A noble deer; a wicked Khazar; wise Blacks; and gullible Evangelical Whites

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Two more Gazan kids die.

A late German friend, Fritz Stallmach, who survived the bombing in Berlin in WWII, and ran a successful sheet-metal business in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, told me:

“The shock wave from a large bomb can rip the fine tissues of the lungs apart, the alveoli, and this causes suffocation. They are lying there dead, and yet their corpse looks undamaged. As a Hitler Youth, one of my jobs was to bring the corpses out of the bombed-out buildings and take them to the railroad station to be transported away for burial or cremation.

And, btw, Hitler gave a strict order that, if possible, all Germans who wanted burial get it, and those who preferred cremation be cremated. ‘We must try to fulfill the last wishes of our citizens whom the Allies have killed.’ ”

Oh, and while on corpse duty, my lodging was in a barracks in a concentration camp [I forget if Fritz said it was Sachsenhausen or Falkensee].  Lots of us Hitler Youth were housed there. It was just a normal place, nothing sinister, no dead bodies, and no one looked terrified.”



……Dies for her fawn



The problem is that men are taught how to treat a woman, but women aren’t taught how to treat a man. Woman are taught warnings about men, and “what to expect” from a man. So they go into relationships jaded, cynical, and wary.


….. Courageous Blacks Candace Owens and Dave Chappell on the jews



Let me be clear about the Blacks. Blacks see through jews for a specific reason and often it is not a good one.

One crook recognizes another.

Whites, especially of Northern-European extraction, “project” (a term from Carl Jung, who was secretly on our side) their own goodness onto other races.

But Blacks have no blinders on. They lie, rob, and steal from each other and themselves call each other “n—er” when angry.

It is like “jewdar,” meaning a kind of “radar” where one jew can recognize another.

Or “gaydar,” when one homosexual can recognize another. I had a gay supporter in Long Beach, California, who was totally pro-white and anti-jew, and sincerely so. Once we got to talking about somebody and he said, “Oh, yeah, he’s a queen. Any gay can tell that.”

Crooks can tell cops, and cops crooks.

As a former US Marine, I can tell a fellow former Marine, and so the vibe we get off talking to a former infantry guy who was Army is definitely different.

My willingness to be allied with Blacks is based on the fact that they hate the jews, too, and know that the jews hate and despise THEM.

And I know that Blacks see Whites as more kind and, shall we say, liberal-hearted — more compassionate and noble by nature, even the Whites who are here on this very wayward planet.

And they understand that the Chinese (an extremely unsentimental race) and the Jews, if they ever openly took over America, would literally exterminate the Blacks.

I had a jewish landlord in the late 1990s, Ted Weiner, and he said to me once, after Jesse Jackson had called New York City “Hymietown” (“Hymie” being like the word “kike”), “We were writing the Bible while they were swinging from the trees.”

The solution is a kind but open white supremacy and to promise the Blacks a life ten times better than what they experience now in the hellscape that is Jew World for them — and, btw, for everyone else, too.
Supremacy is what every armed service veteran accepts. A good-old-boy who is a lowly corporal expects his officers to be, well, “superior,” to be much more intelligent, much more educated, highly skilled, competent, a role model and a leader. The private  or corporal knows his place, and it it not at the top.

Same goes for the Blacks.

Deep-down, they absolutely know that they are a lower race and that self-rule is a terrible idea for the Blacks. They need guidance by a higher race IF and WHEN we Whites again really are higher.

 …..How the Pharisees infiltrated American Evangelical thought (or lack of “thought”)

