White 24-y/o in Chicago shot and killed by negro on way to work

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White Working-class father shot and killed by negro in broad daylight
May 12, 2024

[source: https://justicereport.news/2024/05/12/working-class-father-shot-and-killed-in-broad-daylight/]

A young father walking to work on Friday was shot and killed by what police say was a robber “dressed in all black.” The harrowing incident took place in a predominantly White neighborhood in Northwest Chicago and was captured on a RING doorbell camera.



Chicago Police canvassed the area on Friday in search of clues after a 24-year-old man was shot walking to a bus stop in Chicago’s 55% White Dunning neighborhood, an area known as a hub for working-class families. The victim was said to have another child on the way.

Ring-doorbell footage captured the exact moments the apparently White victim is accosted by another man dressed in Black clothing. Police said the victim was robbed before an unidentified suspect fled the scene. The victim can be heard gasping for help as he lies powerless on the concrete.

A female neighbor of the victim interviewed by CBS2 said she rushed to his aid, using a sweatshirt to try to stop the bleeding. After being transported to Loyola University Medical Center, he died of his wounds. So far, both the victim and the suspects have been unidentified.

RING Doorbell footage shows what appears to be a White victim screaming for help in the aftermath of a shooting in Chicago’s north side.

What they’re saying: The neighbor who helped the victim broke down in tears as she recalled his final moments to a local news crew. She chose to remain anonymous out of personal safety, but others, including Alderman Nick Sposato, say crime in the area has only increased.

“I’m so sorry that he didn’t make it, and I wish he would’ve lived to see his children grow. I feel so bad. I know he’s got a baby and one on the way, and I’ve got children. And I tried to keep him alive for his kids. That’s all I was trying to do.”

“Just a brutal thing, brutal video. A kid going to work to provide for his family, and some scumbag guns him down,”

said Alderman Nick Sposato.

A spokesman with the Chicago Police Department later confirmed that two people are now in custody for their alleged role in the shooting, but have not released their identities.




She was struck by lighting in a parking lot.  Her umbrella was fried.  She didn’t know she died until she walked back into the parking lot and saw her dead body.  She talks about how she chose this life in advance.  She is offered the choice to return to her body.  But she is told what will happen in the future IF she chooses to go back to her body.  And it happens (3rd child and divorce).  She only decides to return because she has two young children.  She makes the choice.



  1. Some years ago I attended a White Nationalist meeting in the Chicago neighborhood where this murder took place.

    There were no Negroes in this neighborhood.

    The Negro who committed this robbery/murder did not need to kill his victim to acquire his wallet. Apparently he killed him out of his hatred of White people.

    It looks like this murderous Negro went to this White Chicago neighborhood with the express purpose of killing a White man.

    Negroes only used to be dangerous when you ventured into their territory. That is how it used to be. Today they seem to be in an attack mode. They come into a neighborhood that is foreign to them looking to kill.

    The Jews are ultimately responsible for this state of affairs.

    Black/White relations have been a causality of Jewish power in our country. It is too bad that friendly relations between Whites and Blacks have been ruined.

    • Yes, all so true.

      And negro criminals knew that white cops were less zealous about crime in the ghetto. But, back then, to be black and walking around in a white neighborhood — that was a really bad idea. There were even “sunset” bylaws in some white communities: Blacks had to be out of white towns by sundown.

      What is underpinning all these daily atrocities such as the fate of this young white man is the jews’ foundational untruth, which they spew at our youth, the Big Lie which the Solutrean reality subverts… that Whites supposedly “stole the Indians’ land,” and so “we were on top for a long while, and so now maybe it is our turn to be a minority” and “America has always been a nation of immigrants.”

      No! An empty North America was first settled by White Solutreans from Europe during the Ice Age.

      Then came the Younger Dryas catastrophe, which probably was a huge asteroid strike as earth passed through the Asteroid Belt, though another theory says it was a comet, and yet another posits a gigantic volcanic eruption or a chain of such explosions, and all of these things have happened.

      This led to gigantic, immense fires all across what are now the lower two-thirds of the United States, leaving behind a layer of soot, of charred vegetation.

      The woolly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers, and other animals of that time such as wild horses, all died out because the vegetation was burned up. As for the white Solutreans in North America, they too were decimated by this catastrophe.

      And then the Ice Age ended. This was bad for the Whites in North America in two ways:

      1) the Ice Shelf across the Atlantic Ocean between France and the general Long Island, New York area, stopped appearing. An open ocean was far more intidimating to would-be crossers than being able to spear-hunt along an ice shelf and at nightfall pull your boats up, lean them together, and lay down furs to sleep on. The disappearance of this vital Ice Shelf meant no more white people would come to strengthen the numbers of the Whites in North America.

      2) In horrible contrast, the end of the Ice Age (producing our era, the relatively warm Holocene) allowed Siberians (proto-Mongolians) to pour into North America via Alaska (either by walking or by paddling kayaks), and the numbers of these Amerindians began to soar as they encountered a rich yet almost empty continent…. almost empty, because there were white Solutreans living there who had been there for ten thousand years.

      Over the course of millennia after the Ice Age was over, the Amerindians, who were present in overwhelming numbers, killed off the the few male Solutreans who has survived the Younger Dryas catastrophe, keeping only the white women and girls alive for their purposes. Ans this is why Amerindians living east of the Mississippi often looked part-white, almost Mediterranean, to the first English, French, Dutch, and Spanish settlers who came from Europe in the 1600s. The eastern half of the current US was most settled by the Solutreans.

      What this history lesson boils down to is that 1)we Whites are the original inhabitants. Since this is our land, it is ALWAYS our turn as Whites to rule it.

      And uncontrolled immigration in huge numbers was our downfall as Solutreans and history could repeat itself now.

      Some atheist wrote me once:

      Why do you name your movement “The Eternal Solutreans”? The Younger Dryas catastrophe wiped out most of the Solutreans in both North America and also in Europe. So we White Americans of today may not even descend from them.

      This is where reincarnationism comes in. We in other lives were those Solutreans, and we understand from our own life experience that Whites must live in their own homogenous society, have firm borders protected by guns and guards, and we must never let any hostile people pour in and take us over.

      Many Solutreans from then are old souls now. When they were first exposed to the truth about race and the jews, they did not offer months of fierce resistance, but instead sat down and assiduously looked at the evidence. They were so easily convinced because they had known these things from before.

  2. At the White Nationalist meeting I have described above I was seated with members of Matthew Hale’s Church of the Creator group, the Creativity Movement, where one of them sold me a copy of Ben Klassen’s _The White Man’s Bible_.

    Unfortunately, one member of Hale’s group, Benjamin Smith, shot dead some Jews in a Jewish neighborhood in the north part of Chicago near Skokie, and Hale ended up being punished for it. Though he had committed no real crime he was sentenced to 40 years in prison, and he is presently incarcerated in the high security prison at Marion, Illinois, with a release date of 2036.

    It is a pity that White Nationalists cannot afford top-notch legal representation.

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