JEKYLL ISLAND UNCOVERED – Titanic Indians, Child Sacrifice & The Federal Reserve; why did you incarnate on this “mixed-bag” planet?

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A comrade, NS activist and donor sent me this:

I replied:

I am actually very busy at the moment with my new abode, but am making myself watch this. (This version seems better than the first one, which went with great pedantry for several minutes into every kind of wildlife and plant on the island, for example, which is interesting but not the best use of viewer time. I note that that section has been sharply reduced.)

It is beyond shocking that these banksters glory in human sacrifice! and  that these Timjucua Indians sacrified their onw  first-boprnchildren!

The truths about 1) the Fed and the truth about 2) chemtrails are in the same class, for one sees the words “Federal Reserve” daily when using cash, and the same goes for chemtrails — you cannot help but see them almost every day. (The Deep State does prefers not to spray chemtrails on windy days, because then the toxins, in descending, may be blown off-target, away from the city or village which the Big Jews are assaulting. I have seen this often in their spraying of Ontonagon — on windy days, there is not one single chemtrail in our sky.)

So both the Fed and chemtrails are good issues for building daily outrage, like picking at a scab — it keeps coming back at you. One can far more easily forget about the Holocaust issue in our daily lives, or illegal migrants (in the still lily-white rural areas), or even the Covid jew-jab if one never got it, and, of course, the lockdowns are long over….but not about what is printed on every single dollar bill (except the rare silver certificates) and what is ribboned across our skies and falling into our lungs!

As they say, some things, once seen, cannot be unseen.;-)

Earth is truly a mixed bag, with actual satanists living next to heroic and good people. This is one of the themes of Michael Winkler’s “Die spirituelle Welt” ….

….the unique moral diversity on this planet, and the reason why one can grow 30 times faster here.

On earth one can be witness to absolute evil operating with absolute impunity, and yet also encounter brave truthers, supporters, activists and warriors who are not humanimals but noble Aryans.

….To an artist whose beautiful works are struggling for any acceptance in this uglifying world of now

I wrote:

I really feel for sensitive souls like you.  At the Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandra, Virginia,
….a city where I spent 18 years (1978-89, 1990-93 and 2005-08),  we had many fine female artists of your type who could not make a go of it financially, not in this “Kali Yuga” of assertive ugliness,
Image result for john de nugent salas malmstrom
 …but at least those gifted, hardly patronized artistic women had their rich lawyer husbands.
My mother was of this category, btw, Constance Colwell Nugent…
and this RISD (Rhode Island School of Design) student married my dad, a Marine captain and combat vet of two wars, then a millionaire insurance broker…… (The “marriage made in heaven” it was N-O-T ;-))
So as the fruit of that monstrous union  , I became an expert on left versus right brains and Marses versus Venuses.  )
The link I sent yesterday goes into who I was recently, but yes,  I was a Pleiadian several lives back who incarnated here, and volunteered to do so,  and repeatedly, to improve my own karma, and in order to seek to uplift others who crave and want to FIGHT for a world of beauty and truth.
Very large head and extending far back (compare with the normal person I was interviewing… a 2014 shot in Apollo, Pennsylvania, site of a toxic, radioactive, cancer-causing Israeli nuclear waste dump) 
Interviewed by the bisexual Jew Olly Steeds (in a nerve-racking ambush with three non-whites literally surrounding me on three sides, one of them being a swarthy, 6-foot-6 Middle Easterner) in January 2010 by the Discovery Channel ( (I see they took it down.)
How true this is….
I am back this time not as a politician, that path being hopeless in a totally rigged situation, but in order to create a Truly New Kind of Religion….in this tawdry time when the real issues are moral and spiritual… a faith that is both very emotionally nurturing AND scientifically credible… No semitic nonsense,  no mind control, or having to check your mind at the door.
We have to stick together.  Then we can ace the karmic and dharmic tests ahead which we accepted … which we signed up for with a gulp when our spirit guides suggested them cautiously. To come here now is like signing up for the Marines, or the Navy SEALS, or Green Berets, but harder….
The Pleiadians live now in very advanced societies, and dramatic further progress thus is literally impossible there.
One can learn 30 times faster in times like ours, and on a planet like ours.
In other words, if really so desired, one can evolve more in three years here ………….than in ninety years on a near-perfect planet. There are almost no temptations, crises, or huge challenges to face there.It is easy to do the right thing because everyone else is doing it to both your left and right. *:) happy
In the Third Reich, doing the right thing was easy — just follow what the others are doing. To fight for the NS Reich, just let them draft you. 😉
But this planet’s ugliness, cowardice, selfishness and mediocrity, things that leap out especially now,  are huge teachers for those seeking to be wise.. things that make us shudder and show us what we never want to be like.

