Moscow harshly condemns Israeli obliteration of Iranian consulate; Obongo (2016) and Trump (2017) both seized Russian diplomatic buildings over fake “Russian interference in the 2016 election”

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The rubble of a building annexed to the Iranian embassy is pictured a day after an air strike in Damascus on April 2, 2024 © AFP / Louai Beshara. The bombing of a consulate or embassy is equivalent to an act of war. Legally, they  are foreign territory and belong to that  country.

The US has also committed severe violations, seizing the Russian consulate in San Francisco by order of Donald Trump  under the bogus accusation of Russia “interfering in the 2016 election.”

It remains Russian property but the diplomats cannot enter or use it!

Under the maternally jewish Barack Obongo, in December  2016, Russian retreat villas on the Chesapeake Bay and on Long Island (photo)….. 

…belonging to the Russian embassies to the US in Washington or to the Russian embassy to the UN in New York were seized, again justified by the fake “Russian interference in the 2016 election.”

But Chosenness means jews can lie, steal, or bomb a diplomatic mission.




Israeli attack on Damascus was terrorism – Moscow

The head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service called the strike an “ugly and criminal step” by Israel.  The head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergey Naryshkin, has described Monday’s airstrike on the Iranian Consulate in the Syrian capital as a terrorist attack committed by the Israeli government.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting with his Belarusian counterparts on Tuesday, the spy chief condemned the strike, which reportedly killed several Iranian diplomats as well as seven officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), including two generals – Mohammad Reza Zahedi and Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi.

Naryshkin described the attack as “an ugly and criminal step in relation to the sovereign state of Iran, and in relation to the sovereign state of Syria, on whose territory this terrorist act was committed.”

He added that the SVR has received additional information about the incident, and reactions from various countries, but did not provide further details.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry has also condemned the bombing of the Iranian compound in Damascus, stressing that any attacks on diplomatic missions, which are protected under the Vienna conventions on diplomatic relations, are unacceptable.

The ministry noted that the strike posed a high risk to Syrian civilians, as the building is located in a residential area, and warned that such brazen acts by Israel could trigger a major escalation in the region.

Israel has yet to comment on the attack, but officials have previously admitted to targeting Iran-linked forces on the territory of Syria.


  1. Many emergency declarations for total solar eclipse on 4/8/2024:

    These emergency declarations just for a solar eclipse are very strange, and have never been issued before, for any previous solar eclipses in the United States.

    During a total solar eclipse over Mexico City back in the 1990s or 2000s, many UFOs were captured on video, by multiple people in different locations, almost as if the UFOs knew many people would be watching the sky that day, and wanted to be seen. Could it be that something similar is expected to happen this time, and that all these emergency declarations are preparations for possible mass panic?

    • Horrible and so sad,…..

      …but then I saw she had “borderline personality disorder.”


      Behavioral: antisocial behavior, compulsive behavior, hostility, impulsivity, irritability, risk taking behaviors, self-destructive behavior, self-harm, social isolation, or lack of restraint

      Mood: anger, anxiety, general discontent, guilt, loneliness, mood swings, or sadness

      Psychological: depression, distorted self-image, grandiosity, or narcissism

      Also common: thoughts of suicide

      I had a terrible experience with such a person, and had to go to the sheriff three times over him.

      He also took a swing at a 14-year-old boy here in town.

      A selfish, narcissistic bully….

      Once you truly grasp and internalize reincarnation, and how we all are connected, there are people who have misfortune for a long-ago reason.

      I was nearly murdered, without provocation, by some Dutch marines, in 1979, entirely because of my views, and Dutch NS were murdered savagely after WWII.

      A lot of bad-karma people on this planet….

      She could look into spirituality…

  2. I read another case that’s much worse then this one. A couple in Canada checked their 13-year-old daughter into a hospital for depression. They then left for three hours and returned. In the three hours they were gone, the staff talked their 13-year-old child into killing herself and made her sign a piece of paper for assisted suicide.

    The parents were bewildered and distraught at what they were hearing. They tried to stop them from murdering their daughter and were subdued by security guards and detained by armed police. Within two or three days they had killed, murdered their daughter, and this law permitting the assisted murder of people and children had been brought in by Justin Trudeau.

    I would only be in favour of assisted suicide if the person has chronic, untreatable pain and debilitating health issues or cancer. The only times I think mental health would be a case for assisted suicide is if they suffered severe sexual abuse or possibly if their brain was damaged or they had a chemical imbalance from heavy drug abuse.

    But this was the cold-blooded, state-sponsored murder of a young child, and Trudeau and his handlers and the rest of the Canadian government deserve to be hung in the streets for this — like what the folks would do to pedophiles, rapists and murderers a century ago.

