Incest — the darkest secret of Judaism?

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Hervé Ryssen, a Sorbonne graduate, author, videographer and activist, reportedly now living in exile from his beloved France

“The White Slave,” sculpture by Abastenia St. Leger Eberle, circa 1913

….Hervé (like “Harvey” in English) Ryssen on incest amongst the Jews

For exposing this and other explosive truths, Ryssen, a Sorbonne graduate, spent nine months in a group cell with rapists, murderers, drug dealers, pedophiles, arabs, and negroes at the French prison Fleury-Mérogis

From the French Metapedia (é_Ryssen):

In 2004, Hervé Ryssen was sentenced to a four-month suspended prison sentence for throwing a pie at Father Berger. In February 2009, he was fined €7,500 [ = about the same in US dollars] for inciting racial hatred, after publishing remarks considered anti-Semitic about the honorary president of the Human Rights League.

In February 2012, he was fined €5,000 for defaming the Jewish community in the weekly Rivarol, accusing it of a propensity for incest.

In October 2012, the Paris Criminal Court sentenced him, again, to pay a fine of €6,000 for having written on his blog, which has since been closed, insults considered homophobic in nature, in October 2011, against the mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoë. He will also have to pay 2,000 euros in damages to the Mayor of Paris, and 1,500 euros in legal costs.

Also in October 2012, he was sentenced for incitement to racial hatred for articles published in January and March 2011 in the newspaper Rivarol, to a 15-day suspended prison sentence in one case (concerning an Islamophobic article) and to a 1,000 euro fine in another that regretted the time of the occupation of France by Germany.

On November 7, 2013, he was sentenced by the Paris Criminal Court to three months in prison for the homophobic death threats he supposedly had made against Bertrand Delanoë, as well as to one euro in damages and 1,000 euros in reimbursement of legal costs.

Prison sentence
On September 18, 2020, in execution of sentences handed down between 2017 and 2020, he was incarcerated in Fleury-Mérogis prison for execution of a nine-month sentence.

Hervé Ryssen was released on April 17, 2021, after 212 days of detention.


Incest, the ultimate dark secret of Judaism


By Hervé Ryssen

Being attacked by a brutal CRS cop in Paris while working with the Yellow Vests

There is no doubt—despite claims of rampant “anti-Semitism”—that Jews are pos­sibly the most successful religious and cultural group on the planet. In America, they are the kings of media, Hollywood, the music industry and Wall Street. They have the most powerful and determined lobbies in the world, working not only for their own national interests, but the interests of the state of Israel. Israeli leaders have openly admitted that they “own” the U.S. Congress—and nobody will argue against that with a straight face for very long.

So what makes Jews so successful? How have they been able to wield such influence over the generally non-Jewish nations in which they dwell? How have they managed to convince so many that their suffering over the centuries is worse than that of other ethnic and religious groups? How have powerful Jewish organizations managed to get the world’s biggest and most lucrative tech companies to restrict discussion of such topics on the Internet?

If we all can agree that Jews have had a great impact on history, would it behoove us to understand what it is about their religion and their culture that makes them so resilient and so unified? In short, what makes the Jewish mind tick? In Psychoanalysis of Judaism, author Hervé Ryssen—oft-attacked for his forthright books on the topic of Judaism—delves into this very subject in a book unlike any other you have ever read on the Jewish psyche.

Margi stayed for a few days in greater Paris with Hervé and his ladyfriend — a wonderful, selfless gentleman and hero

General topics covered include:

How can guilt be used to control people;

how many religious Jews believe that a Messiah will come who will raise them up to global preeminence;

their amazing racial and religious solidarity;

the parent-child relationship;

what makes them laugh;

their powerful revolutionary spirit;

their attitudes toward Christianity and Christians;

their cosmopolitan mentality;

the inexplicable existence of anti-Semitism when Jews are perceived as champions of the down­trodden;

anti-Semitic paranoia;

their ongoing love affair with communism;

alleged inferiority complexes;

claims of codified incest;

Oedipal relationships;

their love of feminism and matriarchy;

and, of course,

an analysis of the Talmud, Kabbalah and the “art” of psychoanalysis itself as “invented” by Sigmund Freud.

