Great modern painter of Ancient Greece and Rome killed himself as Jewish “modern art” took over

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“The Signal” by John William Godward

I love true art. My late mother was an artist (Rhode Island School of Design), a ballet dancer and painter.


My own first wife, an Austrian from the mountainous Tyrol, was and is a highly gifted artisan/artist with lead-crystal glass as her medium.

Margaret was an actress, and a vocalist for opera and art songs.

Art and beauty, in fact, are at the core of our national socialism.

We want a more beautiful world. 

I sent a link to this beautiful painting to a Greek-American friend and artist-painter, who responded:



“Ah, yes, John, the great Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema,  master Greco-Roman classic painter of the late 19th century. I was working once on an article about ‘The Demise of Western Art.’ My focus in introducing the subject was the story of John Godward, a protegé of Alma-Tadema with an almost identical style.

Godward committed suicide around 1920. Jewy modern art was making his work obsolete and his livelihood difficult.
He was appalled by the demise of classical art and the proliferation of abstract art. In his suicide note he wrote, ‘this world is not big enough for both me and this communist Picasso.’
Picasso’s self-portrait — and he was simply horrible to women, Margi told me once angrily.
Godward certainly captured the female form gloriously, and the draping of her gown.
I am sure the NWO hated how he worshipped our Greek, Roman and Western heritage.
In ten more years, after he was gone, Germany had a radical change of government, and then gifted artists stopped starving. ALL classical artists in all areas of the fine arts got plenty of work again: in the galleries, coverage and praise in newspaper columns, and through purchases by individuals and museums. Of course, then Godward would have been 71.
His last name, “Godward,” is intriguing, btw… “Protector of God.”


…. A great book


        • Great song!

          [Verse 1]
          If I had been God
          I would have rearranged the veins
          In the face to make them more resistant
          To alcohol and less prone to aging
          If I had been God
          I would have sired many sons
          And I would not have suffered
          The Romans to kill even one of them
          If I had been God with my staff and my rod
          If I had been given the nod
          I believe I could have done a better job

          [Verse 2]
          And if I were a drone
          Patrolling foreign skies
          With my electronic eyes for guidance
          And the element of surprise
          I would be afraid to find someone home
          Maybe a woman at a stove
          Baking bread, making rice
          Or just boiling down some bones
          If I were a drone

          The temple’s in ruins
          The bankers get fat
          The buffalo’s gone
          And the mountain top’s flat
          The trout in the streams are all hermaphrodites
          You lean to the left but you vote to the right
          And it feels like déjà vu
          The sun goes down and I’m still missing you
          Counting the cost of love that got lost
          And under my Gulf Stream, in circular pools
          There’s ninety-nine cents
          Worth of drunkards and fools

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