“Twelve O’Clock High” — leadership amidst the extreme trauma of war — AND in a terrible cause

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This was an excellent film  from 1949 starring Gregory Peck as a strict WWII air force general trying to establish his leadership amidst the carnage of war. (What it, of course, does not mention is that the war on Germany itself was stark-raving insane.)

In fact, just one year later, in 1950, by America saving the communist USSR in WWII, we had our first war against communism, losing 37,000 men to stop an invading communist North Korea and then also the troops of communist Red China.

As I commented (but JewTube deleted it and another comment of mine as well):

Great movie in every way….But “the ‘Greatest Generation’ we saw here saved the Soviet Union, our enemy, from defeat by the Germans, and Stalin’s thanks were to enslave 100 million Eastern Europeans in 1945, and then spread his monstrous communism in 1949 to China, then to North Korea, and to North Vietnam ….and later it spread in 1958 to Cuba, causing the Cuban Missile Crisis.

America lost tens of thousands of good men in wars against communism — because we, under the communist-sympathizer President Frank Rosenfeld, had financed, armed, and fed the USSR. We even sent the Soviets the metal plates to print US dollars! 

America fighting the brutal communists in Vietnam 1965-75 — 58,000 dead Americans, and so many more were messed up 





And then we had to spend trillions on our military during the Cold War — instead of for our own people’s benefit — in order to stop the communists whom the ‘Greatest Generation’ had saved.

Sorry to rain on the flag-waving parade. My father fought in WWII, and once he said, as we watched an episode of the British series “The World At War” about the German invasion of Russia:
“Some say we fought the wrong enemy.” 




The German defenders [of the two vital German ball-bearing factories] had great advantages. The Luftwaffe fighter force was up in strength and could fly multiple sorties from its nearby bases. Twenty-four [US B-17] bombers of the 146 dispatched, carrying 240 crew members, were lost from the Regensburg force. From the 230 dispatched to Schweinfurt, 36 failed to return to bases in England. Combined, the two forces lost 60 of 376 bombers for a loss rate of 16 percent. But this number only told part of the story. In fact, an additional 20 percent of the attacking bombers were permanently lost to operations as a result of battle damage. In all, the raids cost the Eighth Air Force 40 percent of the bomber force dispatched from England.

Mission results were spotty. At Regensburg the aircraft plant was put completely out of action, but only briefly. At Schweinfurt, ball bearing production dropped by 38 percent, but it quickly recovered. These combined missions demonstrated clearly that for the Eighth Air Force the cost was too high. Both the aircrews and the senior leadership saw that such loss rates could not be sustained over the long haul.

Why were loss rates so high? Some historians have argued that the losses experienced on raids like Regensburg-Schweinfurt demonstrated clearly and unequivocally that the concept of unescorted daylight precision bombing was a failed strategy. Could Army Air Forces’ planners and leaders not have foreseen that German fighters would inflict unacceptable and unsustainable losses to the bombers unless they were escorted by protecting fighters? Why wasn’t an effective escort fighter available before late 1943? Were Army Air Forces leaders blinded to the flaws in the bombing strategy they had developed?

Ironically but not surprisingly, it was the gifted, German-born, Edgar Schmued (who had worked with Messerschmitt in Germany) who built the P-51 Mustang, the first good, long-range American escort fighter. (It had a superb, huge, V-12, Rolls-Royce “Merlin” engine, btw.)

The chief designer at North American was the German-born Schmued, who had formerly worked for Willie Messerschmitt, the designer of the Me-109 fighter, before immigrating to the United States.

Cruising at 275 mph, 18,000 of them were built. 


A P-51 at a modern air show:

The other key person behind the P-51 Mustang (and rockets after WWII) was also a German-American:

James H. Kindelberger

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_H._Kindelberger#Notes)
James Howard Kindelberger
Born May 8, 1895

Died July 27, 1962 (aged 67)

Nationality American
Other names “Dutch”
Known for North American Aviation

James Howard “Dutch” Kindelberger (May 8, 1895 – July 27, 1962) was an American aviation pioneer. He led North American Aviation from 1934 until 1960.[1][2] An extroverted character, Kindelberger was famed for his emphasis on hard work, orderliness and punctuality.

Early life

Kindelberger was born on May 8, 1895, in Wheeling, West Virginia, to Charles Frederick Kindelberger, a steelworker and Rose Ann Kindelberger.

Kindelberger dropped out of school in the 10th grade and started working in the steel industry with his father. He took correspondence courses to further his education. In 1916, when he was 21 years old, he went to study at the [elite] Carnegie Institute of Technology [in Pittsburgh] to pursue engineering. His nickname, ‘Dutch’ referred to his descent from German (Deutsch) immigrants from NothweilerPfalz.[3]

In 1919, he married Thelma Knarr [also German] and they had two children.