By JdN political correspondent
Several years ago (okay, almost two decades ago now) I had the good fortune to work at a Bible college in Europe as a cook as one of my good buddies was the son of the school’s owner.
Although I was there to slop food for the mostly American Evangelical teenagers spending a semester in Europe, I made lots of friends, attended dozens of classes and had a wonderful experience.
It was not the first time I had met Evangelicals as I also spent some time in North America as a child, knew many Assembly of God [ = Pentacostal] adherents, but this was the first time I would spend so much time with these sort of people in a group setting and on their terms.
These were the sorts of kids who prayed before every meal, saw Christ as the defining figure in their lives, but sadly also supported Israel due to the largely successful infiltration which Zionist secular Jews have made across the Evangelical world.
Tell an Evangelical that you stand with Christians being oppressed in Asia, they will pledge their undying support to your efforts. Heck, if you ask them nicely enough they might even give you some money for the cause. This is how strongly many Evangelicals feel about anti-Christian hatred.
Tell them you support Sudanese and Nigerian Christians and the Western missionaries who have spread Christianity throughout deepest, darkest Africa in their fight against Islamic fundamentalists like Boko Haram and they will ignite with rage in front of your very eyes.
Nothing riles up white American Christians than the image of an African Islamist killing a white missionary or black children.
Discuss the Coptic Christians being massacred by (American-funded!) ISIS in Syria, and they will grow impassioned and also filled with rage, in spite of the fact it’s the policies they often support back home that are responsible for the bloodshed in Syria.
In recent years Evangelicals, because of their support for Trump and the MAGA movement, have started to recognise that it is OUR policies that have led to much of the misery in the Middle East.
These people are even now good on Russia and Ukraine, though they don’t still quite get that Russia vs. Ukraine is a battle between Orthodox Christians and it is Russian Nationalism (Russia) vs Judaism.
One need only look at who is in charge of Ukraine as well as the people at the US State Department who started the war (Victory Nuland-Kagan and Antony Blinken- both Jews).
But tell them you stand with the Palestinians, many of whom are Christian and whiter than the Sudanese and Nigerians, as well as the Syrians for the most part, and watch their expressions and demeanour change.
“I stand with Israel against Hamas and terrorism” they will tell you, even though recent studies have shown Jews HATE Christians. ESPECIALLY Evangelicals, even more than they do Muslims.
Tell an Evangelical or even a Mormon (they too have been infiltrated) that it’s not Boko Haram, ISIS or Hamas that are perpetrating most of the killing of Christians, but the Zionist Jews, and they will look away.
If you tell them this is happening because of the American Deep State, an entity they distrust, even loathe, they will shake their heads and parrot what they have been taught by their church leaders. “I stand with Israel and the Jewish people!”
 Even most of the people I have encountered —  who stand with us on Russia/Ukraine know the Jews are NOT our friends and see Jerusalem as the birthplace of Christianity and understand that many Palestinians are Christian — won’t budge in their support for the Pharisees in Tel Aviv.
How did this happen?
Long story short….
The Jews, recognising the permanent victims on the American Left have been drifting towards the Palestinian cause for more than four decades now, have done a real number on our Evangelical buddies.
I won’t go too deeply into the history of how this has happened but in a nutshell: Leftist Jews like Bill Krystol and his fellow Neo-Cons were, in fact, Leftists during the 1960s. Many were deeply embedded in the Democrat party, and closely linked to Lyndon Johnson and others. They only moved to the Right after they had worn out their welcome, they witnessed a softening on Russia and a hawkish hardening within Republican circles, and decided their hatred of Russia and support for Israel trumped any love they had for Demoncrat lesbians and pedophiles.
This is because these people were Conservative in name only. Like most Jews, they are entirely driven by their Jewishness. Men like Kristol were Jew-Firsters and once they realised they had worn out their welcome on the Left, they headed our way to set up shop.
*** Stalin saw this Jewish-Firstism in his fellow Bolsheviks who were jewish
Many Israelis (among them the founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, and the founder of the State of Israel, David Ben Gurion) had a leftist stance that all religion, including judaism, is just a superstition that the modern jews must outgrow and abandon.
Many Israelis, after their bar- or bat- mitzvah as kids, the jewish coming-of-age ceremony, where they have to say and sing stuff about joining the jewish people, have a festive meal and they eat pork! They also eat cheeseburgers, likewise forbidden. (One must not eat dairy and beef at the same time in Orthodox Judaism.)
Evangelical Christians who support Israel have no idea how many jews are hard-core atheists. Wikipedia says half of American jews are atheists. https://en.wikipedia.org/…/List_of_Jewish_atheists_and…

“A 2011 study found that half of all American Jews have doubts about the existence of God, compared to 10–15% of other American religious groups.[2]”