This and so much more are discussed openly and honestly in this book. By the end, you will have a much greater understanding of the Jewish mindset and how Jews in general—but not all—have achieved an impressive level of status, wealth and power attained despite dogged resistance from other racial and religious groups over the centuries. Psychoanalysis of Judaism: Softcover, 461 pages, #846 $30.

Margi and I wrote 62 articles for The Barnes Review. This was my cover story on the exceptionally brutal “Norman Conquest” (which, sadly, my Norman ancestors were involved with):

(part one)

From his

Parental incest is the most selfish and devastating crime on earth, destroying not only the sadistic soul of the perpetrator but also the life of most child victims. As if the Jews had not already racked up the world’s longest list of crimes, incest is their masochistic crime against themselves, harrowing Jewish children and making the Jewish gene pool INBRED.

Frenchman HERVÉ RYSSEN (pronounced air-VAY ree-SEN) is an extremely brave man.


And one of France’s most gifted researchers and writers, a comrade who has investigated Jewry from a unique perspective ” as a group that is psychologically sick, mentally twisted and morally loathsome. One cannot avoid the comparison withdangerous escaped psychiatric inmates who need ”  all points bulletin ” to be recaptured.

His three books all deserve urgently to be translated into English ” and every other major white language as does his shocking exposé report, the best I have ever read in any language, Israel et la Traite des Blanches ( = Israel and the Sex Trade in White Flesh ).

After I read Ryssen’s heavily-researched (and well-written) materials, I felt a WHITE HEAT inside. Rage. Energy. A desire to end the tyranny of this micro-horde of Jew trespassers in our countries.

It reminded me of what I just wrote a comrade down in southern Texas:

Quote:We need a leader to agitate, enrage, excite, mobilize, organize, energize ” to make the white volcano go off and send the searing lava flooding into the big, wicked city of death, and roast out its filth.

Lava channel

I thanked GOD after reading Ryssen that the moral choice cannot possibly be clearer. We whites must fight the arrogant Jew, an individual as sick as he is evil, as evil as he or she is sick.

Quote: “When I fight the Jew, I am doing the work of the Lord.” — Adolf HITLER

Let us remember if we are comfortable readers sitting here in the First Amendment-protected USA that France is a country (like Canada, Britain, Germany and other occupied white nations) where the criticizing of Jews (and other minorities, including homosexuals) is illegal. (But they can criticize whites to their ungrateful hearts’ content.)

There is NO sacrosanct “First Amendment” in these countries, no guarantee that even unpopular views have the God-given right to be expressed ” without the citizen being fired, fined and imprisoned.

In France, Hervé’s native country, thanks to Jew pressure, people go to prison for writing books like his. My friend Vincent Reynouard spent a year in a Scottish jail fighting extradition back to France, and the father of seven children is facing a 10,000 euro fine. Georges Theil was sentenced to a 100,000-euro fine and six months imprisonment.

It is thus a privilege for you and me as Americans to be able to read in peace the words of a man who is risking everything ” because of the Jews’ laws in his native land ” to get the truth out to YOU across a wide ocean, to you as another white man or white woman.

And we MUST prevent “hate-speech” laws from infecting our own nation, and especially from censoring the free Internet, a common carrier whose creation was funded by the US taxpayer and that MUST continue to carry all opinions as a PUBLIC UTILTY like water, electricity, roads and bridges. And like food. Freedom is a NECESSITY.

As with the writers Kevin MacDonald (professor of psychology at California State University Long Beach; and others, such as David Duke, Monsieur Hervé Ryssen proves his case almost exclusively from the words of (in)famous Jews themselves.

While MacDonald has convincingly portrayed Jews (in a trilogy of books) as a parasitic life form that has evolved psychological warfare as a weapon (two of his books are shown below) “

The Culture of Critique by MacDonald

Separation and its Discontents by MacDonald

A People That Shall Dwell Alone by MacDonald

And other authors, such as the late, great Harrell Rhome, PhD (alias Philip de Vier) of Texas and even the Israeli professor Ariel Toaff have written on certain Jewish cults ritually murdering little non-Jewish children.


