How a civil war could erupt; tyrannical wives who withhold sex

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Scottish philosopher McIntyre writes about Aristotle and ethics.


……Kamala is afraid to debate

Excellent analysis of Kamala Harris as a “debater” and her new demands about the September 10 debate. (Of course, the vlogger does not bring up race, or the jews, or the fact that her husband, Doug Emhoff, is a jew.)

And now to my own thoughts….

I feel personally insulted by the jews dishing up this bimbo, this dregs, to white America. This is the jews giving us white people (and white males in particular) the middle finger.

We are supposed to accept this stupid, corrupt floozy (who never won a single Demoncrat primary in 2019-20) and who helped ruin California with a crime epidemic as possibly the next President of the United States? “Madam President”? She was viewed as a national joke three months ago even by the Democrats!

Now just imagine if Donald Trump had indeed been successfully assassinated (as he nearly was) in Butler, Pennsylvania a month and a half ago.

It was 100% outrageous because it was highly “suspicious” and 100% a Deep State hit.

We now know from shooter Matthew Crooks’ movements — as recorded on his smartphone in great detail — that Matthew Crooks took a 250-mile trip (one way) at age nineteen to Washington DC and visited — where? He visited the FBI building.

We also know that the 19-year-old had encrypted messenging accounts in Belgium, home of NATO.

And the latest is that his body has been cremated by the FBI. Or whatever.



















The New York Times speculated that a successful assassination of Trump would have led to an unorganized, spontaneous (their words!) “Redneck Rebellion.” In other words, outraged blue-collar white males would have grabbed their guns and done something — anything — to say “The Deep State has killed our one and only champion, Donald Trump, in order to force this whore Kamala down our throats. And our answer to her and the Deep State is HELL, NO.”

And the rednecks with their shotguns would have been crushed, because they have no plan, no vision, and no leader. just justified anger…, justified RAGE.

Think about it, because the Deep State could try again to get Trump and succeed the next time. In fact, they could actually run the redneck rebellion themselves and deliberately play “white supremacist villain” by committing supposed “atrocities.” One example would be a kind of racial Sandy Hook-style mass shooting event, i.e., killing a kindergarten  full of black and brown kiddies and their teacher.

Then they declare martial law.

As I said yesterday, as for MY plans, I cannot and dare not wait any longer on the housing issue. World events are moving ahead too fast now and they are ominous.  Thanks (sarcastically) go to everyone who did nothing, but genuine thanks go to the few who did as much as they could, and to one person in particular. We almost had enough.

Yes, I ALMOST HAD ENOUGH for this duplex house (I know the owner), which was available for six long months for $10-12K. Now it is gone, and six months of time for me to publicly build a white movement based in a house with a friendly owner are also gone.

I was in a “holding pattern,” as the airport control-tower people say.

But no longer. I’ll  have to take my chances.

625 Old Rockland Road, Ontonagon


…….On married women who withhold sex to torment their husbands 

There are several noteworthy things about Islam, a mostly awful but dynamic religion which spread rapidly because it has its seeming advantages for certain believers.  It is very semitic and thus very sex-based, as  I said once in Table Talk.  In this it is like its lineal predecessor, Judaism.

We all have heard about the 72 virgins a muslim supposedly gets in heaven if he dies fighting for Islam. And a muslim is allowed to rape any infidel female captive, or put her in a harem.

Another thing was the specific permission to beat your wife “gently” if she refuses you sex. (In England, a man was allowed to beat his wife if “disobedient”  or shrewish with a stick of the thickness of his thumb — in other words, avoiding serious physical injury.)

Clearly, this is a universal problem — the wife says no repeatedly and the man begins to get very frustrated. And the New Testament discusses  this too, with the “Apostle” Paul saying wives should not deliberately withhold sex from their husbands but render “the marital due.”

I can say this, that long ago, in 2009, Margi and I had a huge disagreement about a very important matter, and as “punishment” she withheld sex for about two months. It was pointless, since I did not give in about the matter, and not fun at all. Sex can be so bonding and so loving, so uniting and connecting (of course literally, but also psychologically) and it can help to repair a sore relationship, both the sex and the cuddling and warm glow afterward. But this sex strike really made a bad situation even worse.

(Women also imagine that the phenomenon known as “blue balls” is just a figure of speech. It is not. There can be severe discomfort — PAIN — in the testicles when charged with prostate fluid and sperm and there is no release.)

In fact, in 2011 we broke up for over a year, though we stayed in touch the whole time. When we got back together in December 2012, one of the first changes I noticed in her was she basically never said no to sex any more (and I always asked in a sweet or funny way) unless there was some genuine physical issue (infections, etc), and then she would say “How about in three days?” And so it was just the cuddling for those days.

And not long before she died, Margi told me she wanted to make love more frequently, and said “You know, when I came back to Ontonagon from Asheville, and I knew you were eager to make love, I did it, but it hurt every time for a while, even with the things we were doing. But I did it because I love you.”

Margi and I in June 2018 in a park in Houghton by the canal  

One thing I had explained to Margi was that even without any foreplay or hanky-panky, just by my being next to her in bed and touching her skin, this “got me going.” My hormones surged because for me she was a desirable female.

Few know this but by reading Martin Luther, an ex-monk who married an ex-nun, in German, I found out that he recommended sex three times a week. (Older people may not need quite that much, however, but TLC and cuddling — every night. 😉 )

Life is really hard, but sex with love makes it a lot more bearable. And men and women need each other.


Here now is a powerful and shocking video with a onetime married woman confessing that she basically had tortured her husband, a good man as she said, by withholding sexual relations from him, even though he did and tried everything he could to please her both out of bed and in it.  He tried new positions and techniques that she claimed she wanted to try out and he also went with her to couples therapy.

This is a brutally honest confession that she used sex (or the lack thereof) to dominate, torment, and cruelly tyrannize over her husband. (I will add that men obviously can be nasty and horrible, too, though rarely is it by withholding sex. 😉 )

I do know myself of one case where a wife has not only put on weight but has not had sex with her loving but truly suffering husband for YEARS.

And all of this cruelty is just SO wrong.

This woman sure deserves credit for her honesty and for admitting that she did something wrong.


Btw, this weaponization of sex is also very jewish. Woody Allen once said:

“You know what the jewish idea of foreplay  is? Three hours of begging.”

I knew a jewish officer in the Marines, divorced from a jewess, and he told me:

“I will never marry another jewish woman. They are totally feminist and yet totally spoiled. They’re all into being ‘equal,’ but at the same time you’re supposed to wait on them hand and foot.”

And how can a woman respect a man she can bully?

I have been with more than a few women and two of them urged: “Don’t be so gentle. Take me!” So I did. 😉  One of them on the dining room  table 😉 and she talked about it for months. 🙂 No matter how feminist a woman thinks she is, she wants a bad-ass man, a protector, and a guy who will scr— her good.

Going on a sex strike as a sadistic power trip also violates the marriage vows that we make before God. And the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Do not think He misses anything we think, say, or do, or fail to do.

To wit:

“I, ___, take thee, ___, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and obey, till death do us part (or “for as long as we both shall live”), according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith.”

And Margi kept her vow. She held me, literally, and in every other way, and I held her too — through everything that came. We both tried every day to make each other happy in this hell-like world.


I keep her photo on the wall above my desk.


And now you know a secret reason why many Christians left their faith for Islam and it became a vast world religion. Under Islam, women are not allowed to withhold sex (or Mohammed said they can be “gently” beaten); husbands and wives get plenty of intimacy in the bedroom.

And that afterglow from a man and a woman uniting can heal many a wound in this painful world. 


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