Deep State MK-Ultra Routh

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Ryan Routh: Sometimes blond, sometimes half purple-haired

With the staggering number of defective people out there today, and with leftists definitely the craziest section of the generally crazy population….

50% of young female leftists and 30% of the males in this category have been diagnosed as mentally ill


Add thi this insanity the Trumpophobia of the jewsmedia, and I think there are probably 100,000 Trump-hating nuts like Routh out there. 

I have never felt that Trump was a traitor, for all his huge flaws, and I say this having read all the Trump-bashing for nine years now.

My concern is that he will finally get so terrified of being assassinated that he will run up the white flag to the jews and agree to do whatever they want.

And that is how we get a foolhardy escalation in Ukraine and WWIII.

Former Neighbor of Trump’s Would-Be Assassin Described Him as Being ‘a Little Cuckoo’

Ryan Wesley Routh was known to bring fear into the neighborhood, according to a woman who lived near him in North Carolina for almost 20 years. She told FOX8 that she thought that he was odd and could not believe that he was involved with trying to kill Trump.

“Him, I mean, trying to shoot Trump. That’s a lot. I would have never guessed, and I would have swore up and down, no, that’s not him,” she told the outlet.

“… I just can’t believe it. I mean, if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I mean the pictures and stuff and all, then I wouldn’t be able to believe that.”

She said that she was not shocked to learn that guns were involved, stating she had seen firearms at Routh’s home over the years. She mentioned that many people were once “afraid of him back in the day.”

Routh, who moved to Hawaii in May, did not seem out of the ordinary during their last encounter, according to the neighbor. She said that he hugged her and gifted her a shirt from Hawaii. He also employed her son to assist him with moving.

“I thought he was just living the life in Hawaii with the girlfriend and all, so for him to be assassinating the president, that’s just crazy,” she said.

Routh, who was a registered Democrat, has a criminal record dating from 2002 in North Carolina when he locked himself inside a Greensboro business with a gun, according to the News & Record.

He was also sentenced for driving without a license, carrying a concealed weapon and hit-and-run in 2003. He was convicted in 2010 for possessing stolen goods.

The DAC website indicates that Routh received probation for all of these charges.

NBC reported that in total, over 100 criminal counts were filed against him while living in North Carolina.


While Trump was playing golf at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida on Sunday, gunshots were heard, causing the Secret Service to take immediate action and protect the former president, who had survived an assassination attempt carried out by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks on July 13.

Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg stated that officials presume that Routh was “lying in wait” for Trump. He also said that it is presumed that he was aiming at the Secret Service agent who fired at him.




    • Important article — thanks.

      But I must ask if you still insist on your dreadful accusation over many years now that Trump is an evil pedophile, and a traitor working for the jew enemy. Is it not evident that the jews — who clearly ARE the Deep State, and infamously have resorted to assassinations (both literal and also character assassinations) for centuries — are trying hard to murder him?

      If Trump is their tool, and they object to his policies, why do they not just order him to bow out of the presidential race on something like “health grounds”?

      My problem with Trump is that he IS their tool — but only on support for IsraHell — and I see him as a reluctant tool who is actually very antisemitic deep-down (like many conservatives and populists), a tool whom the jews cannot trust and rightly do not trust.

      A Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mitt Romney or Lindsey Graham is a true, loyal, willing tool, an eager goy traitor. the Jews have adjudged that Trump will never be a team player and would turn on jewry in a heartbeat if he knew how.

      In fact, Nixon would certainly have done so, based on his very anti-jewish private remarks, said even to Henry Kissinger.

      The HUGE problem was there was no Internet back then or any other way to get an antisemitic message out to the masses. There was just jew-controlled newspapers, magazines, radio and tv.

      You have demonized Trump from the right just as jews demonize him from the left. Yes, the man has his glaring faults, as Nixon did, or Kennedy.

      But a willing traitor and eager servant of the jew enemy? Then why are the jews out to KILL him?

      Do you think Trump unaware that AG Merritt Garland, the CIA director, and Senator Chuck Schumer are all Jews?

      Having been slandered myself, I consider false accusations to be reprehensible.

  1. Another useful idiot that was groomed and trained by the CIA, no big suprise there unless the system is destroyed.

    Then most of Americas political leaders will always be jew-worshipping Christians.

    Like Trump,who thinks that Jews are living gods that cannot be criticised, and mentally retarded shit lib communists that think Karl Marx and Lenin were great people.

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