ENGLISH Airport full-body scanners: dangerous, ineffective, unlawful strip-searches;

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==============HAPPY HALLOWEEN


From WNTube (http://www.wntube.com/videos/1919/resistance-10-000-years), a great site owned and controlled by OUR people that we should be using in place of YouTube, which just deleted the excellent cartoon “Attack on Aryan Nations.”

This cartoon is from France and has French titles, but the meaning is clear: in the Ice Age the Cro-Magnons stood together against the neanderthals, and we today, the Cro Magnons’  descendants, must stand together against THEIR brutal descendants, Jews and Arabs.

==============BODYSCANNER SCAM

JdN: A comrade sent me the below. I would only add that all these measures, from making you take off your shoes and belt to the full strip-search that a bodyscanner represents, amount to the state demanding acts of obedience to it, and often enough it means white obedience to some black or hispanic. Anyone who can inspect you is your superior….

As this website, www.dontscan.me, and the article below points out, bodyscanners take 3 to 5 times longer than standard metal detectors.  And a bodyscanner really doesn’t detect any metal and explosives, according to dontscan.me site.  You should opt out and turn those awful machines into relics belonging to the garbage dump!


Backlash grows against full-body airport scanners

Sunday, October 24, 2010 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Worldwide, a backlash is growing against the push to install full-body scanners at airports.

The machines, which take a three-dimensional picture beneath a person’s clothing, were first introduced after the alleged “Christmas Day” attempt to bomb a plane headed for Detroit. The U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has already purchased 500 of the machines at a cost of $80 million. More than 100 have already been installed, and the government plans to put 1,000 in place by the end of 2011. They have also been adopted in the United Kingdom.

But concerns over the effectiveness of the machines, as well as their implications for passenger health and privacy, are on the rise. In October, the U.S. Government Accountability Office warned that the machines are being deployed without sufficient tests of their effectiveness. In March, it restated a concern that it “remains unclear” whether the scanners could have detected the explosives carried by the alleged Christmas Day bomber.

The International Air Transport Association, representing 250 airlines around the world, has also spoken out against the machines, warning that the TSA lacks “a strategy and a vision” for integrating the devices into an overall security plan.

“The TSA is putting the cart before the horse,” association spokesperson Steve Lott said.

Then in June, the European Commission issued a report warning that the health risks of the devices are unknown, and that they should not be used on children, pregnant women or people with disabilities.

Because the machines can generate naked pictures of passengers, critics have also raised concerns over passenger privacy and abuse of the images by security workers.

Citing such health and privacy concerns, the government of Dubai recently announced that it will not use the machines.

The final straw for many passengers is that the devices take significantly longer to pass through than a metal detector.

“The system takes three to five times as long as walking through a metal detector,” said Phil Bush of Atlanta. “This looks to be yet another disaster waiting to happen.”

TSA regulations allow passengers to opt out of screening with the full-body scanners.

Sources for this story include: http://www.usatoday.com/printeditio….

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A lady comrade in Las Vegas wrote me:

In Las Vegas, a man told me way before the collapse that he was here for “banking,” with $$$ he brought as an ambassador from China. The man predicted that 2/3rds of Vegas would be in foreclosure, and yet at that time we were still the #1 place for people to move to, and the economy was bursting at the seams and rising.

If China “hadn’t” bought up Vegas, I wonder how bad the collapse here in this city really would be. On my bank, Wells Fargo, there is Chinese writing and I see yellow people for models. Rarely do I see a white person.



I met Sheriff Mack in 2009, a very impressive man.


It began with one Sheriff speaking with other Sheriffs about their oaths to uphold the Constitution. A new movement is growing in this country in support of limited government, constitutional principles, states rights and a stronger role for sheriffs to play against federal abuse of power. In this 3-part video interview with Tony DeMeo, Sheriff of Nye County, Nevada, he explains that he is a Constitutional Sheriff and that authority for public office holders is derived from the people.

In his own words Sheriff Tony DeMeo describes an incident where federal agents of the BLM [Bureau of Land Management] threaten him with arrest while the Sheriff issues his own threats of an armed response if illegal seizures of private property in his county continue. Imagine if BLM authorities went ahead with their “normal” operations of seizing cattle found on public property in direct opposition to Sheriff Tony DeMeo warnings? We would witness a standoff with dire consequences.


=================ELIZABETH: THE GOLDEN AGE

This is the second truly superb movie with Aussie actress Cate Blanchett (by an Indian director) about Elizabeth I and the awful dilemmas she faced as a queen after 1585, and the sequel to the 1998 movie “Elizabeth.” Anyone who wants to understand leadership in extreme crisis (assassinations, religious fanatics, civil war dangers, torture, executions and invasions) should absorb this movie. The photography is also incredible. The entire movie is now on YouTube.

The trailer:

Part one:


1 Comment

  1. He looks like a neanderthal…even if his intentions are well meaning.

    What is profound about your neanderthal insight, John, is that someone like looks basically white, as do many Arabs in the Mid East, but they have preserved and inbred chavanastic neanderthalic genes for 2 to 3 millenia. Not to mention all the other dangerous mixtures of low life forms, that stewed with the same deadly ingredients mixed on so the bad ingredients (the bad DNA- instructions) do not “burn” out over time, and are not easily overwhelmed with the good. To make the most potenent and obnoxious counter race


    To enforce this, much forced inbreeding and other sexual abuse is required of course.

    http://democratic-republicans.us/jews-and-incest (sorry if you do not wish that page to be referened at the moment)

    Along with other “bad instructions” to be forgotten, but buried deep inside the mind and inacted upon. As the sexual abuse and mind personality techniques they subject thousands of new children to every day in the US alone


    Why jews project in the TV and movies so much of the bad sorcerer and mad doctor, we don’t know, but can sort only speculate (such as Bloodsucking Freaks, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Dr Strangelove, even the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – a bad sorcer, and big brained evil engineer – Krang with an army of clones and bunch of mutant freaks – and 4 teens “half sheld from reality”)

    I believe in the case of Bloodsucking Freaks, it is because they believe they will eventually be discovered as the freakish pesty tribe/cult that they are, so they want to subconscienly plant the idea that this may be so, but they are really controlled by evl white faggots or “the illumanati” at the top, and they are just helpless freaks – just half innocent soilders “only following orders.” (Nuremberg Defense)

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