Is marijuana a NWO trap to sedate and felonize half the population? Pat Buchanan; the Harris-Walz nightmare

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The  great Alan Sabrosky put this on his Facebook page. I have never seen the real jewish motive behind gun control put better.
Some hard questions about marijuana and dispensaries (esp. as one is about to open here in Ontonagon, next to Pat’s IGA grocery store):
Since I totally, radically loathe the Deep State that runs the US government, I ask — Is the marijuana being laced with something to make us docile, obedient, submissive, and lose interest in what is going on in the world? Does it contain additives that can cause cancer, or infertility? Is it part of making us gradually into transhumans? Why is the Deep State okay now with this supposedly dangerous drug being consumed?
Also, why does one have to show a government ID for a legal product? Is it because pot is STILL ILLEGAL on the FEDERAL level? This means the feds can make all marijuana users into felons, and use this proof of marijuana use to threaten them with arrest!
A former DA, a jew named Harvey Silverglate, wrote a book saying he could indict every man, woman and child in America with the laws now on the books, and charge everyone in the USA with some felony or another….. It is called “lawfare,” and they used it on Trump (who, being rich unlike most people, could afford lawyers)……
I first thought about all this when Obongo was president. He was a hardcore pot smoker even back in high school in Hawaii, and was visibly high at one press conference in the White House. Why did he as president not legalize Mary Jane on the federal level during his eight years in office? His Democrat voters would have loved it, and many others, too — excepting only some Deep South/Bible Belt/super-red states which never supported him anyway.
But keeping it illegal on the federal level yet legal on the state level means the feds can arrest you, make it stick (you provably flashed an ID and bought some “prohibited substance” at a dispensary), and imprison you.
And if you buy a pistol, you have to swear on a signed form that you do not use this “prohibited substance”! This situation makes 2/3rds of the country into liars and criminals!
All reactions:

Mike Bower, Christine Kraus and 8 others

Alexander Kern

They legalized it here in Germany as well! I believe they did this to win the youth over to the Green Party and leftist government… I don’t trust it. I too believe there is an agenda behind it. Medicinal cannabis should be legal no question about it… but legalizing it now? Why?
It’s another taxable market with side effects?

Joanie Sinkler

John De Nugent, people need it to chill out. The best and mellow smoke around. Kills your pain.

John De Nugent

Joanie Sinkler I know.  My late wife used it for her cancer pain, and Rick Simpson oil to try to fight the cancer. But I always see the Deep State as having ulterior motives. Ever since John Kennedy was killed 61 years ago, we get a never-ending stream of lies. Look how they lied about the Covid mask, and then about the vaxx (“safe and effective”) and Hunter Biden’s laptop, and Joe Biden’s senility. You could see him mumbling and fumbling in 2019 already….

Joanie Sinkler

John De Nugent, I agree with this post, 100%.

John De Nugent

Basically, I suspect our lords and masters want us to relax while they rape us. We are putting up with outrages on a daily basis, and this is true even though some estimate there are 900 million guns in this country. If George Washington were here, in a nation full of guns and angry citizens, would he be just typing stuff on Facebook?

Chris Dorsey II

The only individuals I know that truly stand up against the treasonous government consume God’s herb.

Mark Pountney

It’s to keep us pacified with weed so you will put up with things you wouldn’t normally put up with and not get mad, angry

John De Nugent

Mark Pountney Booze and watching and rooting for negroes playing professional sports on tv, too….. a diversion… cheering for “our” team, many of them felons.
I think it is.

Kathy Perratore

Read the Communist rules of revolution. sedating the population fits right in with their agenda.

Patrick Mikael

I don’t know about all of that, but if you purchase marijuana legally in a state that legalized pot then you can no longer legally purchase or own a firearm because federal law prohibits drug abusers from doing so. As long as it’s a schedule 1 narcotic on the federal level then you could get charged just like the President’s crack-head son, Hunter.

John De Nugent

Patrick Mikael I know. This is what my last sentence was about. So many people use marijuana now (partly due to the nerve-racking developments in America and the world which the NWO itself has caused) that this legally (though unconstitutionally) disarms half the population!

……..Patrick Buchanan’s prophesy is being fulfilled

A good thirty years ago, in late 1991, the then major Republican figure Pat Buchanan, a paleo-conservative nationwide newspaper columnist and tv celebrity of Irish and German ancestry was running for US president in the New Hampshire Republican primary, to be held in January 1992. He was basically a moderate white nationalist and Charles Lindbergh type in the closet, like many Republicans.

3-22-1985 Portrait of Pat Buchanan Assistant to the President for Comunications

(The Deep State gave the win in NH in January 1992 to the lackluster incumbent president, Bush I, but I suspect that Buchanan actually won it, losing only due to vote fraud, just as I believe now more than ever that I won my own GOP primary in Tennessee two years earlier, in 1990.)

