Why I do not use black handymen

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Actually, $150 for a loose wire is already ridiculous. But this black mf trying to gouge her for almost $1800 is insane. The best part of this is the negro claims to have found a microscopic leak with the naked eye. It’s not even a good lie. They have no conscience 95% of the time. Everything is a hustle and a scam with them. And of course, if you’re white, they think you’re just a mark, so it’s open season on you.


  1. Carleton Coon was a distinguished American anthropologist whose theory it was that the races of humankind did not have a common human ancestor, but, rather the races were formed during the pre-human _homo erectus_ stage of human evolution. Thus, there was a White _home erectus_, a Yellow _homo erectus_, and a Black _homo erectus_, each of which evolved separately into the human type. And according to Coon, the Black _homo erectus_ evolved into the human type much, much later than the White and Yellow ones.

    Naturally enough, the Jews who rule us trashed Dr. Coon’s theory and insinuated that it was not disinterested science but was a concoction intended to prevent racial integration.

  2. A black man visited Albania which is majority muslim descendents of the Ottoman Turks. And an Albanian man walked up to him and said fuck you nigger.
    And this black man started the usuall didn’t do nuttin talk and said that white police officers are killing us in te streets all the time and nothing has changed since slavery.
    They don’t realise they can’t go to none western countries and tell them how to treat them.
    I don’t think they realise if they go to A foriegn country such as Albania, Turkey,China or India they will not get special treatment.
    And calling an Albanian or Turkish person a racist in Albania or Turkey is going to get them severley beaten up or killed. Our stupid retarded ancestors fell for cultural marxism and betrayed their own people for jewish money and gold.
    We must be a weaker race because no other race would be as weak minded to fall for causing their own destruction and hating their own race. Were too empathatic and the jews have always been able too manipulate the one percent of the most stupid braindead whites.
    And christian zionists and pentacostal christians are too blame the most because liberalism didn’t take off till the 1960’s. Donald Trump is a Christian zionist that worships Jewish money lenders and is a low i.q moron. He wouldn’t even know that communism was created by Karl Marx or about Lenin.
    Only the stupidest most low i.q greedy people will serve jews and sell out their own people.
    Who said that quote that the jew is the corruption of mankind? Thats why the most stupid greedy corrupt people are the leaders of the worlds countries. At this point i don’t even care about caucasion gong extinct. I would just be happy if other countries and races turn on the jews. It’s not a big secret anymore about jewish power and that jews control our politics and own and control the worlds biggest corporatipns and own 97 percent of the worlds media.
    The jews hysteria and overeach is painfully obvious now and theres so many educated muslims and Indians and other races.
    The giant elephant in the room is starting to get noticed.
    The media are stupid fucking clowns and everyone hate the politicians and most people hate the media.
    Even if other races hate white people most blacks just see jews as other white people.
    Excluding white males from every job that requires high intelligence won’t work that just leaves all the high skilled jobs for jews and east Asians.
    The great reset requires the destruction of nature and going against the forces of nature. It requires everything to be run by jewish brains and robots advanced AI and transhumanism.
    Can they pull it off and remain shielded, from gruesome ruthless cartels taking over American cities and vicious moddle eastern gangs in Europe and Australia. Western European armies are cucked and pathetic and full of black and brown people. The violent millitant muslims and africans outnumber the police and millitary in western Europe and they won’t be able to protect the jews from them. Theres too many of them. I think even if 5 billion people are killed from the mrna shots and another 2 billion from a mass famine and a nucleor war there would still be enough people left to destroy them and them whining about the holohoax is going to make the other races hate them even more.
    They don’t give a shit about jews saying their persacuted and it’s their vile subhuman behaviour throughout history that has made them so hated. And just how psychotic and deranged they are.
    The violent brutal horrifoc abuse of white women in their sickening brutal pornography films. Especially Russian and eastern European women, Nearly all these women are on dope, heroin,meth or oxycotin,cocaine,crack. Nearly all of these ypung women end up with horrific internal injuries and i’ve heard a lot needing to be operated on. And ive heard of a lot of young women have daged their bowel so badly they’ve had to get it removed and end up with a colostomy bag. And the pyschotic jewish pornographers love putting tiny petite white women with up to 12 huge black men that are told by the jewish porn producersto be violent and choke and hit them and to destroy them. The jewish pornographers love having white women brutalised by huge aggressive violent savage black males. They’ll have them do double and triple anal and fisted and pissed in their moth and the girls drink all their urine and have have them fucked so brutally, and the girls are high on dope most of the time.
    They suffer horrific injuries, bleeding and tearing are beaten whipped spat on choked slapped hit, can be even crying on film and the psychotic, jewish porn producers love seeing that or doing that themselves.
    The violent brutal jewish male porn actors enjoy it.
    And thats just whats available on giant mainstream jewish porn websites. I couldn’t even imagine the illegal stuff that the jews produce such as torture porn and child abuse porn and snuff. The jewish mafia mossad and the jew run CIA are involved in all that stuff. They can get away with anything. One of the biggest pornographers ever Ruben Sturman was called the walt disney of porn. Produced child abuse and beastiality porn and never received any jail time for it and giggled in court as his films were introduced. He died in jail in 1997 from tax evasion.
    And his son took over his porn empire. I would describe most jews as psychotic psychopathic schizo diabolical beastial hate filled monsters.

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