Blood Passover, by Ariel Toaff, son of the Grand Rabbi of Rome and a tenured professor at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv, Israel

Blood Passover – Ariel Toaff


Hervé Ryssen is the first modern non-Jewish writer, to my knowledge, to produce massive and documented works on a Jewry afflicted with high levels of hysteria, paranoia, psychopathy, psychosis, incest and suicide.

* * *

I will add at this point that I feel compassion for all those among the “little Jews” suffering at the bottom of the Jewish social pyramid who are the victims of the horrors of incest  and of all the other pain the “little Jews” undergo because of the actions of the psychopathic leaders of Jewry.

I say to all Jews victimized by incest (which skulks in all cultures but is especially widespread or even condoned, wink-wink, in Judaism)


Judaism is SICK to the core and cannot be salvaged (as the noble-minded rabbi Michael Lerner of Tikkun [in Hebrew, “Healing”] has found out. The Big Jews will not permit any reform of this psychopathic, racketeering organization that aggrandizes them  — and the Little Jews won’t quit because they derive too many benefits from group solidarity ” and they fear being ostracized, disinherited or even worse.

Just as good Italian-Americans leave all associations with the Mafia, with their Mafia relatives and, yes, with their money as well, all good Jews must eventually LEAVE JUDAISM. Entirely.Your soul is at stake.

The fate of Norman Finkelstein, who merely criticized abuses of the Holocaust story (not the hoax itself), and recently found himself  LOSING HIS PROFESSORSHIP at Marquette University due to ALAN DERSHOWITZ, an interfering Jew from Harvard, then ”being arrested at Tel Aviv Airport and then banned from ISRAEL FOR TEN YEARS should tell any Jew that you “little Jews,” to the Big Jews, are NOTHING.

(end of part one)


(part two)

From Hervé Ryssen’s brilliant 2007 book Fanatisme Juif [Jewish Fanaticism] Margaret Huffstickler has translated the chapter below from the original French into English, and I edited her work. Chapter seven (pp. 354-365), entitled L’inceste, is found in part three of “Jewish Fanaticism,” entitled Psychopathologie du Judaisme.

This is not, BTW, Monsieur Ryssen’s first foray into the topic of incest among the Jews.

In his “Psychoanalysis of Judaism” (p346), we read:


The question of incest is very present in Judaism. The Torah offers numerous examples. We know that the rabbis found excuses for the daughters of Lot.[Ed. “Father-daughter incest near the town of Tzo’ar: In Genesis 19: verses 30 to 38, Lot’s two daughters got their father drunk on wine, engaged in sexual intercourse with him on two successive nights, became pregnant, and eventually gave birth to two sons Moab and Benammi. Their sons are described as founding the Moabite and Ammonite nations. The Jewish Bible claims the girls actually thought their dad was the last man on earth.

“Lot and His Daughters,” 1616, by Hendrik Goltzius. I don’t know if those Jewish girls looked quite THAT Dutch.


[. . .]One also sees in the Old Testament how Ammon, the son of [King] David, rapes his own sister Thamar. The woman then reacts this way: “Ask for me [in marriage] from my father, the king, and he will not refuse you.” [sic!!!]In his novel The Destruction of Kreshev, Isaac Bashevis Singer also recalls the fact that these practices are found frequently in the Torah: “Thus, Jacob fornicated with his sisters, and Judah [Ed. “ whence the word “Jew”] sleeps with Tamar, his daughter-in-law. Reuben violates the bed of Bilha, his father’s concubine. Josiah finds himself a wife in a bordello, and others did just as much.”We [French] also know the controversial song by Serge Gainsbourg [Ginsburg, a Russian Jew] called “Lemon Incest.” [sic; the title is in English]
  • * *Serge Gainsbourg (Ginsburg) sings “Lemon Incest” with his daughter Charlotte (mother: singer Jane Birkin)