    The supposedly innocent Emmet Till. who was a large, stocky six-foot-tall, aggressive 14 year old, was supposedly killed for no reason even though it was reported that he had tried to rape the white women (who died a few years ago in her 90s, and who was still being harassed by violent, feral, savage blacks who wanted to kill her.

    When whites are gruesomely raped and murdered on a daily basis by savage, violent blacks, no one is outraged by it, and the evil, traitorous politicians never say anything about it.

    Emmet Till’s father raped and murdered an Italian woman when he was a soldier in Italy serving in WWII. He was tried for raping and murdering the Italian woman and found guilty for his savage crimes and hung shortly afterwards.

    They would not tolerate the savage behavior of negroes back then. And, obviously, Emmet was a case of like-father-like son.

    The Canadian politicians and their leader Justin Trudeau deserve to be arrested, tried, convicted and receive justice, . White people had a backbone back in the olden days, and someone as sick and demented as Justin Trudeau would have faced Justice from the people if the prosecutors and court system failed to act.

    Justin Trudeau is a sick, demented freak, and a mentally retarded, unhinged nut-job — and he’s a fruitcake and a puppet being manipulated by a powerful Jew from a wealthy Jewish family.

    He’s definitely a closet homosexual and was probably molested and sexually assaulted when he was younger. I have nothing against sexual-abuse victims, and I couldn’t imagine going through something that horrific. I don’t think you could ever fully recover from something that traumatic.

    And i think it can be a lot worse for a boy who is sexually abused by a man then a girl. It can affect men’s sexuality and their brain and in some cases can turn them gay.

    But Justin Trudeau is not a victim, he’s a perp, and a sick, deranged, mentally unhinged person. He’s a monster that has been destroying his own country and people for years, and hasn ow legalised murdering children.

    He may be just a puppet of the W.E.F and Klaus Schwab, doing what his Zionist masters want. But that makes him even worse for being an evil traitor to his own people.

    So in the end he’s still a sick, evil, communist tyrant.

    It’s hard to process how things got this bad. In my opinion, it’s the fact that jews are very good at manipulating stupid, ignorant, mentally ill and emotionally unstable people. I think my country, Australia, is still salvageable; we’re not even close to being as bad as Canada.

    And the people in power make up the one percent, I talked to members of a few of the different political parties and most don’t agree with the radical “social justice” agenda that’s being pushed onto normal people.

    The only party that are that extreme are the Greens, who are all mentally retarded communists. Most people in Australia don’t believe in garbage such as “white, male privilege” or “social justice.”

    When we had the vote on gay marriage in 2017, we still had 40 percent vote against it, which is by all accounts a lot of people. Considering that a lot of gays and SJWs would fill out and tick up to ten of the small pieces of paper, it was probably close to 45 or 50 percent of people who were against gay marriage.

    So not everyone is brainwashed and stupid. I would say the least brainwashed age group in Australia is the 45-to-55- years-old folks.
    The most messed-up, brainwashed generation is Generation Z, who don’t know any different and have grown up in this messed-up, unstable, decaying, dystopian society we’re living in.

    I think that it’s still possible to save Australia, but were going to have a five-year window to do it. After that, it would take a full collapse of the system to achieve anything.

    Most people will need to lose it all before they’re willing to do anything. That’s just how it goes now. People will need to suffer and go through hard times before there is at least some unity and pushback against this tyranny.
    In any case, as of now here’s little or no freedom of speech left.

    I’m getting really sick of smartphones, social media, and the internet because they have isolated us in our society and have had a devastating effect on peoples mental and physical health.

    I’m just old enough to remember the 1990s when most people were still normal and actually socialised and talked with each other.

    I think kids spent too much time playing video games and using computers even back then.

    I think technology started being over-used after the 1980s, which was the last era before people had a bit of freedom left and were not concerned about things. Now it’s just about survival and navigating through this difficult world.

    I’ve learnt to appreciate the small things in life like nature, scenery and animals.

    I’m hoping to leave the city within a couple of years, and I’ll never live in a city again after that.

    • Thanks for this long and detailed comment, and then a second one, which I integrated into the first.

      Btw, you posted your comment twice, perhaps not realizing that I then get it twice, on my site. Out of necessity, all comments under my articles must be “moderated,” that is, subject to my approval, since otherwise jews, blacks and white-nationalist psychos publish inane or abusive remarks.

      And I do also edit comments for clarity, spelling, punctuation, etc. before publishing them. So I deleted the duplicate comment, and then published your original comment and the nhjex tone after editing them. 🙂

      You still should go and rent “Miracles from Heaven.” I know you have felt quite down in the past about things. This movie is about a real family and real event, and proves there is a loving, albeit tough-love higher power. It only costs three or four dollars.