So, in the end, the Soviet view of jewry is valid. The jews are an ethnic group.
In Soviet times, everyone had an internal passport within the USSR’s territory. Soviet citizens were not permitted to just move to another Soviet province as Americans can move around from state to state. A Soviet jew’s ethnicity was listed right in the internal passport. Jews were called “Hebrews” — and were viewed as a people, not a religion.
Stalin feared jewish power, although he used many individual jews, and, without being openly antisemitic, he did four purges of jews from Soviet government:
— the anti-Trotskyite purge in the 1920s;
— the Moscow show trials in the 1930s;
— the anti-cosmopolitan trials in the 1940s, and
— the Doctors’ Plot purge in the 1950s, during which he himself died, probably poisoned.)
The jews will always look out for their fellow jews. My father, who had a huge insurance brokerage, lost a very big account, Hasbro  (  = Hassenfeld Brothers,  the makers of G.I. Joe and other toys) which in the 1960s had paid his firm  $2 million in premiums every year, about $6 million today.
He said to me, “I lost it to the synagogue. The jews are very clannish, John. I recommended the first jews ever for membership at Rhode Island Country Club and the same at Wannamoisett Country Club. I took you and your brother to  a jewish dentist and a jewish orthodontist. But…..Hasbro still gave their business to another jew.”
This move to the Right occurred in the 1970s and 1980s and is firmly in charge of the Evangelical western church.
There has been a second shift these past five years as young woke Jews, especially since the most recent set of atrocities perpetrated by Israel, have found themselves amongst people who, although they love molesting kids and grooming as much as they do, stand with the Palestinian people.
Someone like the former Wall Street Journal and NY Times “journalist” Bari Weiss comes to mind.
Weiss was on the Left until they got a bit too critical of her beloved Chosenites, and now, like Ben Shapiro, whom she credits with her move to the Right, she is a tried and true “conservative.”
Again, in name only..
Neo-Cons such as Weiss are on the Right solely for the sake of engendering support for their own jewish causes.
This shift can be seen among much of the Woke elite, the woke CEOs pushing the gender identity evil, etc. They stand with America’s perma-victims until Israel is the oppressor.
But exactly how this happened, how Evangelicals have gotten suckered en masse is a discussion for another day, but the fact remains that even the kindest, most sincere Christians have fallen for this trap.
Even my mother who regularly attends church went through a phase of supporting Israel, whether she cares to remember it or not. 🙂
Thankfully, I was able to shift her opinion some years ago, and from her seeing what these evil people are doing in Israel, as well as their fomenting hatred between Slavs in Ukraine and Russia, I see it has had an impact.
Sadly, though, the vast majority of Right-leaning North American Evangelicals still unashamedly support the Jewish cause.
I have a friend, a close female friend, in fact, who is a lovely girl. She is good on ALL issues — all of them apart from Israel. Her South American church sadly was infiltrated by these same Jews when she was an impressionable girl. Although she often tells me she feels terrible for the Palestinian children and I can see in her eyes that she does, she sadly still “stands with Israel”, just as the populist leaders like Argentina’s MiIlei and even Brazil’s Bolsonaro do.
I am, however, still working on it 
I have heard from Leftists I agree with on Israel that Evangelicals support Jews because Jews are white (and support white supremacy) and Palestinians are brown, but that is bullshit.
Most Evangelicals I know are pretty color-blind. Then there’s the inconvenient truth that South American Evangelicals, who look more like the Palestinians than the Ashkenazim in Israel, also stand alongside the Pharisees.
In my opinion it has little to do with colour and everything to do with the Zionist infiltration of the Church during the past 40 years.
In fact, Evangelicals who grew up in the 1960s and 1970s will have been converted more recently and sometimes still slip up by saying something that the Jews disagree with.
I think of Pete Buttigieg, Biden’s Transportation Secretary, who during a stop on the campaign trail in 2019 discussed hypocrisy and used the term “Pharisees.”
*** JdN:  Pharisees
This term which refers to the powerful enemies of Jesus,
and the four Gospels show their fiery debates with Him, their defamations of Him as being supposedly in league with the Devil….
…..their attempts to entrap Him into saying something illegal, their efforts to literally stone Him to death, and finally the Pharisees’ arrest of Jesus, the show trial where they found Him guilty of blasphemy, and their pressuring of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, to execute him for  supposedly seeking to rebel against Rome and become “the King of the Jews.”
The Pharisees are definitely the villains of the Gospels.]
This negative reference to  “Pharisees” by Buttigieg did not sit well with his Jewish masters, and he quickly apologised, stating that he would do “better”, “learn” and “grow”. He then said something about creating some sort of “space” for tolerance….the usual bullshit.
And this is not the first time I heard the term Pharisees being used in this manner by Evangelicals.
This brings me back to my time living at the aforementioned Bible college. Although most of the students living there and  myself were Right-leaning (but, unlike them, opposed to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan), I found common ground with the patriotard youth I made dinner for, hung out and played sports with (even dated) on almost all social issues.
On everything…. but…. Israel. 😉
I recall there was a 20-year-old Mennonite from Canada with whom I often chatted. While he, too, was opposed to the war in Iraq on the grounds of his support for non-violence resolutions to political conflicts, he nevertheless “stood with Israel.”
He did so in spite of the fact that Mennonite children are often taught from early on that it was the Jews who killed Jesus. Unlike the Evangelical, Protestant and Catholic churches, Mennonites are taught properly about the Jewish Pharisees.
In fact, during one of our many conversations. I learned that Mennonite children still sing songs openly hostile to Jews during youth group and other church activities.