(See “Serge Gainsbourg” in Wikipedia, esp. the paragraphs there about his songs on oral sex (Les sucettes) and “Lemon Incest.” The rest of the article is a typical “yet another great Jewish genius!” paean. The man’s voice was a hideous croak (as necrotic as the Montreal Jew Leonard Cohen’s,)

Some of the lyrics from the second part:


(Charlotte, daughter)
Lemon incest
I love you, love you
Love you more than anything
The love that we’ll never make together
Is the purest, the most troubling, the most exalting.(Serge, father)
Exquisite child
Delicious child
Oh my baby, oh my soul

The topic of legalizing incest —  sex between parents and children and between brother and sister — is far from esoteric. Jewish neo-con Jeff Jacoby wrote a column on May 2, 2007 for the Boston Globe entitled Lawful incest may be on its way.  It turns out that the usual suspects are behind it  — Jews (and their minions).

Jeff Jacoby, the neo-conservative freak who softens up readers on the incest topic. This war wimp never served in uniform, but demands the US attack the nation of Iran. His father is a “Holocaust survivor”  like over FOUR MILLION OTHER EUROPEAN JEWS IN 1945. Boy, those inefficient Germans; typical of them to miss four million people over in the corner.

Neither the SS nor the Waffen-SS executed the Jews of Europe, including NOT executing Jacoby’s father. Ponder this photo of Jochen Peiper. Compare that human being to the Jew Jacoby. Which one looks more like “God’s chosen people”?

Wikipedia’s article on the mind-bending devastation of incest states:


The most frequently reported type of incest is father-daughter incest.[1] Incest between adults and prepubescent or adolescent children is a form of child sexual abuse[2] that has been shown to be one of the most extreme forms of childhood trauma, a trauma that often does serious and long-term psychological damage, especially in the case of parental incest.[3] Approximately twenty percent of all women [sic] have had at least one incest experience before they turned 18.[3] Adults who were incestuously victimized by adults in their childhood often suffer from low self-esteem, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, and sexual dysfunction, and are at an extremely high risk of many mental disorders, including depression, anxiety, phobic avoidance reactions, somatoform disorder, substance abuse, borderline personality disorder, and complex post-traumatic stress disorder.[3][4][5]

I can personally state that all of the above is true, and in fact understated. I feel so bad for Jewish kids too, who undergo this worst of all tortures.

After the abuse I experienced, from age ten on (the age when I ran away from home and the incidents ended) I spent years with a shadowy sensation that the world itself was somehow unreal, a lying illusion-world, in fact a kind of nightmarish prison planet.

This is one of the hallmarks of incest abuse victims, to see the world as “somehow unreal.” (It may be connected to dissociative/multiple personality disorder, when a person is so abused their desperate personality splits off several new identities, with one ALWAYS suffering and reliving the torture and the other personalities trying ” ineffectively ” to “get on with life.” In my experience, all such tricks by the brain ” and they are just tricks, stopgaps, not solutions ” have one purpose; to escape from and stave off the perpetual undercurrent desire for suicidein the victim.

I recall that the Jew doctor Ira Katz, the scandalous high official in charge of mental health at the Veterans Administration, was suppressing internal data showing that 15 military vets were committing suicide EVERY DAY. [“Our suicide-prevention coordinators are identifying about 1,000 suicide attempts per month [= 33 per day] among the veterans we see in our medical facilities,” Katz wrote in a Feb. 13 e-mail to Ev Chasen, the department’s communication director.]

Yes, the mental pain can get that bad. And no Jew drug can erase the horror of traumatic experiences, only time and cognitive behavioral therapy ” and ENOUGH of both. The worst pain of all is when you know it was all totally unnecessary and pointless suffering ” as the Iraq war is, or being molested is for any child, Jew or Aryan.)

The world felt to me like a horror movie where the sinister music could start again at any moment.

About age 9

For decades I felt in some inner sense that this world was some sort of nightmare-planet. It also seemed a sick-joke realm ” where people pretended to be nice but were “in” on a great and wicked game. It is very hard to believe in human goodness when “respectable people” are committing incest and enjoying cocktails with their distinguished friends.

