Nordics; starseeds; AH in English; “Downfall” garbage; Léon Degrelle knew Hitler; egregores and earthlings

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Nordic aliens both visit earth and deliberately incarnate here as earthlings, as  “starseeds,” appalled beyond  belief by Terran suffering and aiming to re-educate the many that are fundamentally good-hearted. National socialism was an emergency version in time of crisis of this re-education. 



…..Italian comrade on Israelis coveting Gaza for their beach homes

She wrote:

Non tutti gli israeliani condannano quanto sta avvenendo, ho visto diverse interviste disgustose, sono pronti per una bella casa al mare a Gaza, quello che è stato fatto è giusto!Un popolo fondo vivono per il male e per le sue leggi.

Come Hyksos, come Babilonesi, come popolo eletto da Seth.

Dio aspettava questo momento così sacro.

La tua rinascita, la tua grande resurrezione per capitolare tutti i sacrifici fatti in suo nome.
Perché il mondo possa „vedere“…


Only some Israelis condemn what is happening in Gaza. I have seen several disgusting interviews with Israelis all eager to build themselves  a nice house by the sea in Gaza, because what the IDF has been doing is justice and righteous!

A materialistic people… after all they live for evil and its laws… Like the Hyksos, like the Babylonians, like the people chosen by Seth.

God was waiting for this sacred moment, for your rebirth as a leader, your great resurrection to validate all the sacrifices made in your name… so that the world can “see” again…



……Why the Hitlerian “personality cult”?

It is scary how defeatist and depressed not only Whites in general are, but also my own readers.
Yet if donations had come in, and the people who were going to buy a house to rent to me had not reneged, I could have started my religion four, five or six months ago — back when Israel began its shocking genocide of the Gazans, and worldwide outrage began spiking against the jews for the first time ever in my current life!
An incredible irrationality and cowardice existed in White earthlings a century ago as well, and when people decry the Hitlerian “personality cult” of 1920-45, what they do not grasp is that when people are totally discouraged and feel defeated and  doomed, ONLY a kind of “messiah figure” can give them new hope again!
They ignore their own potential.They need that feeling that GOD Himself has sent us “ordinary mortals” a Leader of superhuman valor and ability.
Superman is a jewish riff on this theme of the hero, who , outwardly, is “mild-mannered Clark Kent.”
The white masses, sans Great Leader, are otherwise dejected. They perceive the racial catastrophe coming — and, worse, they perceive it as a continuation of a long and doleful pattern, a general downward drift of white history — and it is ominous to them.
The pro-white Confederacy in the southern part of the United States fought so bravely —  but was defeated.
Germany, ditto, was twice defeated though it fought with true heroism.
Worse, IsraHell was founded in 1948 — on purest brutality against the Goyim.
Then White Rhodesia fell, and then White South Africa fell…..
Nixon and Reagan were the Whites’ secret heroes, but they really did nothing for our race but complain about the jews and the blacks in private….. like all their white country-club friends. (I saw it.)
Donald Trump, white secretly pro-white and anti-jew, won election in 2016 and then re-election in 2020, but he also was taken down.
When all the European colonial empires were abandoned, and then France abandoned even Algeria (so rich in oil, and legally a part of France and not a colony, with two million white French citizens living there)…. and then the mighty America lost in Vietnam, adfter that in Afghanistan and in Iraq, it was felt to be a case of the White Man on a losing streak.


It is a feeling among the masses that our race is maybe even on the wrong side of history, or God is mad at us (true, actually….) and, among those who understand the Jewish Question, there is a sense of the jews as a dreadful, demonic but inexorable force that is unstoppable.
THIS white defeatism is tbheone  and the only reason why I created in 1920 a cult of hero worship.
It was NOT because I believed I was infallible, but because insane Whites were convinced that the 1% that is jewish cannot be defeated by the 99% that is gentile.
ABSURD, eh? But it is what it is.
Earthlings are insane.
Madness, and disgusting cowardice….are born of earthlings’ shame, of their recognition that they lie….
We lie to others, lie about others, and even lie (on a daily basis about things both great and small) to ourselves!
This is the planet where liars gather and reincarnate to lie some more,and SUFFER so more.
And then moan “Why,  Lord, oh why?” 😉
“Mundus decipi vult,” as the Romans said, “the world wants to be deceived” —(FR) “le monde veut être trompé/ (DE) die Welt will belogen werden.”
Strange but one hundred percent true. Here only, on Terra, on this Earth, the inhabitants lie. It never stops reality, just ruins all progress.
Look at the masses drifting without protest right now toward World War III, not resisting politicians whom they completely see through, utterly loathe and violently hate!
France’s Macron, America’s Biden, Canada’s Trudeau and Germany’s Scholz are perfect examples of two-legged human turds!
And these nasty losers remain in office.

