How social nationists view females

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First, I want to thank a comrade for this. Believe it or not, this website is not free. It is hacked several times a day, it has been for fifteen years, and I have two paid and dedicated people who, for tiny wages, watch and constantly fix it.

In order to keep this website going which you read for free, month after month …. I have now sold my paid-off house, two paid-off cars, and (WORST of all!!!!!!!!!!!!) most of my guns.

I sold this nice house for this website — and to save our race.

On the last day, June 4, 2023, after a solid week of cleaning and moving, it was turned over to the new owner, and I began to pay rent again for $740 a month (utilities included) PLUS paying $2,000 a month for the website.

(I have cut that website expense down to $900 by cutting drastically, reluctantly, the pay of my website monitor and science writer, a PRINCETON MAN, who, btw, has a daughter to raise. This Princeton man and his daughter LIVE on 450$ a MONTH, $122 a WEEK.)

I laid the keys out for the new owner on the bare kitchen counter.  (It is now an AirBnB.)

I am now living in a house with a kitchen that looks like this.

Thank you, all you readers who never send a dime.

After all, maybe there is no God

who sees what you keep failing to do.


This is how I live, three months like this, with a microwave and a tiny student-dormitory refrigerator.

But this is how I lived. 

And you wonder why I cannot accept democracy, not as our white people now are, shirkers, misers, and cowards. 😉 Too harsh? Then prove me wrong.

Of course, when we had the power to re-educate our race 1933-45, the Germans, a great but flawed people as all white nations are, fully proved the latent greatness and nobility that I said was waiting to emerge in almost all of us.

I was disinherited by the man who owned this.

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Und DU, Kamerad?

……White man triggers wokies (mostly female) by dressing Mexican

First half: Libtards on parade, triggered by everything. The Demoncrat party is now minorities and certain white female atheists, especially with blue hair and worthless college degrees in sociology. The Demoncrats last won the white vote (barely) in 2008, 16 long years ago, when Barack Obongo snookered the country with how moderate he supposedly was and cynically promised racial healing, “hope” and “change.”
I wonder if there are bats who are triggered by the white male human, Batman? Does Batman REALLY understand “bat culture”?


……Nutty libtards

I absolutely love women, but the jews know that emotions are so strong in them. This is evidently a good thing, of course, to make women into nurturing, kind and loving mothers, or, for example, caring nurses.


I knew many nurses when Margi was being treated for cancer 2019-22. They can be wonderfully comforting, compassionate, and conscientious. And they loved Margi, a woman, of course, herself — who somehow brought out the good in other people.

With me and Jim Rizoli

But as (usually) highly emotional beings, females also can fall for the most ridiculous, illogical libtard propaganda. (Yet this certainly is not true of all women. And unquestionably the three greatest rulers of Spain, England, and Russia were women: Queen Isabella; Queen Elizabeth I; and Catherine the Great.)

George Orwell (real name Eric Blair) did say that, in the nightmarish world of the police state which he depicted in “1984,” the women were “always” the most fanatic enforcers of the system.


Now look at this ditsy white babe, all gushy about her “beautiful” baby…. and this dippy female has the vote, and her vote will go to Kamala, and it will cancel out yours.


Not all women are like this — my Margi was not — but the jew studies us as his victim, and knows our weaknesses and how to manipulate white female feelings.

I can think of several gals in this town who at the moment are lost souls. (Note cigarettes, black baby, beer, food-stamp card, and — she has been released from jail — the black electronic ankle bracelet. 😉 )


In the Third Reich (1933-45) we let women keep the vote which the Weimar Republic had accorded them in 1919. (America gave them the vote in 1920, with France waiting until 1945.) But we National Socialists kept them out of politics, and also out of the military, because the brutal realities of life (such as the necessity of killing) can go against their whole makeup, which is, to express it in exaggerated form, “compassion machines.”

I judged this issue in that life partly from knowing my own mother Klara, whom I adored, but as I said in a speech to the Reich Women’s Federation, the Reichsbund deutscher Frauen, I would never put her on jury duty because she would have to vote innocent — to thwart the jury, which had to be unanimous in death-penalty cases — all so the poor murderer would avoid execution! 😉


As I said in MK, my father, with whom I had friction, I certainly respected; but my mother I loved.


……Women as gifted psychics

As our race is being gradually exterminated, and our women and children are raped and molested, do you really think HE is just sipping pina coladas in the afterlife and thumbing in Valhalla through TV Guide? 😉

A German named Klaus in Hamburg told me he visited the ruins of the Berghof and sighed to his wife: “If only the Führer were back!”

Hitler Youth boys visiting the Berghof in 1934, before it was remodeled and expanded


His wife suddenly stopped, looked at him, and said out of nowhere (Klaus telling me all this in a Skype  webcamera call):

“But Klaus, he IS back. He is in America — and very busy.”

