Rock legend Roger Waters and Israel’s leftwing foes; the enemy is being blasé and “whatever”

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Roger Waters and the Left are again bravely defending the Palestinians…

There is no doubt that Waters is a leftist, but a sincere one. Wiki says his father was a communist and long refused to fight during WWII. When he did join the British Army and became an officer, he was soon killed in Italy when Roger was age one. 🙁

People assume that because many early Bolsheviks were jews that Soviet Russia was for the jews. Not really. The sincere gentile communists (who were in a crusade against racism and the wealthy exploiters of the working class) came to hate the racist, greedy jews.
Under Stalin, during whose rule Vladimir Putin was born in Leningrad and raised, as I have repeatedly written, and was a KGB agent, the Soviet Union became more and more antisemitic, and it armed and trained many Arab countries to fight Israel and even waged a victorious air war against Israel in 1970.
In fact, the USSR almost intervened directly against Israel and on the side of the Arabs in the 1974 Yom Kippur War. (Brezhnev had sent an elite Soviet-Russian airborne division in jets toward Egypt when US president Nixon, a jew-hater who licked jew boots every time, intervened with very serious threats, including a nuclear strike.)
And we see this kind of leftist antisemitism today — it is the Left who are showing the most courage now against jewry over the Gaza massacres.
From the leftist point of view, nothing is worse than racism, militarism, nationalism, and fundamentalism. Israel is therefore guilty of all the cardinal sins. What country on this earth is MORE racist, militaristic, nationalistic, and fundamentalistic? And they slaughter women and kids, doctors, nurses, and honest reporters, and ethnically cleanse the indigenous population, all of which are monstrously evil in everyone’s book!

Of course, the whole Left-Right dichotomy is childish and egoic. Is a policy good or bad for the country and its people? That is the one and only relevant question.

…….Is a marijuana plant LEFT-wing or RIGHT-wing? Inquiring minds want to know 😉

Just today, I saw a marijuana “dispensary” being finally constructed here in Ontonagon, a 70% rightwing town that voted twice in landslides for Donald Trump.

It is being readied right next to the Pat’s IGA store (the only grocery store in town) by the well-known Ironwood construction firm of Angelo Luppino.

This PLANT, hemp, used to be a silly leftwing-rightwing dividing point.

Just one look and you know this plant is a communist plot! 😉

But in 2017, Michigan voters voted to completely legalize it — for both “recreational” and medicinal uses. (It has long been used medicinally against anxiety, cancer pain, and glaucoma. A Marine with severe PTSD from the war in Iraq — he drove in convoys from the Green Zones, the US headquarters, to the Baghdad airport and saw IEDs kill many of his buddies sky-high — told me “it was the only thing that helped me, not any therapy or pill.”)

In the 1960s, during Vietnam, conservatives routinely denounced “pot-smoking hippies and anti-war, pro-communist idiots”….and so all the conservatives back then were totally against it, and it was also quite illegal.

I know someone in this very town who did five years in prison for dealing pot. 

And yet here we are — it is now totally legal, though no ganja before you drive!



Whenever the NWO does anything that might be good, I ask, Why? 😉

My theory is they are legalizing pot because it makes people docile.

“Whatever, man.” Nothing bothers you when you are high.

Well, maybe we SHOULD be “bothered” by what is going on!

It’s the jews who want us to tolerate and put up with every outrage they do.

Remember, America is the country ful of guns that once was known for almost 5,000 lynchings! (Mostly blacks but also 1,300 whites…cattle thieves, murderers, crooked gamblers…..)

I have run this photo many times…. two white pedophiles very suddenly stopped molesting little boys.

Lynching of the thrice-convicted jewish rapist-strangler Leo Frank after a bribed Georgia governor tried to get him off. 


Negro coated in fuel and burned, then shot up with shotguns as he hung for attempting to rape an Oklahoma girl

Another concern now is the crash in the male hormone testosterone, in sperm motility, and the increase in docility due to nanoplastic fibers all throughout our bodies but especially in sperm.