….What is a starseed?

A starseed is a human but not a human from here.

It is someone from a higher civilization who chooses out of love and compassion, but also as a huge challenge for their own spiritual growth, to incarnate downward as an earthling, having regular earthly parents, in order to help humanity. But they are NOT any kind of “gods,” but fellow humans who may be gifted in this or that area, but are human beings with feelings, fears, and loves, someone “like them.”

Many starseeds have returned to this crazy Planet Earth for many incarnations over the last 4,000 years.

Having human DNA, they have a human-level IQ and life span. And earthings baffle them. Just as women actually forget just how painful childbirth is, starseeds forget how bad life on earth is.

Especially if they regularly switch earth lives and lives on their own home world, when they come back here again to this planet, life here seems kind-of…like a horror movie.

How can people LIVE like this? How can they tolerate that American weapons do this?????

Initially, as a child who is a starseed, we find Earth very hard to get used to again— after living on a world that is like a vacation resort in comparison, where all normal people are mellow, cooperate, and they live for centuries in good health and zero crime or divorce. They die by  choice when they get bored after 190 years or so in their current incarnation! They want to try something new, or even go to the Wild West  planet, Earth….

If they do, they find — few and far between — real seekers after the Good, the Beautiful, and the Beneficial. 

Right here on Terra are millions who want to evolve, to grow up, face their flaws and change, and when you meet them, ahh, you can hear the mental gears turning as you converse with them.

Their potential is obvious, and you cannot miss that they are really SEEKING the highest path.

On the edge of bitterness and burn-out, suddenly the whole, daunting earth-incarnation thing seems worthwhile all over again.

Rennes, Brittany, France

Margi was my favorite earthling — the kind of earthling that made me so glad to be here. I was dead-tired that day in November 2019 at the Mayo Clinic, but it was a “happy” tired. (Note the huge forehead. A local always accuses me of being secretly an alien. 😉 )

This is sort-of true. I loved my earth woman with all my heart.

This is what I am talking about — a wounded SA-man (on the right) with a bandaged head touches my hand. Look at his eyes.This was an idealistic earthling seeking more than an animal existence. You just cannot let these earthlings down who look up to and trust you. Jesus warned other starseeds: “Do not cause any of these little ones to stumble.”


Laura Failner is a SkyWest flight attendant. She witnessed this moment

of kindness. The world would be a much better place if everyone is like her.
“I love looking for the good in the world! As I flew up to Washington today, I had this cute little 94-year-old lady get on my plane. She was frail and had a hard time getting back to her seat. There was a bit of confusion about where she was supposed to be seated. In first-class, this wonderful gentleman saw her plight and flagged me down. He said, “can you please get her and put her in my seat, and I will take hers.” He walked back with me to get her and take her to first class. She was so touched. The woman gave him a big hug and said, “Never in my 94 years has someone done that for me. Thank you, young man.”
She had tears of gratitude. It was amazing how his thoughtful act changed the attitude of everyone on the flight. May we all look for the little things we can do to help others around us and show kindness. In this crazy world, let’s all try to be the good.”
Credits: Herself




.….. Abducted Spaniard meets telepathic nordics on their ship, who laugh when he ogles one of their gorgeous females

Nordics are very friendly, tanned (not pale) in the summertime, attractive, Scandinavian-looking advanced humans, with the men, who are often long-haired, standing 6’5″ or more and the women are 5’10” to 6′ tall.

(I have seen, at the Mayo Clinic in heavily Norwegian-settled Rochester, Minnesota, blond women of Scandinavian blood who look like this — really six feet tall!)