He stared, and she shrugged. “I don’t know where that came from… but this I do feel in me — this I know.”

Some men are very logical, but there are women on the other hand who can feel a sudden psychic power. At such brief moments, they are no longer just your wife, mother, aunt or sister. At such brief and special moments, it might be best to listen to them. It might be the voice of God speaking, as so often, through a woman.


Remember Calpurnia, who urged her husband, Julius Caesar, after a nightmare, to NOT go to the Roman Senate on the day he was assassinated, the Ides of March.


And remember Pontius Pilate’s wife, who also had a dream and urged her husband to NOT crucify “that righteous man.”

But Pilate went down in history as the man who knuckled under to the jews, as Trump now also does.

Remember Josephine, who urged Napoleon NOT to invade Russia!

Napoleon captured Moscow, but the Russians burned it down themselves!

The disastrous retreat — 400,000 perished

Btw, I helped defeat Napoleon two lives ago by destroying the army of his top general, Joachim Murat, in Italy.

LOL, they wondered in 1935 how a mere former corporal from Austria, a land of yodelers, could found and lead the mighty Wehrmacht. 😉 Well, it kind-of helped that in a previous life I had been the most highly decorated field marshal of Austria. 😉

Kaiser Franz-Joseph awarded me the Order of Maria Theresa, with mucho diamonds and gold — the highest Austrian medal.

As a former British subject (from Ireland), and as an ally against Napoleon, the King of England himself gave me the Order of the Bath. Yes, those are HUNDREDS of diamonds. (And they probably made some jew very rich. 😉 )


So, anyway, I do know a thing or two about war and men. The battlefield is no place for a normal Aryan woman. And sometimes, yes, SOME women an be flighty, illogical and moody.

But at other times they can speak great wisdom, or channel something from On High.

You, as a man, should then stop — and ask yourself:

“Does this warning right now from this woman feel right in my very bones ?”

It is a calm power, a gentle pushing, a kin of tap-tap-tap with the fingertips — not a push, not a shove — a solid but gentle energy. It does not force you, or panic you; it nudges you…. like this birdie does to his buddy.


Women sometimes do rise above their normal level and become special, and when they are bestirred by a higher force, they just have to speak out. Then it is up to you to listen — and let it sink in. Especially if she loves you. 🙂

There are two great energies, yin and yang. Women are yin.

Maurice Chevalier sings (in “Gigi,”1958) “Thank heaven for little girls”:

And a really advanced white woman will stand by her man through hell or high water — and let him go out and do the dangerous deed — ruthlessly slaying the dragon.




This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten.
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again

For this is the end.
I’ve drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue, I owe them
Swept away, I’m stolen.

Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together

Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At Skyfall
At Skyfall

Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
Where worlds collide and days are dark.
You may have my number, you can take my name
But you’ll never have my heart.

Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together.

Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
At Skyfall

(Let the sky fall)
(When it crumbles)
(We will stand tall)

(Let the sky fall)
(When it crumbles)
(We will stand tall)

Where you go, I go
What you see, I see
I know I’d never be me without the security
Of your loving arms keeping me from harm.
Put your hand in my hand and we’ll stand

Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together

Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
Face it all together
At Skyfall

Let the sky fall
We will stand tall
At Skyfall

(Adele got an Oscar for this song. If you want to understand me, listen to this song.)


Skyfall” is a song recorded by English singer Adele for the James Bond film of the same name. It was written by Adele and producer Paul Epworth and features orchestration by J. A. C. Redford. British film production company Eon Productions invited the singer to work on the theme song in early 2011, a task that Adele accepted after reading the film’s script. While composing the song, Adele and Epworth aimed to capture the mood and style of the other Bond themes, including dark and moody lyrics descriptive of the film’s plot. “Skyfall” was released at 0:07 BST on 5 October 2012 as part of the Global James Bond Day, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the release of Dr. No, the first James Bond film.

“Skyfall” was praised for its lyrics, production and Adele’s vocal performance, with numerous music critics and publications ranking it among the best Bond themes. The song was a global success, topping the charts in eleven countries and reaching the top five in various other regions. It peaked at number two on the UK Singles Chart and number eight on the US Billboard Hot 100. With sales of 7.2 million copies worldwide, “Skyfall” is one of the best selling digital singles of all time.

“Skyfall” received various accolades, including the Academy Award for Best Original SongBrit Award for British SingleCritics’ Choice Movie Award for Best SongGolden Globe Award for Best Original Song, and the Grammy Award for Best Song Written for Visual Media, thus making it the first Bond theme to win all the aforementioned awards. During the 85th Academy Awards, Adele performed the song live for the first time.

