When new fashion trends may suggest civil war is approachng

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Beautiful new clothes in traditional styles may tell us something

……Biden meltdown 

Now you know why the Democrats wanted the debate so early in this election year, because it gives them time to replace Brandon, or do something awful — some “national emergency” — and cancel the election. Trump is no spring chicken at 78, but he speaks as smoothly as he did in 2016. Biden mumbled, was hoarse, and lost his train of thought. Even the New York Times said so. At the end of the debate, there was no handshake……. I really could see a civil war erupting if they say Biden “won re-election,” and the Trump voters again say it was stolen, because of this — many have said to me: “If Biden gets in again, America is FINISHED. We can’t survive another term of this guy.” Now, if they mean that, and I sense that they do, then they mean that THEY are finished, that their life will be unbearable, if they accept Biden again.
They can see Trump in prison and even themselves being arrested like the January 6-ers. They fear their guns will be taken and a cashless, digital money introduced which the government they HATE can just turn off.
So IMO violence really could happen.
Then ponder this: 10 million illegals have poured in since Biden, and many are military-age males. If someone passed out rifles, they would not be for Trump, Mr. Close the Border, but for the guy in the White House who let them in and gives them $2,000 a month, free medical, a smartphone, and a plane ticket to anywhere they want. And it could be racial, because these folks are Arabic, Hispanic and Black Africans, and Biden supporters post that the MAGA people are “white supremacists.”
The 2024 movie “Civil War,” starring Kirsten Dunst as a photojournalist, is an excellent and pretty impartial film. It lays out a believable scenario where 19 states secede from the Union, saying the incumbent lost but refused to leave office. The Western Forces then send in commandos — to storm the White House and get the “president” OUT….

(11) CIVIL WAR Trailer (2024) Jesse Plemons, Kirsten Dunst – YouTube


……Beautiful old clothing traditions return for women — and beards for white men

Just today I saw an article on a woman who designs only traditional, feminine clothing, very ladylike.


William Schnarr I assume you mean that in earnest. My late wife always wore feminine things, and she was adorable in them.
This was she at a nice café in Marquette (UP of Michigan) on the main business street, near the post office, called “Babycakes”:


…but she could dress down, too 


Even ladylike colors on the pickup truck
William Schnarr : …Is that meant to be sarcasm?
My appreciation of this woman is genuine and I would readily knight for her, so if that’s what being hot means, I think I’m not being sarcastic, idk though
She said men love a woman who is “fragile”…. Not an Amazon but could use a protector, and this attracts a true gentleman.

Raychyl Whyte

John De Nugent : Unfortunately in my case, my fragilities and traditional femininity have only ever attracted the very worst, lowest, most abusive, exploitative, and deceitful of beings; and not only in a romantic context.

Amelia Saltsman

Raychyl Whyte I’ve had the same experience, sadly. Our society is disordered, degenerate, and just keeps getting worse…


John De Nugent

Raychyl Whyte Ohhhhhh…. that is terrible!  I really LOVE a woman who asks me to open the jar for her (or kill the spider or get the mouse  ) It is such a primal thing…. After a couple make love, it is so natural for the woman to rest her head on her husband’s chest. It is so bonding. I pity the man who does not experience this joy of being a real man whose wife needs and appreciates him. https://youtu.be/o9FxBgU1RAc?si=QIfDP3l5dHyMzRLN

John De Nugent : Rarely do I ever ask anything of anyone. Will open my own jars and attend to most other matters myself. Am not wanting to owe anyone anything. And have had to become very strong in every way, as there are many vipers intent upon my torment and destruction.
The worse things get, the more I see a desire for our traditions to return.

John De Nugent

I interpret beards also this way. Only a man can grow a beard .. At Roxey’s (a local bar and grill) I was the only man without a beard. In the late 1960s a beard meant a leftist and anti-war protestor, often naive and unwilling to fight.
John De Nugent

Matt Soethout I do see that, but no black babies — this town is 99% white….though many have some Amerindian ancestry (often Ojibway/Chippewa).
Amelia Saltsman

Matt Soethout Brutal, but too hilarious! 
Matt Soethout

Amelia Saltsman I had no idea, but an older lady was in front of me at the gas station and got 2 packs of Marlboro lights for $18.42!!! That is crazy 

John De Nugent

Btw, it was Abraham Lincoln who started the beard (and mustache) trend that went on for decades –1861-1912. Lincoln was, honestly, not very handsome, but felt the beard helped his appearance. (Funny story: When he was running for US Senate — he lost — and giving a speech, a man yelled out “You’re two-faced!” Lincoln thought about it, and replied: “If I had TWO faces, would I be wearing THIS one?” (LOL! The crowd roared.) The striking thing is all the Union generals grew beards instantly, and so did all the CONFEDERATE generals! (Think Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, etc.) I think this fashion caught on because deep-down some masculine thing was approaching — the war. And now I see every man in Roxey’s with facial hair……. I hope no one wants a war with a nuclear Russia and China. Is maybe another CIVIL WAR coming?
Robert E. Lee before he got with the program:



Under President Eisenhower, in 1957, this stamp was issued:
I wore dresses like that in the 70’s! 🙂


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