Finally, moderates get it — the goal is no more free press or free speech

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From the vlogger,Pascal Lottaz:) This is two Germans (dubbed in English) talking about the mechanics of suppressing true journalism, resulting de facto in a dictatorship . Basically, anyone opposed to any steps taking us into a major war is denounced and their career is cancelled

We are on the way to the fifth general European war in less than 400 years. And we are not sleepwalking. We are running towards disaster with our eyes wide open, looking to see how we can willingly, ambitiously,  jump into the abyss next to  the Ukrainians. How can we explain this trans-European death-wish?

Today I discuss the European war mentality with Mr. Patrik Baab, one of Germany’s most important journalists and intellectuals, who has been publicly dealing with the issue of the Ukraine conflict as well as the role of the media in it for years.

Patrik Baab is the author of the Spiegel bestseller “On Both Sides of the Front” (…, in which he reports on his experiences traveling in the Donbas, and he was also an editor for Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) for many years, as well as a lecturer at two universities in Germany. His latest book is called “Propaganda Press, How Media and Paid Writers Drive Us to War” (….



  1. The guy on the right looks jewish; that’s just commentary on my part.

    Usury and jewish tactics are the corrupters of mankind. I think in the end the jews are just some inbred destructive subspecies. I would not call them geniuses because what they’re doing is not genius — it’s insanity, because their actions will destroy the planet. They can’t escape the consequences of their actions. They’re just an insane death cult of subhumans and evil scientists.

    They’ve bred into our race with their neanderthalic genes; that’s why they’re so good at human psychology.

    Plus there has always been white European intellectuals that have known about geoengineering from the start. But it’s the tactics the jews use that make it impossible to reveal their secrets with zionist control over most of the world’s media and book publishing, companies stores and online shopping sites. And the fact is that jews lie about everything that exposes their actions, and say it’s a “conspiracy theory” — which is a word made up by the jewish CIA.

    The technology and weapons that the zionist jews have is pretty scary stuff. What they have done to the planet is irreversible and they cannot cheat death. I think in the end they’ll achieve killing off most of the world’s population, but I think that in the end there will still be enough people left on earth to destroy them.

    White Europeans are finished as a race but it doesn’t mean that the jews will be successful. I don’t even like most white people, and at this point I would be happy to see the jews be humiliated and suffer, and be destroyed by another group of people such as muslims or Asians.

  2. Anything that is THAT psychotic and that can lie on such a large scale is definitely insane. And with all the weird, subhuman shit they believe in, it doesn’t take a genius to work out they are not like us. And there’s no other group on earth like them.

    They’re the very definition of insanity and derangement.

    And what sounds so absurd and cartoonishly over-the-top and ridiculous is the stuff they have in their Talmud.

    They have that much hatred for non-jews that they’ll cause their own destruction — their urge to destroy is so big.

  3. The most plausible outcome is that the jews cause the destruction of the whole planet and the extinction of the whole human race, and themselves because they’re not fully human; they’re inbred latter-stage neanderthals.

  4. My theory of the Jew is that he is a being who is displaced from his inwardness. An animal is governed by its instincts. A White man is governed by his conscience. In contrast the Jew is governed by something external: Jewish Law.

    In the case of White culture the primary value is the Individual. The end or ultimate purpose of the state is to provide good conditions for the life of the individual, especially his freedom, his ability to be self-governing. In the case of Jewish culture the value of the state supercedes that of the individual. It is the health and the future of Jewry that matters above all, not good conditions for the Jewish individual.

    Thus, the Jew is displaced from his inwardness.

    • For me, Judaism has every classic characteristic of a cult. Scientology was designed to be a successful cult by Ron Hubbard and arose before our eyes.

      It is megalomania, psychopathy and paranoia rolled into one.

  5. Agree with you 100% John. Just read the Torah to know that the jew is stuck in a covenant with a very evil alien. Now the little jews may not like it, but they’re afraid to speak out against it, for the most part. The big jews like it because it gives them temporary power and wealth. The average Christian is too dumb due to brainwashing to realize how evil part of the old testament really are.

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