More credibility for the Van Rensburg prophecy — US cluster bomb hits entire Russian, Crimean beach, killing 4 civilians (2 of them kids) and wounding 120

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Medvedev, a Kremlin hardliner against the US, is the spitting image of the murdered Tsar Nicholas II. See further below.


….The Duran team was alarmed by this attack

I have been viewing the highly intelligent and anti-NWO, anti-war videos by the Duran team  (a Greek-Briton and a Greek-American) on YouTube and other platforms since 2018. (In fact, Margi watched them with me, and what a blessing it was to have had a wife for 17 years who was as highly interested in world affairs as .)


The latest incident has them really alarmed.

Putin has already said, in effect:

You Americans are trying to destroy Russia indirectly, using especially one major proxy country (Ukraine) to KILL Russians (soldiers and civilians) and fire missiles and commit terrorism on our territory. (You earlier funded the Chechen terrorists who killed hundreds of Russians  including right in Moscow, and recently the 142 dead Russians who were in the Moscow music hall.)

Well, two can play that game.  We can arm dozens of groups or countries worldwide, where you have EIGHT HUNDRED military bases, to attack and kill Americans all over the world. And now we are on excellent terms with (North) Vietnam and North Korea again, our old and powerful allies from the communist days. 

For us Russians, ethnically Russian Crimea and the ethnically Russian areas that had been in eastern Ukraine are now Russian territory once again, and so these US missiles with cluster munitions are hitting Russian territory and people.

It all reminds me so much of the US tactics under Frank Rosenfeld against NS Germany: from 1936 on, constant, serious provocations, especially with the stomping of German minorities who outrageously had been placed by the Treaty of Versailles overnight into hostile neighboring countries:

a hostile France, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Lithuania.

Germans had laid their arms  down at the end of WWI in naive trust in US President Woodrow Wilson that “all peoples would have self-determination,” and there would be “a peace without victors.” His words!

But neither promise applied to the Germans! In fact, Versailles was  designed to crush the German people and economy forever!

The Germans would be poor to the end of time, and have almost no military with which to defend themselves or the German minorities that had been handed over by Versailles to hostile neighbors!

In almost the same way, the US-desired and jew-desired effort to cause the collapse of Soviet Russia (which had actually become pro-US and pro-West under Mikhail Gorbachev) had left the economy of Russia in shambles and millions of ethnic Russians now found themselves inside the borders of hostile foreign countries!

And the US was encouraging these anti-German countries to become the formal military allies of Washington and to mistreat the Russians living along the border.

And just as Germany was defamed and provoked non-stop by Rosenfeld THEN, so it has been with Russia NOW.

Why? Because I ended the looting of Germany by the jews during the 1920s in the Weimar Republic —  and because Putin ended the jewish pillaging of Russia during the 1990s, the Yeltsin years.

In both cases, the harassment and killing of our ethnic brothers and sisters across the border led to an intolerable situation, we both (NS Germany then, and Russia now) had to resort to armed force to protect them, and immediately the US media and regime defamed us as a threat to world peace.  The Jewnited Snakes poured money and arms into our mortal enemies — and churned out endless, slanderous lies against both our governments and our peoples as being evil nations.

In late 1941 the European war became WWII. In late 2024, this European war could become WWIII. 

I read books decades ago that were really depressing about how Rosenfeld (or let us say, American  jews) engaged from month to month and year to year in ever worsening provocations .. until we just had to declare war directly on the United States.

I can see Putin getting into the same dire situation. The Russian people will only put up with so many of these attacks on innocent civilians.

People should have the right to go to the beach in their own country without being torn apart by an American cluster bomb that American personnel, sitting in some headquarters in Ukraine, targeted on Russian Crimea. 

This attack, both literally and psychologically, “hit home.”

I can foresee even Putin, not a hothead at all, fulfilling what he began saying from 2018 on (paraphrased):

If America wants a nuclear war, fine, we will die with a clean conscience as martyrs, and the Americans will die and face God as scoundrels.