…..The apocalypse

This video is from my old friend since 2005, Clarence Malcolm, who has left the United States. He used to do amazing video and other work for the late, great FBI whistleblower and foe of the VIP pedophiles, Ted Gunderson:


Please take this seriously.

Clarence Malcolm stayed twice with me and Margi when in fear for his life. About six years ago the Deep State gave him the dread Morgellons Disease. Gunderson is on the left and Robert Fischer, another fascinating hero (to discuss another day), is on the right.

The video below uses many advanced video techniques and is both creative and also very mystical at the end. I agree with the message. We either evolve from the animal stage NOW — or we will die like uncomprehending beasts.

As I said in MK, “If the jew wins [and he can be stopped, with more of the world in ALL RACES now hating the jews than EVER BEFORE because of Gaza and the 50,000 dead]  his victory wreath will be the funeral wreath of mankind, and the earth will again spin lifeless through the ether as it did for millions of years.”




  1. There are very few white female conservatives or race realists out there. I have met a lot of conservative white males though, but not females.
    Honestly most of the women I’ve dated in the past have been Asians.
    And the few white women I dated I didn’t like. They were entitled, self-centred, and all were clueless with liberal views. They want to be dominant and make all the decisions and they have unrealistic expectations.
    I’ll be 39 years old soon, and I made the choice not to have children nine years ago. So I’ve had enough of white western women, and I will only date Asian women.
    At least they come from a conservative culture where good values are taught and they respect their fathers and their menfolk.
    I’ve met plenty of white men who also won’t date white women any more. And I don’t blame them. I know there are decent white women out there, but they’re a minority. And women are far easily influenced than men, and they’re far more susceptible to brainwashing as well.

    • Terrifying.

      Thank for your informative comment. Mind-blowing, actually.

      Same as in the States, because the same people, the jews, act as a cancer on both our countries.

      Only a religion can save us now. The problems are nt so much political but moral, spiritual, and just plain psychological — facing reality, facing a dangerous reality.

      I had a really nice Japanese female doctor come on to me 30 years ago in Boston, but it was against my racial principles and also I just do not find them attractive, though she was not bad, very tall at 5’10”, and had a nice face and figure.

      • Yeah things are pretty damn bleak, and i wonder if the Jews will cause bolshavism of the earth.
        It’s looking very likely when all our politicians are mentally retarded puppets.
        It’s looking like all our countries are going to become brown 3rd world hellholes like Brazil.
        Our government brought in 1.5 million immigrants in less then 2 years.
        Our country only has a small population of 26.7 million, and we don’t have enough housing accomodation for our own people as it is.
        And our scumbag government puts 3rd world savages first, before us.
        Their also talkimg abput stopping discrimination before it happens, whatever that means.
        Some of the politicians are definitley mentally retarded and must have an i.q of 75.
        Their all mentally retarded communists and sociopaths, and psychopaths being manipulated by jews.
        This has been done on purpose so the jews can manipulate these sick evil people. Our millitary is a fucking joke, they stopped recruiting males and had quotes to recruit lgbt and women.
        There numbers are much smaller then 20 years ago because no one wants to join and be sent to fight some stupid illegal war for no reason for our evil scumbag politicians.
        So our government are looking overseas for foreign recruits.
        They even had quotas a few years ago to have more muslims in the army in western Australia.
        And the QLD police chiefe is a middle age female drunk thats in her 50’s.
        Everythings upside down and such a freakshow, theres biological males competing in female sports.
        It’s definitley the one percent of deranged nutjobs that are in positions of power.


    Io spero davvero che tutti i tuoi sacrifici vengano ripagati… Nessun uomo sulla Terra accetterebbe mai una “condizione” simile… E nella tua condizione darebbe la colpa a Dio!
    L’umanità è caduta in basso..sprofondata!
    Leggevo di una ragazza di buona scuola (universitaria modello) che ha partorito i suoi figli di nascosto da tutti; sua nonna ha trovato i resti di due neonati (forse tre) nel giardino di casa e ha chiamato la polizia.
    Questo pianeta è un parcheggio per i Matti, di tutte le razze. Hai ragione…meritiamo l’estinzione?!!

    FR J’espère vraiment que tous vos sacrifices seront récompensés… Aucun homme sur Terre n’accepterait jamais une telle « condition »…Et dans votre situation, il blâmerait Dieu ! L’humanité est tombée au fond… coulée !
    Je lisais juste l’histoire d’une fille d’une bonne école (une étudiante modèle) qui a donné naissance à ses enfants en cachette de tout le monde ; sa grand-mère a trouvé les restes de deux nouveau-nés (peut-être trois) dans le jardin et a appelé la police.
    Cette planète est un parking pour les fous de toutes les races.
    Vous avez raison… méritons-nous l’extinction ?!!