And it was the excellent US Army Air Forces general Carl Spaatz of Boyertown, Pennsylvania (whose parents both were German) who commanded the Eighth Air Force against Germany…..

These below were the key WWII generals that ran the air war on Germany. What insanity that of the six, four were themselves of German blood!

Brigadier General Jesse C Anton; General Dwight Eisenhower; General Carl Spaatz; General James Doolittle; Major General William Kepner;  and Colonel Donald Blakeslee (Debden, England)

Brigadier General Jesse Anton (U.S. Air Force); General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe; Carl Andrew Spaatz, commander of Strategic Air Forces in Europe; General James Doolittle, commander of the 8th Air Force in Europe and the Pacific; Lieutenant General William E. Kepner, commanding general of the 8th Air Force’s 2nd Bomb Division; Colonel Donald M. Blakeslee, in Debden, Essex, United Kingdom, 11th April 1944. These VIPs were present for the presentation of Colonel Blakeslee with the Distinguished Service Cross. (Photo by Galerie Bilderwelt)


This war DELIBERATELY killed one million German CIVILIANS, a crystal-clear war crime under the Hague Rules of Air Warfare of 1923, signed by the United States under President Calvin Coolidge


1 ) Aerial bombardment is legitimate only when directed at a military objective, that is to say, an object of which the destruction or injury would constitute a distinct military advantage to the belligerent.

2) Such bombardment is legitimate only when directed exclusively at the following objectives: military forces; military works; military establishments or depots; factories constituting important and well-known centres engaged in the manufacture of arms, ammunition, or distinctively military supplies; lines of communication or transportation used for military purposes.

3) The bombardment of cities, towns, villages, dwellings, or buildings not in the immediate neighborhood of the operations of land forces is prohibited. In cases where the objectives specified in paragraph 2 are so situated, that they cannot be bombarded without the indiscriminate bombardment of the civilian population, the aircraft must abstain from bombardment.


All of these men, based on the 1946 Nuremberg War Crimes Trials which the US itself cooked up, deserved to be hanged for deliberately, consciously, murdering German civilians for years on end using both bombs and machine-guns bullet.

The US Army Air Forces strafed German farmers, schoolchildren, AND, in Dresden, hospital patients in their white garb, in their white hospital beds, who had been wheeled out of them by nurses garbed in white to the banks of the Elbe River.

This German nurse, who had served during WWI already, was MURDERED at Dresden in February 1945 by either the US Army Air Forces or the RAF. One of my female German readers sent me this photo and said:  “This was my grandmother.”


Our American aviators, of course, were brave men, smart and skilled.

But it was for the jews that they actually fought, and it was the jews in both Britain and America who pushed the illegal and cruel bombing of unarmed civilians.

A cover glorifying RAF air marshal Sir Charles Portal, Time magazine, 28 July 1941

I am a United States Marine Corps combat veteran of the Vietnam war, and I despise war. I think this movie is a great testament to the horror and futility of most wars. There was a philosopher years ago who , condensed, said ‘Humans suck’. I believe that. I went to war because Marines were being killed somewhere that I didn’t know, but we were sent there by our leaders. If they were there and being hurt, I felt that I had to go there to help THEM, not for politics. At that time, I had nothing but the desire to help the Marine next to me, nothing political, however, now, I have become the largest dove on earth. America lost fifty eight thousand dead young men, and damaged hundreds of thousands of American men, not even counting the probably millions of Viet Namese people dead or damaged, for a net gain of a military loss. It MUST never happen again!
 @bmcc12  Thank you for doing your duty at a most discouraging time. I was in the Marines after Vietnam and saw no combat. My father saw plenty at Tinian, Saipan and Iwo Jima, then was a captain in Korea and half his officer class was killed or seriously wounded and evacuated, as he was. He told me himself he had to see a Navy shrink for six months for his nightmares and insomnia.
He never made a career out of the Marine Corps because he was bitter that we had lost so many good men for a draw. He also predicted Vietnam would be, in his words, “the next no-win war.” And he said the same thing about Afghanistan and Iraq.
As Marine general Smedley Butler said, and he got two Medals of Honor, “war is a racket.”
Next Biden will get us into a fun little war with Russia and China — called WWIII. Our betters will be down in their nuclear bunkers with caviar, champagne, and little kids to molest while we fry on the surface.
We have to stop this madness of these foreign wars!
The only thing I will defend is THIS country.

……A WWI English war veteran: I would NEVER volunteer for war again!


……Your support is need for this website and my mission to end the egoic mind and the denial of reality in our white race — or we will be in a far worse war than WWII, and North America (and Europe and Australia) will look like 1945 Germany…..but worse!

