wearing baseball caps backward and listening to Black rappers is cool. And the daughters of the White middle class began bedding down with Blacks and becoming pregnant with mongrel babies, and their parents didn’t like it, but they tolerated it, as long as they could hang onto their money and their comfort and their lifestyle.
And eventually the enemies of our people were strong enough to launch the Clinton era. But the members of the White middle class were still comfortable, and so they tolerated the Clinton era too, with all of its treason and degeneracy. They tolerated the total Judaization of their government. They tolerated the Clinton government’s bombing of Belgrade to force Serbia into line with the New World Order. They didn’t like it, but they tolerated it…
And so now the fruits of all that toleration are almost ready to be harvested — and it’s about time. It’s about time for the White middle class to have to deal with the problem of 30 [now 45] million Blacks who believe they are entitled to reparations and who very shortly will be clamoring for $100,000 dollars from every White family. They believe they’re entitled to at least five trillion dollars in reparations from us, because we tolerated the Jewish media pumping expectations of that sort into them during the past 50 years.
We tolerated all of the Hollywood films and the television propaganda telling them about how they were persecuted and mistreated by us for 400 years and that they really are equal to us, and the only thing which has kept them from achieving what we have achieved is White racism.
We knew it wasn’t true — we knew it was Jewish lies — but we tolerated that propaganda rather than risk being called “racists” for contradicting it or “anti-Semites” for pointing out who the liars were. We also proved to 30 million Blacks that we’re a bunch of wimps who won’t fight for our people or for our own rights.
They believe that the White man owes them five trillion dollars and that he doesn’t have the guts or the gumption to stop them from taking it. It’ll be an interesting fight. And you know what? I’ll be cheering for the folks demanding reparations.
I think it’s about time for the soft, White middle class to begin facing reality and to experience a bit of trauma and privation. Perhaps it’ll help a few of them learn how to survive in the jungle from which they have been too far removed for too long…


But, going back to Aaron Bushnell, whether leftist or rightist, this is a man who died for his beliefs.

But I have readers of my website who, far from giving their life for their beliefs, cannot even send me $5, knowing that I desperately need funds to avoid literal homelessness and the disappearance of this website.

Can you imagine how I felt to see my stuff put out on the street as well as my site going down for inability to pay the webhost?

You do not need to imagine it — I published the photos.

My one employee (who is now very reluctantly looking for other work!!!!!!!!) wrote this on my website:

Yet we Whites are as mean and miserly as Blacks, who are infamous for screwing their kind, not leaving tips, and being selfish vermin. Waiters and waitresses dread serving Blacks because they zero out the waiter! NOTHING!

Or they just sneak out, not even paying the bill itself!

20 Blacks welsh on $420 restaurant bill in Memphis; our Memphis experience; white girl fed to alligators – John de Nugent

Aren’t we better than that? Aren’t YOU better than a negro who walks out on the bill?

If so, then prove it!!

If John has taught you, will you really “stiff” him?

Oh, and by the way, Richard III of England was black…. This is what your children or grandchildren will be taught if things continue as they are.


These photos show the debacle that was in front of John’s apartment house for five days, humiliating him. After FOUR readers said they would help him get a house and headquarters, he put his valuables into temporary storage. “Temporary” became long-term when all four reneged between July and December.

(I spoke at length myself with three of the four.)

John could not pay the storage, which went from $50 up to $150, so the storage place owner (a political liberal who hates Trump, for example) dumped his things on this main street in Ontonagon.

It was the talk of the town.


At 69, John moved some of this off the street and up a flight of stairs into his apartment, and has gotten the rest into the back of someone’s garage.

Other valuable things he gave away just to get the street cleared again.

A deputy sheriff came by to say “It has to go somewhere, Mr. de Nugent, or the county will haul it away in a truck, and send your landlady the bill.”  

John has sold his house and both cars and most of his guns to keep the site going, and to pay two men to protect the site from daily hacking. I am that monitor, and he is hacked every day.


In the secret person of the heart, and they may not realize this, those who dismiss Bushnell may be envying and disliking the man actually for not fearing death (unlike the cowardly majority) and for doing something, for acting on his values, and not just talking.

All humans on this planet have bad karma, including the Whites. At least Bushnell has no guilt, no blood on his hands, in the mass murder the jews are committing in Gaza.