      However, I see this 2015 movie now — for the first time on YouTube — for FREE! 🙂 🙂 🙂


      I was in MK-ULTRA myself, suffered horrible things as a small child, and all I can say is it did not “take” with me. But it did increase my compassion for gay people.

      The massive reincarnation studies at the University of Virginia medical school revealed that about 10% of the time, people choose to change their gender for the next go-round.

      The fourth item down is about the ten percent who switch genders.

      Quite often women want to come back as a man, often in the mistaken opinion that men have it easier. (Hardly — they die five years younger than women, suffer loneliness, often lacking real friends and psychological support, and there is severe physical danger in many common, traditionally male jobs such as construction, roofing, steel workers, and, of course, cops, firemen, and soldiers.)

      In some cases, which I recall (they have 2,500 cases worked up in full detail), the woman was a victim of sexual violence, or beatings, and did not want to be of the “weaker” sex in her next life all over again. In a chivalrous society, there is no rape, but in ours, completely sick and violent, a lot of these 5’3″ women do suffer rape, a very traumatizing indignity.

      It happened twice to Margi. I have been with about 25 women over the course of my life, and I estimate that half of all white American women have been raped. 🙁

      Most women are both smaller and weaker in terms of upper-body strength, and have thinner bones too. In a military setting, they can do far less push-ups, pull-ups, etc., and in airborne (parachutist) training, they tend to break their ankles on hitting the ground. (Because it is about combat, and the parachutist may be being shot at while descending, the goal is to get the parachutist down on the ground just as fast as possible. They are taught to hit and roll to avoid foot and leg injuries.)

      Israel tried putting women into regular, ground, infantry units (all young women must serve 18 months), but the Israeli Army abandoned the project. Partly, it was that male soldiers would freak out if a woman got wounded, and stop everything to tend to her, and thus ignore the battle that was not yet won.

      In any case, people who have been women for many lives sometimes find it hard to adjust to being a male.

      In another area of adjustment, I found adjusting just to being an American a bit of a challenge for years, though I came to like most American things. My previous lives had been as an Irish nobleman and soldier, then Austrian, and then German. Long, long before that, there were lives as a Roman.

      Many good things about America just seemed strange at first: baseball, apple pie, chewing gum, golf, blue jeans, baseball caps, and the whole freedom mythology. I say “mythology” because Americans have not been free to express their real views on race or the jews since Abraham Lincoln rounded up Northerners who were Copperheads, that is, Southern sympathizers, in 1861. Dozens of Americans were imprisoned for their views on the Confederacy by Lincoln.

      And one cannot criticize jews, either, or your career is over, which means a lot if one is a father and husband, with a family to support.

      Same went for the Covid lockdowns and then the vaxx, the Pfizer jew-jab, in 2020-21. People were FORCED to shut down their bar or restaurant, to wear a pointless or even dangerous facial mask, and then to take this mRNA gene “therapy” against their will.

      And many died of it!

      But during WWI people were also arrested in large numbers for being against the war with Germany. Eugene Debs was a Wisconsin congressmen and did two years in federal prison!

      Americans of German ancestry HAD to go and kill their own German cousins!

      Free? Americans are free to discuss sports and the weather, or to agree with the Left.

      As for gayness and molestation, this connection has been proven in some cases. An activist against radical LGBTQ, Ryan Sorba, went undercover with a hidden film camera or smartphone into a gay nightclub and, acting all gay himself and with everyone having drinks and being uninhibited, he asked gay men in a confidential tone of voice what had rally made them gay.

      There is a theory that the hypothalamus in gay men is different, for example.

      But many admitted right on camera that they had been molested as kids and this was the key factor. A few, shockingly, admitted they themselves were child molesters!


      • I replied with another comment because i thought you had deleted my comment but now I realise that i didn’t scroll down the page properly.

        I’m just trying to get some enjoyment and happiness out of life. For me ,it’s learning to appreciate the smaller things in life.

        I’ve had severe effects from the two 2 mRNA death jabs that i didn’t want to have, but was forced to take. So I don’t know how long I’ll be alive but I’m not going to worry about it.

        I’m just trying to make the most out of life, but i could never be fully happy living in a city anymore.

        I love being around scenery, nature, and animals, not living in a noisy, polluted, crowded city with trashy, fake people, degenerates, and other ethnicities that can openly treat you like shit and get away with it.

        They’re put first by our evil, scumbag politicians who hate their own people.

