“Nausea” (Camus’ word) — why DID I reincarnate here AGAIN?

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A comrade and generous donor read the blog yesterday about Professor Robert Faurisson and recalled having heard that someone turned the ceiling fire sprinklers on in the private meeting room in order to sabotage what turned out to be Dr. Faurisson’s final event.

I replied:

Actually, there is no incident shown in the entire film of the Exactitude meeting of any sprinklers coming on, but what I do recall reading was that someone did burst in and began shouting abuse at, and harassing, the audience. The impression I got at the time was that Faurisson’s death was perhaps triggered by his rage over this atrocious behavior.

Faurisson was half-Scottish (via his mother) and was very proud of it, expressing this twice to me. The Scots are fierce and hot-tempered Kelts with some warlike Pictish and Viking genes as well. Here are Scots in their kilts playing “Scotland the Brave” on bagpipes. Few know that the Scots, as Kelts, have a real thing about proving their bravery in battle to the more germanic English. (I fought the Scots in WWI, who charged us in their kilts, their bagpipes playing — magnificent heroes and disciplined soldiers.)

I love this song by “The Picts,” a modern, soft-rock version of an ancient Scottish song about a battle in 1688 at Killiecrankie, Scotland between the Scots and the English. Both sides fought courageously and took enormous losses. While the Scots did win, their commander was killed, and the uprising failed. What long made America so exceptional was its mix of the stern germanic and the free-spirited keltic. The Germans are sometimes  TOO German 😉 and the Irish TOO keltic, but the mix is perfect. (Margi was German and Scots-Irish.)


I found this from October 2018 (http://www.heritageanddestiny.com/professor-robert-faurisson-the-intellectual-adventurer-of-the-century-dies-on-return-from-this-weekends-triumphant-trip-to-his-native-town/)


Professor Robert Faurisson died suddenly this evening, just after arriving at his home in Vichy, France, following a triumphant return to his native town of Shepperton, Surrey. He died instantly after suffering a heart attack as he crossed the threshold of his home.

Professor Robert Faurisson with Lady Michèle Renouf

Born to a Scots mother and French father in Shepperton in January 1929, Professor Faurisson would have been 90 in three months time. Heritage & Destiny is proud to have facilitated his final speech on the final weekend of his eventful and heroic life.

Yesterday at the Anchor Hotel in Shepperton, before a personally invited audience of 70 friends and fellow students of real history, Professor Faurisson gave a masterful summary of his decades of research. Time and again, beginning in the 1970s, he put his exceptional academic expertise in analysing documentary texts at the service of historical exactitude.

Travelling to many countries in his researches, Professor Faurisson was the first to establish that the so-called homicidal ‘gas chamber’ displayed to tourists in Auschwitz is a post-war ‘reconstruction’ – in fact a fake by Soviet propagandists.  And he was the first to publish detailed original blueprints for what were later claimed to have been homicidal ‘gas chambers’ but were in fact mortuaries.

For decades, Professor Faurisson was relentlessly pursued by French courts, after a special law was introduced to criminalise his work. Even at the hour of his death, several prosecutions were still ongoing in Paris and Vichy courtrooms.

Professor Robert Faurisson, Lady Michèle Renouf and the Professor’s translator and assistant Guillaume Nichols, seen here in Shepperton hours before the Professor’s death

Yesterday’s final Faurisson speech was at a private reception in his honour, arranged by H&D‘s assistant editor Peter Rushton with the backing of Lady Michèle Renouf, Richard Edmonds and Max Musson. Guests were welcomed by Lady Renouf, and then heard an opening speech by Vincent Reynouard, the leading figure in a younger generation of Frenchmen inspired by Professor Faurisson to pursue their own researches into ‘forbidden’ history.

*** I laugh at insecure Anglo-Saxons who crack jokes about cowardly Frenchmen





Hervé Lalin (his real name) is the son of a typographer of Breton origin, son of a miner and a mother, a nurse, daughter of Breton peasants who fled Brittany  because of hunger to live in Normandy.