Incest is absolutely devastating ” and it must affect Jews similarly.

I would rather be Jesus up there nailed to the cross — an adult who at least knew exactly what He was getting into when He denounced the Jewish establishment, and that death was to be part of His mission ” than see any child suffer one minute of incest.

As sick as Jewish ritual murder is, it at least is a crime practiced upon strangers.

But incest is the ultimate betrayal ” the destruction of one’s own flesh and blood, of a child that rightfully expected love and protection from those who brought him or her into the world.

It therefore represents the nadir of all sadistic, twisted, psychopathic crime.

A crime against nature, against God and against man. Against society. The punishment for all incest should be DEATH.

I myself lost 49 years of my life to it, two destroyed marriages and two alienated kids  while I existed, not lived, in a miserable, private, inner hell.

In the next post you will see Hervé Ryssen’s story of the Jews and this abominable evil.

John de Nugent

* * *

Ryssen’s publishing house is Editions Baskerville (yes , as in the novel [about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes], The Hound of the Baskervilles!), and is located at 14 rue Brossolette, Levallois, 92300 France.

My thoughts in reading this were twofold:

1) How dare such a horde of degenerates set itself up as the enlightened teachers and the moral guides of the world!

2) Woe to our country if the Jews ever implement their full satanic agenda, and get their hands on all our children!

3) Incest may be seen by rabbis secretly as an evil that has its “good points”: nothing ensures the purity of the Jewish bloodline like this disgusting sin.

In writing this second point I have to harken back to seeing two Jew teenage boys hustling up the escalator at the Bethesda, Maryland subway (suburban Washington, D.C.) in the mid-summer of 2005. As they passed me, I got an unforgettable look at two classic Jewish profiles. What struck me was that they still had hooked Jewish noses — 2,000 years after the Jews in Palestine were driven from their homeland and they all thus lived in exile, a tiny minority among others, in the “Diaspora.”

The Jews certainly have mixed with other (and better-looking) peoples. So I had to marvel:

“Look at those shnozzes! Still huge and unassimilated! After two thousand years of life next to the goyim!”

French presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande

Francoise Nogues, the mother of the current French president, Emanuel Macron — the third crypto-Jewish French president in a row — childless, married to a women (?) 20 years older than himself, and an apparent bisexual

Real photos of Macron greeting blacks on a French-controlled overseas tropical island

How DO the Jews keep the noseline pure?

Actor Lee Van Cleef, Jewish bad guy in several Clint Eastwood westerns, from New Joisey.

And now, steel yourself. Face the facts below, and let a healthy emotional reaction stir you to fight for the destruction of such influences and such putrid hypocrisy  lecturing us on morality!


“You [jew leaders] have the same father as the Devil” (John 8:44) Jesus of the region of Palestine known as “District of the Gentiles” [Galil ha goyim“]



(end of part two)


The section L’inceste
from Hervé Ryssen’s courageous Fanatisme juif,

translated by Margaret Huffstickler.

(part three)

* * *

The issue of incest is a nagging one in the literary and cinematic production of Judaism. In my Psychanalyse du judaà¯sme [” Psychoanalysis of Judaism”] (2006), we saw that “the Torah” offers many examples of incestuous relations. [Ed. ” The Torah consists of the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, which the Germans call “The Five Books of Moses.”]

Of course, incest is forbidden among the Jews, as stipulated in the Torah (Leviticus 18), and the Babylonian Talmud (Yebamot, 2a). Gerard Haddad explains this in his book entitled Les Sources talmudiques de la psychanalyse 1 [{The Talmudic Sources of Psychoanalysis] but not without ambiguity.

For everything is ambiguous in Judaism, and it must be noted that Jews can find loopholes in biblical texts. In his book Jewish Messianism, Gershom Scholem [b. Berlin 1892, d. Jerusalem 1982], who is one of the leading specialists in the Jewish Kabbalah, explains that Hassidic Jews too know how to interpret the law to their own advantage, and he reminds us that Jews belonging to the heretic Sabbatean sect adopted as a line of conduct the systematic violation of all prohibitions of the Torah “in particular those of incest, which they declared repealed.