This Nordic earth gal at the Houghton, Michigan Walmart in the UP is six feet tall. I had just talked with the employee in the black baseball cap seen on the right, who was 5’10”, as I am. Seeing is believing

A typical Finlander mom, about 5’8″, buckling in one of her children at the same store as another light-blond sibling watches


Nota bene: Nordics are NOT the same as the “Tall Whites,” a non-human race who are extremely pale — albino-like — and unfriendly to humans, loathing us in fact, and coldly shooting at us if we approach them without asking permission.

They use an isolated base in Nevada by arrangement with the US Air Force, using our Earth as merely a way station on trips between very distant planets.

They wear sunglasses and put on make-up to hide their ultra-white skin and hide the fact that they are not human like us. Rarely, they go into Las Vegas for amusement, but very well camouflaged.  🙂


A UFO crashed around 10,000 BC in the northern Baltic Sea (called the Bothnian Gulf) in an area which now is the world epicenter of blond hair and blue eyes. The spacecraft is still down there, because NATO and the Swedish government harass anyone trying to visit the craft.

Whites dots: clearly man-made features


A perfectly round hole, a “hatch,” within a square frame

It sliced right through a small hill before coming to rest a mile away, clearly on a flattish trajectory like someone trying to land a plane with failing power or running out of fuel. Note that the craft was not destroyed by hitting a hill full-on. 

Here is now the video about the abducted Spaniard,  Juan Sillero…. and (LOL), at 4:09-22 Juan notices the ample bosom of an attractive female nordic passing by in their spaceship.

He thinks “Qué tìa mas buena!” (“What a hot chick!”) — and the Nordic-alien men, being totally telepathic, read his thoughts and burst out laughing. So primitive…. 🙂


This is a perfect example of telepathy. On higher worlds, when you approach someone, like approaching a college campus and picking up the college radio station with its small broadcast radius, you can read their thoughts and they yours, so lying is impossible.

Of course, they can also control their thoughts, and at any time simply stop thinking — terminating mental chatter, unlike earthlings.

Telepathy would be disastrous here, however.

If Terrans could read each other’s thoughts, often very negative about the other person, there would be a new world war every day.

Nordic men have wide shoulders and narrow hips, they work out and are muscular, and their women have a perfect figure. And why not look great? Eugenics has been practiced for millennia. Only an insane planet would not have a policy of encouraging its best to have large families. And birth defects are eliminated in vitro. 

As for body shape among earthlings, I have noticed for decades that very flat-chested women here tend to have flat-chested daughters. This is unfortunate, because the girl may have excellent qualities, but men usually do not like this. I know in Ontonagon two very nice, and otherwise attractive women who are “old maids,” and IMO it is for this one single reason. Guys just like a woman with a nice bust. But this comes from a a defective gene that can be excised. It is equally hard for a man who is very short of stature, or who has a truly very small penis. I knew a lawyer in New Orleans, F.H., who had this problem. (His ex-gf told me…..) Very nice guy, actually — so it is not something to laugh about. But eugenics can fix this.

Earthlings breed dogs, cats, cattle, horses…. but to go and improve humans, themselves, well, now, OMG, that would be “evil” and that would be “Nazi.”

To have any positive effect on earthlings, you must make a serious effort to learn how they are, to accept how they are, and then make a plan.

Logic is absent in most of their lives. If they like and respect you, they will believe you — without any evidence — and vice versa.  If they dislike and despise you (usually because their little friends do), then all the slander they hear about you is automatically TRUE.

There is no alternative to Tolle-izing these people, that is, presenting the Eckhart Tolle message to them. My own childhood proved that even the vilest, most tragic things can be overcome by Tolle.

Of course, when I first read Tolle, it all instantly “clicked.” It was remembering what I had always known. Earthlings simply must begin at least to get control over their minds.

One person I know has resisted this, but he has an intractable relationship problem, so I told him how Tolle and teachers like him have tremendously improved my relationship with my mate.

Now he became very interested. “We used to have some argument, big or small, every three days, ” I said. “But now maybe every three weeks. The rest of the time, we are happy and relaxed around each other; no tension.”

In short, earthlings must read Tolle, or my version of him. And then they will finally love themselves again, and defend themselves as worthy and lovable persons from the psychopathic enemy that is judaism.

And Thomas Carlyle was right about hero worship. I found his book (original 1840 edition!) in a jewish used-bookstore in Bethesda, Maryland. I read him the last time twice, as a teen and again down in the bunker.