Asfor the atrocity of incest, it makes jewish kids both incredibly ugly physically — and also hysterical psychologically. Incest fries a child’s brain; he or she is not set up yet, obviously, neither physically nor hormonally, for sex. The child finds it bizarre, menacing, sick and evil, and sees his parents as wicked monsters. The child knows it is wrong.

Ryssen, after writing a dozen superb books, became a street activist with the Yellow Vests, who were being openly brutalized and even blinded by rubber bullets.

What did YOU, WASP keyboard warrior, ever do on the street comparable to this FRENCHMAN?

Hervé was on the cover of a December 2018 issue of Paris Match, the biggest weekly photo magazine in France.


It is so egoic to talk sh– about another group of white people who have proven their bravery —  while himself doing absolutely nothing.

Hervé being assaulted by the infamous anti-riot police called the CRS. These are the true goons of the Deep State.


Hervé left his books to add brainpower to a blue-collar street movement of the down-and-outs.


“So, for our part, we dreamed of something great, and we have only one desire, that this spirit be reborn. And with all my might, up to the last moment of my existence, I will fight for this so that what was our struggle and our martyrdom will one day be our resurrection.”
― Degrelle, the most highly decorated of the 400,000 non-German citizens in the Waffen-SS (The Walloons are of French culture and language and live in the southeastern half of Belgium.)

As Waffen-SS general Felix Steiner looked on, I awarded Degrelle the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves for leading the desperate breakout at Cherkassy in Ukraine. Our troops were encircled and, while half perished, Degrelle was able to lead the other half successfully out of this “kettle.” (90% of German soldiers who surrendered to the Red Army were shot — often tortured first — or worked to death in Siberia’s gold mines.)

Degrelle also received the German Cross in Gold for at least six acts of great bravery or skilled military leadership in combat. He rose from private to general of the Waffen-SS (being promoted to this rank by Himmler personally) in four years on the dreaded eastern front. He also suffered the assassination of his brother Édouard on July 14, 1954 (which happens to be exactly ten years before my rebirth in this life.) His brother Édouard had played no role in his brother’s Rex movement, though he had sympathized with his brother and the Germans. He was  shot and killed in his pharmacy in their hometown of Bouillon —  a purely terroristic murder.



Finally, I salute a Frenchman of specifically keltic blood who has made significant donations.

In the machine-gun and artillery hell of WWI, there were two groups of atypical heroes:

  1. the messengers (like me) who left the relative safety of the trenches to bring vital messages to and from headquarters to the men, and
  2. the men who brought us ammunition and food.

He has brought ammunition and food.

While 99.75% of you did NOTHING.

Good thing you don’t believe in God, because if you did, you might fear His wrath,  for you too shall die and face your Maker.


The Parable of the Bags of Gold

Matthew 25:14–30Ref—Lk 19:12–27

14 Againit will be like a man going on a journey,m who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them15 To one he gave five bags of goldto another two bagsand to another one bag,a each according to his ability.n Then he went on his journey16 The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more17 So alsothe one with two bags of gold gained two more18 But the man who had received one bag went offdug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.

19 After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them.o 20 The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five bags of goldSeeI have gained five more.’

21 His master replied, ‘Well donegood and faithful servantYou have been faithful with a few thingsI will put you in charge of many things.p Come and share your master’s happiness!’

22 The man with two bags of gold also came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with two bags of goldseeI have gained two more.’

23 His master replied, ‘Well donegood and faithful servantYou have been faithful with a few thingsI will put you in charge of many things.q Come and share your master’s happiness!’

24 Then the man who had received one bag of gold came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard manharvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed25 So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the groundSeehere is what belongs to you.’

26 His master replied, ‘You wickedlazy servantSo you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed27 Well thenyou should have put my money on deposit with the bankersso that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.