Gershom Scholem

That which is given an ambiguous interpretion by Talmudic Jews is expressed more clearly by Hassidic Jews [Ed. “a major sect of Judaism emphasizing joy, dance and song over learning], and is quite explicit in Sabbatean Jews. We will refer here to our previous work. The American researcher of Jewish origin David Bakan confirms that such practices are common in Jewish communities. In his book entitled Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition, he ponders “the role of incest in Jewish history” in an attempt to understand “the repeated references made to it by Freud.”


David Bakan confirms that [incest is] common in Jewish communities. In his book entitled Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition, he ponders “the role of incest in Jewish history”in an attempt to understand “the repeated references made to it by Freud.”

David Bakan

“Because of their endogamy,” writes Bakan, the problem of incest arose in a manner characteristic of the Jews, and the role of Jewish [i.e. Hassidic] mysticism, was partly to provide the means to cope with intense feelings of guilt associated with incestuous desires. “The Jews, actually, especially in Eastern Europe, usually lived in small communities,” so the choice there of a spouse was extremely limited, and it was of course forbidden to marry a goy. The traditional arrangement of marriages by elders of the Jewish community was due in part to the fact “that elders were holders of essential information on the degrees of kinship.”

Shtetl life in Old Poland and Russia — Jewish grain merchants talking in Slomniki; Jews were forbidden to leave their areas after a Jew killed Tsar Alexander II, who had fought ironically for their emancipation. Jews made money off selling liquor and lending money to peasants, then foreclosing on them.


We know also that Jews “Sephardic and Ashkenazi “married off their children at a very young age, as young as 12 or 13. “The custom of early marriages, writes David Bakan, “drew its justification, perhaps, not only from a realistic attitude concerning the sexual impulses that existed generally among Jews, but also from the need to overcome existing incestuous tendencies.”

And he concludes:


“The incestuous temptations that are perhaps, as Freud suggests, universally prevalent [sic], were particularly marked among Jews, requiring therefore intense countermeasures and, as a consequence, [infliction of] an excessive sense of guilt.”


The mores of Jews are undoubtedly quite remote from European customs. We have seen in  Psychoanalysis of Judaism that the Talmud was very explicit on this subject. The reading of texts being tedious, let us merely keep in mind these extracts from the Treaty of the Sanhedrin, 55a-55b:


“In any crime of incest committed by a child [sic], the compliant adult subject incurs no guilt, unless of course, the child has attained the age of nine years and a day. “(Sanhedrin, 55a).

A little girl of three years and one day may be acquired in marriage by sexual intercourse in case of the death of her husband ” and if she has sex with the brother of her husband, she becomes his.”(Sanhedrin, 55b).

The issue of incest is, however, mentioned relatively seldom in the literary production of Judaism. We know that the Jewish people like to maintain their mystery and secretiveness  and


incest, in particular, is one of the secrets, if not “THE” secret of Judaism.

Nevertheless, it appears here and there in anecdotal form in the works of some novelists. In the study devoted to Romain Gary in the Cahiers de l’Herne [Ed. “”Notebooks of Herne” a French literary magazine dedicated to unknown or ostracized yet deserving authors] we learn that his work reflects, in many places, the neuroses of Judaism:

“The incestuous fantasies unfold in all their ambivalence. With young women he encounters, Momo, [the hero of one of his novels], hesitates between amorous flirtation and the quest for maternal love. Under the guise of a universal love, Jean sleeps with a woman who could easily be his mother.” Sexual ambiguity is also of course present: “The difference between the sexes becomes uncertain: Lola, born a man, chose a female identity and we no longer know if the aged Rosa is still a woman.”(La Vie devant soi) [ = “Your Life Still Before You”]).