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$21,911 (plus 14 excellent books and two great pistol holsters) since early December 2022



  1. The U.S general George Patton said we fought the wrong enemy, we should have sided with the facists and fought the communists instead.
    And he was assassinated so he couldn’t overthrow the Jewish run Russian government and testify against the Jewish Freemasons.

    Theres plenty of people who know about the zionist control of our governments, theres just no way of organising or taking back our countries.
    We do’t have access to firearms in Australia, so theres no way for us to defend ourselves if the government wants to genocide the Australian people.

    At least in the U.S you have firearms to protect yourself.

    • Actually, he never quite said that, just that the Germans were the best people in Europe and the Bolsheviks were the enemy now.

      But he blasted the jews, especially in his diary.

      Actually, no one bore more responsibility for the defeat of the Reich than Patton, first in North Africa, then in Italy, in northern France, and especially during the Battle of the Bulge. I estimate he killed 250,000 Wehrmacht soldiers.

      He was a fine general but a total fool. Actually, he continued to denigrate Hitler and never had the greatness of spirit to admit that the whole war had been in furtherance of a ghastly jewish and communist plot. But the jews killed him in the hospital after his accident (which I think was a real accident) because they could see he was heading that way.

      Once he had written his wife that he was going to resign from the Army, go home to the States, and wake the American people up about the jews, they decided to take him out. The hospital doctors or nurses took a bribe and killed him, probably with an embolism, an air bubble injected into his veins. His wife was not allowed to visit him — a three-star general! Unheard of….

      Basically, Patton was realizing more and more in 1945 that his associate, Major General George Moseley, had been completely right back in 1940: https://johndenugent.com/the-top-army-general-who-denounced-the-jews-wanted-jewish-immigrants-sterilized-and-preached-nordicism/

      “The war now proposed is for the purposes of establishing Jewish hegemony throughout the world.”

      Moseley had corresponded with many of his fellow Army generals, among them George Patton. They all had been West Pointers and knew each other. Sure, Patton woke up but only after 16 million innocent Germans had perished, their beautiful country was in ruins, 400,000 Americans had also died, and the Bolsheviks had taken half of Europe.

      Like all the rest, he had ignored what Moseley had said repeatedly five years before.

      Today, this egoic man (murdered in December 1945 and reincarnating in May 1946 as Donald Trump, is once again clever, loud, flamboyant, and self-promoting, but a complete fool. He kissed up totally in vain to the jewish enemy for four years as president, 2017-21; he promoted the lethal Covid jew-jab; and it was he who just got the $95 billion foreign aid bill passed to help IsraHell, Jewkraine and Taiwan…… Trump still is helping his mortal jew enemies who have never stopped fearing him, have never stopped hating him, and have never stopped trying to bankrupt him and put him in prison for the rest of his days.

      Patton-Trump symbolizes how karma is a bitch for the American people. This nation must get on its knees and beg the Germans and Adolf Hitler for forgiveness for a stupendous, horrific mega-crime.

      Without America, and without Patton, Germany would have won the war — and the white race would be strong free, safe, and happy.

      Instead, we are heading toward WWIII….as prophesied in 1917 by Nicholas Van Rensburg, and Trump may cause it by selling out to the MIC (military-industrial complex) to regain the presidency and make his legal troubles go away, and “getting tough” on a Russia and a China that will no longer take America’s shit.


      One of my good supporters is an Aussie, like you, and he wrote me that he had a nightmare of China nuking Australia.


      Karma is a bitch. In previous lives US Army soldiers invaded and crushed the South, killing 250,000 brave Confederates and devastating much of that region; then killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Germans in WWI; then, with the Versailles Treaty, betrayed in 1919 the Germans who had surrendered in 1918 based on Woodrow Wilson’s “self-determination of all peoples” and “a peace without victors.”

      Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh told the American people the truth about the jews, as did Father Coughlin, who had a coast-to-coast show on NBC radio. They were ignored.

      Two things must be understood: 1) we are not alone in the universe, and 2) reincarnation is true.

      Other planets have evolved into wonderful places, but not earth…because of the earthlings themselves.

      And in many lives before this one, American soldiers crushed and killed the innocent.


      A Boer woman, seeing her country become a nightmare of rape and murder, told me: “Some day, you White Americans will be in the same fix that you put us into.”

  2. I didn’t realise George Patton was such an egotistical ignorant fool, but i admit i never looked that deeply into it to the degree you have.
    If Trump is Patton reincarnated then he will be a screw up like Patton.

    Even Patton had a higher intelligence then Donald Trump though.
    I don’t think Trump knows that communism was created by Karl Marx who was Jewish, to me he’s just another low i.q stupid politician.

    • Trump talks in three-word bursts, as the moron George W. Bush did. starting with George Washington and up through John Kennedy, presidents of the United States used a large and dignified vocabulary, often quoting Shakespeare or the King James Bible, but now it is dumbed-down talk suitable for a third-grader.

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