In an Orthodox church, PM Dmitry Medvedev, his wife (?), President Putin and the mayor of Moscow


And the real American goal, not even hidden but proclaimed by the US think tanks in their publications, is the literal breakup of Russia, its re-enslavement, and a new, total pillaging — a return of the nightmarish Yeltsin years of poverty, rampant crime, and military weakness, but this time it would be even worse….. the final end of the Russian nation.



A comrade sent me a video with an interview of an MIT professor about modern US nuclear weapons. He explained JUST the amount of damage from the heat of such bombs, forgetting the immense blast and radiation with which we are familiar.

The Sarmat missile’s bomb, once detonated, would be hotter than the sun itself! Even the concrete would explode!

If anyone in Washington DC survived at all a Russian hydrogen bomb from a Sarmat missile, there would then be almost total darkness from all the buildings vaporizing into the finest particles of dust.

It would be pitch-black. Your lungs, even ten miles outside Washington, would fill up with gray concrete powder.

I add:

And then would come a total collapse of food, water, electricity, medicine, then radiation sickness — and after that, years of nuclear winter, a sky packed with dust and grayness for three to five years. Farm production of food would decline by 80%, and the soil might be radioactive, so the food would be toxic.

Oh, and IF you have food, hungry and ruthless men with guns may pay you a visit.


…..Presidents Johnson and Nixon, during Vietnam, were sane enough to avoid direct provocation of a nuclear-armed Russia  

I was a teenager during the Vietnam War of 1965-75 (and actually could have been drafted in 1972-74).

At that time, Soviet Russia was massively supplying its ally, communist North Vietnam, with advanced and excellent modern weapons and other necessities, and its cargo ships were delivering them into the port of Haiphong.

For example, the Soviet-Russian anti-air missiles, which we called SAMs (“Surface-to-Air Missiles”), shot down THOUSANDS of American fighter jets such as the F-4 Phantom, our best jet, and also 31 of our advanced B-52 bombers.

White Soviet-Russians inspect a downed American B-52 bomber in Hanoi in 1972

I asked my father why we did not sink the Russian ships. He said: Because then it would be the US directly sinking Russian ships, and that would lead to WWIII because we were killing Russians. The Russian leaders would have to react, and sink our supply ships.

It would then escalate from there. Besides, North Vietnam was also getting supplies by land, not just by ship, from its communist northern neighbor, Red China. And both Russia and China could also fly supplies — come by air — into North Vietnam.

So we would have to sink Russian and Chinese ships, bomb Russian and Chinese trains, and shoot down Russian and Chinese aircraft, killing a ton of Russian and Chinese citizens.

Big problem: Russia and China were tough and proud countries that had won many wars. (My father had fought the Red Chinese in the Korean War, and had been blasted into a coma for three days and woke up in a US hospital in Japan.)

AND they both had nukes.

My father concluded: President Johnson and the incoming president, Richard Nixon, will not risk WWIII and the destruction of the United States for South Vietnam.

But Biden, both wicked and openly senile, seems not to care or perhaps even understand that American missiles are provocatively killing Russians who are sitting and relaxing on their own beach and playing in the water with their families..and that Putin CANNOT just let this slide.

A leader MUST defend and protect his people.

Yes, the American missile may have gone off-course when it hit the beach. But the beach is near a Russian air force base. 

IF Americans still wants to fire missiles, and take the risk of them “accidentally” hitting the beach — since when has the US cared about bombing civilians anyway (see Dresden or Hiroshima) — then do as the Russians do if a military target is near a civilian area. Fire your missiles at night when the civilians are indoors sleeping, not out and walking around or playing in the water!

A bathing suit is no protection from a cluster bomb.



by John Helmer, Moscow

The Ukrainian missile attacks on Sevastopol on Sunday afternoon – five US ATACMS missiles with cluster-bomb warheads – have drawn the most explicit reaction yet from Russia’s independent military bloggers, followed in four hours by an official communiqué from the Defense Ministry.  The Kremlin communiqué which followed the Defense Ministry an hour later as Sunday evening came on, was not the same.

