Margaret’s analogy brings it home — America as the serial-killer’s wife

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Margi and her cat Princess, who became very close to me as well.

…..Yet again a sign

Princess would always visit me when I was reading Eckhart Tolle.:-)

As things get dramatic worldwide, I have been  putting my work into high gear.
I was debating with myself some important practical choices I have to make.
It was discouraging.
Suddenly I heard Princess –she died of cancer in July 2022 — purr in my right ear. Then she nose-bumped me.
Then I felt her step on my left lower thigh.
“Don’t worry. We — Margi and I– are with you.”

……The serial killer the people are married to

The truth behind all this is actually really scary — the Deep State that rules the US government, the Pentagon, and the Establishment media is satanic.
They are jewish pedophile billionaires who hate Gentile Americans — and they want us to suffer and die. Our government at the top and behind the scenes consists of satanic pedophiles and psychopaths. But Jesus did say: “The truth will set you free.” Only the truth about the jews (and their many Gentile minions) can be this nation’s salvation.
My late wife Margaret, whom I believe they indirectly murdered, said once: “The American public is like the wife of a serial rapist and serial killer, like John Ramsey, the father of Jon-Benet Ramsey. [Few know that a Colorado grand jury, hearing all the evidence, voted to indict this VIP for rape and murder, but the District Attorney IGNORED the vote of the grand jury!!!].
The wife has a certain comfortable lifestyle and a stable marriage, and she does not want to rock the boat, or ask too many questions, and then end up broke — divorced by her powerful husband, a man who knows all the judges, the tv station owners, the newspaper publishers, and the DAs.
[I, John, once dated in Melbourne, Florida in the early 1990s a woman, a science professor, a non-Mormon who had been married to a top Mormon in Salt Lake City, Utah.
When she divorced him, she got a ridiculously low amount of child support for her two kids and a paltry alimony from him — because he knew the family court judge, also a Mormon. Remember — divorce is the number-one cause of poverty for women and children in America!!]
Her prestigious husband plays golf with all the other powerful big-shots, the lawyers, the judges, the business owners….. And she is “just” his wife, with no income of her own, just the good looks she had when they met in college and which are gradually fading over the years.
The wife has no money or power except through her husband.
So she reads the paper, and again and again the story surfaces about the corpses of women and girls turning up — raped, strangled and murdered. ‘How terrible,‘ she thinks, and she shudders.
Then, one day, she runs out of some food in the refrigerator, and says to herself: ‘I just KNOW we bought more of that at the grocery store. It must still be in the trunk of the car. We just forgot to bring in all the bags.’
So she gets her husband’s car keys and goes out to the garage and opens the trunk of his big Cadillac.
Nope, there is no bag of groceries in there, to her disappointment.
But what she does find is a small gym bag. She unzips it. She finds handcuffs, a half-finished roll of duct tape, and a rag with drops of blood on it.
Why does her husband have those handcuffs?
Oh, my God!!!!!!
My God!
Oh, my God!
She has realized with horror that she is married to the local serial killer!
And this is how it is with the American people. They sense that something behind the scenes is really, really wrong. (Covid, open borders, the cackling brown bimbo Kamala Harris…. Haitian illegals eating cats in Springfield, Ohio, Israel massacring 50,000 Gazans with American weapons, etc….)
They sense that the husband (the US government that is supposed to love and protect them) is hiding something big.
Hubby periodically goes out mysteriously at night, and he comes back very late.
The American people are that wife! What does she, and what do WE DO NOW?
Divorce and expose a man who rapes and kills for fun? Make an enemy of a man who is powerful, reputable, has tons of money, a sterling reputation, is an elder in the church, has a beautiful house and huge, immaculate, dandelion-free lawn, and knows the police chief and the sheriff?
She knows that she is a nobody without him. So at first she does nothing…. for a whole week…. but she is agonizing inwardly.
She now feels terror and dread around her husband. When she looks at this man whom she had THOUGHT she knew — the father of her children, the excellent provider, the man who pays the mortgage on their big, $800K house, who bought their shiny new cars, and lays out $10K a year for their country-club membership, it is a look of horror.
If her husband can rape and kill innocent women and girls, this man is certainly capable of 1) having her killed, too, and 2) getting away with it (as John Bennett Ramsey did).
This is the dilemma the American people must face. They are in effect married to, and dependent on, a ruthless, hideous killer with no compunction whatsoever about killing.
However, she MUST take him down, or he just may come to the point of suspecting — by the change in her demeanor toward him, and by the fear he perceives in her eyes when around him, by her furtive glances — that “something is up.”
Somehow. he will sense that she has figured things out, and she knows way too much.
Basically, the husband realizes, “she knows.”
And so he will decide that he must hire someone, a professional, to have her disposed of, too.”
Margi 1948-2022

The very strange chemtrail that exploded like an aerosol bomb directly over our house and our gardens for vegetables and herbs at 801 Michigan Street in Ontonagon — 12 days before Margi got up three times in 20 minutes, had a mini-stroke (as a brain scan suggested), fell on her face, and died.