……Plastic microfibers and docile, sterile guys 

See here:

Health: Scientists have found microplastics everywhere, including in testicular tissue, and it’s very worrying




  1. I have used marijuana continuously since the mid 60s, except for a few years when I lived in Wheaton, Illinois, when I couldn’t get it, yet I have always been concerned about political realities. Something to consider is that marijuana has a much milder effect when it is used daily for years. For example, I read Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, which requires intense concentration, when I am high on marijuana.

    • Thanks. That work is indeed slow going, though epochal, and should have a humbling effect on earthlings, who from our laughablyl tiny vantage point as figurative ants on our little planet have no ability to know and comprehend the highest realities. So we have no right to issue dogmatic statements about God or religion, or burn people at the stake, or force our religious views on others. (And this makes me proud of my ancestor, Thomas Angell, who co-founded Rhode Island as a unique bastion of freedom of religion.)

      I read Kant’s books myself in German at Barrington College in suburban Rhode Island, ironically a Bible college (which no longer exists).

      I had just returned from a year in Austria, and my father got me in because he sat on the board of directors. I did get straight A’s, including the course on Kant, taught by a Professor Carlton Gregory, a wonderful older man who had taught at a good salary at Brown University, an Ivy League school in Providence. He had left there because it was surreptitiously, and dogmatically promoting atheism and leftism. (Gregory never brought up the jews pullulating at Brown, however, and pulling the financial strings.) And Brown was promoting only atheists on the faculty of the philosophy department.

      But anyway, Kant exposed logically that it was presumptuous for us earthlings to spout off about God.

      And yet Kant believed strongly in God — just not in our onw notions, our silly dogmas, about Him — and that just seeing the starry skies at night gave us at least a trustworthy feeling of the existence of a great and majestic Being.

      It was all a huge step forward for me, to jettison “Christianity” (Paulianity) while keeping God as something real in my heart.

      Going back to the effect of marijuana, I saw a YouTube video about the Marines in Vietnam, and veterans of that war left many true-to-life comments. One was that he was “high” in combat many times, and it actually helped because it reduced his anxiety level. Obviously, the fear of death, or of having an arm or leg be blown off and ending up in a wheelchair at 19, was huge, and normal.

      Another comment was that while this Marine, during a break in the fighting, was eating C-rations out in a jungle full of not just the enemy, but also sauna-like heat and humidity, mosquitos, giant centipedes, and poisonous snakes and even a few tigers (!), someone asked:
      “If you could, would you go back and spend three months at Parris Island (Marine boot camp on the South Carolina coast) or stay here fighting in this jungle?”

      EVERYONE said: “I would rather be here fighting in the jungle.”


      So that was how bad Parris Island was. It got you used to HELL on earth.

      And marijuana did make life in that hell more tolerable. Vietnam was truly a horror mentally, and so many fine American lads cracked up, especially in the US Army, which did not toughen the men up enough mentally for the ghastly situation which awaited them.

      Just as an aside, the Vietnamese people today are very welcoming and friendly to American war veterans, saying “the war was only between our two governments, not between our two peoples.”

      A local fellow who is a Vietnam veteran, the one who bought the red Buick “Enspire” that was totally “Made in China” (to which I referred recently)….

      ….said of a buddy of his who is also a Vietnam vet: “He goes there every year — a beautiful country.” Presumably this happens during the cooler season, December and January. 🙂

      Nha Tang beach and skyline…. Eighty percent of Vietnam is hills and mountains which appear in a nice blue-green haze.

      US planes dropped the extremely toxic and oncogenic “Agent Orange” all over South Vietnam for deforestation — so communist troops could not hide or advance in the jungle or brush.