Everyone here is either your friend…. or your teacher.

So many kids who grew up in abusive childhoods resolve for this very reason to never smack their kids. So many children of alcoholics will never touch a drop. Donald Trump saw his older brother Freddy (standing) die at age 43 from the bottle — and Donald (blond, on the right) as a direct result never touches booze.
But higher souls come here also for this additional reason — to challenge themselves severely, and to test themselves to the max.
On this planet, wonderful people are here, here to help us, and there are terrible people here to absolutely disgust us…..
Soros/Schwartz and Hillary
….and there are all degrees in between. *:) happy
And if there is no dragon, well, there can be no hero, and no sublime heroine, not even a damsel in distress. *:) happy


Here, in this world we are in, this Earth, is the true acid test …of a selfless and wise love under fire.
In the Amazon tv series “The Man in the High Castle” Germany won the war which Frank Rosenfeld, Churchilöl and Stalin had provoked, the Reich had conquered a jew-run America… and so to be a national socialist after this takeover was merely to “go with the flow,” to conform, to obey. The real heroism, comrades, is NOW, to be ostracized as we are yet persist, to be far out of step with the herd that our beloved nation has become, to still love our people despite all, and insist on seeing, however latent, the Aryan nobility and greatness slumbering in them and waiting to come out.

…..The Jews as human traitors, working for another species

.One could indeed explain their utter malevolence in strictly terrestrial terms…. as simply human psychopathology. ….

There are, however, three unique things about organized, “Big-Jew,” Jewry, which leap out:

1) a desire to radically reduce the world population to 500 million (which another species would desire in order to have more room on the planet for themselves)

2) No other people has ever had a millennial plan, stretching over a hundred generations, for world enslavement. this plan does not benefit the millions of Jews who have been pogromed, expelled, penniless, or massacred, over and over and over. It does benefit a species that may have a life span far, far longer than ours.  

3) a hatred for the human race,odium generis humani, in the Roman phrase, which goes far beyond merely feeling superior to gentiles, to being different from the Gentiles, which as you know is a clear kabbalistic and Talmud teaching anyway. 

I am certainly not saying at all that Jews are not humans, because 1) I had many Jewish friends growing up, and (briefly) a really very good Jewish girlfriend (and I broke it off when I realized she was Jewish), and then 2) there are the really noble people like Gerard Menuhin, Gilad Atzmon, and Mordechai Vanunu, just to mention living examples.

I am saying this:

— that humans exist throughout the galaxy,

—  that earth is a heavily colonized planet by multiple human races as well as other species, and

–the jews are humans from another human-inhabited planet that has a treacherous pact with another life form, one that is not human, one that hates the human race per se, that is at war with OUR species, and has already destroyed human life on many planets.

This species sees earth as originally a reptilian planet (a justified view, in a sense, in view of the dinosaurs who reigned for 150 million years until a comet hit the earth) — a planet that is using the Jews, because they are humans, for a reconquista.

We, of course, know the famous warning ascribed to the Roman senator Cicero (in a novel by the closet WN Taylor Caldwell) : 

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is far less to fear.”

I submit that there is one striking reason why the Jews are unlike any other people on earth — they were sent here to conquer, enslave and exterminate us. We MUST take it to the next level of understanding and know with whom we are dealing, the human agents of a highly evolved, tenacious reptilian empire, which hates our species and has no mercy or compassion for us.
Laitman has a big following in both Russia and in Israel.  Here is the rabbi with the once very famous Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel.
Because of neanderthal genes, there are millions of  people who “look jewish” but are not. They may have a hooked nose, a perma-tan, a receding forehead, and a very hairy body, but they lack that evil,  sneering, supercilious look of the jew in their eyes.
The jews actually ARE a “god’s” chosen people, but their god, Yahweh, is a demon.
As per this article:

….Jesus is famous amongst white nationalists for the words He supposedly said in John 8:44, and I note that in numerology, which is not jewish and the great Greek Aryan Pythagoras was deeply into it, “8-44” equals the number


One of the many unique insights found on this website is the following:

Jesus did not actually say to the jew leaders: “You are from your father, the Devil.”