One song I have come to learn begins, “I never want to be a Pharisee. I don’t want to be a Pharisee, cause they’re not fair you see. I don’t want to be a Pharisee.”
They do so initially without knowing that the Pharisees were the Jewish scribes and sages in first-century Palestine, responsible for great evil against Christian people and Jesus. But later on they are taught this as well.
They are taught how the Pharisees played a large role as the culmination of evil in the New Testament. They see how Jews are often cast as the ones with whom Jesus argues, even being called a “brood of vipers” in the book of Matthew in the New Testament. Most Christians really should know this.
In fact, until the 1980s, as I recently learned by reading an issue of Jewish Weekly (obeying the dictum to “know thy enemy”) that the “Pharisee has been used as a stand-in for anyone who is self-righteous and hypocritical.”
It is fair to say that the virtue-signalling Jews behind Wokeism are the modern embodiment of the holier-than-thou Pharisee spirit that one finds in the Bible.
Addie Liechty, a writer for Jewish Weekly, who describes herself as a psychotherapist, singer-songwriter and writer of poetry and essays living in Oakland, writes often on this topic.
The lesbian writes how she was “raised a Mennonite,” “goes by They/Them pronouns,” and states that “their writing interests include the intersections of spirituality, religion, psychology and social justice.”
Liechty looks to some like a vile groomer, but she certainly is a bootlicker of jewry, and as such has found an ideal home in the Synagogue of Satan alongside the Zionist vermin infecting all of our churches.
I will conclude with her article on the matter to demonstrate what we are up against.
She writes:
“Matthew 23:2-3 says, “The Pharisees and the teachers of the Law are experts in the Law of Moses. So obey everything they teach you, but don’t do as they do. After all, they say one thing and do something else” (Contemporary English Version).
Jesus, on the other hand, stands apart. He is loving, compassionate and congruent in his actions and beliefs. He is the “way, the truth and the light” (John 14:6). This narrative became a key driver for the early church’s separation from Judaism and has continued to be a typology for Christianity’s exceptionalism.
Recently, I joined Kehilla Community Synagogue in Piedmont with my partner, who is Jewish. Though I plan to remain connected to the Mennonite church in San Francisco, we will be raising our children in the Jewish tradition. (The Mennonite Church is an Anabaptist denomination with about two million adherents worldwide.)
It has been both a joy and a difficulty to begin to deepen into Jewish learning and practice. It is a joy because I feel the richness of Jewish thought and commentary bring alive in a new way the stories I learned in the context of the Old Testament. And it has been difficult to sit with the harm that has been done and continues to be done with the Christian narrative as the weapon.
I have learned that Judaism, as it is known and practiced today, very much identifies its roots with the Pharisees. They are regarded and revered as the forefathers who created and re-envisioned a tradition after their Temple was destroyed and the Jewish people were forced into exile. While Christians may think of the Pharisees as a long-lost Jewish sect, their lineage is very much alive in the synagogue.
As Jewish New Testament scholar Amy-Jill Lavine writes, “Just as we are heirs of centuries of racism, we are heirs of two millennia of negative stereotypes of Pharisees and, by extension, of Jews — for it is substantially from Pharisaic teaching that rabbinic Judaism springs” (Quit Picking on the Pharisees, sojo.net).
Lavine, with decades of deep relationship with Christians, begs us to realize that when we invoke the “Jesus vs. Pharisees” narrative, we cause harm.
This year, Easter fell during Passover. It reminds me of Christianity’s overlapping history with Judaism. And this year I remember that anti-Semitism is on the rise, as are all forms of bigotry and hatred. The anti-Semitic trope of Jews, such as George Soros, being the puppet masters and manipulators of the masses can be directly traced to nearly two millennia of Christian anti-Semitism that linked the Pharisees/Jews to the orchestration of Jesus’s death. This was what fueled the murder of 11 Jewish elders at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh last October.
When putting the New Testament polemics against the Pharisees into context, I can see that Christians and Pharisees were caught in chaotic times. Both groups were fighting fiercely for identity under the crushing domination and occupation of the Roman Empire.
The making of enemies and the struggle against them is certainly a key part of any individual’s or group’s quest toward identity. However, the narratives that we rely on for individuation and identity are often overly simplistic and leave out any sense of nuance. When a group like Christians manages to wed itself with power and empire, these narratives quickly become deadly.
After sitting though Shabbat services for the past two years, embarking on Jewish learning and beginning the very difficult, tedious and rewarding task of learning Hebrew and the Talmud, I feel I am finally learning the question I asked as a child, “What is a Pharisee, anyway?”
The Pharisees, heard through the pages of the Talmud, are becoming my teachers and my friends. They created and preserved a beautiful tradition, one in which I find great solace and intellectual engagement. Sometimes the Pharisees, like any good friend, partner or therapist, confuse and annoy me. They do not create simple narratives, and for this reason, they help me grow.
Even in our own Christian texts I find proof that the Pharisees have more complexity than often remembered. Luke credits the Pharisees with warning Jesus of his impending arrest (Luke 31:3) and reports that Jesus and the Pharisees ate with one another (Luke 11:37).
Sure, they debated and disagreed during this meal, but after reading one line of the Talmud, I can see that arguing was (and still is) an embedded practice among all Jewish teachers, rabbis and sages, including Jesus.
In finding the flexibility and exceptions to the simplistic narratives I was given as a child, there is opportunity to mature. As I unpack and learn the most painful parts of Jewish/Christian history, and as I remember my days at summer camp singing, “I don’t want to be a Pharisee,” I feel it is only by the grace of God, and perhaps the Pharisees, that I find myself in this place of healing, growth and learning.”