Heroes and Hero Worship Thomas Carlyle 1840

Though vain and touchy, earthlings do not really believe in themselves, so you must be someone they can believe in, lead them, shining love and respect on them, showing them every day that you see in them too a wonderful potential for Aryan greatness.




…..My real speaking voice 1889-45 rendered into British-English by AI

Two points:

One, to this very day, when Germans learn English, it is usually not American English but upper-class British English, the BBC or “James Bond” accent, the official term being “RP,” that is, “Received Pronunciation.”

Two, I did NOT have an Austrian accent, which is a very, very nasal version of Upper (alpine) Bavarian. I had an Bavarian accent, because the Innviertel area (where the small city of Braunau am Inn is  located) had been Bavarian until the 1790s, and frankly it had wanted to stay Bavarian.

The biggest difference that one can hear when Austrians and Bavarians do not use their local dialects but instead speak the standard “High German” — the educated, written language, the one used on all radio and tv, comparable to Parisian French, BBC English, or the Los Angeles accent that is de rigeur for American tv — is the extreme nasality of Austrian compared to Bavarian.

The Austrians (at least until very recently) are otherwise a really fantastic people, with a great work ethic, gorgeous architecture, and a fine sense of humor. Much of Austria and Bavaria is of Keltic DNA, more than Germanic. Dark hair and blue eyes are common, just as in western Ireland, one noteworthy example of Irish stock being Mel Gibson, and, of course, Adolf Hitler himself. (Bavarian Heinrich Himmler had the same combination, and so did Rudolf Hess.)

This is the best portrait ever made of me.

My late and wonderful father-in-law from my first marriage, Kajetan Atzl, also had dark hair and blue eyes.

The announcement of his passing in 2013

I cherish having seen Kajetan in 2004, fifteen years actually after his daughter Gerda and I had broken up (in 1989).  A master baker, he was very intelligent, had perhaps a thousand books in his huge bookcase, and would have gone on to college in the late 1940s, had WWII and the German-Austrian defeat not impoverished his family.

He fully understood the Jewish issue, too, and he believed strongly in reincarnation as well as in Jesus. So we had a  lot in common. He read a lot of Jakob Lorber material, which is quite impressive (also antisemitic!) and it emerged, 10,000 pags of it, via “automatic writing.” (This is when you just pick up a pen and another mind entirely starts composing, guiding your hand to put its teachings on paper. The content is not from you.)

Lorber reminds me of Nicholas van Rensburg in South Africa, a common man, a mostly illiterate farmer, who wrote things that really seemed to be not from himself but from a higher power.

It was in a way one of those weird things how intently Kajetan stared at me in 2004. But it was a friendly stare. I think he somehow sensed who I really was. He had also driven me around the area during a visit to his province, North Tyrol, in 1999. And the landscape is still spectacular.




….”Downfall” the usual half-lies

A comrade wrote me:
I watched “Downfall” on the 14th. Overall it was a good movie, although you can pretty much tell when the propaganda creeps in, even without knowing all the details, like when Eva [Braun] tells Traudl that she kicks Blondi and hates the dog.  My reaction was “NO WAY!”   If my assumption is wrong, please let me know.
I was very surprised at the way they portrayed Himmler.  I would have expected the actor to make him out to be a raving lunatic, and instead he played him as cool, sophisticated, and intelligent.
UNSPECIFIED - OCTOBER 13: The Fuhrer Adolf Hitler Visiting His Headquarters And Congratulating Heinrich Himmler (Right), Head Of The Ss And The Gestapo, For His 43Rd Birthday, On October 13, 1943. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
And of course, they had to put some boobies in the film.  I know from what Thomas Goodrich uncovered, that kind of thing did happen, but there really was no need to put it in the movie.  It didn’t add anything for anyone who was not aware of what was happening during the last days of the Reich, and for those of us that do know, it wasn’t necessary.
Plus, the open drunkenness, smoking and gambling right in the bunker, and somehow everyone knows except Adolf?   Seems like a stretch.
Anyway, as a movie it was good, but as an historical portrayal, it seems like it’s the best we can expect for this day and age.
Maybe someday….
Also thought it was funny that they didn’t have [Hitler portrayer] Bruno Ganz wear blue contact lenses.  And I know Adolf was 5’6″, but they made him seem like he was 4’8″.