28 “ ‘So take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags29 For whoever has will be given moreand they will have an abundanceWhoever does not haveeven what they have will be taken from them.r 30 And throw that worthless servant outsideinto the darknesswhere there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’




Professor Faurisson himself then presented a comprehensive overview of his career, including very new and important discoveries – a full video of his speech will be broadcast later this week by Lady Renouf’s Telling Films. His swan song was also captured for posterity by an invited camera team from a Lebanese television station.

Just as the Professor was completing his speech, the hotel management summoned [host] Peter Rushton. In another part of the hotel – while Professor Faurisson concluded his address – the hotel manager demanded that Mr Rushton instantly close down the meeting. Mr Rushton insisted that the event had been booked in good faith as a private reception – with no duplicity – and that it would continue until the scheduled conclusion.

Professor Faurisson in Paris for one of his many court appearances in the 1990s

In a disgraceful breach of contract, the management then harassed the audience in the hotel’s private function room, haranguing Professor Faurisson and his friends, turning out the lights, setting off the fire alarm, and playing loud disco music in an attempt to drown out Peter Rushton’s speech.

Undeterred, Mr Rushton persisted – speaking in the dark over the background noise of fire bells etc. – and the audience bravely suffered this unusual form of oratory!


……Either understand that this earth is a bad-karma planet and an outlier among many civilized worlds, AND  THAT YOU UNDERSTOOD THIS BEFORE YOU REINCARNATED HERE — or you will quit our cause in nauseated disgust AT WHITE PEOPLE — and surrender completely to be enslaved or killed

Yes, one indeed could have a heart attack or stroke like Faurisson from sheer disgust at the cowardice and selfishness of the human race.

I felt it myself in 1924 when coming up with this ridiculously long ORIGINAL title for Mein Kampf….

4.5 Years of Struggle [Kampf in German] Against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice

[meaning by my fellow white Germans who saw the country going completely to hell yet did nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
— A settling of accounts [with my enemies]

What is the future of white English (and French, and German, and American) children if this hell continues and gets even worse — AS I CAN GUARANTEE YOU IT WILL?

Exactly WHAT is this hotel manager defending? The Jewnited Kingdom of white girls being gang-raped by migrant muslims?

The glorious paedophilia by half-jew aristocrats in the haughty House of Lords?

Two little girls and their teacher being knifed to death by a negro, and five other little girls being knifed IN THE FACE?

How about BBC reporter Jill Dando, who was investigating child molesters up in the hierarchy of her employer, the BBC, being shot to death as she entered her own home?

(See more on her below.)

And how often did all this meeting disruption happen to me and Margi AS WELL here in the States!…. I recall two events in 2007, in East Lansing, Michigan and in southern California, and another big one in November 2008 in Memphis, Tennessee. Antifa called the hotel manager at his private home telephone number and threatened him and his family!

Did the FBI under Dubya intervene?

Are you kidding? They WORK with Antifa!

The entire “No More Wars for Israel” conference of 2007 was constantly being disrupted by us being thrown out on the street as hotel manager after manager caved in like a terrified little girl! Backbone? ZERO. Manly pride? Zilch!

“I’m proud to be an American, because at least I know I’m free?” “Free” in what way exactly? Free to be stomped, stabbed, railroaded, slandered by our own government, raped and killed! And here is our only right, fellow crackers —  the “Miranda right”:


That is all that is left, the Whites’ right to remain silent as we are destroyed, and just TAKE it. But object to being genocided, and YOU are the hater.

(The song is great, however, though only as an ideal — not a reality…..)

Finally, I, John de Nugent, wangled a dancing school into letting us use their dance ballroom for our conference on the final day! And since it had no food facilities (as a ballroom and dance studio) for this day-long event, and it was located in an industrial park, with no restaurants nearby, I BOUGHT WITH MY OWN MONEY 20 LARGE PIZZAS WITH DIFFERENT TOPPINGS. (We also paid our own round-trip airfare from Washington DC to Los Angeles.)