……Here’s a painful part of that history: Rabbi preaches hatred of Jesus

(I thank a California supporter for sending a link to this video.)



  1. I grew up in an area that had a large Jew and Muslim population. The Muslims showed kindness and morality towards me. The Jews, not so.

  2. The basic idea of the Constitution is that state power should enable the freedom of the individual

    This is categorically different from and opposed to our ruling anyone.

    • Thanks for your comment and I completely understand your desire to separate totally from these non-white races!

      In fact, I would want it intensely myself. Ruling non-Whites is a headache, a security problem, and asking for trouble.

      However, we must be realistic, just as when Bismarck unified all the Germans except for the ten million ethnically German Austrians (in Austria proper, the Sudetenland, Moravia, the Banat Swabians and Siebenburg Saxons in Transylvania, and the archipelago of ethnic Germans across Hungary and Yugoslavia).

      Better to get most of what you want
      than to go for it all and lose it all.

      And this is how Ireland, after centuries of futile revolts, finally became free of British rule. The great leader Michael Collins reluctantly but decisively renounced Northern Ireland (half-Protestant anyway and loyal to England) and thus he got the other three-quarters of the island.

      And then Collins, of all people, was murdered in an ambush as a “traitor”!

      In terms of US racial demographics, this is the current reality, the r-e-a-l-i-ty, with counties in blue meaning “at least 40% minority.”

      Now, historically, White Americans have ruled out of unavoidable necessity over non-Whites since 1619, meaning over Amerindians and Blacks.

      And after Texas joined the Union and the Mexican-American War of 1848, we ruled over Hispanics.

      The creation of the US Constitution in Philadelphia was presided over by an overt white supremacist from Virginia named George Washington, who owned hundreds of slaves of a different and inferior race. He and the other Founding Fathers did not recognize Blacks or Amerindians as US citizens. (Blacks got citizenship only in 1868, and Amerindians in 1920.) But we Whites ruled over non-citizen Blacks and Indians for centuries.

      The Constitution was largely written by James Madison, later the fourth US president, who also was an owner of slaves. It was understood by all that only “free Whites” could be citizens.