I replied: 

“Downfall” was so inaccurate that Margi walked right out. 😉

1) Hitler was 5’10″/178 cm (my height), not 5’6″ and was relatively tall for his generation.  He was the same height as Goering, who was 5#10″:



2) He never shouted and screamed, even at the end, as his bodyguard and telephonist Rochus Misch testified. 



Misch was disgusted with every Hollywood movie about life in the Bunker.

Misch helped with many films, but despised the film “Downfall” especially because it portrayed Hitler as a short-tempered person, even as a raving maniac with a high-pitched voice who supposedly screamed at and bullied subordinates.


The Last Witness: I was Hitler’s telephone operator, messenger and bodyguard 



Among other errors, AH actually had a deep baritone in conversation (as do I). Here is my real speaking voice conversing with German soldiers, British WWI veterans, and Finnish field marshal Mannerheim (about the huge level of Soviet tank production):




Also, the Bunker (German-quality if ever there was any ;-)) never shook from artillery shells. It was a deep bunker, 200 feet down, and protected by a 12-foot-thick concrete and steel roof and eight-foot-thick side walls. It was as quiet as an art museum. 

In a 2005 interview Rochus Misch said (

[Interviewer] I’d like to talk a little bit about the new movie portrayal of those last days in the bunker. Have you seen “Downfall”?

Oh, yeah, I’ve seen it. [Laughs heartily.] Dramatic operetta. It’s all Americanized. All that yelling and screaming; it wasn’t like that down there in the bunker. The reality —  it was a death bunker. Everyone whispered down there. No crazy screaming scenes ever happened.

Hitler never yelled?

Well, at least when the generals were down there, discussing military things, they were very quiet. It’s a film, with all the freedoms of a film. It’s no documentary.


Are there factual discrepancies, so far as you know?

No, no, just everything was exaggerated.

[ ¦]

Do you have any particular impressions of Hitler that have stayed with you?


Hitler, to me, was always a completely normal person. He spoke completely normally to me. I lived together with him for five years.

I only knew him as a wonderfully good boss, right?

I could talk with him. He was always satisfied with us.

Was he authoritarian?

No, he was never authoritarian. And we were with him day and night; we knew him. He was never without us, day and night. If he wanted something in the night, if his valet was asleep, he called one of us. If he wanted to be awakened an hour later, or to call Eva — anything.

We just had a wonderful boss. We couldn’t have wished for better. 

When I was married he had a case of champagne delivered to my house, this one we’re sitting in [gestures to the surrounding rooms].

3) Hitler was not a petulant little twerp; how on earth would an intelligent, proud country like Germany have ever elected, and for twelve years followed this fake, hysterical and histrionic Hitler jerk depicted in “Downfall”? 

The entire goal of the Jews is to debunk any Aryan hero. Thus they are also removing the name of “slaveowner George Washington” from our public schools! 

In the end, only gay Jews like Hillary, and the gentile freak “Caitlin” Jenner, can be our heroes. *;) winking

…..Léon Degrelle on Hitler

Léon Degrelle was a successful Belgian-French fascist author and politician who in 1940, when Germany occupied Belgium, joined the Wehrmacht in August 1941 to fight on the eastern front against the Soviets and later switched with his brigade in June 1943 to the Waffen-SS,  rising from corporal to general! In Spanish exile after WWII he wrote outstanding and bestselling books about his experiences in Belgium, with Hitler, and at the front – and about European history.éon_Degrelle


Degrelle, left, ended up the most decorated of the 400,000 foreign volunteers in the Waffen-SS. They were guaranteed in writing to only be used on the eastern front. 





Knight’s Cross with oak leaves



 Margi and I translated for the Barnes Review magazine his entire memoirs, called in French defiantly “Hitler pour mille ans”.



Degrelle MRL ch1 TBR 2005-no5-4-9

I gave the book instead a different English title: “My revolutionary life.” $27


Here is what Léon Degrelle said about Hitler as a person, and it is totally consistent  with what Misch wrote, and the secretaries, and the driver Krause:

In chapter ten, “Hitler the ladies’ man” (from pages 132-33 of the book):

The glow of his eyes did not especially impress me.  They did not, as some claim, bore into the depths of my soul. Their flame as not unbearably intense.