A salvo of five ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) missiles was intercepted over the Uchkuevka beach at Sevastopol just after midday. In celebration of the 30-degree sunshine and the Orthodox Trinity holiday, there were a large number of people in the water and on the sand. The missiles were intercepted in the air, but shrapnel from the detonating warheads struck the beach.  At latest count, four people were killed, two of them children; 151 people, including 27 children, were wounded; 82 were hospitalized, 13 of them in serious condition.

Boris Rozhin, editor in chief of the Colonel Cassad military blog, was in Sevastopol and he reported from one of the hospitals to which the casualties were taken. His reports started at 12:23 local time and continued for almost twelve hours.

Rozhin is one of the independent Russian war correspondents calling on the Kremlin to remove the limit which has been placed on attacking the US Air Force (USAF) drones and other NATO aircraft  which operate over the Black Sea, in international waters off the Crimean shore, to provide flight course, evasion of Russian air defence units, and target coordinates to the American and Ukrainian ground crews operating the ATACMS batteries and executing the fire orders.

Russian reports indicate the launch point for the Sevastopol beach attack was Nikolaev on the Ukrainian mainland. If so, the range of the missiles was at least 300 kilometres – longer than the US has publicly admitted. This also means that to be effective in defence against the repetition of such attacks against civilians, the proposed Russian demilitarized zone for the Ukraine, or “sanitary zone” as Putin has called it, must stretch from Nikolaev westward to Kiev.

Rozhin has blamed the US explicitly in language repeated by other military bloggers. They mean to say, as they have been repeating in recent weeks,  that the USAF drones used in the Sevastopol attacks should be destroyed.

Just after 1600 Moscow time on Sunday, the Russian Defense Ministry issued its bulletin. The text, auto- translated into English, reads:

Note that that the Ministry, and the General Staff behind it, target the US as directly engaged in the operation of the missile attack. However, they start by calling the attack a “terrorist” strike, not an act of war. The wording of the statement also avoids identifying the USAF drones and other airborne electronic warfare systems offshore from Crimea. Instead, it refers to “satellite intelligence”.

These are ideological references, not military ones. The distinction between Ukrainian acts of terrorism and war is Kremlin policy. By terming such attacks, including the Crocus City Hall attack in Moscow in March,   terrorism but not war, the policy follows that the Special Military Operation is not in fact a war, and that Russian war tactics and strategy should be limited to retaliation, not to the defeat and demilitarization of the US and NATO on the Ukrainian battlefield.

At 1715 the Kremlin followed with a communiqué headlined: “The President reached out to the Government’s social bloc and the military following the attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces against Sevastopol.”   The two-paragraph  statement said:  “Vladimir Putin has been in touch with senior officials from the Government’s social ministries and agencies and healthcare institutions on an ongoing basis considering the urgency of providing care to the attack victims. The President has also been interacting with the military. The Ukrainian Armed Forces targeted Sevastopol with an intentional missile strike in the afternoon of June 23, using five ATACMS US-made tactical missiles. The attack left at least 124 people wounded or injured, to a varying degree of severity, including 27 children.”

The president’s statement was issued from the Kremlin in Moscow. Putin, who had returned from his visit to North Korea and Vietnam on June 20, has remained in the Moscow area.

As he prepared to leave Vietnam on June 20, Putin was asked by a Kremlin pool reporter from Kommersant  what he has meant by his threats to attack the US and NATO sources of the Ukrainian missile and drone attacks on Russian targets in Crimea, the Donbass, and the hinterland regions.  “Andrei KolesnikovKommersant newspaper, Andrei Kolesnikov. Can the use of Western long-range weapons be viewed as an act of aggression? Overall, can the shelling of Belgorod and Russian territory in general be viewed as an act of aggression? Vladimir Putin: This matter requires further investigation, but it is close. We are looking into it. What are we dealing with in this case? Those who supply these weapons believe that they are not at war with us. As I have already said, including in Pyongyang, we reserve the right to supply our weapons to other regions of the world.  I would not rule out this possibility in terms of our agreements with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. We can also adopt the same position on the question of where these weapons end up. Take the West, for example. They supply weapons to Ukraine, saying: We are not in control here, so the way Ukraine uses them is none of our business. Why cannot we adopt the same position and say that we supply something to somebody but have no control over what happens afterwards? Let them think about it. Therefore, at this stage, our primary objective is to defend against these strikes.”