Having read Pat’s writings for years, it was clear (between the lines) that he was on our side, so I donated $250 to his campaign, which entitled me as a somewhat large donor to meet him at the Republican National Committee (GOP) national headquarters at 310 First Street Southeast, located just one half block south of the US Capitol and the Supreme Court.


Buchanan had said in his newspaper columns and books two incisive things that endeared me specifically to him. And I stated this in a four-page memo which I typed out and handed to him as I shook his hand. I also reviewed my own race for US Congress in 1990, the pro-white message I had, and vote fraud.

Buchanan had often written about two things:

One, that (unless a nuclear war wipes us out) a century from now the majority of the world population will consist of religious fundamentalists, because they often have big families — they reproduce a lot, and also they have a much lower divorce rate. However, libtards and moderates often have just two children, or even one kid — or none at all!

As Pat wrote, whether they be Orthodox jews, hardcore Muslims, Evangelical Christians, Mormons or devout Buddhists, they love family life and see marriage as something sacred, a way to put their religion’s values and teachings into practice.

As Bishop Richard Williamson, the Holocaust-debunking Catholic  prelate, said, marriage is not just about sex, kids, bills, companionship and romance. It is literally a sacrament of the Roman Catholic Church.


Two, Buchanan said the plain-as-day truth that,  to use the title of Lothrop Stoddard’s  1920 bestseller “The Rising Tide of Color,” non-white immigration would lead  to many more votes and election victories for the Demoncrats, the party of the minorities, whether racial, religious, or sexual. 

This The Rising Tide of Color was an extremely influential book. It led to the 1923 Johnson Act, which restricted immigration basically to northern European countries such as Britain, Germany, Holland and Scandinavia. It  was an openly nordicist message.


Interestingly, the New York Times praised this popular book lavishly, this being in an era when the NYT,  owned by the Ochs and Sulzberger jewish families, never showed openly the anti-white, jewish agenda of its owners.

In 1920, The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy was positively reviewed and recommended by The New York Times: “Lothrop Stoddard evokes a new peril, that of an eventual submersion beneath vast waves of yellow men, brown men, black men and red men, whom the Nordics have hitherto dominated . . . with Bolshevism menacing us on the one hand and race extinction through warfare on the other, many people are not unlikely to give [Stoddard’s book] respectful consideration”.[1]

What is pathetic is how easily Whites are brainwashed to think of white supremacism as something awful when it was the official policy of the U.S. government and the common opinion of the masses for generations — from Washington to Truman!

Washington pays for an ad in the local newspaper seeking the return of four black slaves.








How right Pat Buchanan was. Oh, and btw, this cackling twit, Kamala Harris, as California attorney general was real big on prosecuting marijuana growers for their non-violent “crime.” It made her conviction rate as a prosecutor go up, and that was all that mattered for her.



    • Yes, and an ultra-liberal like many descendants of the Frankfurt “1848ers.”

      So many libtard Germans left Germany after the democratic uprising of 1848 was crushed by Prussian troops and came to Minnesota and Wisconsin. They were good, hardworking, honest and skilled people. But the first thing they did in 1861 was to volunteer for he US Army inb the Civil War to crush the South and free the poor, downtrodden negroes.

      In WWII, it was mainly German-American generals and crews that ran the atrocious bombing of Germany:

      Generals Anton, Eisenhower, Spaatz and Kepner:

      Ike felt sorry for the Japanese after Hiroshima but not for his own blood, the Germans!

      It was a German immigrrant, Edgar Schmüd, who developed the superb P-51 Mustang long-range fighters which escorted the American B-17s and B-24s to bomb the Germans.

      It has been my experience that while the entire planet is under the curse of the egoic mind, which is when your ideas and thoughts rule you, and you believe these thoughts and ideas to be “who you are,” nevertheless the citizens of any of the Great Powers, as compared to the smaller and weaker countries, are more egoic and more deluded: the Brits, Germans, French, Russians, Americans, Chinese and Japanese. Living in a powerful country makes them more prideful.

      But through many lives and many interlives, people can grow and change tremendously. Libtards can change. IMO, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and Tulsi Gabbard have all moved from being moderates toward our positions.

      Of course, sometimes a belief seems to be confirmed by reality, and actually becomes ever stronger: 😉 And yes, people do reincarnate in their own bloodline. Partly, they have unfinished business with someone and so return to the same family tree, or they return to the same cause, or to the same country because they love it. A man can come back as his own grandson, and a father as a brother or a friend. A grandmother can return as a sister or a cousin. I am in contact right now with a woman who sought me out and believes she was the NS writer and Aryan mystic Savitri Devi, and this may be true. (Savitri wanted to meet me –John de Nugent — in 1981 but fell ill and never came to the US.)