[His eyes were a DARK blue (as are mine), a uniquely German eye color]


Degrelle: “Blue, alert, they were simply nice-looking; their gaze powerful.”



But they did not seek to intimidate or even to seduce, much less to ingratiate. You could look him right in the face, intently, without feeling that he was invading your soul, or that you were disturbing him in the least.

Likewise for the famous “emanations.”

Some old fools like Princess Helen of Romania have written that when Hitler shook your hand his fingers “sent an electric charge through you.”

Hitler’s hands did not squeeze very hard, and his handshake was soft. As a matter of fact, especially with close friends, Hitler did not shake hands at all, but pressed your hand between his two hands. I never felt myself pierced to the core by his touch. I never leapt into the air as from a jolt of electricity.

Hitler was very simple, very well-groomed. His ears did always astonish me – they shone like pink shells.




He did not pretend to be a playboy, believe me. His clothes were always carefully pressed; it is hard to say much more about them.  His military dress was always the same, without any embellishment whatsoever. His shoe size was 43 [American size 10, mine — JdN].

One night when I came to see him [from the eastern front], dressed in Russian felt boots, he went to his closet, got out for me a pair of proper boots, and put a bit of newspaper in the toe so I would not swim around in them, since I wore a slightly smaller size 42. This details shows you how unpretentious the man was.

From chapter 11, “Hitler the man” (pages 144-146)

(Degrelle goes first into how focused Hitler was, how he would cut to the essentials quickly, discussed his phenomenal memory for details, and then his will power and inventiveness.)

He is depicted as a crazy savage, rolling around in fury on the floor, ferociously sinking his teeth into the carpets.

[JdN: This carpet-chewing detail is from the half-Jewish liar, Konrad Heiden (photo), who is now totally discredited even for the Establishment, and so is the Herman Rauschning slander. Rauschning’s Conversations with Hitler of 1939 are now dismissed as lies even by Jewish historians. It turned out, in fact, that neither man spent any serious time at all with the Führer, and thus no long “conversations.”] 


Personally, I cannot visualize this mandibular exploit with Hitler. I spent many days and nights near Hitler. Never did I witness these “tantrums”, so frequently claimed.

[…] That Hitler might sometimes get angry is not inconceivable. I tis al the more understandable given the plethora of sources of irritation: imbecilic generals who did not understand anything, who retreated when ordered forward, who did not obey orders or who sabotaged them, collaborators with the enemy who lied,  vital war production schedules that were not met, setbacks that fell upon the Reich from all sides, and lethal traitors in his entourage.

But even then, Hitler, remarkably, was generally capable of remaining perfectly calm.

I remember an entirely typical case. One afternoon in the fall of 1944, I was visiting Hitler, having arrived with Heinrich Himmler in his long green car.

We were having tea when, all at once, astounding news fell like a thunderclap in our midst.

British airborne divisions had successfully parachuted into Holland behind the Germans, in Arnheim, close to Nijmegen. [JdN: This was British Field Marshall Montgomery’s disastrous “Operation Market Garden,” the subject of a 1977 Hollywood movie with an all-star cast called “A Bridge Too Far.” The Brits fell right onto a resting German SS panzer division.]

This meant that Hitler’s whole system of defense in the west was in trouble, and the access to the Ruhr [JdN: a huge manufacturing and war-production area] was threatened in an immediate and direct fashion.

Since then it has been claimed that a Dutch traitor within the Resistance had informed the Germans of this British plan in advance. That would have made the annihilation of these British divisions possible within a few days. It is a lie, one more lie, like so many others since 1945.

I can say this since I was there when the news was announced to Hitler and Himmler. It stunned them.

But I also saw what came afterward.

Hitler recovering in two minutes. convening his staff, analyzing the situation for two hours while going over the facts in his head — then, in the general silence, dictating his orders slowly and without raising his voice.

It was impeccable and magnificent.

He finished and asked for hot tea to be served.

And until midnight, having shut his mental drawer of war matters, he spoke to me about laissez-faire capitalism.  I assure you that he did not eat any mouthfuls of the carpet. He even joked a little; then he left quietly, slightly stooped, to go for a walk under the pines with his dog Blondi.