The organizer, Joe Fields, explicitly thanked me by name from the podium at the end for saving the conference.


How revolting, however, to see gullible and cowardly white goyim battling us, who seek to save them from white genocide, and repeating like bird-brain little parrots the talking points — the stinking lies — of the very jews who HATE their guts, and want to see us all die in agony!

One of the speakers at this conference was a Polish woman who detailed with paintings what the Bolsheviks did to anticommunist Russians and Poles.


I decided long ago that the religion I would create would be called Virtus, meaning valor, patriotism and honor, the traits that made the Ancient Romans great.

Then Margi got up, much braver than so many a white MAN I have met.  She never complained at any privation, though she suffered from clinical depression and took meds for it. In fact, stoic that she was, during the whole four and a third years of her cancer, I only overheard her cry once (not knowing I was nearby, and it devastated  me). Margi read aloud a short poem as translated by her from the German to English.

But she did not reveal who had composed it until after declaiming it. No one in the audience was able to guess correctly who its author was. This was one of those moments when I fell even more in love with Margi than ever. She was saying my poem. She had courage, brains, beauty, amazing skills in the kitchen, a love of beautiful (and used, low-priced) clothes and jewelry from thrift stores so she always looked great, and she had a fierce Scots-Irish mountain-woman hatred of injustice and oppression.

She had said to me in the city bus as we went home from work in DC together in May 2005 to my Alexandria, Virginia apartment for the first time:

“We have GOT to find some way to get through to people!”

Composed in French Flanders, in the Artois forest, spring 1916
Based on a true story

[then the actual poem comes]

In a Thicket of the Forest at Artois
It was in a thicket in the Artois Wood.
Deep in the trees, on blood-soaked ground,
A wounded German warrior lay stretched
And his cries rang out in the night.
In vain “ no echo answered his plea.
Will he bleed to death like a beast
Shot in the gut, that dies alone?
Then suddenly
Heavy steps approach from right and left
He hears them stamp on the forest floor,
And new hope springs in his soul.
And now from the left,
And now from both sides,
Two men approach his dark resting place
A German, and a Frenchman.
And each watches the other with distrustful glance,
And threateningly they aim their weapons.
The German warrior asks: “What are you doing here?”
“I was touched by his desperate calls for help.”

Drawing by me to illustrate the poem


“He’s your enemy!”
“He’s a man who is suffering.”
So both lowered their weapons without a word,
then entwined their hands together,
and with muscles tensed, carefully lifted
the wounded warrior, as if on a stretcher,
And carried him through the woods
Till they came to the German outposts.
“Now it’s done. He’ll get good care.”
And the Frenchman turns back toward the woods.
But the German grasps for his hand,
Looks, moved, into sorrow-dimmed eyes

Hitler, convalescing in a hospital in Berlin in 1916


And says to him with earnest foreboding:

“I don’t know what fate holds for us,
Which inscrutably rules in the stars.
Perhaps I shall fall, a victim of your bullet.
Perhaps mine will fell you on the sand,
For the fortunes of battle are unpredictable.

Hitler after four years at the front

But however it may be, and whatever may come:
It is for such sacred hours that we live,

When a man sees himself in another man,

And so farewell!

May God be with you!”

Adolf Hitler 1916

French infantrymen, “poilus,” in the trenches (re-enactors)


Jill Dando, a martyr to the cause of exposing paedophiles


…..”Drill rap” in the Jewnited Kingdom


If you thought rap was bad, drill rap is Blacks openly advocating stabbing people, and just to be cricket, this being England, stabbing them from behind in the back.

“In London’s poorest areas, young boys see this form of music as a thrilling call to arms. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick has said: ‘Drill music is associated with lyrics which are about glamorising serious violence — murder, stabbings.