        Unless the system collapses and the elite are brought down then there will never be any change and all western countries will be overpopulated, violent, 3rd world hellholes like Brazil.

      • I watched the video of the men recorded on a hidden camera and the young boy, child dancing at a gay pride parade in public with grown men with their genitals exposed.

        The fact that our society has got to this point and young children are allowed to be in a sexualised environment around grown men and women that are exposing themselves is horrific.
        And it shows how evil our society is for not protecting it’s children.

        Our young children are being sexualised and exploited and it’s beyond disturbing.

        Anyone who does not find this sickening and wrong has something seriously wrong with them.

      • I’m glad if it was false, because that would be horrific.

        But the young, depressed Dutch woman’s case is terrible. That’s definitely state-sponsored murder.

        I have depression and anxiety and Aspergers (autism on the lower end of the scale) so I can definitely relate to the young woman. But if it’s your mental health, then it can be helped with specialised councilors who also deal with people with autism.

        In that case, it’s wrong and is assisted murder, in my opinion.

        And I have been through a lot of hardship in life, so i think I’m in the position to comment on this sickening insanity of the Dutch government.

        • I know so many, many, many Aspergers people nowadays. The vaccines with thimerosol (mercury) have caused this. Robert Kennedy, Junior, has been heroic in exposing this…… AND that the Big Pharma (jews) KNOW it causes autism!!!!

          i feel for you.

          A quasi-friend of mine here in town, a brilliant blond guy of German heritage, had a son in his older years, a bright, nice little kid, and he too has Asperger’s.

          It’s a true hellscape….but in previous lives 99% of us let this jew thing slide. Brave men got up and demanded action to stop the jew takeover, and we just stared at them.

          But maybe it was the will of God to make me wait to launch my religion to mobilize us until Israel had committed so many huge and constant mega-crimes, and so shocked the world — not just by its initial, savage reaction to the Hamas attack on 7 October 2023, but now by six straight months of non-stop massacres — that now, when I will go out and reveal what the Talmud actually says about us, the goyim, people will see that the modern jews of today really still do live by these goy-loathing anti-values.

          And so the Talmud is not just some obscure, dusty old document from Babylon, an Iraqi city which no longer exists, but a document whose attitudes toward themselves as jews (all chosen, elite, and victims of goy envy) still flourish. These values of hatred live on, and so secular jews like Netanyahu fully embrace them (and even Theodor Herzl himself, the founder of the Jewish-State idea, who was secular and, many say, an atheist).

          So it is not just the religious ones who hate us, not just the rabbis and the weird, black-clad Lubavitchers, but the loathing of the Gentiles is a trait in all of jewry, of which the Talmud is just one of many expressions. Killing seven non-Palestinian food workers in their clearly marked van is another expression.

          Now also, and most significantly, we see Russia and Putin condemning Israel on a daily basis, and one sees this on Putin is the kind of man and the kind of leader who always wants to find areas of agreement, even with opponents, not at all a Stalin type, and he wants to negotiate peace and cooperation deals, with the jews in general, with their Israel and with their colony, Ukraine.

          The Russian people got really sick by 2008 of Putin always referring to the Western countries as “our partners” — and said “Putin is of course a good man with a kind heart. But now even he with his profoundly moderate nature sees that any deal with these psychopaths is pointless.”


          • I don’t like having Aspergers. It’s made my life miserable, even though I’m on the lower end of the scale. I have trouble socialising and I realise I’m quite intelligent, plus I’m an artist and have always had an interest in the arts, drawing, poetry, sculpting, and collecting artwork and gothic jewelry.

            Plus I’ve always been good at discerning the truth and I’m good at writing if I’m not tired and put my mind to it.

            But, overall, it’s been more a curse for me, not a gift. It has more drawbacks for me than advantages. If I could choose not to have it, I would.

          • I feel deeply for you. And I feel angry about this.

            Dealing with Margi, my late wife, there was a kind of a psychological feeling that she was in a tunnel of sorts. She had severe ADD, which is also on the autism spectrum, and she took strong meds for it.

            The house was also a god-awful mess as a result of this ADD, and Margi would forget just about every appointment. So I had to handle lots of extra duties such as getting her in the car and to where she needed to be. This became constant 2019-22 during her cancer battles.

            As a former Marine and son of a Marine Corps officer, I like a tidy house where I can find everything 😉 but I coped because I loved my wife — “for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, for as long as we both shall live.” I always told friends before they came over that Margi had ADD so they understood in advance. 😉

            And, like you, Margi also had many useful talents and gifts. I admire you for rising to these great challenges.

            On this kind of stressful planet you can grow 30 times faster than elsewhere. This is a tough place. You are brave to be here.

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