    EN I really hope that all your sacrifices will be repaid…No man on Earth would ever accept a “condition” like this… And in your condition he would go and blame God! Humanity has fallen low…sunk to the bottom!
    I read about a girl from a model university who gave birth to her children and kept it secret from everyone; her grandmother found the remains of two newborns (maybe three) in the garden of her house and called the police.
    This planet is a parking lot for the insane of all races.
    You are right… Do we deserve extinction?!!

    DE Ich hoffe wirklich, dass all eure Opfer zurückgezahlt werden … Kein Mensch auf der Erde würde einen solchen „Zustand“ jemals akzeptieren… Und in Ihrer Situation würde er Gott die Schuld geben!
    Die Menschheit ist in den Dreck gefallen … im Sumpf versunken!
    Ich las über ein Mädchen aus einer guten Schule (eine Musterstudentin), die ihre Kinder ganz heimlich zur Welt brachte; ihre Großmutter fand im Hinterhof die Überreste von zwei Neugeborenen (vielleicht drei) und rief die Polizei.
    Dieser Planet ist ausgerechnet ein Parkplatz für Verrückte.
    Sie haben recht…verdienen wir also doch die Ausrottung?!!


    • Thanks for the photo of your new baby girl, so sweet! She is lucky to have a good mother.

      Do humans (Whites and others) deserve to go extinct? This is a huge question. And Whites, led by psychopaths, can be awful, though with good leaders the opposite.

      Our Reich proved that 80% of Whites do have fine qualities, just waiting to come out.

      There is another aspect of this. And Jesus taught this:

      Be aware that all earthlings make mistakes. To become disgusted at them, we should also be disgusted at ourselves!

      Then let’s all buy a rope and hang ourselves!

      Or we can show love and forgiveness to ourselves and to others.

      Love them as God loves US, and forgive them as God forgives US. 🙂

      And one can grow 30 times faster on a planet like this. One can learn with revulsion from treason, selfishness, incompetence, avarice, miserliness, cowardice and negligence

      I know many men who emerged from a terrible childhood and today are superb fathers and husbands! I know the kids of alcoholics who never touch a drop! I know of cases where abused kids grew up to be the kindest, most wonderful parents! 🙂

      Awful things — treason, selfishness, incompetence, avarice, miserliness, cowardice and negligence — can awaken in us patriotism, altruism, skill, generosity, bravery, and conscientiousness! 🙂

      As Hans Schmidt of the Waffen-SS (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler) said to me:

      “John, we have to thank the jews! Yes, thank them for the Versailles Treaty, the Weimar Republic, and the Crash of 1929! If the war had never came and the Kaiser had stayed on in power, there never would have been radical change, a quantum leap, and we never would have soared to the level of the Third Reich and known glory and happiness!”

  3. I think you should do something else with your life, John, and forget about this website. I’m doing a part-time course at the moment.

    And, after that, I’m going to get a job in food processing.

    I think you should consider your future and your safety as well. You’ll need money, a roof over your head in a decent neighbourhood and firearms for self-defence, to protect you.

    And there’s going to be a mass famine world wide caused by the zionist, kabbalistic jews with their evil geoengineering. So you’ll need to stock up on supplies of food and medicine. Plus there will probably be a civil war as well.

    • I appreciate your concern in making this suggestion.

      But no on three counts:

      1) the path of the hero is to sacrifice for others, not look out for number one.

      2) the electronic police state will come and take everything away, including our speech, our guns and our lives, and force-vaxx us. They will get every last mountain man and prepper who is out in the woods and off the grid, too, using thermal imaging to spot them. Why? Because the jews are sadistic, psychopathic monsters. They enjoy raping, torturing, and killing.

      As Big Brother says in 1984: the purpose of torture is torture.

      3) We can win this. The Great Awakening has arrived, and after 45 years in this cause I am not going to walk away now.

      And I also owe it to my generous donors and supporters over the years to launch my new Aryan faith. It is about honor, and of keeping my sacred promise to them — and to God Almighty.

      But thank you sincerely for your concern, Australian brother. 🙂

  4. Heute klingt der Tag aus, an dem Vidkun Quisling ermordet wurde.,_Vidkun#/media/Datei%3AQuisling%2C_Vidkun_VII.jpg

    Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn Quisling (geboren 18. Juli 1887 in Fyresdal; ermordet 24. Oktober 1945 in Oslo) war ein norwegischer Offizier, Politiker und Führer der Nasjonal Samling sowie von 1942 bis 1945 Ministerpräsident von Norwegen.,_Vidkun#/media/Datei%3AQuisling%2C_Vidkun_bei_Hitler_in_Berlin.jpg

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