‘They describe the stabbings in great detail, joy and excitement . . . Most particularly, in London we have gangs who make drill videos and in those videos, they taunt each other. They say what they’re going to do to each other and specifically what they are going to do to whom.’

In 2018, the Metropolitan Police tracked more than 600 suspected gangsters across 1,100 YouTube clips, which they said potentially incited violence.

The crime rates speak for themselves. In 2019, homicides in London hit a ten-year high, having increased 50 per cent over four years. Between 2019 and 2020, there was a six per cent rise in offences involving knives or sharp instruments.”

Here is the Daily Mail article on the BBC promoting “drill rap”:

Soundtrack to murder: For the first time, a gangland ‘drill’ track is at Number One – spreading a message of hatred and violent revenge being echoed in playgrounds across the country. So why IS the BBC promoting it?

Ah, there’ll always be an England….NOT. The Great Replacement is obliterating the white race that made Britain.

The coppers are tough on “crime,” all right, but only if it is the thought-crime of white Britons speaking out who resent being replaced (without their consent!), and stabbed, raped, and murdered.

It used to be that the British Broadcasting Corporation was a symbol of Britain at its best, replete with posh James Bond accents…..


….a Britain that was also the Mother Country of America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand…

…a land of bobbies….

…double-decker buses

….my Yorkshire grandfather’s favorite marmalade:

The Breakfast of Champions 😉

…and Britain gave us my late  father’s trusty old friend (well, when me mum was drivin’ ‘im nuts 😉 )

And England built with valor and cunning the largest empire in world history.

But it seems things have changed; almost everything has changed…..

And it seems evil is the norm now especially at the BBC, which is run by almost open paedophiles, by negrophiles, islamophiles and by jews.

Troy: Fall of a City by the BBC – Now,  see, I did not know that the Ancient Greeks and the Trojans were black! 😉

Yes, this is Zeus


An infamous, known paedophile, Eric Gill, sculpted the outer decor of BBC House in London, giving the adult man and boy weird expressions sort-of “as if” they were having forbidden sex.

On the side of BBC House are Stars of David glorifying the jews:

The large-beaked paedophile George Val Myer designed the entire building, called “BBC House.”

The BBC and paedophilia — nothing this baby could not fix. But don’t cook ’em too fast; let them suffer as the children did.

The ultra-elite Eton College is another hotbed of paedophilia.

Many of Britain’s top politicians, actors, diplomats and royalty were educated there. Here are some well-known Old Etonians:

1) David Cameron (fmr Prime Minister)

2) Boris Johnson (Mayor of London, current PM)
3) Ian Fleming (007 author)
4) Damian Lewis (Actor)
5) Myles Ponsonby (Diplomat and MI6 officer)
6) Princes William and Harry

7) Alan Clark (deceased politician)
8) Douglas Hurd (Politician)
9) Christopher Cazenove (deceased actor)
10) Sir Francis Richards (former head of spy-station GCHQ)
11) Oliver Letwin (politician)
12) Geoffrey Adams (Diplomat)
13) Ian Ogilvy (actor -The Saint)
14) Justin Welby (Archbishop of Canterbury)
15) Darius Guppy (criminal)

Some people claim that children are often buggered in exclusive public schools. This buggering is supposed to instill a stiff upper-lip into children. Some say it makes children susceptible to conditioning techniques.

There have been several child-abuse scandals involving Eton College. The authorities have been very lax in their response to these claims. In 2004, a pervert teacher at Eton walked free from court:

”A PERVERT teacher at Eton who downloaded child porn escaped jail yesterday – after a judge heaped praise on him.

Shamed Ian McAuslan, 58, had 200 indecent images of boys on his computer and a sordid child sex video was found at his home. But he walked free after his nine-month prison sentence was suspended for two years.