      Despite denials by the eternally lying US government, jew-controlled for generations, this chemical caused cancer to both US troops (!!!!!) and to the Vietnamese people, and also produced severe birth defects in Vietnamese children to this very day. This is a genuine tragedy — over which the Vietnamese stoically do not whine.

      How unlike the jews, who whine for fun and profit about everything that happened to them, or so they say, generations ago.

      Vietnam is now a unified country of 100 million hard-working, East-Asiatic people with a booming economy, having copied in the 1980s Chinese economic reforms. These “Chinese economic reforms” in turn were a copy of Adolf Hitler’s successful economic system. Hitler instituted a highly guided free-market economy that let businessmen make a very good profit –just as long as the workers were not exploited or mistreated, but respected and thanked.

      May Day, a holiday honoring workers all over Europe, of which “Labor Day” in the US is an offshoot, was started by Hitler, too.

      About this protection of the workers the ruling Vietnamese Communist Party is vigilant. This is indeed from Adolf Hitler, with his NSDAP (in the form of the sub-organization called the German Labor Front — “die Deutsche Arbeitsfront” — literally sitting in on all important company meetings that affected the workers.

      This is very different from selfish American fatcats doing whatever they please and then lawyering up when they get caught doing rotten things to the workers.

      This is almost micromanagement, with the Party representative sitting right there in the boardroom as policy is being forumulated. Bad stuff is nipped right in the bud and never gets started.

      The NSDAP party also insisted that companies fulfill the higher national economic goals. Owners who refused to “get with the program” and persisted in “the old thinking” (“me-me-me”) got sent to a concentration camp for a spell, just like anyone else who hurt the Folk, or at least were forced to sell their company to someone who was altruistic.

      In other cases, where no profit was possible, Herman Goering was appointed to supervise a four-year plan to create economic autarky for Germany in order to survive jewish economic boycotts, and the companies thus founded were state-owned.

      For example, turning coal, of which Germany had huge quantities, into gasoline (in short supply, especially as Germany motorized (t6hink autobahns and Volkswagens, not to mention tanks) was one of these vital projects that were very expensive and made no profit, but gasoline was essential ….with a major war looming, thanks to the psychopaths Churchill, Rosenfeld and Stalin.

      But of course Adolf Hitler, the Holocausting madman with one testicle who chewed a carpet when angry;-) , gets no credit for a booming economy in modern Vietnam! ;.-)

      Thanking the Führer would rile the American jews up who, as middlemen, supervise the huge Vietnamese exports to the US.

      And American tourism to Vietnam could also dry up overnight for Hanoi if the jews began blasting the Vietnamese in their jewsmedia as “Nazis” who “praise Hitler.”

      But in positive ways the Vietnamese actually ARE national socialists in their own imperfect way, and sio are the Chinese, and the Russians, whose economies are booming and enjoying labor peace.

      “All for one, and one for all!” The German workers were happy and rejected communism, and the German owners got rich. And no communist put them up against a wall as “capitalistic, bloodsucking pigs” and shot them!

      What a revolutionary idea — to treat each other with appreciation and respect!

      And it is a WORKER who has saved this website!

      I thank him — and all the other heroes who have sacrificed in painful ways for our race and cause to win!

  2. Pot is such over-rated garbage. I smoked it occasionally when I was a teenager. I was never a “stoner” or a heavy smoker of it.

    And it’s definitely a leftist, hippie, communist drug.

    On another topic, I don’t see much point in commenting on forums nowadays, because everything has to be censored now because of the psychotic jews and retarded leftists who monitor everything.

    • “Mary Jane” can have its drawbacks. A local who is a US Army Iraq and Afghanistan veteran told me it made him paranoid — MORE fearful.

      Donald Trump, with his trademark German bluntness, said it made people “stupid and lazy.” 😉

      I think each person reacts differently.

      A local who did excellent roofing work for me told me he can drink only Bud[weiser] Light beer. Any other booze, especially tequila, makes him violent.

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