Not only were these stories of Hitler’ violent rages a myth, but he was, in fact, a sensitive man, given to considerate actions.  I saw him prepare sandwiches for one of his associates who was about to leave on a combat mission. One night in camp when I was talking with Field Marshal [Wilhelm] Keitel…..


[Hitler] appeared suddenly, the teetotaler, bringing us a bottle of champagne to enliven our conversation. Contrary to what everyone says, he was in fact a moderate person.


So  the ranting in my speeches was part of this Messiah figure act. Earthlings want an exciting, awe-inspiring leader to motivate them to also do awe-inspiring things.

John Kennedy knew all about hero worship, charisma and excitement. He was a kindred spirit. And a German psychic called me out of the blue to say he thanks me for proving that it was the jews, and specifically the Israelis, who first instigated his murder.

This was so Israel could get atomic-bomb materials, uranium and plutonium, from Pennsylvania. And Lyndon Johnson, the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover, the Italian mafia, the CIA, rich Cubans who hated Castro, southern segregationists, and others all wanted John Kennedy out of the way.

…..The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

Crypto-Jew (via his mother Rachel Baines) and US senator Lyndon Johnson meets with Robert and John Kennedy in 1960. He later had both men murdered.



…..American Jews in Pennsylvania steal 500 pounds of plutonium for Israel, dumping radioactivity everywhere — and unleashing a cancer epidemic 

I confront the US ARMY and the local police over the lagging $500 million plutonium cleanup





……I thank recent donors

— 11 April 2024 the new book Egregores, sent by an anonymous donor via Amazon (thank you!)

Egregores are thought forms that can become more and more powerful and finally break away, dominate and take over a person.

This is also what Eckart Tolle calls the egoic mind. Your mind, and its thoughts, start dictating your life and choices, overthrowing your soul and becoming a fearsome, tyrannical master. Misery results. Earth is misruled by egregores, insane thoughts that become dominating monsters.



— 7 April 2024 $58 (as 400 Danish kronor) via PayPal from B in Denmark

 Copenhagen Harbor


— 5 April 2024 $20 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

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  1. Mein Großvater hieß Adolf und sah tatsächlich aus wie Hitler. Er hatte dasselbe Gesicht und den Oberlippenbart. Kein Wunder er stammte aus Südböhmen. Er war Wärter in Theresienstadt. Nach dem Krieg wollte er seinen Kindern immer erzählen, wie es “damals wirklich war”. Aber sie interessierten sich nicht dafür. Habe ihn nicht mehr getroffen. Jedenfalls war Österreich nach dem ersten Weltkrieg unglaublich arm. Viele Kinder hatten im Winter keine Schuhe und mussten barfuß in die Schule. Kinder fielen vor Hunger um in der Schule. Ein Bekannter aus Vorarlberg erzählte mir, dass sein Großvater, ein Doppelakademiker, der vier Sprachen sprach, zehn Jahre arbeitslos war. Bis 1938…In Österreich herrschte ein katholisch-faschistisches Regime, das sehr elitär und monarchistisch war, aber die Arbeiter verachtete. Zuerst waren sie verbündet mit Mussolini. Dieser Austrofaschismus fürhrte dazu, dass es in den Gefängnissen zu einer Verbrüderung der Nationalsozialisten und Sozialisten kam. So antisozial und brutal das Regime war, so hatte es leicht antisemitische Tendenzen und bekannte sich zum Deutschtum. In den Schulbüchern stand: Wir Österreicher sind Deutsche!
    Dennoch wollten sie Österreich als eigenen Staat aus historischen Gründen erhalten.
    1934 starb der kleine Bundeskanzler Dollfuß beim Putsch der Nationalsozialisten. Das Regime machte einen Helden aus dem Zwerg. In den Schulen mussten sie auswendig lernen: Ihr Jungen schließt die Reihen gut, ein Toter führt uns an, er gab für Österreich sein Blut, ein großer deutscher Mann.
    Meine Großmutter lernte dieses Gedicht und musste lachen, da Dollfuß nicht groß, sondern sehr klein war, nur 153 cm!
    Dennoch: Die Leute von damals wie Engelbert Dollfuß hätten keine Freude mit dem heute total überfremdeten Österreich und dem Kulturmarxismus.

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