Judge Christopher Critchlow spoke in glowing terms about the respected master, who taught Classics at Princes William and Harry’s world-famous college, which costs 20,000 pounds a year.  He told McAuslan, who was forced to quit his job when charged: “You have a fine record and were clearly devoted to your profession. I give you full credit for that long service and all that you have done in that career. It’s a tragedy that your career should end this way.”

The controversial decision at Reading Crown Court came just a day after a similar case involving a paedophile judge caused outrage.

In that instance – highlighted in yesterday’s Mirror – “His Honour” David Selwood, 70, got off with 12-month community rehabilitation order despite admitting 13 child porn offences. The court in London said it had taken into account his “long and outstanding service”. Last night, there was a fresh outcry over the leniency shown to McAuslan, of Southampton, who was ordered to be placed on the sex offenders’ register for seven years.

Protesters branded the sentence “pathetic,” and called for far tougher punishments. Michele Elliott, director of child protection charity Kidscape, said: “This sends out the message that child pornography is not a very serious offence. It suggests that anyone with a previous seemingly good character can get away with anything.”

Lyn Costello, of Mothers Against Murder and Aggression, added:

“It’s obvious he became a teacher merely to satisfy his cravings as a paedophile. His sort should get the maximum sentence.”

Gabriel and Alisa, an English brother and sister, said they were victims of their own father, who also pimped them out to other molesters. Paedos especially love raping blond children, and the jews love raping blond kids most of all. The BBC then claimed, of course, that the real abuser was their own mother, who then made them tell lies. (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-32357195) Do these two angels really look like they were lying?

In 2015, Alisa and Gabriel, told the world they were being raped and tortured on a regular basis by lawyers, teachers, social workers and many others in schools and churches in the Hampstead area. They accused their father, Ricky Dearman, of also raping them and pimping them out to his associates.

Despite their most compelling evidence, the media and judiciary shut down any investigation into their claims and people were vilified and ridiculed for believing their allegations. The children were undoubtedly telling the truth, as their testimony clearly shows.

Interestingly, they spoke in length of how many sports coaches were involved in the abuse, including tennis and swimming. They said many children were abused at swimming clubs and the abuse was filmed and sold for huge sums.

*** I can personally confirm this detail.


US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, an ultra-conservative, suddenly began casting mysterious votes for far-left causes. Here he is with his wife and two adopted Irish children. You can make vast sums renting out blond children to paedos. They are called, sarcastically, “Minnesota Nice,” after the many fair-haired children in that mostly Scandinavian and German state.



Alisa and Gabriel Dearman – Hampstead Abuse Story Video 1:

– In 2014, a video came out depicting two young children, Alisa and Gabriel, explaining in detail the horrific abuse that they had been exposed to at Hampstead Christ Church Primary School.

Scenes of satanic rituals, sexual abuse, infant murder, and cannibalism were described in vivid detail by the children, causing the video to become viral.

Among the alleged perpetrators was the children’s biological father, Ricky Dearman, as well as a number of staff members and parents of children at their primary school in Hampstead, London.

Despite the severity of the case, an adequate investigation into the children’s claims was never carried out. Instead, the case took an unexpected turn when it was ruled that their mother, Ella, and her partner had abused the children and fabricated the story – forcing her to flee the country.

In a recent interview with SGT Report, Ella resurfaced to share the truth of her children’s story and the large-scale cover-up of the satanic group in Hampstead.

Today, information surrounding the case is difficult to pin down. A simple Google search revealed that much of the content surrounding the case has been removed.

We will begin our investigation by looking at the evidence that was found immediately after Ella reported the crimes to the Barnet Police (Hampstead area). Medical examinations of the children were ordered after the crime was reported. The medical reports were later leaked and showed that the examiner found physical evidence (scars) that supported the children’s claims.

The following week the children were taken into police custody, and later retracted their statements. In a report by a medical examiner, it is highlighted that a 2007 study of child sexual abuse uncovered that retractions occur more frequently than previously thought. During the time leading up to the court proceedings for the case, no investigation into the perpetrators named by the children ever took place.