The jewish Deep State has decided that the American people “knows” and so YOU must be killed. If you understand about psychopaths, yes, they ARE capable of UNTHINKABLE things, crimes that are unimaginable for a normal person, and the scariest truth is that as psychopaths they actually enjoy doing what is wicked.
Hitler warned us about the jews, as did Henry Ford, and long before that Martin Luther, and the kings and queens of Spain — Queen Isabella, who financed Columbus’ voyage to discover America, EXPELLED THE JEWS FROM SPAIN in 1492 — and 1,400 years before that the Romans crushed the jews three times, and forty years before that Jesus Christ denounced them. But we did not listen. Instead, we crushed the Germans and turned their cities like Berlin and Dresden into a moonscape. And so here we are. The ball is in our court as Americans.
We are the superpower that can influence the whole world if we wake up! And that is my goal, for us to awaken and act before it is too late. Before the Deep State triggers a civil war over the election, which they plan to blatantly steal again, and then it will declare martial law, and use the woke US military to round up millions of white Americans who are gun owners and patriots.
Purpose? To exterminate them in the gigantic FEMA camps that have been erected all around this country.
In fact, every single football and baseball stadium in this country is now dual-function: 1) for sports and 2) as a transit camp to hold vast numbers of the most upset Americans inside them until they can be sent to a death camp.
Deep down, in the inner recesses of your heart, you know that I am right. The truth alone can set you free, but you must embrace it, and, as the Germans say, bite into the sour apple.
We must love ourselves enough to save ourselves — by action, and by sacrifice, atoning for the evil we did in 1939-45, snuffing out the only brief little point of light on this planet. We must pay any price without one minute of whining to free ourselves and the world from these murderous, child-raping, blood-dripping monsters whom we saved insanely in 1945, MURDERING German soldiers who surrendered to Americans in good faith in a thousand incidents and en masse by  starvation, disease and exposure in the Rhine Meadow camps created by future US two-term president Dwight Eisenhower.


  1. On the 23 anniversary of the 9-11 event, which killed roughly 3,000 Americans, I began re-reading Christopher Bollyn’s _Solving 9-11_, which argued that this event was enacted by extremely nationalistic Israelis as a false flag event that would blame Arabs and would result in American military action against Israel’s Arab enemies, such as Saddam Hussain of Iraq. Not only did this false flag terror event end in the war against Iraq, as Bollyn claims was intended, but also it gave rise to the Patriot Act which took away many of our liberties and gave rise to the Jewish surveillance of us, in violation of our 4th Amendment.

    Bollyn is a friend of the so-called “little Jews,” and he has siblings who are married to such people, but his book shows clearly and in much detail that the destruction of the Twin Towers, which killed 2,800 Americans, and the other events of the overall 9-11 event such as the plane that flew into the Pentagon and a plane that flew into the ground, killing everyone, was undeniably Jewish.

    At present I am on page 54 of this 300 page book. When I finish the book I shall leave some comments about it. In any case I highly recommend this book.

    • I don’t like being around most people anymore. Our messed-up society doesn’t even bother the average white Australian living in a city any more. He thinks all this is normal. I won’t be happy until I can leave the city and go to a small area with a minimum amount of people.
      In the local supermarket there is a Strepsils ad with a large photo of a white and black lesbian couple with their arms around each other being affectionate.

      After seeing that photo, I then noticed 2 gay women, a buff white woman with male Calvin Klein (a jewish brand) underwear showing, and with her shorts half down, there with her female partner, another white dyke and an African woman.
      I’m not sure if the African woman was gay or just their friend. Maybe all 3 of them were in a gay relationship. It’s pretty common in the gay community.
      But my area is definitely getting browner by the day, full of black and brown people and fags and lesbians. Plus I see a lot of gay white women, even teenage girls with black girlfriends.
      And most of the mixed-race hetero couples I see are white women with black and brown men.

      I do see gay men and white men with Asian girls, but there’s much less of them then white women.
      I live in one of the most hipster areas in Brisbane, which is full of retarded lib-shit communists.
      This is unfortunate, and there are just no proper avenues in meeting normal people anymore.
      There’s no freedom of speech here in Oz any more, and the Jews have infiltrated and taken over all our institutions and positions of power and authority.
      And no one_s allowed to criticise them, so I think Australia is going to end up as a brown, 3rd-world, socialist police state run by jews.
      I would be happy living in a small, conservative rural area, away from most people.
      We don’t have access to firearms in Australia so we’re finished. Victoria is already a communist police state run by jews and the rest of the country will follow.
      It’s our own scumbag politicians that have sold out their own people for Jewish money.
      And by now most white people are utter, fucking, degenerate scum that deserve to be conquered and slaughtered by another race.
      I couldn’t care less if 90 percent of the white population were wiped out; in the end, I think they deserve it.
      I hate what utter fucking, weak, pathetic trash most white people are now.

  2. Der Jutt will wehrloses Vieh, darum grundsätzlich der Wehrhafte bestraft ward – das hat mit Justizgewährung nichts gemein.

    Nach genannt ein aktuelles Beispiel aus Italien aus dem ‘Politikversagen’ vom heutigen Tage.

    Polizeibekannter Algerier stiehlt Handtasche – Frau überfährt ihn daraufhin viermal mit SUV

    Italien. In einem besonders bemerkenswerten Fall von Selbstjustiz ermittelt zurzeit die Polizei in Italien. In dem Badeort Viareggio in der Toskana überfällt ein polizeibekannter 47-jähriger Algerier eine 65-jährige Unternehmerin. Die Frau wehrt sich, steigt in ihr Auto und überfährt den Mann – viermal, so er auf dem Weg ins Krankenhaus verstirbt. Nun droht der Italienerin eine lange Haftstrafe.


    Weiterlesen auf, und zwar:

  3. Ist es Zufall das erst ihre Frau und dann noch ihre Katze an Krebs sterben?

    Oder ist das was den Krebs verursacht hat noch in ihrer Wohnung bzw. in ihrem Haus?

    Haben Sie die Möglichkeit mit einem Geigerzähler mal Ihr Haus zu untersuchen?

    Ich glaube nicht an Zufälle.

    • Naja, Katzen und Hunde, auch Pferde sterben neuerdings überall an Krebs.

      Der Geigerzähler, guter Einfall, doch auch wenn wir was Radioaktives gefunden hätten, hätten sie noch ein Stück ins Haus hineingschmuggeln können.

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