      Andrew Jackson, who as a young teen fought in the American Revolution and lost several close family members in that war, was a slave owner, too, and he also expelled the Cherokees, Amerindians, from North Carolina out to Oklahoma, putting them on white-run reservations. We openly ruled over the Indians too, who like Blacks were non-citizens.

      If we sought to live only in lily-white areas, where we would not need to rule over other races, then there are very few of those left, usually arid lands out in the Mountain Time Zone or in some Alaskan wilderness areas.

      The average age here in Ontonagon, a not atypical Rust-Belt small town, is 57.

      The reality-check question is this: How are aging Baby Boomers with snow-white hair and armed with mere pistols (though a few have ARs and/or shotguns) to actually expel the non-white 55% of the current US population, and with what weapons?

      Suppose Biden were to throw open the arsenals, the armories, and invited the Blacks and Browns in to help themselves to grenades, shoulder-fired anti-vehicle missiles, assault rifles and machine guns, with all the millions of rounds they want?

      If we tried to expel them all (and many of them hate the jews) , they guaranteed will fight us to the death.

      Look at the Palestinian dilemma…. Unsolvable.

      The solution is a BENEVOLENT white rule, as the apartheid Boers had in South Africa….BUT unlike South Africa with a strict, iron-clad two-child policy. There is a social safety net for all non-whites, but only for two kids. For each additional kid, benefits are slashed.

      I would rather win a struggle for white survival in North America by promising to 1) liberate the minorities from the jews and also from the corrupt politicos of their own races, and 2) rule over them benevolently, with a two-child birth limit, than to lose a race war by an impractically purist approach:

      Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, we 200 million Whites with white hair and pistols for self-defense are here to expel 200 million of you wogs and retake all your land.

      Nice fantasy:

      The great lesson of my mistake in Russia: If I had brought the Russian people, who were suffering in an excruciating bolshevik hell, and hated the jews, a far better life, they would have seen us as a noble race of liberators, and entitled to leadership.

      Aside from the important moral considerations, the Russians by 1941 were simply not beatable…

      — partly because Russia is so vast that they could retreat a thousand miles and still be in good shape;
      — because the Russians were and are brave and patriotic; but three, also
      — because Stalin — give him credit for this — had built up from 1930-40 a gigantic military-industrial war machine.

      My main consideration should have been to win, and that meant fully exploiting the fact that the Russians hated the jews, had done so for over a century, and they had suffered horribly under communism.

      In 1931, it was discovered in NKVD files that the founder of the USSR, Vladimir Ulyanov, aka Lenin, was one-quarter Jewish via a maternal grandfather, the medical doctor Alexander Blank. Stalin gave strict orders that this part-jewishness of Lenin never be revealed. He understood the intensity of Russian antisemitism. Lenin’s jewish blood would haven been highly discrediting for communism.

      We could have created a bond with the Eastern Slavs based on having the same enemy, the communist jew. And then we would have won.

      I have two plans for America, Option A being to demand a fully autonomous, 100% white homeland located within the US borders (the UP, and the northern half of Lower Michigan, “the Mitten,” and the northern half of Wisconsin), to be called “Superior.”

      And when this is rejected, this is Option B:

      Not just RINOs but Trump will reject this out of hand. This is a certainty, and one which will expose him as the big-talking windbag that he always is in the end. This is a man who relies on and needs the white vote, but he never, ever dares to even use the word “white” in any speech, or DO very much for Whites.It was the same with Nixon with his “Southern strategy” of a “crackdown on crime” and a “War on Drugs” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_on_drugs) all of this being in large part just racial dogwhistling for “I secretly am against the Blacks, too.”

      And then came Reagan, another nudge-nudge-wink-wink guy. He supported South Africa because it was “anti-communist” (true) and was against a federal Martin Luther King holiday because King was a “sympathizer with communism” (true) as in his top advisor and speechwriter, (((Stanley Levison.)))

      And then Reagan caved in and reversed himself, sanctioning South Africa and approving MLK Day (which also replaced Presidents Day!)

      I am so sick and tired of these Republicons who know racial and jew truth, and yet merely USE white voters to get re-elected.

      As the Demoncrats use the Blacks, taking them for granted, so the Republicons use the Whites.

      I blogged on this today:


  3. I can’t find anything inferior on Candace Owen. Not intellectually, not emotionally, and certainly not optically. In fact, I consider her superior to some White people. She is spot on with pretty much everything she says. I have learned a lot from her, especially with respect to victimhood porn.

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