      Another woman who contacted me thinks she may have been Unity Mitford, the pro-Hitler British aristocratic lady, and this American actually looks and acts a LOT like her. She sent me photos of her in this life, and my jaw dropped.

      So a jewfighter from medieval France can return as an Irish-born general in the Austrian Army, then as an Austrian antisemite, and then as an American white nationalist. 🙂


      • Yes, but I think less so now. Here in Michigan, pot has been totally legal since 2018, and half the population smokes or otherwise consumes it (such as THC “gummies” to chew), partly because of real stress. This is a Baby Boomer town and cancer is mowing people down, plus people who have hit the bottle get told by a caring friend: “Get those THC gummies instead of booze; that is the sh– that will kill you.”
        There is a high level of misery here, and especially since this town went 70% twice for Trump and loathed Biden.The great fear now is that Communist Caramel will cheat like Biden did, or Trump will be assassinated, so this unbearable, cackling bimbo will get in “and then it is Game Over.” (I hear people using this phrase.)

  1. To hell with conservatism, which is fake bullshit.

    The worst pirates in history were not American or Spanish. They were jewish and were masters at warfare. They slaughtered the crews and stole gold that is worth billions in today’s money.

    Plus all those people you mentioned are scumbags.

    Joe Rogan getting paid over one hundred million dollars a year to blatantly lie about white kids stealing Nike sneakers. Elon Musk has jewish heritage, and Tucker Carlson is an egotistical prick and narcissist.

    Conservatism is a lie and rich people are sell-out scumbags that care only about their own money and power. The middle class is dying and there will just be a small wealthy elite left. There’s nowhere with freedom anymore. Technology will enslave and destroy us if zionism isn’t destroyed first.

    I will ally, however, with Christians that are anti-zionist. But mainstream Christianity needs to be confronted for being retards that worship the very jews who hate them and have killed over 100 million of them!

    It’s an utter embarrassment, pathetic and unforgivable that low-IQ scumbags like Donald Trump worships these inbred Turkic people that hate him and nearly had him assassinated.

    They all go to Israel and put on the jewish kippah skullcap and worship jewish money. It’s utterly atrocious. So nearly all Christians care about Israel and onkly Israel, and don’t give a shit about anything else. Nowadays a lot of people just see Christians as nutjobs that worship Israel and think jews are persecuted, innocent victims! So Christianity needs to be confronted for being demented scumbags. They just send millions of white people into wars to be maimed and slaughtered by the jews. Christianity is less then one percent of the population in Australia,John, and it’s really dying out now. Most of our politicians are Christians and Catholics that are utter, f–king retarded, evil scumbags that care solely about Israel, and jewish money and power.

    A large percentage of them are definitely pedophiles, too, which is what I associate Christianity and especially Catholicism with.

    The Catholic religion is child-raping priests, which pretty much sums up it up for me.

    I’ve despised nearly all Christians that I’ve met and nicknamed them the Holocaust cult, or the Holohoax cult. The only Christian that I have ever liked was a [Pacific] islander woman who didn’t like the jews and thought they were evil. So I didn’t have any problem with her and we got along well….

  2. Liberalism can’t be destroyed, because it’s mentally retarded people who are incapable of feeling normal human emotions. They could have their children raped and murdered in front of them by an African or Arab who said they hated white people — and they would say two days later “This is not about race. Let’s not hate and spread bigotry.”
    Natural selection will kill them off in the end. They can’t escape the out-of-control violence from 3rd-world savages, which is widespread in most of our countries now.
    It’s all been done by design, and uses anti-depressants, anti-psychotic drugs created by jews; and chemicals in our food and water churend out by the giant zionist food corporations.
    They all have retarded-looking soy faces that indicate mental retardation.

  3. Regarding marijuana, I know someone who reads Kant’s _Critique of Pure Reason_, which is an extremely difficult to grasp metaphysics theory, while high on marijuana.

    Marijuana enhances the imagination, but it does not affect the purely cognitive faculty, or the faculty of logic.

    Not everyone likes the marijuana high. Some dislike it intensely.

    People who get high all the time become immune to it and need to take a rest from it to be able to get high from it again.

    Excessive use of marijuana often produces a condition of violent vomiting that can be fatal because the person chokes on his vomit.

  4. I smoked pot as a teenager, but I’ve never used any other illegal drugs. I haven’t smoked pot in sixteen years, and it is such overrated garbage.
    I think medical cannibas without the THC, used to treat chronic health conditions, cancer and pain should definitely be allowed.
    But smoking pot to get high is utter garbage and a way of pacifying people; it turns you in to a useless zombie.
    I think alcohol has an even WORSE effect on people, and I don’t drink alcohol, because I don’t enjoy it, and it messes up my stomach.
    I find smoking weed to be more incapacitating,however, and it stays in ypur system longer.

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