On June 22, Putin laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow (lead image).  He then made a speech at the Kremlin to new graduates of the military and security service academies. Putin promised them more weapons and new technologies. “Let me emphasise that the effectiveness of the entire work to strengthen Russia’s defence capabilities directly depends on the officers – you and your colleagues. Soon you will lead military units and, I believe, make every effort to master advanced weapons and equipment, to perfectly train personnel, and you will also be a paragon of professionalism, discipline, decency, and personal courage for your fellow soldiers.”

The military distinction between the Sevastopol attack and those which followed in Makhachkala and Derbent, Dagestan, later in the day, when a synagogue, church, and police were attacked by a group of six Dagestani men has been obscured in the Russian reporting. All the attackers have been killed; eight Russian security forces and two civilians, one of them an Orthodox priest, have also died, and another 16 wounded.

Left: dead gunman in the street in Derbent, Dagestan, reported by Rozhin. Right,  “Terrorist Attacks in the Caucasus”, summary report by Mikhail Zvinchuk of Rybar.

At the same time as the Dagestan events took place, Rozhin and other milbloggers were reporting a new Ukrainian air raid over Crimea. “The enemy shelled western Crimea. Air defence positions in the area of Yevpatoria were hit. The RQ-4 Global Hawk worked at sea as it usually does, in total safety. The chatter about the fact that they will be seriously interfered with remains just chatter at the moment” — posted at 23:22.

Mikhail Zvinchuk, who directs the Rybar military blog, reported just before midnight on Sunday: “The night before, according to some reports, up to 15 drones were observed in the western part of Crimea, some of which were shot down. Again, during the attack, an American RQ-4B drone was in the air, which again raises the question of the expediency of destroying Western aviation, which directs the AFU [Ukrainian Armed Forces] to Russian territories and residents.”

Dmitry Medvedev, the former president and now Deputy Secretary of the Security Council, was almost as clear. He issued this Telegram statement at 20:22 on Sunday evening:

“Bastards from the United States supply rockets with a cluster charge to Bandera and help bring them to the target. Bastards in Kiev choose a beach with peaceful people as a target and press the button. Both will burn in hell. Hopefully, not only in the sacred fire, but even earlier, in the one on earth.  All that happened was not military action, but a vile and heinous terrorist attack against our people, committed on an Orthodox holiday. As well as the massacre in Dagestan which was staged by extremists. Therefore, now all of them – the American authorities, the Bandera regime and the insane fanatics – are no different for us.”



…..Medvedev, not just “bad cop” for Putin, but IMO he means it

Bizarre — is he the reincarnation of the jew-murdered Tsar Nicholas II? How betrayed the tsar must have felt when his own ally  in WWI, Britain, and his very own cousin, King George of England, did not lift one finger for his release? He and his family were slaughtered and then cut up into pieces, dissolved in acid, and thrown down a mine shaft.

I wold not assume that Medvedev’s anger at the jew-run West is just a bluff.


    • Good. But first we have to re-learn to love and respect ourselves, or we will stay what we are now, hundreds of millions of depressed individuals….the 99% that is quivering in absurd fear before the 1% that is the jew.

      And there is no self-respect when we are in denial, because denial is lying to oneself.

    • Normally yes, though in my case, for safety in a world where Hitler is totally demonized as the most dangerous, psychopathic tyrant in all of history, the most obvious thing is to not look overly like him.

      But the hints are there in numerous minor and unique features. It is on the one hand a seemingly bizarre germanophilia in a child born into an utterly WASP/Norman-Irish New England family….

      ….and then the rare little things…..

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