Observe also what Elie Wiesel writes in Talmudic Celebration [?] [the French version, from 1991, is entitled Célébration talmudique], when choosing an example at random to explain the Talmud:

Elie Wiesel. “Wiesel” in Yiddish means . . . . 
“weasel.” He was been widely denounced as a fraud by other Jews ” but was still useful for snowjobs on goyim. His Auschwitz memoir Night bizarrely never mentions gas chambers; it is so full of absurdities that it was eventually re-released as a novel “ as fiction!

“Sometimes a Talmudic saying requires ten lines, sometimes a few are enough to tell a story,” he writes.

“An example? A woman wanted to submit a serious problem to Rabbi Eliezer, but he refused to help. She then went to Rabbi Yehoshua who proved more accomodating. What was the problem? Here:


“B’ni hakatan mibni hagadol,” she said. “My eldest son is the father of my youngest son.”

On the subject of this incestuous woman seized by remorse and wanting to confess, would Dostoyevsky not have been capable of writing six hundred pages?”

Elie Wiesel quotes in his book the case of Rabbi Elisha, who lived in the second century, at the time of Emperor Hadrian and the war [between Rome and] Judea. He is, says Wiesel, the “symbol of repudiation and treachery. He had pockets full of anti-Jewish pamphlets. Worse: he began to campaign for forced assimilation. He sympathized with the [Roman] occupier, and became a collaborator and finally an accomplice of the Roman army.” The rabbi Elisha was akher; he represented the dark forces in the Jew, the forces of evil in man. He is first called Rabbi Elisha, then Elisha ben Abuya, then bin Abuya, and finally Akher. “What could be the origin of this unacceptable deviance?”

The first assumption, Wiesel wrote, lays the blame, of course, on. . . his mother. Jewish mothers are always guilty of whatever happens to their cherished son. “And Wiesel expresses himself here, elliptically:


“As a good Jewish son, he loved his mother ‘a little too much.’ ”

(end of part three)




……Ballad of an Ungrateful Immigrant

(from an anarchist website in New Zealand)

***  There is so much one could say about this poem ” the hate of whites, ingratitude, self-centeredness, vulgarity. Care to add any more? ” JdN


by Nausea Nissenbaum

So, what’re you getting for your birthday?
He laughs at the joke I don’t get
Coz yesterday in economics class
He learned just what percent of Jewish girls
Want nose jobs for their sweet sixteens.

And every time I walk past
These boys yell out, ˜hey Moses,’
Like it’s the worst insult they could dream up
And I wonder how do they know?
When my eyes are blue like theirs
And my hair is light like theirs
And my skin my skin is whiter than theirs
That pale Polish complexion so unsuited to this ozone free climate.

But something gives me away
Coz my nose is all wrong
And my lips —  they are fish lips — that same boy tells me.

So I wear a silver star around my neck
Like a big **** you to their wholesome Anglo paradise
And every time a teacher stops me to talk about uniform regulations
I talk back
I talk about pogroms,
I talk about Jews taking communion and spitting it right back out,
I talk about Jews burnt at the stake and
Jews burnt in ovens
And after all that do you really think a detention’s gonna scare me?

And when I talk, they listen
They listen, and they shut up, and they back off
Like the intensity in my eyes and the quivering in my voice
Is a knife that might start slashing
At their Anglo-Celtic-Saxon white white white reality.

In social studies we learn about the holocaust
My grandma’s existence on display for these
Wide eyed blonde teenagers
Who stare and whisper as I bite my lip to dam the tears

Tears which burst out later, in drama,
When Wayne Lancaster tells the class how Hitler is his idol
And the AP apologises to me after my mum complains coz
Wayne’s entitled to his opinion
But he needs to understand, you can’t
say things like that in front of Jewish people.

Of course, most people are nicer
They tell me all about their granddads who fought in World War Two
Like they were fighting for my freedom and I should be grateful
except that my grandad also fought in World War Two
And when it ended he had no home to go back to.

So all I can say is, **** you New Zealand
Yeah, I’ll take your passport
I’ll take your dole payments

But your smug gentile pity
Your churches on every corner
And your Christmas lights in every park —
That you can shove up your tukhas.


And these are the hate-crazed people that control our media.

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