Physical evidence – including the descriptions of tattoos on the genitalia of teachers at the school – that would have quickly proved or disproved the children’s claims, was simply ignored.

*** In rape or just sex cases, if the woman or child victim can exactly describe the genitals of a person, it is normally dispositive evidence that something sexual did take place. Monica Lewinsky did so when deposed about her oral-sex encounters with Bill Clinton and his very curved penis.


Instead, the headmistress – who, it is important to note, was among the suspects named by the children – was invited to partner with the police at the strategy meeting.

Below is “artwork” by Roz Flagg Evans, the Hampstead artist who is the wife of the School Trustee, Mr. Evans.

Note the leg cuffs, meat cleaver and the wide-open mouth.


Is this a baby (crocheted bizarrely in copper wire) being tortured?

Is this about a teenage mother being forced, after giving birth, to give her baby up for sacrifice? Why the skull-head?

Now, why would the police choose to partner with one of the main perpetrators, accused by the children of depravity, instead of investigating her?

Ella believes it is because it was part of a plan to silence her children and cover up the story.


Hampstead, England horror videos of sex-abuse testimony of little blond Gabriel and his sister Alisa

Antony Holtz, whose Youtube channel once had 6,000 subscribers, says the Jews use the “Communitarian Network” — founded by the German Jew Amitai Etzioni — to convert UK councillors (town and city council members) to their cause of the NWO and paedophilia.

Holtz is a very interesting guy, a Brit of Irish ancestry. We talked for two hours.

He read my lengthy and detailed article about how I was ritually abused as a child….


….and he left this comment:

“John, what you are doing here is not just courageous, it is heartbreaking, because not only do I see a man of true honour slowly destroying himself by fighting tooth and nail for the sake of his people, but that those people will not rise up with him, even though they are sacrificing the future of their own children for a brief moment of their own comfort.

Time is your friend, so long as you have enough of it.

We will, of course, find critics of everything we do and say, and those who proceed to dissect and label every feeling or idea we have and attribute it to the lowest possible causes. They are only satisfied when they belittle in others what is in most cases missing in themselves, and we must change this, John.

We must wake these fools up.”


He says he has gotten cases in court thrown out against him. He exposes how the courts and police are now corporations, and this causes judges caniptions. Holtz wrote me that BBC reporter Jill Dando, who was murdered while investigating paedos, died for precisely the reason which the Jew-Wiki article on her dismissed:


Jill Wendy Dando was an English journalist, television presenter and newsreader. She spent most of her career at the BBC and was the corporation’s Personality of the Year in 1997. At the time of her death, her television work included co-presenting the BBC One programme Crimewatch with Nick Ross.Wikipedia
Born: Jill Wendy Dando, November 9, 1961, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, England
Died:April 26, 1999, Fulham, London, England
Cause of death:Murder by shooting.
On the morning of 26 April 1999, Dando was shot dead outside her home at 29 Gowan Avenue, Fulham, southwest London. This prompted the biggest murder inquiry conducted by the Metropolitan Police and the country’s largest criminal investigation since the hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper.

In July 2014, a report appeared in the Daily Star Sunday claiming that Dando had investigated a paedophile ring at the BBC during the mid-1990s and had handed a dossier on it to BBC management. It was implied that this may have prompted a revenge attack. The BBC said it had seen no evidence to support the claim.[21][22]


I believe he is right, based on reading the facts. In particular, only a government with the power to tap phones would know what the assassin knew about her and her whereabouts on the morning of the murder.


RIP, Jill

He also says Princess Di (yes, yes, I know — her real biological father was the jew Goldsmith) was murdered because she was going to expose paedophilia in the Royal Family.

I did get in two donations this week totally $350. But were it not for one Frenchman, the site would be down right now.

This is the worst time possible for my site to go down, on the verge of the Great Awakening I only can bring about.



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