What he actually said, and I noted this with great puzzlement back in 1975 when I first read the New Testament in the original koiné Greek (not the Classical Greek of Plato but the common Greek language long thereafter which Alexander the Great’s armies spread):



I studied Ancient Greek (Classical, and simplified to Koiné by the common people) at Georgetown (and maybe I should add that I got A’s in it in both semesters). Unlike Barack Hussein Obama, who refused to release his college transcripts from all three universities he supposedly attended — Occidental, Columbia and Harvard — I do release my transcript.

See “Fall 1980” and “Spring 1981”:


And based on this, I can confirm by reading the Greek original that it does have Jesus saying to the Jewish officials (in word-for-word literal translation):

“You (pl.) from father of the Devil are!“ 

In our alphabet: “Humeis ek patros tou Diabolou este!”

And who exactly is “the father of the Devil”?


This would also mean that Jesus was saying to His jew enemies:

“You and the Devil come from the same father;  so you and the Devil are brothers.”

Thus the Devil is not their FATHER — that would be a mistranslation, and I always wondered about it — but Satan is their brother.

Both were spawned by another Being …who fathered them both.

Equally ominously, Jesus is implying that there exists above the Devil yet another Evil Being…. Yahweh.

In English: “Ye from the father of the Devil come.”

(In German: “Ihr vom Vater des Teufels kommt” In French: “Vous du père du Diable venez.”)
Laurent Guyénot, a graduate of the Sorbonne in Paris, and one of us, did a whole book — “From Yahweh to Zion” on how evil the god (with a small “g”), the tribal deity, of the jews was, but how many Christians have read the Old Testament???



The Roman Catholic Church “wisely” banned the reading of the Old Testament by the laity — because it contained too many immoral, sickening things and proclaimed the jews will enslave, massacre and rule the world!


And what did Thomas Jefferson say about Yahweh (in two PRIVATE letters, not stating them publicly out of fear of both jews and brainwashed, judeophilic Christians, who also were voters)?



The coming religion will honor JESUS and cause the masses to reject His murderers!





  1. Maybe it was my upbringing to thank, but I always found it easy to do the right thing. One day I began to doubt myself, I thought “maybe doing the right thing is just cowardly”. I then began a period of my life where I started daring myself to do dastardly deeds. I don’t know if this was bad karma or just self-growth. The argument could be made that I learned something from being a scumbag, but what price is there to pay for screwing people over?

    • Good reflections.

      Well, so you went through a phase like that…. But you snapped out of it. The angel on your right shoulder won out! 🙂

      In the interlife, I pondered our loss. My wrong decision in Russia was why we lost.

      Spirituality enabled me to deal with my feeling of overwhelming guilt.

      We must never give up, especially not on ourselves! 🙂

  2. Jewish intelligence is the result of race mixing and inbreeding.
    I was wondering did your mother stop speaking to you because of your political views, or was it something else.
    You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.
    I was wondering if your a fan of the surrealist Spanish artist Salvador Dali, he was a genius and very eccentric.
    He was also an admirer of Hitler and facism.
    He would not fit in todays hellish communist society and would be thrown in jail and not taken seriously.
    He openly supported facism and was an admirer of Hitler when he came to power. My favourite painting of his is the follow up to the persistance of memory, the disintergration of the persistence of memory.
    He did the follow up painting 20 years later,i’m not a huge fan of sureallism though.
    My favourite artists are Caravaggio and Botticelli.

    • It was my political and racial views. What mattered for her was Jehovah, and “witnessing.” And I was an “apostate.”

      Dali was like many other gifted artists and musicians who secretly admired Hitler.

  3. Eustace Mullins wrote _The Secrets of the Federal Reserve_ in 1968. G. Edward Griffin wrote _The Creature from Jekyll Island_ in 1994, about a quarter of a century after Mullins’ book about the Federal Reserve. Mullins was active in attempting to free the poet Ezra Pound from a mental institution in Washington D.C. and it was Pound’s suggestion that prompted Mullins to research the Federal Reserve and write a book about it. In any case, Griffin is given credit for exposing the Federal Reserve, and Mullins, who exposed it years previously, has been made into an Orwellian non-person.

    • Thank you. We know from the discovery of the Windover Bog people, whose burial ground was found west of what is now Cape Canaveral, that Whites were in Florida 7,000 years ago, and possibly they were some of the last latter-day Solutreans.

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