Muscular Christianity — the motives are good

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Comments about “Muscular Christianity” on Facebook:

Vance Landry
All ironically antithetical to Christianity, but anyway.

John De Nugent
Vance Landry Edward Gibbon, a Freemason, preached this in his mostly excellent “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” but Christians actually joined the Roman legions for centuries (yes, when it still was pagan), and the Eastern Roman Empire lasted a thousand years after it had converted to Christianity.
Jesus had a very good relationship with Roman soldiers. I understand the HUGE problem for us with Christians saying the jews are supposedly God’s Chosen People, but it was Saul/Paul who added that jewish stuff back in.

The ruins of a Roman legion camp were found in Galilee from around AD 200, and it had a Christian chapel in it. It was never a hippie religion.

Vance Landry
John De Nugent I think the gospels were largely written by Romans to make Rome look like the good guys in a religion that was gaining popularity. We see more and more pro-roman/anti-jewish sentiment as you go from Mark to luke/acts to mathew to john. Pilate becomes less and less culpable in Jesus death, and so on. The romans soldier story is undoubtedly part of this, they want to convert the military. Who wouldn’t?

John De Nugent
Vance Landry All true. But the intense hatred in the Talmud against Jesus tells us something.

Kristofer Fridén
Vance Landry De Nugent is an Aryan Israelite NS who thinks he is literally the reincarnation of Hitler. He has zero authority on real Christian theology.

Vance Landry
John De Nugent it doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know; which is that they are very salty about being defeated by the romans and having their religion also perverted and used by a spin-off cult. “Jesus is boiling an excrement” Yeah, that’s pretty childish. But the rantings of Paul are also equally childish.

First off, let me say that I just visited your FB page and we are certainly opposed to the same satanic people.  And I revere Jesus, and not just as “a good man,” either.
I believe He was indeed sent by God, and He did perform miracles and did say many of the things ascribed to Him. So we have some common ground…
However, it shows a real lack of due diligence to claim I am an “Aryan Israelite,” if by that you mean Chr– Identity. The notion that I am “CI” — or ever was — is completely erroneous, and in fact I consider CI to be a Trojan Horse for judeolatry, and thus toxic and dangerous for our cause.
This is because I am radically against the Js and their deity Yahweh, too. ….If I were any kind of Pauline Christian, and I no longer am, I would sympathize with Bishop Marcion about how the jewish god of the OT is NOT the same as the loving Heavenly Father of Jesus, whom I consider to be (via Mary) half-jewish, but also half-gentile Galilean.
(Or in the AD 300s, I would have favored Arius, and not the Trinitarians.)
And actually I do have tremendous authority on standard Christian theology, having studied it, and Athanasianism, Gnosticism, Catharism, Calvinism, Lutheranism, and Eastern Orthodoxy (my favorite if I were so moved).
In fact, I was a devout and active Christian myself from 1970-75. AND I have also read the Bible four times, and in koiné Greek. Have you, Kristof? I would tend to bet not. I assume that you, like 99% of Saulian Christians, have never read even one long passage from the Bible, neither from the OT nor the NT. But you may just fib about this (though the God you profess actually does see all things…) and claim to me that you did. (Actually, only the Jehovah’s Witnesses constantly crack open the Bible — in their anti-Trinitarian translation… As for the AH reincarnation part, on this you are correctly informed. All of that is fully explained in my website, with evidence provided.
Logic: If A) reincarnation is real, and it is, proven, in fact, and 2) if AH cared about our race, and he did, then, with our race in the year 2024 now in extreme danger, ipso facto 3) he absolutely would back here now….having bided his time and planned something big.
AH (as a political leader) was “born at Versailles” (in 1919), as his friend and protegé Léon Degrelle put it, and the 2020 Stealection was basically another Versailles, a body blow to the white American Folk, just as Versailles was to the German Folk. For me, the advent of the Biden Administration represented literally a j-ish/Deep State coup d’état.
If there is any point in further communication, my comrade Kristofer, then you may write me via the contact page of my website. I would put the relevant links up here and now, but having been “Zucked” three times, and even FB PMs would not allow me to send any links from my own website to anyone at all, the posting by me of links to my blog might just be “a bridge too far.”
On a final note, to reiterate, I do indeed, like AH, see an enemy of Jesus in Saul/Paul, in this cunning Sanhedrin Pharisee.
What I am is a friend of what I consider to be the true Jesus, and of His mission.
For me, this mission was to either 1) radically reform Judaism or 2) expose and destroy this awful, anti-gentile cult. So we have much common ground, Kristof, but also differences, and my take on Jesus is simply that of AH and Dietrich Eckart in their “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin,” of which I did a whole audiobook and also a large pdf with photos. I am massively against the OT, Yahweh, and Saul for, IMO, infiltrating and rejudaizing the Jesus movement.
But we are on the same page in terms of morality, and agapé, and who the real enemy is.
Btw, I interpret John 8:44 in terms of strictly what it says in koiné Greek, and see it as an attack on Yahweh and his hook-nosed hordes.
And as for “Muscular Christianity,” I approve heartily of the motives behind it.
Jesus was no effeminate flower child or anorexic hippie. Nor am I.

I see Jesus as having the same mindset as the US Marines, of which I was an NCO: “NO BETTER FRIEND — NO WORSE ENEMY”


Friden responded with insults, abuse, and evasion of all my points. 😉 It turns out this Kristof the “Christian” is a Swede who stole liquor from a German liquor store, the cops came to the house of a German comrade with whom he was staying, and they ordered him to leave the country.

He sure was a credit to our cause. 😉



  1. Era figlio spodestato di Erode il Grande ma addestrato come un vero romano grazie alla presenza costante di Giuseppe(Pantera).
    Sua madre sposò suo fratello(Teuda)in seconde fu ucciso da Erode.
    Per questo tutti i figli di Maria furono allevati, istruiti da Giuseppe.
    È interessante il rapporto con tutti gli Imperatori romani(Nerone compreso)e l’aiuto di Vespasiano quando Gesù denunciò gli zeloti durante la prima guerra Giudaica.A quel punto chiese il suo esercito..e fu travolto, ahimè dagli zeloti e dagli Idumei.

  2. Paolo di Tarso(nipote di Gesù, parente di Erode il Grande non ha creato il Cristianesimo ma l’Erodianesimo, tutta la nobiltà del Vaticano, insieme a Pietro, altro parente di Gesù.
    Veri Responsabili dell’incendio di Roma.
    La Storia di Gesù è affascinante quanto complessa.
    Saranno proprio i parenti di Maria e dei Boeto a proteggere Gesù, insieme a suo padre Giuseppe, cugino di Erode.
    La sua Resurrezione rappresenta la sua latitanza per anni, perché gli Zeloti e parte dei Farisei lo volevano morto.
    Giacomo è il fratello(di madre)che rispetterà fino alla fine i suoi insegnamenti e verrà ucciso poi da Paolo.
    La moglie di Giacomo e sorella di Maria, Marta Boeto, sposerà per levirato Gesù e sarà lei a farlo diventare Sacerdote del tempio quando l’età lo consentirà per legge.Il rapporto con l’Impero Romano sara’ fondamentale.

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