And there are cowards who are ashamed and wish they were heroes, which is at least something, because shame can be the beginning of remorse and change.

But, to be brutally honest, there are other cowards who hate heroes, because they hold a mirror up to the majority that only whines and refuses to help anyone fighting the jews, not with a single dollar.
A January 6 protester who is now doing five years in federal prison for “invading the Capitol,” protesting the 2020 Stealection, and supposedly fighting with police, is a real doer, not just a talker.
Vincent Gillespie,
Register #87034-509
FCI Fort Dix
P. O. Box 2000
Joint Base MDL, NJ 08640

I do not know if his actions that day were wise and legal or not.

Hostile but seemingly factual article:


On April 14, 2023, Vincent J. Gillespie was sentenced to five years and eight months in prison. He grabbed a police shield from officers, rammed it into them and pulled another officer into the mob of protestors. Gillespie was found guilty of the following four charges: assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers; civil disorder; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds; and an act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings.

In any case, I see the blondish, blue-eyed Trump as the real problem here. He was the Commander-In-Chief of all US Armed Forces, and was adored by the majority of US military personnel. He knew that they knew that the election was blatantly stolen via millions of fraudulent mail-in ballots.

He knew that this was a coup d’état. (And so was the murder of John Kennedy in Dallas in 1963. New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison said this in his summation to the jury in a trial of CIA thugs whom he was prosecuting in connection with the Kennedy murder. “This was a COUP!”)

Yet Trump, for all his bluster of “draining the swamp” and “locking her [Hillary] up,” because he is actually weak deep-down, appointed psychopathic neo-cons to key military and government positions, including the ineffable General Mark Milley and the madman John Bolton.

He was afraid to declare a national emergency, and use his awesome emergency powers to stay in the White House as per the election result. (And it was a landslide victory over Biden/Harris, who as candidates and as people were both national jokes.)

So Trump stoked up the justified outrage of the January Sixers, then merely whined when they were arrested and framed, over one thousand of them.

Though he had two MILLION servicemen under his command, he refused to order them to suppress the coup. And now we have been in Bidenite hell for over three years, and nearly 18 million mysterious illegal aliens have poured into the United States, many of them Black Africans, Muslims, and, most worrisome of all, Red Chinese police officers.

Seven years ago, Vincent kindly sent me his own copy of a superb book on gaining enlightenment, “I am that.” It was by a working-class Hindu who had been a family man, husband, father, etc. a conscientious and good man, but still he felt unfulfilled and, after his kids had grown up and moved on, he, like others for thousands of years in India, left family life in his forties and sought full-time the highest wisdom.

He studied under a renowned guru, and became himself a revered spiritual teacher with many white, western followers.

His title as a teacher was Nisargadatta.

Anyway, I am rereading his book now, and this struck me, on page 104:

I will end with this meme I just created:

Oh, and Gillespie’s mother was jewish.

But at least the man had guts and DID something.

Now he is “doing” five years and eight months in federal PRISON alongside rapists, pedophiles and murderers–  because the PURE Aryan Donald Trump, 6’3″, blondish, blue-eyed, and of German and Scottish ancestry, wussed out.

Were he still among us, I would rather have had a beer any day with Aaron Bushnell… or with “half-Jew” Gillespie (who actually totally rejects judaism and is deep into Aryan spirituality) — or with the coffee-colored Nisargadatta — then with the nordic renegade who did this to his own race:


As Nisargadatta said, “the avatars and saviors come and go but the world plods on.”

And the John de Nugents who give all they can for our race face eviction onto the street — just at the very moment when even the normies of the world are finally waking up to what monsters the jews are because of Gaza.



  1. Taking advantage of the opportunity that Jair Bolsonaro was mentioned in the text, I’m from Brazil myself, and I can guarantee you that there is nothing worse than a right-wing politician in Latin America.
    They are so bad that they are more of your enemies than the left-wing nationalists.
    And flattery of Jews is only part of the problem.
    Trash like Bolsonaro or Milei are supported by US financial elites. Lula [the current leftist president] defends economic sovereignty and the improvement of the people’s material conditions, and this benefits you in the northern hemisphere — less immigration.

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